New Roy Moore Poll Numbers Have to Be Scaring Democrats

Maybe those other republicans weren't as bs god fearing as Moore? He would have been better off admitting and asking to be saved....imo

Again... the point is... he is supposedly this well-know creeper about town! He was hanging out at the mall trying to pick up teen girls and such! Dating high schoolers and signing their yearbooks! All of this was supposedly well known for years... yet none of it was ever brought up during the many campaigns where he presented himself as this "holier-than-thou" christian?

I don't know if he is guilty or not but that sounds very VERY strange to me. Particularly, the timing of all this.... on the eve of an election when it's too late to remove him from the ballot. Again-- McConnell and the Washington Establishment just spent $30 million trying to defeat him in the primaries..... not a peep of this! Nothing! No allegations, no rumors, no hint of improper behavior.... not a damn thing!

I don't buy it! Sorry!
Do you, .like the Gov of Alabama, believe the women but will still not vote against him?
anyone who thinks Roy Moore won't whup Doug Jones' ass is delusional!
We all know of the hate repubs have for dems so you could be right I'm hoping people with a brain vote against that Moore POS
I pray Alabama pulls a 2016 on the establishment and their media.
only 5% and 8% Hill was a bigger favorite to win and she did actually get 3 or 4 million votes Of course Rump said he won those general votes too
Why would this scare the Dems? This is the best thing that could happen. Elect a child molester the faces of each of those girls will be in ads for the Dems during the election. Most states are not like Alabama and do not approve or such actions.

What's worse...Conservatives electing an "ACCUSED" child molester or Liberals electing a mentally disturbed man in a dress in VA?

electing a child molester is way worse. Not everyone is the country is a homophobic moron like you.
It has come out because of #MeToo. That's where all of this is coming from: women are feeling emboldened to speak out because others are also speaking out. That's the bottom line. Nothing, actually, to do with politics; not a political conspiracy.

Wow... well I guess it's too bad we didn't have #MeToo when Bill Clinton's campaign had to assign staff to handle the countless "bimbo eruptions" back then? Maybe those allegations would've been taken more seriously as opposed to being summarily dismissed as partisan political conspiracy.

Stop, stop, stop deflecting by bringing up Clinton. JHC get a grip.
Maybe those other republicans weren't as bs god fearing as Moore? He would have been better off admitting and asking to be saved....imo

Again... the point is... he is supposedly this well-know creeper about town! He was hanging out at the mall trying to pick up teen girls and such! Dating high schoolers and signing their yearbooks! All of this was supposedly well known for years... yet none of it was ever brought up during the many campaigns where he presented himself as this "holier-than-thou" christian?

I don't know if he is guilty or not but that sounds very VERY strange to me. Particularly, the timing of all this.... on the eve of an election when it's too late to remove him from the ballot. Again-- McConnell and the Washington Establishment just spent $30 million trying to defeat him in the primaries..... not a peep of this! Nothing! No allegations, no rumors, no hint of improper behavior.... not a damn thing!

I don't buy it! Sorry!
The timing is a coincidence. It has to do with #MeToo. It isn't just Republicans who are being accused. It isn't just him.
It has come out because of #MeToo. That's where all of this is coming from: women are feeling emboldened to speak out because others are also speaking out. That's the bottom line. Nothing, actually, to do with politics; not a political conspiracy.

Wow... well I guess it's too bad we didn't have #MeToo when Bill Clinton's campaign had to assign staff to handle the countless "bimbo eruptions" back then? Maybe those allegations would've been taken more seriously as opposed to being summarily dismissed as partisan political conspiracy.

Stop, stop, stop deflecting by bringing up Clinton. JHC get a grip.

It's not deflecting to point out your clear hypocrisy.
Sorry dear... don't be a fucking hypocrite and I won't have to point it out!
Maybe those other republicans weren't as bs god fearing as Moore? He would have been better off admitting and asking to be saved....imo

Again... the point is... he is supposedly this well-know creeper about town! He was hanging out at the mall trying to pick up teen girls and such! Dating high schoolers and signing their yearbooks! All of this was supposedly well known for years... yet none of it was ever brought up during the many campaigns where he presented himself as this "holier-than-thou" christian?

I don't know if he is guilty or not but that sounds very VERY strange to me. Particularly, the timing of all this.... on the eve of an election when it's too late to remove him from the ballot. Again-- McConnell and the Washington Establishment just spent $30 million trying to defeat him in the primaries..... not a peep of this! Nothing! No allegations, no rumors, no hint of improper behavior.... not a damn thing!

I don't buy it! Sorry!
Do you, .like the Gov of Alabama, believe the women but will still not vote against him?

How do you know that's what she really believes? Seems like a politically correct statement to make. This way she doesn't piss off Republican voters and she doesn't piss off the women vote.
Doesn't this happen each and every time? A few women say BS, and after it hits the media, more and more seem to crawl out of the woodwork?
They're afraid to be the only one to come out BUT when they see others they lose that fear The only reason Moore gets any votes is because he has an R after his name and says he is a christian .... politics above country

No, I think I would vote for him too if he was running in my state. I get so sick of these unproven allegations destroying people's lives and careers. They've done it to sports figures, they've done it to people in the entertainment world, and now they're doing it to politicians.

And in each and every case, we get the same ole "They were scared to come out" instead of that slight possibility that these women were lying, and only wanted to see their names in the paper or even a television interview.

There is no right or wrong here. Some make claims with no proof and the other denies the claims. Nobody knows who is right. We weren't there. However there are some fishy things going on in these stories that gives me reason to believe they were made up.
So you believe they get personal gain from coming out against a molester? Really?

Yes, I really do believe they would make up stories to be famous for a week or so. We live in a country of attention whores. It's like people that obsess on how many FaceBook friends they have or how many times a video they created was passed on. However most of the time it has to do with money. I mean, do you really think a celebrity like Bill Cosby needed to drug women up to have sex? The guy probably had a line of girls dying to meet him at his dressing room door every performance. He was one of the most popular and wealthiest entertainers of his time. If he wanted to cheat on his wife, all he had to do was snap his fingers and women would come running to him.
THINK Ray Personal gain coming out against some one who forced themselves on you some one who raped you or grabbed your meow? Oh yeah it'd make the news

I didn't say that. I said personal gain from being famous by making up such stories.

You (as a good liberal) automatically assume he's guilty without a shred of evidence. No evidence needed. Somebody just said something or another so it must have happened.
It has come out because of #MeToo. That's where all of this is coming from: women are feeling emboldened to speak out because others are also speaking out. That's the bottom line. Nothing, actually, to do with politics; not a political conspiracy.

Wow... well I guess it's too bad we didn't have #MeToo when Bill Clinton's campaign had to assign staff to handle the countless "bimbo eruptions" back then? Maybe those allegations would've been taken more seriously as opposed to being summarily dismissed as partisan political conspiracy.

Stop, stop, stop deflecting by bringing up Clinton. JHC get a grip.

It's not deflecting to point out your clear hypocrisy.
Sorry dear... don't be a fucking hypocrite and I won't have to point it out!
What am I a hypocrite about? Clinton was investigated. Ken Starr spent nearly $80 million taxpayer dollars investigating him. His only crime was to lie about having an affair. Of anything else there were no criminal findings. It's over. It is over. When you bring it up now, you are just deflecting. Both of the Clintons have been investigated to the hilt and no crimes have been found. They are no longer relevant. Stop bringing it up: it is just deflection, very obvious deflection.
The timing is a coincidence. It has to do with #MeToo. It isn't just Republicans who are being accused. It isn't just him.

It's more than a coincidence and if you don't believe it is then you're stupid. This has ZERO to do with some hashtag or trend. It's typical Democrat dirty tricks on the eve of an election... just like they did going back to Clarence Thomas. It's been done over and over and it follows the same exact pattern.

To date, there is NO clear evidence against Roy Moore for anything illegal. There is one woman (52) who claims he fondled her when she was 14... 38 years ago. We don't know if that allegation is true or not. We're not going to find out before the election. In addition, we have all these assorted other allegations from other women but none of them are accusations of anything illegal, just creepy as fuck, which isn't a crime... even if they are telling the truth.

Again... I don't know what's true or not true. I think it's highly suspicious all these allegations are just now surfacing on Moore. I explained why I think it's suspicious and again, you don't have to agree with me... that's MY opinion. I think this is a load of crap and he's being smeared by Democrats who knew they had no shot at this seat.
The timing is a coincidence. It has to do with #MeToo. It isn't just Republicans who are being accused. It isn't just him.

It's more than a coincidence and if you don't believe it is then you're stupid. This has ZERO to do with some hashtag or trend. It's typical Democrat dirty tricks on the eve of an election... just like they did going back to Clarence Thomas. It's been done over and over and it follows the same exact pattern.

To date, there is NO clear evidence against Roy Moore for anything illegal. There is one woman (52) who claims he fondled her when she was 14... 38 years ago. We don't know if that allegation is true or not. We're not going to find out before the election. In addition, we have all these assorted other allegations from other women but none of them are accusations of anything illegal, just creepy as fuck, which isn't a crime... even if they are telling the truth.

Again... I don't know what's true or not true. I think it's highly suspicious all these allegations are just now surfacing on Moore. I explained why I think it's suspicious and again, you don't have to agree with me... that's MY opinion. I think this is a load of crap and he's being smeared by Democrats who knew they had no shot at this seat.
There is no conspiracy. People who believe in conspiracies are people who don't have any critical thinking skills. It has to do with MeToo, completely. It isn't just Republicans who are being accused.
What am I a hypocrite about? Clinton was investigated. Ken Starr spent nearly $80 million taxpayer dollars investigating him.

No, he was not investigated over sexual misconduct. He lied under oath in a sexual misconduct case against him and that's what got him impeached. You're a hypocrite because you never called him out over allegations like you're doing now with Moore. And apparently, you're STILL refusing to call him out! Dozens of women are on record stating that he sexually molested them! One claims he outright raped her! Another claims he tried to rape her but she got away! These are serious allegations.... but the same standard doesn't seem to apply in your book. You're a HYPOCRITE!
What am I a hypocrite about? Clinton was investigated. Ken Starr spent nearly $80 million taxpayer dollars investigating him.

No, he was not investigated over sexual misconduct. He lied under oath in a sexual misconduct case against him and that's what got him impeached. You're a hypocrite because you never called him out over allegations like you're doing now with Moore. And apparently, you're STILL refusing to call him out! Dozens of women are on record stating that he sexually molested them! One claims he outright raped her! Another claims he tried to rape her but she got away! These are serious allegations.... but the same standard doesn't seem to apply in your book. You're a HYPOCRITE!

He was found not guilty in the trial in the Senate.
There is no conspiracy.

I didn't say it was a "conspiracy"'s political dirty tricks. There is no conspiring, it's a tactic used often by Democrats when they can win legitimately. Your idiotic notion this is all about some popular hashtag is laughable... like women weren't coming out of the woodworks to make accusations like this until just a few weeks ago when this hashtag appeared! LMFAO! What rock have you been living under the past 40 years?
What am I a hypocrite about? Clinton was investigated. Ken Starr spent nearly $80 million taxpayer dollars investigating him.

No, he was not investigated over sexual misconduct. He lied under oath in a sexual misconduct case against him and that's what got him impeached. You're a hypocrite because you never called him out over allegations like you're doing now with Moore. And apparently, you're STILL refusing to call him out! Dozens of women are on record stating that he sexually molested them! One claims he outright raped her! Another claims he tried to rape her but she got away! These are serious allegations.... but the same standard doesn't seem to apply in your book. You're a HYPOCRITE!

How do you know what Esmeralda did 20 years ago?

Why don't you tell us YOUR position on Roy Moore. Are you scared?
They're afraid to be the only one to come out BUT when they see others they lose that fear The only reason Moore gets any votes is because he has an R after his name and says he is a christian .... politics above country

No, I think I would vote for him too if he was running in my state. I get so sick of these unproven allegations destroying people's lives and careers. They've done it to sports figures, they've done it to people in the entertainment world, and now they're doing it to politicians.

And in each and every case, we get the same ole "They were scared to come out" instead of that slight possibility that these women were lying, and only wanted to see their names in the paper or even a television interview.

There is no right or wrong here. Some make claims with no proof and the other denies the claims. Nobody knows who is right. We weren't there. However there are some fishy things going on in these stories that gives me reason to believe they were made up.
So you believe they get personal gain from coming out against a molester? Really?

Yes, I really do believe they would make up stories to be famous for a week or so. We live in a country of attention whores. It's like people that obsess on how many FaceBook friends they have or how many times a video they created was passed on. However most of the time it has to do with money. I mean, do you really think a celebrity like Bill Cosby needed to drug women up to have sex? The guy probably had a line of girls dying to meet him at his dressing room door every performance. He was one of the most popular and wealthiest entertainers of his time. If he wanted to cheat on his wife, all he had to do was snap his fingers and women would come running to him.
THINK Ray Personal gain coming out against some one who forced themselves on you some one who raped you or grabbed your meow? Oh yeah it'd make the news

I didn't say that. I said personal gain from being famous by making up such stories.

You (as a good liberal) automatically assume he's guilty without a shred of evidence. No evidence needed. Somebody just said something or another so it must have happened.
Guilty of these charges or not ,,,,the guy was a pos before being accused

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