New report ranks Mexifornia dead LAST in ‘quality of life’...weird?

LOL...inland meaning the Inland Empire? Imagine that high unemployment in a place that doesn't have many jobs....who woulda thought. But on the bright side they have new houses.

The Inland Empire is full blown North will not find a blonde hair child in any public school or neighborhood in the I.E.
Guess why it’s the armpit of the super shithole.


you wont find 1 blonde in the inland empire? sure you want to hold on to that,because i can prove you wrong in seconds....

Go ahead and split hairs...prove how valuable your time is.
What point would you like to make? That 1 in 250 children in a public grade school in Southern Mexifornia is Caucasian?
Yeah, make that point guy.
hey look the English language words have meaning....did you not say ..."you will not find a blonde hair child in any public school or neighborhood in the I.E."....yes or no?....or maybe you have never been there....after all you did say you were one of those "wealthy" guys from OC...go among brown people?....oh my....

Look bud, nobody but you has the time to discuss the two percentile. When we speak by keyboard we tend to generalize and use broad, sometimes ambiguous terminologies.
Were you able to wrap your tiny little mind around the point being made?
Are you just responding because you think it’s a mandatory requirement of membership here?
hey bud...even your graphs you put up said you are full of shit.....and i dont wrap my little mind around someone who because of his bigotry has to be dishonest.....and if you dont want me to respond....dont post stupid shit....
The Inland Empire is full blown North will not find a blonde hair child in any public school or neighborhood in the I.E.
Guess why it’s the armpit of the super shithole.


you wont find 1 blonde in the inland empire? sure you want to hold on to that,because i can prove you wrong in seconds....

Go ahead and split hairs...prove how valuable your time is.
What point would you like to make? That 1 in 250 children in a public grade school in Southern Mexifornia is Caucasian?
Yeah, make that point guy.
hey look the English language words have meaning....did you not say ..."you will not find a blonde hair child in any public school or neighborhood in the I.E."....yes or no?....or maybe you have never been there....after all you did say you were one of those "wealthy" guys from OC...go among brown people?....oh my....

Look bud, nobody but you has the time to discuss the two percentile. When we speak by keyboard we tend to generalize and use broad, sometimes ambiguous terminologies.
Were you able to wrap your tiny little mind around the point being made?
Are you just responding because you think it’s a mandatory requirement of membership here?
hey bud...even your graphs you put up said you are full of shit.....and i dont wrap my little mind around someone who because of his bigotry has to be dishonest.....and if you dont want me to respond....dont post stupid shit....

Dishonest because I used a figure of speech to make a point that terrifies you? I’m thinking you have too much time on your hands bud.
My bigotry?
Do you always hate candid like it when pussies dress shit up and repackage facts out of fear that some wack who’s scared might call them a bigot?
I know your type’re part of pussified America, programmed by Al, Jesse and the wetbacks.
you wont find 1 blonde in the inland empire? sure you want to hold on to that,because i can prove you wrong in seconds....

Go ahead and split hairs...prove how valuable your time is.
What point would you like to make? That 1 in 250 children in a public grade school in Southern Mexifornia is Caucasian?
Yeah, make that point guy.
hey look the English language words have meaning....did you not say ..."you will not find a blonde hair child in any public school or neighborhood in the I.E."....yes or no?....or maybe you have never been there....after all you did say you were one of those "wealthy" guys from OC...go among brown people?....oh my....

Look bud, nobody but you has the time to discuss the two percentile. When we speak by keyboard we tend to generalize and use broad, sometimes ambiguous terminologies.
Were you able to wrap your tiny little mind around the point being made?
Are you just responding because you think it’s a mandatory requirement of membership here?
hey bud...even your graphs you put up said you are full of shit.....and i dont wrap my little mind around someone who because of his bigotry has to be dishonest.....and if you dont want me to respond....dont post stupid shit....

Dishonest because I used a figure of speech to make a point that terrifies you? I’m thinking you have too much time on your hands bud.
My bigotry?
Do you always hate candid like it when pussies dress shit up and repackage facts out of fear that some wack who’s scared might call them a bigot?
I know your type’re part of pussified America, programmed by Al, Jesse and the wetbacks.
what figure of speech would that be?...and yea your a fucking bigot,geezus read the shit you throw part of pussiefied America,because i disagreed with you?....the only pussy in this thread is you,unlike you, i aint scared of the brown people you like to badmouth,and im sure you do that only in the safety of your gated community house....yea i know your type well too....
You are just a letter carrier all of your entire life. How can that be? You don’t even know all the new or any developments here. How can that be.

Better than me? That is so funny.
oh geezus this guy is pathetic....chartwin i have delivered mail in just about every neighborhood in Anaheim,some a little rich pompous ass like you would be afraid to go into....and yes i knew of every development going on in Anaheim.....and yes i know the city better than you a once in a while visitor...

You are full of shit dude......... You are just a delivery guy looking at those letters. That doesn’t qualify you in my standard of anything. Keep trying.
You are full of shit dude
am i?....lets see you prove it....prove to me you know more about Anaheim than i do....

Let me repeat again. Yes you only deliver letter you know the traffic and pedestrians....... But that doesn’t qualify you of anything in my standard.
prove it or shut the fuck up...all you do is talk and put up new house prices...prove you know more about anaheim than i do...ill be waiting little man......

I’m baaaaack. Your nightmare is not over.
You already proven how ignorant and fucking unbelievable stupid you are. Your knowledge and experience is very limited to your career as a letter carrier.
You are not qualified of anything else red neck letter carrier.

In reality you are NOT even qualified to talk to me.
charwin95 only pretends to be rich. He is however, definitely a pompous ass...and extremely uneducated. We've got to help him as best we can.
he doesnt understand english to well....he repeats himself and apparently has a pretty bad memory...
I am thinking he doesn't understand English at all.
he is just a tad strange....he asked me twice i believe what part of Nevada i live previous posts he asked me why i moved to vegas....he just has a california flag stuck in his ass...he cant see the down side of the state and if you point it out you are bashing california....

Instead of answering my question you deflected.
Let me ask you again. What part of Nevada do you live?
For some reason your ignorance is so fucking unbelievable.
Let me repeat it again. If Ca is at the bottom why is the unemployment currently at 4.4% with booming economy? New houses being built all over? Yet you pick on pocket of places that has high unemployment.
hey dumbass...4 -5 times in our conversation you said what city i live do you have memory problems?....if you do let me know and i will treat you as someone who forgets things...

It doesn’t matter. Again instead of bullshiting..... why not just say it. Or just afraid to reveal where you live?
Dude...all I can speak on is life experience..stats and that--really have no meaning, for me. You got my take on California---if you don't like what?

My experiences regarding California have been positive, for the most part. Does that make me a Liberal? ROTFLMAO! Really?

I usually don't comment because of hacks like you..that get testy when their narrative is disputed.
this can be cleared up easily....what parts did you travel too?...
Visited my Mom in Sacramento..Oak Park....spent two weeks in Walnut Creek..the Bay area, to you. Went down to Fresno for a week-end--then through the LA basin and out across the desert to Vegas...and then home to Idaho.
i cant comment about i can about sure on your drive through the l.a.basin you stopped and enjoyed some of s.cals. finest cities like Bell,East L.A.,Bellflower,Montebello and Hawaiian Gardens....lovely places....

Why don’t you pull your ignorance out from your ass? I know people that lives there. Those areas are booming.
Let me repeat it again. I travel all over Ca because of business and Hospitals are my customers. I traveled to north. I can tell you when it comes to beauty it’s about 40/60 northern Ca, when it comes to progress, developments and employment 40/60 Southern Ca. I do not expect Ignorant people like you have these kind of information. What the hell do you know about making this kind of opinion in the first place.

New Homes in Montebello, CA | 712 New Homes | NewHomeSource

Montebello New Homes & Montebello CA New Construction | Zillow

Bellflower, The Boulevard – New Townhomes & Retail Units | City Ventures
wow more overpriced houses in a not so great area...

That is not the point stupid fuck. Again your ignorance and stupidity is so fucking unbelievable.
The primary reason I’m telling you these is like you and everyone else HOUSE is the american dreams........ So if California is at the bottom..... WHY in the world we are building all over Ca that we ( not you because you are ignorant) have not seen before. Some has even a long waiting list.
I didn’t stutter. I said Temecula is booming with lots of progress and it’s not that crowded.
Read what you just posted. Dumbass.
geezus you are like talking to a dipshit.....we were talking about crowded cities were we not?....ok you got that? mentioned temecula as not being one...still with me?....i said its population has DOUBLED since 2000,AND its still you come along and say yea it is and new houses are being built to accommodate the new arrivals....57,000 to 154,000 in 17 ten years time it may have 200,000 people there....its only 37 sq miles big....thats 3,000 people per sq mile,in ten years time it may be 5,000....its called congestion with people....

You are dumb. Let me repeat it again. Of course like any other place where there are opportunities like any places the population grow.
I go to Temecula at least once a or twice a week to play casino.
YOU DON’T let me repeat YOU DONT. And it’s not that crowded the way how you define it.
take the fucking california flag out of your ass .....i define it as the population has doubled in the last 15 years in a finite space....your definition....oh i went to the casino and it did seem to be any more crowded than are the dumbass homes in temecula 500,000 and thanks not for what you get....

I live here and very proud. Population doubled but it’s not how you defined like Anaheim. Dumbass.
sure it would never admit that though....because you have that flag sticking out of your ass....hey i was there once...but i woke up...

How can you possibly know? You do not even travel in Temecula, you only rely on Google, thinking you know more than me. I do not google these kind of information. I rely on my own experience. What is your experience? LOUSY letter carrier. I go there at least twice a week and 5 of my employees live there.
Anaheim is crowded yes but if you compare to Temecula it’s not even close.
I don't gamble and I still go to Vegas...what else?
good for anything worth posting that matters to this thread?...
A lot. California is the best state in the US.
like i said before...take that California flag out of your ass,you might then be able to see what is happening inland and realize California has a lot more problems then you want to admit....
So does everywhere else in the world. But we manage to go forward and lead the world in technology and innovation. We don't export bigotry and racism like most red states.
and yet all i did was point out the not so good side of california and you and your good buddy chartwin accuse me of bashing the 2 guys in trying to ignore that part of the state are doing more bashing than at least being honest you two guys are trying to make it seem like everyone who lives there are as happy as all the people along the coast...and that aint true....

Meaning you are just a hypocrite.

Start all over fuck head..... I warned you not to talk to me the way how you deal with your low life scum conversation. I told you that twice.
If you want to talk to me decently I will talk to you decently.
If you want me to trash you because you are such a low life scum...... This is how I deal with you. YOU GOT THAT LOW LIFE SCUM BASTARD?
oh geezus this guy is pathetic....chartwin i have delivered mail in just about every neighborhood in Anaheim,some a little rich pompous ass like you would be afraid to go into....and yes i knew of every development going on in Anaheim.....and yes i know the city better than you a once in a while visitor...

You are full of shit dude......... You are just a delivery guy looking at those letters. That doesn’t qualify you in my standard of anything. Keep trying.
You are full of shit dude
am i?....lets see you prove it....prove to me you know more about Anaheim than i do....

Let me repeat again. Yes you only deliver letter you know the traffic and pedestrians....... But that doesn’t qualify you of anything in my standard.
prove it or shut the fuck up...all you do is talk and put up new house prices...prove you know more about anaheim than i do...ill be waiting little man......

I’m baaaaack. Your nightmare is not over.
You already proven how ignorant and fucking unbelievable stupid you are. Your knowledge and experience is very limited to your career as a letter carrier.
You are not qualified of anything else red neck letter carrier.

In reality you are NOT even qualified to talk to me.
and yet here you are trying to drum up another stupid conversation with about being a dipshit.....anyway are you going to back up your big boast or not?....
he doesnt understand english to well....he repeats himself and apparently has a pretty bad memory...
I am thinking he doesn't understand English at all.
he is just a tad strange....he asked me twice i believe what part of Nevada i live previous posts he asked me why i moved to vegas....he just has a california flag stuck in his ass...he cant see the down side of the state and if you point it out you are bashing california....

Instead of answering my question you deflected.
Let me ask you again. What part of Nevada do you live?
For some reason your ignorance is so fucking unbelievable.
Let me repeat it again. If Ca is at the bottom why is the unemployment currently at 4.4% with booming economy? New houses being built all over? Yet you pick on pocket of places that has high unemployment.
hey dumbass...4 -5 times in our conversation you said what city i live do you have memory problems?....if you do let me know and i will treat you as someone who forgets things...

It doesn’t matter. Again instead of bullshiting..... why not just say it. Or just afraid to reveal where you live?
why would i be afraid?.....
this can be cleared up easily....what parts did you travel too?...
Visited my Mom in Sacramento..Oak Park....spent two weeks in Walnut Creek..the Bay area, to you. Went down to Fresno for a week-end--then through the LA basin and out across the desert to Vegas...and then home to Idaho.
i cant comment about i can about sure on your drive through the l.a.basin you stopped and enjoyed some of s.cals. finest cities like Bell,East L.A.,Bellflower,Montebello and Hawaiian Gardens....lovely places....

Why don’t you pull your ignorance out from your ass? I know people that lives there. Those areas are booming.
Let me repeat it again. I travel all over Ca because of business and Hospitals are my customers. I traveled to north. I can tell you when it comes to beauty it’s about 40/60 northern Ca, when it comes to progress, developments and employment 40/60 Southern Ca. I do not expect Ignorant people like you have these kind of information. What the hell do you know about making this kind of opinion in the first place.

New Homes in Montebello, CA | 712 New Homes | NewHomeSource

Montebello New Homes & Montebello CA New Construction | Zillow

Bellflower, The Boulevard – New Townhomes & Retail Units | City Ventures
wow more overpriced houses in a not so great area...

That is not the point stupid fuck. Again your ignorance and stupidity is so fucking unbelievable.
The primary reason I’m telling you these is like you and everyone else HOUSE is the american dreams........ So if California is at the bottom..... WHY in the world we are building all over Ca that we ( not you because you are ignorant) have not seen before. Some has even a long waiting list.
are you going to show me more overpriced houses now?...
geezus you are like talking to a dipshit.....we were talking about crowded cities were we not?....ok you got that? mentioned temecula as not being one...still with me?....i said its population has DOUBLED since 2000,AND its still you come along and say yea it is and new houses are being built to accommodate the new arrivals....57,000 to 154,000 in 17 ten years time it may have 200,000 people there....its only 37 sq miles big....thats 3,000 people per sq mile,in ten years time it may be 5,000....its called congestion with people....

You are dumb. Let me repeat it again. Of course like any other place where there are opportunities like any places the population grow.
I go to Temecula at least once a or twice a week to play casino.
YOU DON’T let me repeat YOU DONT. And it’s not that crowded the way how you define it.
take the fucking california flag out of your ass .....i define it as the population has doubled in the last 15 years in a finite space....your definition....oh i went to the casino and it did seem to be any more crowded than are the dumbass homes in temecula 500,000 and thanks not for what you get....

I live here and very proud. Population doubled but it’s not how you defined like Anaheim. Dumbass.
sure it would never admit that though....because you have that flag sticking out of your ass....hey i was there once...but i woke up...

How can you possibly know? You do not even travel in Temecula, you only rely on Google, thinking you know more than me. I do not google these kind of information. I rely on my own experience. What is your experience? LOUSY letter carrier. I go there at least twice a week and 5 of my employees live there.
Anaheim is crowded yes but if you compare to Temecula it’s not even close.
not even talking about temecula moron...learn to follow conversations if you are able too....and now you admit anaheim is crowded? you are a dipshit...
good for anything worth posting that matters to this thread?...
A lot. California is the best state in the US.
like i said before...take that California flag out of your ass,you might then be able to see what is happening inland and realize California has a lot more problems then you want to admit....
So does everywhere else in the world. But we manage to go forward and lead the world in technology and innovation. We don't export bigotry and racism like most red states.
and yet all i did was point out the not so good side of california and you and your good buddy chartwin accuse me of bashing the 2 guys in trying to ignore that part of the state are doing more bashing than at least being honest you two guys are trying to make it seem like everyone who lives there are as happy as all the people along the coast...and that aint true....

Meaning you are just a hypocrite.

Start all over fuck head..... I warned you not to talk to me the way how you deal with your low life scum conversation. I told you that twice.
If you want to talk to me decently I will talk to you decently.
If you want me to trash you because you are such a low life scum...... This is how I deal with you. YOU GOT THAT LOW LIFE SCUM BASTARD?
are you starting to lose it now?....your not going to start crying are you?...
Hi guys..not to interrupt your poo-slingin' contest..but I'm posting from Sacramento right now...visiting Mom. It's 76 degrees...I'm out on the deck looking at the 5 different kinds of fruit trees in the back yard--two have fruit..the others blossoms. The breeze is taking the edge off--and I just took two drops of THC under my tongue.

Cali...ain't that bad.

Hi guys..not to interrupt your poo-slingin' contest..but I'm posting from Sacramento right now...visiting Mom. It's 76 degrees...I'm out on the deck looking at the 5 different kinds of fruit trees in the back yard--two have fruit..the others blossoms. The breeze is taking the edge off--and I just took two drops of THC under my tongue.

Cali...ain't that bad.

get some to chartwin....he needs some bad....
Hi guys..not to interrupt your poo-slingin' contest..but I'm posting from Sacramento right now...visiting Mom. It's 76 degrees...I'm out on the deck looking at the 5 different kinds of fruit trees in the back yard--two have fruit..the others blossoms. The breeze is taking the edge off--and I just took two drops of THC under my tongue.

Cali...ain't that bad.

iu does that high compare to smoking it?...
Hi guys..not to interrupt your poo-slingin' contest..but I'm posting from Sacramento right now...visiting Mom. It's 76 degrees...I'm out on the deck looking at the 5 different kinds of fruit trees in the back yard--two have fruit..the others blossoms. The breeze is taking the edge off--and I just took two drops of THC under my tongue.

Cali...ain't that bad.

iu does that high compare to smoking it?...
At 66, I prefer it..more tightness in the lungs..much less cardiac risk...blood pressure doesn't spike..and i can adjust the dosage so i know just what I'm going to get, and just how long I'm going to get it...every time.
I am thinking he doesn't understand English at all.
he is just a tad strange....he asked me twice i believe what part of Nevada i live previous posts he asked me why i moved to vegas....he just has a california flag stuck in his ass...he cant see the down side of the state and if you point it out you are bashing california....

Instead of answering my question you deflected.
Let me ask you again. What part of Nevada do you live?
For some reason your ignorance is so fucking unbelievable.
Let me repeat it again. If Ca is at the bottom why is the unemployment currently at 4.4% with booming economy? New houses being built all over? Yet you pick on pocket of places that has high unemployment.
hey dumbass...4 -5 times in our conversation you said what city i live do you have memory problems?....if you do let me know and i will treat you as someone who forgets things...

It doesn’t matter. Again instead of bullshiting..... why not just say it. Or just afraid to reveal where you live?
why would i be afraid?.....

So why can’t you reveal where you live?
Visited my Mom in Sacramento..Oak Park....spent two weeks in Walnut Creek..the Bay area, to you. Went down to Fresno for a week-end--then through the LA basin and out across the desert to Vegas...and then home to Idaho.
i cant comment about i can about sure on your drive through the l.a.basin you stopped and enjoyed some of s.cals. finest cities like Bell,East L.A.,Bellflower,Montebello and Hawaiian Gardens....lovely places....

Why don’t you pull your ignorance out from your ass? I know people that lives there. Those areas are booming.
Let me repeat it again. I travel all over Ca because of business and Hospitals are my customers. I traveled to north. I can tell you when it comes to beauty it’s about 40/60 northern Ca, when it comes to progress, developments and employment 40/60 Southern Ca. I do not expect Ignorant people like you have these kind of information. What the hell do you know about making this kind of opinion in the first place.

New Homes in Montebello, CA | 712 New Homes | NewHomeSource

Montebello New Homes & Montebello CA New Construction | Zillow

Bellflower, The Boulevard – New Townhomes & Retail Units | City Ventures
wow more overpriced houses in a not so great area...

That is not the point stupid fuck. Again your ignorance and stupidity is so fucking unbelievable.
The primary reason I’m telling you these is like you and everyone else HOUSE is the american dreams........ So if California is at the bottom..... WHY in the world we are building all over Ca that we ( not you because you are ignorant) have not seen before. Some has even a long waiting list.
are you going to show me more overpriced houses now?...

Let me repeat it again. The reason I’m bringing up all these new houses is to prove that...... California is not at the bottom but booming economy.

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