New Roy Moore Poll Numbers Have to Be Scaring Democrats

The snowflakes have been gloating about Moore's chances, but the latest polls show their confidence is misplaced.

Alabama’s Republican Senate candidate and former Chief Justice Roy Moore has come under increasingly heavy fire in recent weeks after accusations of sexual misconduct on his part with teenage girls that is alleged to have occurred roughly 40 years ago.

Moore has steadfastly and vehemently denied the allegations against him, even as the mainstream media, Democrats and even many Republicans have seemingly already convicted him in the court of public opinion, demanding he step aside from the special senatorial election.

Yet, despite the flurry of unverifiable attacks on Moore’s reputation and credibility — or perhaps because of them — Moore is still leading his Democrat opponent Doug Jones in a major statewide poll, according to The Daily Caller.

Rather than see his support plummet to near zero, as the forces aligned against him seemed to think would happen, Moore still enjoys a six-point lead in a broad survey of 3,000 likely voters in the state’s special election. And that has to be scaring Democrats.

As ususal the never looking forward DUMBASS'S are out in force.

If Roy Moore is elected, these 4 girls become the poster girls of the Democrat party, and they'll burn your house down in 2018--2020 & beyond. This country would never tolerate a child molester holding a Senate seat or any other.


Leigh Corfman, left, in a photo from 1979, when she was about 14. At right, from top, Wendy Miller around age 16, Debbie Wesson Gibson around age 17 and Gloria Thacker Deason around age 18. (Family photos)
Woman says Roy Moore initiated sexual encounter when she was 14, he was 32

It's very SCARY to think that Alabama Republicans hold the FATE of the entire Republican party, in their hands, but they do. If they sit this one out, and don't vote, or vote or a write in candidate, they risk installing Roy Moore in the Senate--and then the real investigation, the real news cycle begins. So their only option is to vote for the Democrat to insure that Roy Moore does not win this seat.

But I imagine they're too stupid to figure than one out.


These girls, now women DID NOT come forward they were FOUND by the Washington post, indicating that formal complaints were filed against Roy Moore, possibly decades ago, that were probably ignored because of his status as a District Attorney. So at your peril, this deck of cards has not been played out yet.
Why don't you tell us YOUR position on Roy Moore. Are you scared?

Well I supported Mo Brooks in the primary. When all of this first came out, I had pretty much decided that I just wouldn't vote in this election.... BUT... Now that I am seeing what is really going on, how this is a sleazy political smear campaign by Democrats.... I plan to vote for Moore. So congratulations! You just garnered Moore a vote that he didn't have before! Well done!
You're a retard. Impeachment is an indictment. No one is found guilty by impeachment.

Impeachment is the result of being found guilty. Sorry asswipe.
You're a retard. Impeachment is an indictment. No one is found guilty by impeachment.

Impeachment is the result of being found guilty. Sorry asswipe.
noun: impeachment; plural noun: impeachments
  1. the action of calling into question the integrity or validity of something.
    "the prosecutor's detailed impeachment of the character witness"
    • US
      a charge of misconduct made against the holder of a public office.
      "the president is facing impeachment over the scandal"
    • British
      a charge of treason or another crime against the state.
      "the king cynically abandoned him, encouraging his impeachment"
Why don't you tell us YOUR position on Roy Moore. Are you scared?

Well I supported Mo Brooks in the primary. When all of this first came out, I had pretty much decided that I just wouldn't vote in this election.... BUT... Now that I am seeing what is really going on, how this is a sleazy political smear campaign by Democrats.... I plan to vote for Moore. So congratulations! You just garnered Moore a vote that he didn't have before! Well done!

lol, so you have no integrity. Shut up then.
If Roy Moore is elected, these 4 girls become the poster girls of the Democrat party,

You go right ahead with that plan! Keep on with the identity politics and trying to smear people because you can't debate them in the arena of ideas! We'll continue to watch the Democrat hemorrhage seats in state, local and national legislatures. People are sick of your shit!
Why don't you tell us YOUR position on Roy Moore. Are you scared?

Well I supported Mo Brooks in the primary. When all of this first came out, I had pretty much decided that I just wouldn't vote in this election.... BUT... Now that I am seeing what is really going on, how this is a sleazy political smear campaign by Democrats.... I plan to vote for Moore. So congratulations! You just garnered Moore a vote that he didn't have before! Well done!

lol, so you have no integrity. Shut up then.

Yup, you loons sure do set a high benchmark for integrity.
Why don't you tell us YOUR position on Roy Moore. Are you scared?

Well I supported Mo Brooks in the primary. When all of this first came out, I had pretty much decided that I just wouldn't vote in this election.... BUT... Now that I am seeing what is really going on, how this is a sleazy political smear campaign by Democrats.... I plan to vote for Moore. So congratulations! You just garnered Moore a vote that he didn't have before! Well done!

lol, so you have no integrity. Shut up then.
Integrity is not a word in Republicans dictionary
You're a retard. Impeachment is an indictment. No one is found guilty by impeachment.

Impeachment is the result of being found guilty. Sorry asswipe.
You're a retard. Impeachment is an indictment. No one is found guilty by impeachment.

Impeachment is the result of being found guilty. Sorry asswipe.
noun: impeachment; plural noun: impeachments
  1. the action of calling into question the integrity or validity of something.
    "the prosecutor's detailed impeachment of the character witness"
    • US
      a charge of misconduct made against the holder of a public office.
      "the president is facing impeachment over the scandal"
    • British
      a charge of treason or another crime against the state.
      "the king cynically abandoned him, encouraging his impeachment"

LMFAO... there is not one damn thing in your definition of impeachment about being found not guilty of something. That was your claim, bucko! So you are WRONG as usual! Thanks!
What am I a hypocrite about? Clinton was investigated. Ken Starr spent nearly $80 million taxpayer dollars investigating him.

No, he was not investigated over sexual misconduct. He lied under oath in a sexual misconduct case against him and that's what got him impeached. You're a hypocrite because you never called him out over allegations like you're doing now with Moore. And apparently, you're STILL refusing to call him out! Dozens of women are on record stating that he sexually molested them! One claims he outright raped her! Another claims he tried to rape her but she got away! These are serious allegations.... but the same standard doesn't seem to apply in your book. You're a HYPOCRITE!
Yes, he was impeached for lying, BUT they investigated the sexual behavior, otherwise there would have been nothing to lie about, DUH. He was investigated for everything he ever did.

What dozens of women? And why do you not see he is no longer relevant. It is who is in office now that are relevant.
Why don't you tell us YOUR position on Roy Moore. Are you scared?

Well I supported Mo Brooks in the primary. When all of this first came out, I had pretty much decided that I just wouldn't vote in this election.... BUT... Now that I am seeing what is really going on, how this is a sleazy political smear campaign by Democrats.... I plan to vote for Moore. So congratulations! You just garnered Moore a vote that he didn't have before! Well done!

lol, so you have no integrity. Shut up then.

Yup, you loons sure do set a high benchmark for integrity.

I'm not the one trying to ram Moore into the Senate, nor am I trying to keep Franken there. So fuck off liar.
Why don't you tell us YOUR position on Roy Moore. Are you scared?

Well I supported Mo Brooks in the primary. When all of this first came out, I had pretty much decided that I just wouldn't vote in this election.... BUT... Now that I am seeing what is really going on, how this is a sleazy political smear campaign by Democrats.... I plan to vote for Moore. So congratulations! You just garnered Moore a vote that he didn't have before! Well done!

lol, so you have no integrity. Shut up then.

Yup, you loons sure do set a high benchmark for integrity.

I'm not the one trying to ram Moore into the Senate, nor am I trying to keep Franken there. So fuck off liar.

You loons seem to have your panties in a bunch today. An awful lot of leftie comments seem to consist of "fuck off" and "liar".
Yes, he was impeached for lying, BUT they investigated the sexual behavior, otherwise there would have been nothing to lie about, DUH. He was investigated for everything he ever did.

What dozens of women? And why do you not see he is no longer relevant. It is who is in office now that are relevant.

No, they did not investigate the sexual behavior because his personal sex life was not the issue... there was no crime. It's relevant to show your hypocrisy.... I'm not trying to indict Clinton. And yeah, I see how your ethics work... when it's a Republican today, that's all that matters! We can forget about Ted Kennedy or JFK... We can forget about Clinton or Barney Frank or Menendez or Franken.. nah... none of that matters anymore!
Yes, he was impeached for lying, BUT they investigated the sexual behavior, otherwise there would have been nothing to lie about, DUH. He was investigated for everything he ever did.

What dozens of women? And why do you not see he is no longer relevant. It is who is in office now that are relevant.

No, they did not investigate the sexual behavior because his personal sex life was not the issue... there was no crime. It's relevant to show your hypocrisy.... I'm not trying to indict Clinton. And yeah, I see how your ethics work... when it's a Republican today, that's all that matters! We can forget about Ted Kennedy or JFK... We can forget about Clinton or Barney Frank or Menendez or Franken.. nah... none of that matters anymore!
If they hadn't investigated him for sexual behavior how the hell did Lewinsky come up? JHC. You are worthless. Only concerned with accusing me of something of which you actually have no idea. You refuse to think logically.

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