New Roy Moore Poll Numbers Have to Be Scaring Democrats

Your attitude is why liberals are losing all over. In fact, you are a threat to this countries survival. Just look at the mess we are in now regarding sexual things. And you don't care.

When it comes to Monica Lewinsky? No, I don't care at all, it was completely consensual.

Now, with Trump it's not consensual. Same with Roy Moore, but somehow according to you their actions are the fault of liberals? Funny joke.

Consensual or not, Bubba's crime was committed in he Oval Office, fer chrissake!

What was the crime committed in the oval office?
BJ under the President's desk. That's a sin. Much worse than crime.

They said Reagan had so much respect for the office of President he always wore a suit and tie even if nobody was going to be there. So I don't know if what Clinton did was a crime or a sin, but without a doubt, it was disrespect.

The Republican Party has become a Cult. Republican voters have been brainwashed into believing its better to vote for a pedophile or rapist than a Democrat
That's a lie.

If Crazy Roy Moore gets elected it will be a real inspiration to white males everywhere: you can do basically anything and get away with it! Follow your dreams, white men, your dirty predatory dreams! There’s no consequences!

Don't you think Moore might be running because of the "inspirational" story of Donald Trump ?
If Crazy Roy Moore gets elected it will be a real inspiration to white males everywhere: you can do basically anything and get away with it! Follow your dreams, white men, your dirty predatory dreams! There’s no consequences!

Yep, no consequences. Just ask Hillary and Bowe Bergdahl.
Roy Moore proved himself unfit for office when he got ousted from judicial positions TWICE, long before this sex stuff ever happened.

Voters of Alabama disagreed with you. Sorry!

That shows you that they have no integrity.

Why, because they refuse to let unproven claims steer their vote?

His contempt for the rule of law has been proven.

Please show us how.

It was actually his understanding of the law that got him crosswise with the establishment.
Roy Moore proved himself unfit for office when he got ousted from judicial positions TWICE, long before this sex stuff ever happened.

Voters of Alabama disagreed with you. Sorry!

That shows you that they have no integrity.

Why, because they refuse to let unproven claims steer their vote?

His contempt for the rule of law has been proven.
He was scum before these ladies came out against him
Roy Moore proved himself unfit for office when he got ousted from judicial positions TWICE, long before this sex stuff ever happened.

Voters of Alabama disagreed with you. Sorry!

That shows you that they have no integrity.

Why, because they refuse to let unproven claims steer their vote?

His contempt for the rule of law has been proven.

Please show us how.

It was actually his understanding of the law that got him crosswise with the establishment.

lol, okay.
The Republican Party has become a Cult. Republican voters have been brainwashed into believing its better to vote for a pedophile or rapist than a Democrat
That's a lie.

If Crazy Roy Moore gets elected it will be a real inspiration to white males everywhere: you can do basically anything and get away with it! Follow your dreams, white men, your dirty predatory dreams! There’s no consequences!
I don't know if Moore is guilty or not and I hope he isn't.
I nor anyone I know would support a convicted pedophile or rapist. If Moore is found guilty I will be the first one to denounce him. It seems as though Liberals can make a charge, bring in Gloria Allred in and he'll be tried, convicted and hung in the public eye. It doesn't work that way.
The Republican Party has become a Cult. Republican voters have been brainwashed into believing its better to vote for a pedophile or rapist than a Democrat
That's a lie.

If Crazy Roy Moore gets elected it will be a real inspiration to white males everywhere: you can do basically anything and get away with it! Follow your dreams, white men, your dirty predatory dreams! There’s no consequences!
I don't know if Moore is guilty or not and I hope he isn't.
I nor anyone I know would support a convicted pedophile or rapist. If Moore is found guilty I will be the first one to denounce him. It seems as though Liberals can make a charge, bring in Gloria Allred in and he'll be tried, convicted and hung in the public eye. It doesn't work that way.
Hoss It can't be proven in court You either believe ALL those ladies or they're all liars Your choice
I just saw local polls yesterday. Channel 2 in Alabama. 72% approval for Roy!
I don't hold to most polls but local ones carry more weight.
The Republican Party has become a Cult. Republican voters have been brainwashed into believing its better to vote for a pedophile or rapist than a Democrat
That's a lie.

If Crazy Roy Moore gets elected it will be a real inspiration to white males everywhere: you can do basically anything and get away with it! Follow your dreams, white men, your dirty predatory dreams! There’s no consequences!
I don't know if Moore is guilty or not and I hope he isn't.
I nor anyone I know would support a convicted pedophile or rapist. If Moore is found guilty I will be the first one to denounce him. It seems as though Liberals can make a charge, bring in Gloria Allred in and he'll be tried, convicted and hung in the public eye. It doesn't work that way.
Hoss It can't be proven in court You either believe ALL those ladies or they're all liars Your choice
Tell Gloria Alred to release her evidence!
The Republican Party has become a Cult. Republican voters have been brainwashed into believing its better to vote for a pedophile or rapist than a Democrat
That's a lie.

If Crazy Roy Moore gets elected it will be a real inspiration to white males everywhere: you can do basically anything and get away with it! Follow your dreams, white men, your dirty predatory dreams! There’s no consequences!
I don't know if Moore is guilty or not and I hope he isn't.
I nor anyone I know would support a convicted pedophile or rapist. If Moore is found guilty I will be the first one to denounce him. It seems as though Liberals can make a charge, bring in Gloria Allred in and he'll be tried, convicted and hung in the public eye. It doesn't work that way.
Hoss It can't be proven in court You either believe ALL those ladies or they're all liars Your choice

Maybe so but when Gloria Allred gets her nose in it, I smell a skunk. And just today she wouldn't or couldn't produce the woman's original yearbook, not just the one with his supposed inscription and signature.
The Republican Party has become a Cult. Republican voters have been brainwashed into believing its better to vote for a pedophile or rapist than a Democrat
That's a lie.

If Crazy Roy Moore gets elected it will be a real inspiration to white males everywhere: you can do basically anything and get away with it! Follow your dreams, white men, your dirty predatory dreams! There’s no consequences!
I don't know if Moore is guilty or not and I hope he isn't.
I nor anyone I know would support a convicted pedophile or rapist. If Moore is found guilty I will be the first one to denounce him. It seems as though Liberals can make a charge, bring in Gloria Allred in and he'll be tried, convicted and hung in the public eye. It doesn't work that way.
Hoss It can't be proven in court You either believe ALL those ladies or they're all liars Your choice

Maybe so but when Gloria Allred gets her nose in it, I smell a skunk. And just today she wouldn't or couldn't produce the woman's original yearbook, not just the one with his supposed inscription and signature.
So who do you believe, Moore or 9 lying women?
The Republican Party has become a Cult. Republican voters have been brainwashed into believing its better to vote for a pedophile or rapist than a Democrat
That's a lie.

If Crazy Roy Moore gets elected it will be a real inspiration to white males everywhere: you can do basically anything and get away with it! Follow your dreams, white men, your dirty predatory dreams! There’s no consequences!
I don't know if Moore is guilty or not and I hope he isn't.
I nor anyone I know would support a convicted pedophile or rapist. If Moore is found guilty I will be the first one to denounce him. It seems as though Liberals can make a charge, bring in Gloria Allred in and he'll be tried, convicted and hung in the public eye. It doesn't work that way.

The problem is that it does work that way.

It's called being "Borked".
‘Is that why Americans are fighting and risking their lives in Afghanistan – to make the world safe for pedophilia?’ – ex-diplomat
Well I supported Mo Brooks in the primary. When all of this first came out, I had pretty much decided that I just wouldn't vote in this election.... BUT... Now that I am seeing what is really going on, how this is a sleazy political smear campaign by Democrats.... I plan to vote for Moore. So congratulations! You just garnered Moore a vote that he didn't have before! Well done!

lol, so you have no integrity. Shut up then.

Yup, you loons sure do set a high benchmark for integrity.

I'm not the one trying to ram Moore into the Senate, nor am I trying to keep Franken there. So fuck off liar.

You loons seem to have your panties in a bunch today. An awful lot of leftie comments seem to consist of "fuck off" and "liar".

When confronted with liars, call them as you see them.

No kidding..."liar" is what up picked up on.....LOL....yup, you're one of them loons.
That's a lie.

If Crazy Roy Moore gets elected it will be a real inspiration to white males everywhere: you can do basically anything and get away with it! Follow your dreams, white men, your dirty predatory dreams! There’s no consequences!
I don't know if Moore is guilty or not and I hope he isn't.
I nor anyone I know would support a convicted pedophile or rapist. If Moore is found guilty I will be the first one to denounce him. It seems as though Liberals can make a charge, bring in Gloria Allred in and he'll be tried, convicted and hung in the public eye. It doesn't work that way.
Hoss It can't be proven in court You either believe ALL those ladies or they're all liars Your choice

Maybe so but when Gloria Allred gets her nose in it, I smell a skunk. And just today she wouldn't or couldn't produce the woman's original yearbook, not just the one with his supposed inscription and signature.
So who do you believe, Moore or 9 lying women?
Without seeing documented proof I couldn't say. I am skeptical only because this crap happens before every election.

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