New Roy Moore Poll Numbers Have to Be Scaring Democrats

The snowflakes have been gloating about Moore's chances, but the latest polls show their confidence is misplaced.

Alabama’s Republican Senate candidate and former Chief Justice Roy Moore has come under increasingly heavy fire in recent weeks after accusations of sexual misconduct on his part with teenage girls that is alleged to have occurred roughly 40 years ago.

Moore has steadfastly and vehemently denied the allegations against him, even as the mainstream media, Democrats and even many Republicans have seemingly already convicted him in the court of public opinion, demanding he step aside from the special senatorial election.

Yet, despite the flurry of unverifiable attacks on Moore’s reputation and credibility — or perhaps because of them — Moore is still leading his Democrat opponent Doug Jones in a major statewide poll, according to The Daily Caller.

Rather than see his support plummet to near zero, as the forces aligned against him seemed to think would happen, Moore still enjoys a six-point lead in a broad survey of 3,000 likely voters in the state’s special election. And that has to be scaring Democrats.
Can you say United States Senator Roy Moore?

Considering he should be a shoe in I hope you guys can say it. What are you going to do if that doesn't work out?
If they hadn't investigated him for sexual behavior how the hell did Lewinsky come up? JHC. You are worthless. Only concerned with accusing me of something of which you actually have no idea. You refuse to think logically.

Because he lied under oath in the Paula Jones case and his affair with Monica Lewinsky proved that. He denied he had an affair with her. They found the blue cum-stained dress. Do we have to go through the entire case again? It was not about his sexual behavior... it was about his LYING UNDER OATH!
:rolleyes:He lied about Lewinsky. That was the issue.

He lied under oath. That's called perjury and it's a "high crime or misdemeanor" therefore, he was impeached. He wasn't impeached because he stuck his dick in an intern half his age. At the time, those of you who supported Clinton said his personal life shouldn't be an issue. We were to disregard that he used his position of power to seduce a young intern, that was completely ignored and dismissed.

Also dismissed were the numerous other allegations of sexual misconduct, like the very trial he perjured himself in with Paula Jones who was suing him for sexual harassment. Then there was Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broadderick, both of whom alleged sexual assault and rape, respectively. Again... these allegations were summarily dismissed by his supporters and Hillary Clinton led the charge to publicly destroy these women in the court of public opinion.

So I don't need any fucking lectures from leftists about purported sexual misconduct. IF you have some goddamn credible evidence against Mr. Moore, let's fucking see it! If not, shut your damn pie hole because you don't have any credibility when it comes to this.

Just curious. if Juanita Broaddrick (at least get her name right) is credible, why aren't the women accusing Moore?
I can tell two unlike things apart. Can you?
I can tell the difference between someone acting like a dick and someone who is a dick.
I understand comedy is often bawdy and irreverent.
I know what staging is. I also clearly get the difference between a victim and being offended. Do you?
I am very clear on what 14 years old means. There is no parental permission on this.
I also know what using celebrity and power to get sex is.
Weinstein, Cosby, Moore, et al, were not playing dicks. They are dicks.
Finally, if your moral compass allows you to pose in Playboy, work at Hooters, receive paychecks from FOXNEWS, and use your body as bait, ( all noble endeavors), then an unwanted kiss is never going to be a contender for assault.
I can tell the difference between two unlike things. THANKS Obed Norman and if some ones feet must be held to the fire let the first be Trumps ,,,,,,,,to a crisp
The Republican Party has become a Cult. Republican voters have been brainwashed into believing its better to vote for a pedophile or rapist than a Democrat
"A source close to the Moore campaign says online fundraising has topped six figures on several days in a row. Suggests Moore has some life, and an energized base, even after being cut off by NRSC/RNC"
Clearly you cannot understand what morals are. When you disrespect the highest office in the land by having sex out of wedlock, and then lie under oath about it, it certainly is a bfd. The fact that you don't think so is a sad example of what is wrong with people today. No way he should have done that.

Why would I care who the president is screwing unless he's some moralist a-hole?
Your attitude is why liberals are losing all over. In fact, you are a threat to this countries survival. Just look at the mess we are in now regarding sexual things. And you don't care.

When it comes to Monica Lewinsky? No, I don't care at all, it was completely consensual.

Now, with Trump it's not consensual. Same with Roy Moore, but somehow according to you their actions are the fault of liberals? Funny joke.

Consensual or not, Bubba's crime was committed in he Oval Office, fer chrissake!

What was the crime committed in the oval office?
BJ under the President's desk. That's a sin. Much worse than crime.
If they hadn't investigated him for sexual behavior how the hell did Lewinsky come up? JHC. You are worthless. Only concerned with accusing me of something of which you actually have no idea. You refuse to think logically.

Because he lied under oath in the Paula Jones case and his affair with Monica Lewinsky proved that. He denied he had an affair with her. They found the blue cum-stained dress. Do we have to go through the entire case again? It was not about his sexual behavior... it was about his LYING UNDER OATH!
:rolleyes:He lied about Lewinsky. That was the issue.

He lied under oath. That's called perjury and it's a "high crime or misdemeanor" therefore, he was impeached. He wasn't impeached because he stuck his dick in an intern half his age. At the time, those of you who supported Clinton said his personal life shouldn't be an issue. We were to disregard that he used his position of power to seduce a young intern, that was completely ignored and dismissed.

Also dismissed were the numerous other allegations of sexual misconduct, like the very trial he perjured himself in with Paula Jones who was suing him for sexual harassment. Then there was Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broadderick, both of whom alleged sexual assault and rape, respectively. Again... these allegations were summarily dismissed by his supporters and Hillary Clinton led the charge to publicly destroy these women in the court of public opinion.

So I don't need any fucking lectures from leftists about purported sexual misconduct. IF you have some goddamn credible evidence against Mr. Moore, let's fucking see it! If not, shut your damn pie hole because you don't have any credibility when it comes to this.

Just curious. if Juanita Broaddrick (at least get her name right) is credible, why aren't the women accusing Moore?
I can tell two unlike things apart. Can you?
I can tell the difference between someone acting like a dick and someone who is a dick.
I understand comedy is often bawdy and irreverent.
I know what staging is. I also clearly get the difference between a victim and being offended. Do you?
I am very clear on what 14 years old means. There is no parental permission on this.
I also know what using celebrity and power to get sex is.
Weinstein, Cosby, Moore, et al, were not playing dicks. They are dicks.
Finally, if your moral compass allows you to pose in Playboy, work at Hooters, receive paychecks from FOXNEWS, and use your body as bait, ( all noble endeavors), then an unwanted kiss is never going to be a contender for assault.
I can tell the difference between two unlike things. THANKS Obed Norman and if some ones feet must be held to the fire let the first be Trumps ,,,,,,,,to a crisp

So when a woman wears a slutty dress, she deserves to be raped? Is that what you're saying?

It's hilarious watching your snowflake morons adopting all the arguments you used to ridicule.

I can also tell a dick when I encounter one, and you're a dick.
Can you imagine if Creepy Roy Moore loses to a DEMOCRAT

In Alabama?
Al Franken is creepy.

This from a guy with an avatar of a guy that spent decades grabbing women by the ass?

Says the far left drone that supported and voted for the enabler of the man who abused women..

Ha! Another partisan moron that thinks everyone is either "right" or left, god you people are getting fucking boring. Just to set your little pea brain straight, I have voted for a Dem for President exactly one time out of my 35 years of voting.
Why would I care who the president is screwing unless he's some moralist a-hole?
Your attitude is why liberals are losing all over. In fact, you are a threat to this countries survival. Just look at the mess we are in now regarding sexual things. And you don't care.

When it comes to Monica Lewinsky? No, I don't care at all, it was completely consensual.

Now, with Trump it's not consensual. Same with Roy Moore, but somehow according to you their actions are the fault of liberals? Funny joke.

Consensual or not, Bubba's crime was committed in he Oval Office, fer chrissake!

What was the crime committed in the oval office?
BJ under the President's desk. That's a sin. Much worse than crime.

They said Reagan had so much respect for the office of President he always wore a suit and tie even if nobody was going to be there. So I don't know if what Clinton did was a crime or a sin, but without a doubt, it was disrespect.
Your attitude is why liberals are losing all over. In fact, you are a threat to this countries survival. Just look at the mess we are in now regarding sexual things. And you don't care.

When it comes to Monica Lewinsky? No, I don't care at all, it was completely consensual.

Now, with Trump it's not consensual. Same with Roy Moore, but somehow according to you their actions are the fault of liberals? Funny joke.

Consensual or not, Bubba's crime was committed in he Oval Office, fer chrissake!

What was the crime committed in the oval office?
BJ under the President's desk. That's a sin. Much worse than crime.

They said Reagan had so much respect for the office of President he always wore a suit and tie even if nobody was going to be there. So I don't know if what Clinton did was a crime or a sin, but without a doubt, it was disrespect.

Finally something we can agree on
The Republican Party has become a Cult. Republican voters have been brainwashed into believing its better to vote for a pedophile or rapist than a Democrat
That's a lie.

If Crazy Roy Moore gets elected it will be a real inspiration to white males everywhere: you can do basically anything and get away with it! Follow your dreams, white men, your dirty predatory dreams! There’s no consequences!
Because he lied under oath in the Paula Jones case and his affair with Monica Lewinsky proved that. He denied he had an affair with her. They found the blue cum-stained dress. Do we have to go through the entire case again? It was not about his sexual behavior... it was about his LYING UNDER OATH!
:rolleyes:He lied about Lewinsky. That was the issue.

He lied under oath. That's called perjury and it's a "high crime or misdemeanor" therefore, he was impeached. He wasn't impeached because he stuck his dick in an intern half his age. At the time, those of you who supported Clinton said his personal life shouldn't be an issue. We were to disregard that he used his position of power to seduce a young intern, that was completely ignored and dismissed.

Also dismissed were the numerous other allegations of sexual misconduct, like the very trial he perjured himself in with Paula Jones who was suing him for sexual harassment. Then there was Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broadderick, both of whom alleged sexual assault and rape, respectively. Again... these allegations were summarily dismissed by his supporters and Hillary Clinton led the charge to publicly destroy these women in the court of public opinion.

So I don't need any fucking lectures from leftists about purported sexual misconduct. IF you have some goddamn credible evidence against Mr. Moore, let's fucking see it! If not, shut your damn pie hole because you don't have any credibility when it comes to this.

Just curious. if Juanita Broaddrick (at least get her name right) is credible, why aren't the women accusing Moore?
I can tell two unlike things apart. Can you?
I can tell the difference between someone acting like a dick and someone who is a dick.
I understand comedy is often bawdy and irreverent.
I know what staging is. I also clearly get the difference between a victim and being offended. Do you?
I am very clear on what 14 years old means. There is no parental permission on this.
I also know what using celebrity and power to get sex is.
Weinstein, Cosby, Moore, et al, were not playing dicks. They are dicks.
Finally, if your moral compass allows you to pose in Playboy, work at Hooters, receive paychecks from FOXNEWS, and use your body as bait, ( all noble endeavors), then an unwanted kiss is never going to be a contender for assault.
I can tell the difference between two unlike things. THANKS Obed Norman and if some ones feet must be held to the fire let the first be Trumps ,,,,,,,,to a crisp

So when a woman wears a slutty dress, she deserves to be raped? Is that what you're saying?

It's hilarious watching your snowflake morons adopting all the arguments you used to ridicule.

I can also tell a dick when I encounter one, and you're a dick.
Look in the mirror small hands
Why would this scare the Dems? This is the best thing that could happen. Elect a child molester the faces of each of those girls will be in ads for the Dems during the election. Most states are not like Alabama and do not approve or such actions.

We'll enjoy watching all the crying and screaming when the election results are in.

So will the Democrats in 2018.

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