New Roy Moore Poll Numbers Have to Be Scaring Democrats

So you are saying that Bill and Monica was an unproven allegation?

I didn't realize Clinton raped Monica.
Just like a liberal..... Who implied rape? No one, it is justin your mind.

Clinton and Lewinsky had a consensual relationship, not sure why you are comparing that to a non-consensual encounter between a man in his 30s and a fourteen year old.
There is no real comparison to be made. The issue with Bill Clinton and Leweinsky is that he disgraced the office and lied under oath about it.

Yeah, he lied about a blow job, bfd.
Clearly you cannot understand what morals are. When you disrespect the highest office in the land by having sex out of wedlock, and then lie under oath about it, it certainly is a bfd. The fact that you don't think so is a sad example of what is wrong with people today. No way he should have done that.
Trump endorsed the guy who lost in Alabama. Pay attention.

I dont care who Trump endorsed. My point stands. the Wolf-Maddow-Tapper-Todd-View along with you (specifically) and your kind will collapse the USA. No good citizen will be willing to run through your web. Remember the "tickle fight" guy? I rest my case. I suggest you pay attention. Keep your own nose clean.

To you I offer Trump. Successful self-made billionaire businessman (globally). willing to drop it all in an attempt to clean up your mess.

Then I give you Clintons....Obama......etc. never had a real job. Never an honest days work. All they do is extract wealth from those who know how to create wealth.
OMG! Trump is NOT, I repeat: NOT self made. He inherited millions from his daddy. Clinton, on the other hand, grew up in a working class single parent home. He got himself through the best universities and won the presidency. He's similar to Abraham Lincoln in that sense. He pulled himself up by his bootstraps; whereas Trump inherited millions, lost millions, had 4 bankruptsies, which the American taxpaper pulled him out of, and is in NO WAY a self made man. It is laughable that you would think so.

Lincoln was a douchebag lobbyist for the railroads.

Trump was already a billionaire when his father passed away. He made his money the hard way. Only morons like you swallow the leftwing attempt to delegitimize him.

He inherited millions decades ago. Trust me, he had a leg up.
Where is it ? Where are those you speak of? And yes Moore might win because in Alabama mostly there is no greater sin no greater enemy to have than being a Democrat

There have now been several women to come forward on Franken. All it amounts to are allegations but that's all that anyone has on Moore. With Franken, there happens to be photographic evidence. With Moore, it's just "he-said-she-said" and a lot of allegations of creepiness. We don't know what's true or false and there's no way to find out before the election.

Look.... this is Chapter 2 of the Democrats Dirty Tricks Handbook! When Chapter 1 fails (accuse them of racism and white supremacy), then move on to Chapter 2... have some woman "come forward" with allegations that can't be proved or disproved. They've done this over and over in recent years... Herman Cain... Ted Cruz... Donald Trump!

I just find it incredibly hard to believe this man (who I don't particularly care for) has had a 40 year political career, mostly as a controversial social conservative christian firebrand, and none of this has ever come out. It's supposedly this well known thing with the locals but the man won elections repeatedly by double-digits. Mitch McConnell spent $30 million on Luther Strange's campaign and didn't uncover any of this. It just doesn't pass the smell test! If these things were true, it would've come out before now.
He won elections because of the R after his name and the hate, the war Alabama has against dems
Oh, you po witto babieeeeeeees! Republicans are persecuting you!
I didn't realize Clinton raped Monica.
Just like a liberal..... Who implied rape? No one, it is justin your mind.

Clinton and Lewinsky had a consensual relationship, not sure why you are comparing that to a non-consensual encounter between a man in his 30s and a fourteen year old.
There is no real comparison to be made. The issue with Bill Clinton and Leweinsky is that he disgraced the office and lied under oath about it.

Yeah, he lied about a blow job, bfd.
Clearly you cannot understand what morals are. When you disrespect the highest office in the land by having sex out of wedlock, and then lie under oath about it, it certainly is a bfd. The fact that you don't think so is a sad example of what is wrong with people today. No way he should have done that.

Why would I care who the president is screwing unless he's some moralist a-hole?
The snowflakes have been gloating about Moore's chances, but the latest polls show their confidence is misplaced.

This is a Win-Either-Way for the Democrats.

1. Moore loses: the Democrats win.

2. Moore wins: hauled before Senate Ethics Cmte by GOP leadership; ejected in disgrace from Senate; the Democrats win.
Trump endorsed the guy who lost in Alabama. Pay attention.

I dont care who Trump endorsed. My point stands. the Wolf-Maddow-Tapper-Todd-View along with you (specifically) and your kind will collapse the USA. No good citizen will be willing to run through your web. Remember the "tickle fight" guy? I rest my case. I suggest you pay attention. Keep your own nose clean.

To you I offer Trump. Successful self-made billionaire businessman (globally). willing to drop it all in an attempt to clean up your mess.

Then I give you Clintons....Obama......etc. never had a real job. Never an honest days work. All they do is extract wealth from those who know how to create wealth.
OMG! Trump is NOT, I repeat: NOT self made. He inherited millions from his daddy. Clinton, on the other hand, grew up in a working class single parent home. He got himself through the best universities and won the presidency. He's similar to Abraham Lincoln in that sense. He pulled himself up by his bootstraps; whereas Trump inherited millions, lost millions, had 4 bankruptsies, which the American taxpaper pulled him out of, and is in NO WAY a self made man. It is laughable that you would think so.

Lincoln was a douchebag lobbyist for the railroads.

Trump was already a billionaire when his father passed away. He made his money the hard way. Only morons like you swallow the leftwing attempt to delegitimize him.

The hard way? Being handed $1.4 million to use as a developer? I'd hardly call that the hard way.
I dont care who Trump endorsed. My point stands. the Wolf-Maddow-Tapper-Todd-View along with you (specifically) and your kind will collapse the USA. No good citizen will be willing to run through your web. Remember the "tickle fight" guy? I rest my case. I suggest you pay attention. Keep your own nose clean.

To you I offer Trump. Successful self-made billionaire businessman (globally). willing to drop it all in an attempt to clean up your mess.

Then I give you Clintons....Obama......etc. never had a real job. Never an honest days work. All they do is extract wealth from those who know how to create wealth.
OMG! Trump is NOT, I repeat: NOT self made. He inherited millions from his daddy. Clinton, on the other hand, grew up in a working class single parent home. He got himself through the best universities and won the presidency. He's similar to Abraham Lincoln in that sense. He pulled himself up by his bootstraps; whereas Trump inherited millions, lost millions, had 4 bankruptsies, which the American taxpaper pulled him out of, and is in NO WAY a self made man. It is laughable that you would think so.

Lincoln was a douchebag lobbyist for the railroads.

Trump was already a billionaire when his father passed away. He made his money the hard way. Only morons like you swallow the leftwing attempt to delegitimize him.

He inherited millions decades ago. Trust me, he had a leg up.

He didn't inheret a thing until his father died, and he was already a billionaire at the time.
The snowflakes have been gloating about Moore's chances, but the latest polls show their confidence is misplaced.

This is a Win-Either-Way for the Democrats.

1. Moore loses: the Democrats win.

2. Moore wins: hauled before Senate Ethics Cmte by GOP leadership; ejected from Senate; the Democrats win.

He won't be ejected from the Senate, moron. The big losers here will be the establishment Republicans like McConnel. Hence their eagerness to denounce Moore.
I dont care who Trump endorsed. My point stands. the Wolf-Maddow-Tapper-Todd-View along with you (specifically) and your kind will collapse the USA. No good citizen will be willing to run through your web. Remember the "tickle fight" guy? I rest my case. I suggest you pay attention. Keep your own nose clean.

To you I offer Trump. Successful self-made billionaire businessman (globally). willing to drop it all in an attempt to clean up your mess.

Then I give you Clintons....Obama......etc. never had a real job. Never an honest days work. All they do is extract wealth from those who know how to create wealth.
OMG! Trump is NOT, I repeat: NOT self made. He inherited millions from his daddy. Clinton, on the other hand, grew up in a working class single parent home. He got himself through the best universities and won the presidency. He's similar to Abraham Lincoln in that sense. He pulled himself up by his bootstraps; whereas Trump inherited millions, lost millions, had 4 bankruptsies, which the American taxpaper pulled him out of, and is in NO WAY a self made man. It is laughable that you would think so.

Lincoln was a douchebag lobbyist for the railroads.

Trump was already a billionaire when his father passed away. He made his money the hard way. Only morons like you swallow the leftwing attempt to delegitimize him.

The hard way? Being handed $1.4 million to use as a developer? I'd hardly call that the hard way.

Yes, he was given a little bit of a grub stake. He turned that into billions. He didn't become a billionare because "he inherited millions."
...He won't be ejected from the Senate, moron. The big losers here will be the establishment Republicans like McConnel. Hence their eagerness to denounce Moore.
Is there a psychiatrist in the house? The Queen of Denial here could use a little work.
:Why would he ask God to save him from something he didn't do?
9 women say he did but you'd believe a sleeze bag like Moore ?? You are a Rebublican

Doesn't this happen each and every time? A few women say BS, and after it hits the media, more and more seem to crawl out of the woodwork?
They're afraid to be the only one to come out BUT when they see others they lose that fear The only reason Moore gets any votes is because he has an R after his name and says he is a christian .... politics above country

No, I think I would vote for him too if he was running in my state. I get so sick of these unproven allegations destroying people's lives and careers. They've done it to sports figures, they've done it to people in the entertainment world, and now they're doing it to politicians.

And in each and every case, we get the same ole "They were scared to come out" instead of that slight possibility that these women were lying, and only wanted to see their names in the paper or even a television interview.

There is no right or wrong here. Some make claims with no proof and the other denies the claims. Nobody knows who is right. We weren't there. However there are some fishy things going on in these stories that gives me reason to believe they were made up.
So you believe they get personal gain from coming out against a molester? Really?

I believe some big Dim donors are paying them.

To you I offer Trump. Successful self-made billionaire businessman (globally). willing to drop it all in an attempt to clean up your mess.

Then I give you Clintons....Obama......etc. never had a real job. Never an honest days work. All they do is extract wealth from those who know how to create wealth.
OMG! Trump is NOT, I repeat: NOT self made. He inherited millions from his daddy. Clinton, on the other hand, grew up in a working class single parent home. He got himself through the best universities and won the presidency. He's similar to Abraham Lincoln in that sense. He pulled himself up by his bootstraps; whereas Trump inherited millions, lost millions, had 4 bankruptsies, which the American taxpaper pulled him out of, and is in NO WAY a self made man. It is laughable that you would think so.

Lincoln was a douchebag lobbyist for the railroads.

Trump was already a billionaire when his father passed away. He made his money the hard way. Only morons like you swallow the leftwing attempt to delegitimize him.

He inherited millions decades ago. Trust me, he had a leg up.

He didn't inheret a thing until his father died, and he was already a billionaire at the time.

Sure, kid. Let's pretend daddy didn't help out his son when he was alive.

Trump’s false claim he built his empire with a ‘small loan’ from his father
The snowflakes have been gloating about Moore's chances, but the latest polls show their confidence is misplaced.

Alabama’s Republican Senate candidate and former Chief Justice Roy Moore has come under increasingly heavy fire in recent weeks after accusations of sexual misconduct on his part with teenage girls that is alleged to have occurred roughly 40 years ago.

Moore has steadfastly and vehemently denied the allegations against him, even as the mainstream media, Democrats and even many Republicans have seemingly already convicted him in the court of public opinion, demanding he step aside from the special senatorial election.

Yet, despite the flurry of unverifiable attacks on Moore’s reputation and credibility — or perhaps because of them — Moore is still leading his Democrat opponent Doug Jones in a major statewide poll, according to The Daily Caller.

Rather than see his support plummet to near zero, as the forces aligned against him seemed to think would happen, Moore still enjoys a six-point lead in a broad survey of 3,000 likely voters in the state’s special election. And that has to be scaring Democrats.

Fox News Poll: Jones leads Moore by 8 points in Alabama Senate race

Poll: Moore trails Jones in Alabama Senate race

Poll: Moore trails Jones in Alabama Senate race

All three of those sources claim Doug Jones is 8 points ahead of Moore.
The timing is a coincidence. It has to do with #MeToo. It isn't just Republicans who are being accused. It isn't just him.

It's more than a coincidence and if you don't believe it is then you're stupid. This has ZERO to do with some hashtag or trend. It's typical Democrat dirty tricks on the eve of an election... just like they did going back to Clarence Thomas. It's been done over and over and it follows the same exact pattern.

To date, there is NO clear evidence against Roy Moore for anything illegal. There is one woman (52) who claims he fondled her when she was 14... 38 years ago. We don't know if that allegation is true or not. We're not going to find out before the election. In addition, we have all these assorted other allegations from other women but none of them are accusations of anything illegal, just creepy as fuck, which isn't a crime... even if they are telling the truth.

Again... I don't know what's true or not true. I think it's highly suspicious all these allegations are just now surfacing on Moore. I explained why I think it's suspicious and again, you don't have to agree with me... that's MY opinion. I think this is a load of crap and he's being smeared by Democrats who knew they had no shot at this seat.
There is no conspiracy. People who believe in conspiracies are people who don't have any critical thinking skills. It has to do with MeToo, completely. It isn't just Republicans who are being accused.

The whoie "Russian collusion" thing is the biggest conspiricy ever conjured, and snowflakes believe it to the last man.
9 women say he did but you'd believe a sleeze bag like Moore ?? You are a Rebublican

Doesn't this happen each and every time? A few women say BS, and after it hits the media, more and more seem to crawl out of the woodwork?
They're afraid to be the only one to come out BUT when they see others they lose that fear The only reason Moore gets any votes is because he has an R after his name and says he is a christian .... politics above country

No, I think I would vote for him too if he was running in my state. I get so sick of these unproven allegations destroying people's lives and careers. They've done it to sports figures, they've done it to people in the entertainment world, and now they're doing it to politicians.

And in each and every case, we get the same ole "They were scared to come out" instead of that slight possibility that these women were lying, and only wanted to see their names in the paper or even a television interview.

There is no right or wrong here. Some make claims with no proof and the other denies the claims. Nobody knows who is right. We weren't there. However there are some fishy things going on in these stories that gives me reason to believe they were made up.
So you believe they get personal gain from coming out against a molester? Really?

I believe some big Dim donors are paying them.
did you believe the same about B Clintons accusers?

To you I offer Trump. Successful self-made billionaire businessman (globally). willing to drop it all in an attempt to clean up your mess.

Then I give you Clintons....Obama......etc. never had a real job. Never an honest days work. All they do is extract wealth from those who know how to create wealth.
OMG! Trump is NOT, I repeat: NOT self made. He inherited millions from his daddy. Clinton, on the other hand, grew up in a working class single parent home. He got himself through the best universities and won the presidency. He's similar to Abraham Lincoln in that sense. He pulled himself up by his bootstraps; whereas Trump inherited millions, lost millions, had 4 bankruptsies, which the American taxpaper pulled him out of, and is in NO WAY a self made man. It is laughable that you would think so.

Lincoln was a douchebag lobbyist for the railroads.

Trump was already a billionaire when his father passed away. He made his money the hard way. Only morons like you swallow the leftwing attempt to delegitimize him.

The hard way? Being handed $1.4 million to use as a developer? I'd hardly call that the hard way.

Yes, he was given a little bit of a grub stake. He turned that into billions. He didn't become a billionare because "he inherited millions."

A little bit of a grub stake? $1.4 million is a pretty good grub stake.

And it was certainly not making his money "the hard way".

To you I offer Trump. Successful self-made billionaire businessman (globally). willing to drop it all in an attempt to clean up your mess.

Then I give you Clintons....Obama......etc. never had a real job. Never an honest days work. All they do is extract wealth from those who know how to create wealth.
OMG! Trump is NOT, I repeat: NOT self made. He inherited millions from his daddy. Clinton, on the other hand, grew up in a working class single parent home. He got himself through the best universities and won the presidency. He's similar to Abraham Lincoln in that sense. He pulled himself up by his bootstraps; whereas Trump inherited millions, lost millions, had 4 bankruptsies, which the American taxpaper pulled him out of, and is in NO WAY a self made man. It is laughable that you would think so.

Lincoln was a douchebag lobbyist for the railroads.

Trump was already a billionaire when his father passed away. He made his money the hard way. Only morons like you swallow the leftwing attempt to delegitimize him.

The hard way? Being handed $1.4 million to use as a developer? I'd hardly call that the hard way.

Yes, he was given a little bit of a grub stake. He turned that into billions. He didn't become a billionare because "he inherited millions."

Dems and their math skills! Can't they see that if a guy inherits a million, in order to become a billionaire, he has to increase that million one thousand times. Go-getters manage to do that. Democreeps get theirs by taxing people to death.
To you I offer Trump. Successful self-made billionaire businessman (globally). willing to drop it all in an attempt to clean up your mess.

Then I give you Clintons....Obama......etc. never had a real job. Never an honest days work. All they do is extract wealth from those who know how to create wealth.
OMG! Trump is NOT, I repeat: NOT self made. He inherited millions from his daddy. Clinton, on the other hand, grew up in a working class single parent home. He got himself through the best universities and won the presidency. He's similar to Abraham Lincoln in that sense. He pulled himself up by his bootstraps; whereas Trump inherited millions, lost millions, had 4 bankruptsies, which the American taxpaper pulled him out of, and is in NO WAY a self made man. It is laughable that you would think so.

Lincoln was a douchebag lobbyist for the railroads.

Trump was already a billionaire when his father passed away. He made his money the hard way. Only morons like you swallow the leftwing attempt to delegitimize him.

The hard way? Being handed $1.4 million to use as a developer? I'd hardly call that the hard way.

Yes, he was given a little bit of a grub stake. He turned that into billions. He didn't become a billionare because "he inherited millions."

A little bit of a grub stake? $1.4 million is a pretty good grub stake.

And it was certainly not making his money "the hard way".

He turned it into billions. Most people would just piss it away.

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