New Roy Moore Poll Numbers Have to Be Scaring Democrats

Yeah, he lied about a blow job, bfd.

Well HERE is the "big deal" for your stupid ass....

It was in his testimony at a trial where he had been accused of sexual harassment. The prosecution was attempting to establish Mr. Clinton had a history of inappropriate sexual misconduct. That was crucial to their case against him. His LIE UNDER OATH influenced the outcome of the case. THAT is the "big deal" here. He LIED UNDER OATH! What he lied about had an influence on the criminal case against him. Now maybe that sort of thing isn't a big deal to you? If it's not, then a 38-year old story about someone being inappropriately touched by a dirty old man, should also not be that big of a deal to you! Especially if there isn't any evidence to prove it ever happened! Especially since no one is under oath and there is no criminal case pending!

The ONLY fucking reason this matters one teeny-weenie little bit to you is because Roy Moore is a REPUBLICAN! If he were a Democrat, you'd be laughing your asses off that this was even a news story.
Why don't you tell us YOUR position on Roy Moore. Are you scared?

Well I supported Mo Brooks in the primary. When all of this first came out, I had pretty much decided that I just wouldn't vote in this election.... BUT... Now that I am seeing what is really going on, how this is a sleazy political smear campaign by Democrats.... I plan to vote for Moore. So congratulations! You just garnered Moore a vote that he didn't have before! Well done!

lol, so you have no integrity. Shut up then.

Yup, you loons sure do set a high benchmark for integrity.

I'm not the one trying to ram Moore into the Senate, nor am I trying to keep Franken there. So fuck off liar.

You loons seem to have your panties in a bunch today. An awful lot of leftie comments seem to consist of "fuck off" and "liar".

When confronted with liars, call them as you see them.

To you I offer Trump. Successful self-made billionaire businessman (globally). willing to drop it all in an attempt to clean up your mess.

Then I give you Clintons....Obama......etc. never had a real job. Never an honest days work. All they do is extract wealth from those who know how to create wealth.
OMG! Trump is NOT, I repeat: NOT self made. He inherited millions from his daddy. Clinton, on the other hand, grew up in a working class single parent home. He got himself through the best universities and won the presidency. He's similar to Abraham Lincoln in that sense. He pulled himself up by his bootstraps; whereas Trump inherited millions, lost millions, had 4 bankruptsies, which the American taxpaper pulled him out of, and is in NO WAY a self made man. It is laughable that you would think so.

Lincoln was a douchebag lobbyist for the railroads.

Trump was already a billionaire when his father passed away. He made his money the hard way. Only morons like you swallow the leftwing attempt to delegitimize him.

He inherited millions decades ago. Trust me, he had a leg up.

He didn't inheret a thing until his father died, and he was already a billionaire at the time.

And I suppose he didn't scam Americans out of 25 million dollars with Trump University either.
I'm not the one trying to ram Moore into the Senate

No one is trying to "ram" anyone anywhere! We have an ELECTION on Dec. 12... you know, those things they do in representative republics where the people go cast their vote for who they want to represent them in the Senate? Maybe you'e heard of that?

What YOU are trying to do is subvert the will of the people by rendering their selection invalid. Obviously, you don't have a problem with this.. you like tyranny and dictatorship! To hell with what the people of Alabama want! You know better! We need to just sit down and shut the fuck up and let YOU dictate what's best for us! That about right, assmunch?

I'm not trying to do anything. If you conservatives want to remind us what a bunch of self righteous frauds you are by electing Roy Moore, that's your business.
The snowflakes have been gloating about Moore's chances, but the latest polls show their confidence is misplaced.

Alabama’s Republican Senate candidate and former Chief Justice Roy Moore has come under increasingly heavy fire in recent weeks after accusations of sexual misconduct on his part with teenage girls that is alleged to have occurred roughly 40 years ago.

Moore has steadfastly and vehemently denied the allegations against him, even as the mainstream media, Democrats and even many Republicans have seemingly already convicted him in the court of public opinion, demanding he step aside from the special senatorial election.

Yet, despite the flurry of unverifiable attacks on Moore’s reputation and credibility — or perhaps because of them — Moore is still leading his Democrat opponent Doug Jones in a major statewide poll, according to The Daily Caller.

Rather than see his support plummet to near zero, as the forces aligned against him seemed to think would happen, Moore still enjoys a six-point lead in a broad survey of 3,000 likely voters in the state’s special election. And that has to be scaring Democrats.
They supported the old pussy grabber despite all the allegations of sexual misconduct. They will certainly support a white supremacist who refused to enforce federal laws, and dates teenagers. These are qualifications for office in Alabama.

Republicans have learned that the only thing these "allegations" mean is that Dims will do anything to win.

Roy Moore proved himself unfit for office when he got ousted from judicial positions TWICE, long before this sex stuff ever happened.
Just curious. if Juanita Broaddrick (at least get her name right) is credible, why aren't the women accusing Moore?

I didn't say they weren't! I don't know! You are the one trying to convict Moore over allegations! I'm just trying to hold you to the same standard. We're not going to jump around and be hypocrites depending on what letter is beside someone's name. Either allegations alone are enough to end political careers or there needs to be something more. Make up your mind which way we're going with this? :dunno:
If they hadn't investigated him for sexual behavior how the hell did Lewinsky come up? JHC. You are worthless. Only concerned with accusing me of something of which you actually have no idea. You refuse to think logically.

Because he lied under oath in the Paula Jones case and his affair with Monica Lewinsky proved that. He denied he had an affair with her. They found the blue cum-stained dress. Do we have to go through the entire case again? It was not about his sexual behavior... it was about his LYING UNDER OATH!
:rolleyes:He lied about Lewinsky. That was the issue.

He lied under oath. That's called perjury and it's a "high crime or misdemeanor" therefore, he was impeached. He wasn't impeached because he stuck his dick in an intern half his age. At the time, those of you who supported Clinton said his personal life shouldn't be an issue. We were to disregard that he used his position of power to seduce a young intern, that was completely ignored and dismissed.

Also dismissed were the numerous other allegations of sexual misconduct, like the very trial he perjured himself in with Paula Jones who was suing him for sexual harassment. Then there was Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broadderick, both of whom alleged sexual assault and rape, respectively. Again... these allegations were summarily dismissed by his supporters and Hillary Clinton led the charge to publicly destroy these women in the court of public opinion.

So I don't need any fucking lectures from leftists about purported sexual misconduct. IF you have some goddamn credible evidence against Mr. Moore, let's fucking see it! If not, shut your damn pie hole because you don't have any credibility when it comes to this.

Just curious. if Juanita Broaddrick (at least get her name right) is credible, why aren't the women accusing Moore?

For one thing, she didn't suddenly pop out of the woodwork right before an election.
Why would this scare the Dems? This is the best thing that could happen. Elect a child molester the faces of each of those girls will be in ads for the Dems during the election. Most states are not like Alabama and do not approve or such actions.
Yer kinda stoopid, aincha? Here's a little free wisdom. Gloria Allred is a liar. The Washington Post lies. The New Yrok Times lies. And they are all YOUR ENEMY. You're welcome.

Sure buddy, this is on Roy Moore.
You mean like all those women the Post paraded just before the 2016 election? They were "on Trump", as I recall you saying. Where is they now, chump?

They are still out there, none of them have recanted. What would you prefer they do?
It's more than a coincidence and if you don't believe it is then you're stupid. This has ZERO to do with some hashtag or trend. It's typical Democrat dirty tricks on the eve of an election... just like they did going back to Clarence Thomas. It's been done over and over and it follows the same exact pattern.

To date, there is NO clear evidence against Roy Moore for anything illegal. There is one woman (52) who claims he fondled her when she was 14... 38 years ago. We don't know if that allegation is true or not. We're not going to find out before the election. In addition, we have all these assorted other allegations from other women but none of them are accusations of anything illegal, just creepy as fuck, which isn't a crime... even if they are telling the truth.

Again... I don't know what's true or not true. I think it's highly suspicious all these allegations are just now surfacing on Moore. I explained why I think it's suspicious and again, you don't have to agree with me... that's MY opinion. I think this is a load of crap and he's being smeared by Democrats who knew they had no shot at this seat.
There is no conspiracy. People who believe in conspiracies are people who don't have any critical thinking skills. It has to do with MeToo, completely. It isn't just Republicans who are being accused.

The whoie "Russian collusion" thing is the biggest conspiricy ever conjured, and snowflakes believe it to the last man.
It's a conspiracy, yes. That's why they are already indicting people.

They haven't indicted anyone for colluding with the Russians.
Political consultant Paul Manafort and his business partner Rick Gates were indicted on charges including conspiracy against the United States, money laundering, tax fraud and failure to register as lobbyists for the former government of Ukraine.

Separately, the Justice Department announced that Trump campaign foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos has pleaded guilty to making false statements to FBI agents about his contacts with Russia-linked individuals who claimed to possess damaging information on Trump's election opponent, Hillary Clinton. There is no indication that Papadopoulos, an international energy lawyer with very little foreign policy experience, ever received such information.

How does this relate to investigations into Russia’s alleged interference in the last U.S. presidential elections?

Manafort served as Trump’s presidential campaign chair before resigning last August after media reports investigating his ties to pro-Russian Ukrainian political groups.

Although Papadopoulos' position in the campaign was minor compared to Manafort's, his case could be more serious. That's because it involves possible collusion between Trump campaign officials and Moscow, which is the main focus of Mueller's investigation

Mueller Indictments Explained

The bottom line is that no one has been indicted for collusion with the Russians.
Yeah, he lied about a blow job, bfd.

Well HERE is the "big deal" for your stupid ass....

It was in his testimony at a trial where he had been accused of sexual harassment. The prosecution was attempting to establish Mr. Clinton had a history of inappropriate sexual misconduct. That was crucial to their case against him. His LIE UNDER OATH influenced the outcome of the case. THAT is the "big deal" here. He LIED UNDER OATH! What he lied about had an influence on the criminal case against him. Now maybe that sort of thing isn't a big deal to you? If it's not, then a 38-year old story about someone being inappropriately touched by a dirty old man, should also not be that big of a deal to you! Especially if there isn't any evidence to prove it ever happened! Especially since no one is under oath and there is no criminal case pending!

The ONLY fucking reason this matters one teeny-weenie little bit to you is because Roy Moore is a REPUBLICAN! If he were a Democrat, you'd be laughing your asses off that this was even a news story.

If he were a Democrat accused of molesting a fourteen year old then I can happily say that no, I wouldn't support him. Who would? Oh...never mind.

As for Clinton, yes, I am well aware he lied under oath. Again, about a blowjob he received that was consensual.
There is no real comparison to be made. The issue with Bill Clinton and Leweinsky is that he disgraced the office and lied under oath about it.

Yeah, he lied about a blow job, bfd.
Clearly you cannot understand what morals are. When you disrespect the highest office in the land by having sex out of wedlock, and then lie under oath about it, it certainly is a bfd. The fact that you don't think so is a sad example of what is wrong with people today. No way he should have done that.

Why would I care who the president is screwing unless he's some moralist a-hole?
Your attitude is why liberals are losing all over. In fact, you are a threat to this countries survival. Just look at the mess we are in now regarding sexual things. And you don't care.

When it comes to Monica Lewinsky? No, I don't care at all, it was completely consensual.

Now, with Trump it's not consensual. Same with Roy Moore, but somehow according to you their actions are the fault of liberals? Funny joke.

Consensual or not, Bubba's crime was committed in he Oval Office, fer chrissake!
Why would this scare the Dems? This is the best thing that could happen. Elect a child molester the faces of each of those girls will be in ads for the Dems during the election. Most states are not like Alabama and do not approve or such actions.
Yer kinda stoopid, aincha? Here's a little free wisdom. Gloria Allred is a liar. The Washington Post lies. The New Yrok Times lies. And they are all YOUR ENEMY. You're welcome.
And FOX news and Dump are truth tellers? We have met the enemy and he is you and the republican party
If they hadn't investigated him for sexual behavior how the hell did Lewinsky come up? JHC. You are worthless. Only concerned with accusing me of something of which you actually have no idea. You refuse to think logically.

Because he lied under oath in the Paula Jones case and his affair with Monica Lewinsky proved that. He denied he had an affair with her. They found the blue cum-stained dress. Do we have to go through the entire case again? It was not about his sexual behavior... it was about his LYING UNDER OATH!
:rolleyes:He lied about Lewinsky. That was the issue.

He lied under oath. That's called perjury and it's a "high crime or misdemeanor" therefore, he was impeached. He wasn't impeached because he stuck his dick in an intern half his age. At the time, those of you who supported Clinton said his personal life shouldn't be an issue. We were to disregard that he used his position of power to seduce a young intern, that was completely ignored and dismissed.

Also dismissed were the numerous other allegations of sexual misconduct, like the very trial he perjured himself in with Paula Jones who was suing him for sexual harassment. Then there was Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broadderick, both of whom alleged sexual assault and rape, respectively. Again... these allegations were summarily dismissed by his supporters and Hillary Clinton led the charge to publicly destroy these women in the court of public opinion.

So I don't need any fucking lectures from leftists about purported sexual misconduct. IF you have some goddamn credible evidence against Mr. Moore, let's fucking see it! If not, shut your damn pie hole because you don't have any credibility when it comes to this.

Just curious. if Juanita Broaddrick (at least get her name right) is credible, why aren't the women accusing Moore?

For one thing, she didn't suddenly pop out of the woodwork right before an election.

Really? The rumors about here started floating around '92.
Yeah, he lied about a blow job, bfd.
Clearly you cannot understand what morals are. When you disrespect the highest office in the land by having sex out of wedlock, and then lie under oath about it, it certainly is a bfd. The fact that you don't think so is a sad example of what is wrong with people today. No way he should have done that.

Why would I care who the president is screwing unless he's some moralist a-hole?
Your attitude is why liberals are losing all over. In fact, you are a threat to this countries survival. Just look at the mess we are in now regarding sexual things. And you don't care.

When it comes to Monica Lewinsky? No, I don't care at all, it was completely consensual.

Now, with Trump it's not consensual. Same with Roy Moore, but somehow according to you their actions are the fault of liberals? Funny joke.

Consensual or not, Bubba's crime was committed in he Oval Office, fer chrissake!

What was the crime committed in the oval office?
Why would this scare the Dems? This is the best thing that could happen. Elect a child molester the faces of each of those girls will be in ads for the Dems during the election. Most states are not like Alabama and do not approve or such actions.

We'll enjoy watching all the crying and screaming when the election results are in.

So you would rather have a serial sexual predator in the Senate rather than a Democrat? Party over country, you fucking piece of shit. That's what you are.
Yes I would. I don't know why you find that shocking since Dims all supported a serial sexual predator in the White House.

And don't forget liberals defended Michael Jackson who was a known pedophile.

His pedophilia was obvious too. What normal heterosexual grown man would invite little children to sleep in bed with him, or allow them to follow him into the bathroom? So fucking sick!
Why would this scare the Dems? This is the best thing that could happen. Elect a child molester the faces of each of those girls will be in ads for the Dems during the election. Most states are not like Alabama and do not approve or such actions.

We'll enjoy watching all the crying and screaming when the election results are in.

So you would rather have a serial sexual predator in the Senate rather than a Democrat? Party over country, you fucking piece of shit. That's what you are.
Yes I would. I don't know why you find that shocking since Dims all supported a serial sexual predator in the White House.

And don't forget liberals defended Michael Jackson who was a known pedophile.

His pedophilia was obvious too. What normal heterosexual grown man would invite little children to sleep in bed with him, or allow them to follow him into the bathroom? So fucking sick!

Liberals were?
The snowflakes have been gloating about Moore's chances, but the latest polls show their confidence is misplaced.

Alabama’s Republican Senate candidate and former Chief Justice Roy Moore has come under increasingly heavy fire in recent weeks after accusations of sexual misconduct on his part with teenage girls that is alleged to have occurred roughly 40 years ago.

Moore has steadfastly and vehemently denied the allegations against him, even as the mainstream media, Democrats and even many Republicans have seemingly already convicted him in the court of public opinion, demanding he step aside from the special senatorial election.

Yet, despite the flurry of unverifiable attacks on Moore’s reputation and credibility — or perhaps because of them — Moore is still leading his Democrat opponent Doug Jones in a major statewide poll, according to The Daily Caller.

Rather than see his support plummet to near zero, as the forces aligned against him seemed to think would happen, Moore still enjoys a six-point lead in a broad survey of 3,000 likely voters in the state’s special election. And that has to be scaring Democrats.
Can you say United States Senator Roy Moore?

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