New Research: Greatest Low-Wage Earnings Gains Came In States That Raised The Minimum Wage

Its a simple fact the world is not 1960..

Also for the millionth time 50% of american workers make $15 bucks or less, if We double the minimum wage like you guys want will $15 dollar workers get $30 bucks an hour?

Of course not just a buck or two

Its just trickle up poor.


So the more workers make, the poorer we get?

Math really is not your strong suite is it?

Again 50% of American workers make $15 bucks or less

Around 3% of american workers make minimum wage..

In your world you want 53% of american workers to make minimum wage?
WOW and that is GREAT! STATES raising minimum wage ACCORDING TO THE STATE's economy standards!
Why in the hell must the Federal government dictate a FLAT minimum wage for Mississippi where the cost of living is way far less then New York?

Great argument! Much improvement over those indistinguishable from those made for repealing minimum wage altogether.

At least you admit that there is room for minimum wage increases given right economic conditions.

Problem is some red states will not raise minimum wage no matter what the conditions are.

Current federal minimum wage is quite modest 7.25, $2 increase seems very reasonable.
WOW and that is GREAT! STATES raising minimum wage ACCORDING TO THE STATE's economy standards!
Why in the hell must the Federal government dictate a FLAT minimum wage for Mississippi where the cost of living is way far less then New York?

Great argument! Much improvement over those indistinguishable from those made for repealing minimum wage altogether.

At least you admit that there is room for minimum wage increases given right economic conditions.

Problem is some red states will not raise minimum wage no matter what the conditions are.

Current federal minimum wage is quite modest 7.25, $2 increase seems very reasonable.

But the biggest problem is people are ignorant about the REAL statistics!
You tell me why it is necessary to cost this group of people their JOBS by raising the cost of them doing their jobs?
Among those paid by the hour, 1.3 million earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.
About 1.7 million had wages below the federal minimum.
Together, these 3.0 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 3.9 percent of all hourly paid workers.
Of the 3 million... 1.443 million ages 16 to 24!
Just 3 million! Almost all with little or no skill sets. Almost all just learning the fundamentals of simply being on the job and on time!
So I'm a small restaurant owner and instead of paying $15.00 as the government wants to raise it to, it is cheaper to buy an automatic dishwasher.
One that doesn't depend on a $7.25 hour worker who may or may not show up!
So instead of HELPING once again the Federal government COSTS jobs! But that's ok... those same out of work will get a rope to hang on and not a ladder to climb!
WOW and that is GREAT! STATES raising minimum wage ACCORDING TO THE STATE's economy standards!
Why in the hell must the Federal government dictate a FLAT minimum wage for Mississippi where the cost of living is way far less then New York?

Great argument! Much improvement over those indistinguishable from those made for repealing minimum wage altogether.

At least you admit that there is room for minimum wage increases given right economic conditions.

Problem is some red states will not raise minimum wage no matter what the conditions are.

Current federal minimum wage is quite modest 7.25, $2 increase seems very reasonable.

But the biggest problem is people are ignorant about the REAL statistics!
You tell me why it is necessary to cost this group of people their JOBS by raising the cost of them doing their jobs?
Among those paid by the hour, 1.3 million earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.
About 1.7 million had wages below the federal minimum.
Together, these 3.0 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 3.9 percent of all hourly paid workers.
Of the 3 million... 1.443 million ages 16 to 24!
Just 3 million! Almost all with little or no skill sets. Almost all just learning the fundamentals of simply being on the job and on time!
So I'm a small restaurant owner and instead of paying $15.00 as the government wants to raise it to, it is cheaper to buy an automatic dishwasher.
One that doesn't depend on a $7.25 hour worker who may or may not show up!
So instead of HELPING once again the Federal government COSTS jobs! But that's ok... those same out of work will get a rope to hang on and not a ladder to climb!

And just like that "the right economic conditions" argument is abandoned at a whim.

Bravo, you've proven you don't actually have a cohesive understanding of the issue, you just grab whatever argument of convenience happens to pop up.
or people will stop spending on some discretionary things, or reduce spending, on say things like Fast Food. thus lowering income for those businesses, and resulting in closures, layoffs, and then the true minimum wage for low skill workers, which is $0.00.

an alternative you MADE UP.

Yep just like that, shamelessly, out of thin air, based on nothing but fantasizing reality to be so.

It's a viable result due to raised prices. People like you think that messing with marco economic systems will only have unicorn queef and pixie fart results.
or people will stop spending on some discretionary things, or reduce spending, on say things like Fast Food. thus lowering income for those businesses, and resulting in closures, layoffs, and then the true minimum wage for low skill workers, which is $0.00.

an alternative you MADE UP.

Yep just like that, shamelessly, out of thin air, based on nothing but fantasizing reality to be so.

It's a viable result due to raised prices. People like you think that messing with marco economic systems will only have unicorn queef and pixie fart results.
There is no such thing as a "marco" economic system except in fantasy land where your unicorns dwell!
It's a viable result due to raised prices. People like you think that messing with marco economic systems will only have unicorn queef and pixie fart results.

Viable according to whom? You? Don't make me laugh.

yea, when you increase minimum wage people can begin to live off of their earnings instead of government subsidy.

Conservatives everywhere are appalled!

The subsidies threshold would have to be raised because you would have way more people making minimum wage.

They can't survive according to liberals on minimum wage alone.

It's a viable result due to raised prices. People like you think that messing with marco economic systems will only have unicorn queef and pixie fart results.

Viable according to whom? You? Don't make me laugh.

Considering your only responses have been one-liners that don't address any of the actual points I am making, my views on this easily hold more weight that yours.
In your world you want 53% of american workers to make minimum wage?

Unlike your kind, I want to see workers being adequately compensated for their time and effort.

No, you want to see them be over-compensated for their time and effort.

But that's your opinion. Which is fine, but others will have another opinion and it's not necessarily because they are economically speaking mis-informed

Under or over compensated is not directly a question of economics, it's a judgement call on what is fair.
No, you want to see them be over-compensated for their time and effort.

Yeah, the last thing America needs is a decently paid work force.

No, the last thing we need is people thinking low skill jobs are viable as careers. Subsidizing acceptance of poverty is detrimental to society as a whole, and inflating the wages of jobs never meant to be careers is the best way to prove that.
In your world you want 53% of american workers to make minimum wage?

Unlike your kind, I want to see workers being adequately compensated for their time and effort.

No, you want to see them be over-compensated for their time and effort.

But that's your opinion. Which is fine, but others will have another opinion and it's not necessarily because they are economically speaking mis-informed

Under or over compensated is not directly a question of economics, it's a judgement call on what is fair.

Fairness has nothing to do with the value of a given product or service. That value is determined by what people are willing to pay for it, and that cost determines the cost of production a person is willing to live with to provide that good or service at that given price.

Once again progressives try to ignore reality.

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