New Roy Moore Poll Numbers Have to Be Scaring Democrats

Roy Moore spent long periods in solitude. A compulsive sexual predator is not able to do so.
Pedophile... Child Predator... same-same... stop splitting hairs, Princess... it's not doing your cause the slightest bit of good.

Nah... not really the same thing at all.
For the record, Bill Clinton was 42 (not 32) when Monica was 14.

I personally hope you guys continue to try and make THIS an issue. I'm willing to bet there are a lot more kiddie-diddling skeletons in your closets than ours. It will unavoidably embarrassing when those start tumbling out. And count on it, they're going to!
Young Republican Federation of Alabama suspends support for Roy Moore's Senate candidacy.

The snowflakes have been gloating about Moore's chances, but the latest polls show their confidence is misplaced.

After the disastrous way the polls turned out for the Dems in 2016, not sure why they are hanging their hats on them yet again? That said, While not thrilled by some of the answers Moore gave in questioning, I keep reminding myself that all these allegations are decades old, come at a highly suspicious timing, and have as yet, NO PROOF to back any of them up. No Harvey Weinstein, what kept all these women quiet for so many years until the Wash. Post found them??

Funny though that while innocent until proven guilty, the GOP cannot jump ship on him fast enough, while many (including Franken) still defend THAT guy and he has already been shown GUILTY. Always entertaining how while the Dems paddle downstream, the GOP still insists on making life as hard for themselves as possible!
Pedophile... Child Predator... same-same... stop splitting hairs, Princess... it's not doing your cause the slightest bit of good.

Nah... not really the same thing at all.
For the record, Bill Clinton was 42 (not 32) when Monica was 14.

I personally hope you guys continue to try and make THIS an issue. I'm willing to bet there are a lot more kiddie-diddling skeletons in your closets than ours. It will unavoidably embarrassing when those start tumbling out. And count on it, they're going to!

Well then they all need outed and need to go regardless of party. Why is that so tough?
Pedophile... Child Predator... same-same... stop splitting hairs, Princess... it's not doing your cause the slightest bit of good.

Nah... not really the same thing at all.
For the record, Bill Clinton was 42 (not 32) when Monica was 14.

I personally hope you guys continue to try and make THIS an issue. I'm willing to bet there are a lot more kiddie-diddling skeletons in your closets than ours. It will unavoidably embarrassing when those start tumbling out. And count on it, they're going to!

Well then they all need outed and need to go regardless of party. Why is that so tough?

Franken has no intention of leaving. Calling for an ethics investigation is a stall. That's why all the douchebags chimed in.
Pedophile... Child Predator... same-same... stop splitting hairs, Princess... it's not doing your cause the slightest bit of good.

Nah... not really the same thing at all.
For the record, Bill Clinton was 42 (not 32) when Monica was 14.

I personally hope you guys continue to try and make THIS an issue. I'm willing to bet there are a lot more kiddie-diddling skeletons in your closets than ours. It will unavoidably embarrassing when those start tumbling out. And count on it, they're going to!

Well then they all need outed and need to go regardless of party. Why is that so tough?

Franken has no intention of leaving. Calling for an ethics investigation is a stall. That's why all the douchebags chimed in.
Yeah! How dare he ask for an investigation! He should do what Republicans do! Deny! Deny! Deny! Right, Dennis Hastert?
Pedophile... Child Predator... same-same... stop splitting hairs, Princess... it's not doing your cause the slightest bit of good.

Nah... not really the same thing at all.
For the record, Bill Clinton was 42 (not 32) when Monica was 14.

I personally hope you guys continue to try and make THIS an issue. I'm willing to bet there are a lot more kiddie-diddling skeletons in your closets than ours. It will unavoidably embarrassing when those start tumbling out. And count on it, they're going to!

Well then they all need outed and need to go regardless of party. Why is that so tough?

Franken has no intention of leaving. Calling for an ethics investigation is a stall. That's why all the douchebags chimed in.

Exactly. Nothing more than a dog and pony show. And who is investigating the claims by these women for Moore?
Pedophile... Child Predator... same-same... stop splitting hairs, Princess... it's not doing your cause the slightest bit of good.

Nah... not really the same thing at all.
For the record, Bill Clinton was 42 (not 32) when Monica was 14.

I personally hope you guys continue to try and make THIS an issue. I'm willing to bet there are a lot more kiddie-diddling skeletons in your closets than ours. It will unavoidably embarrassing when those start tumbling out. And count on it, they're going to!

Well then they all need outed and need to go regardless of party. Why is that so tough?

Franken has no intention of leaving. Calling for an ethics investigation is a stall. That's why all the douchebags chimed in.
Yeah! How dare he ask for an investigation! He should do what Republicans do! Deny! Deny! Deny! Right, Dennis Hastert?

I've already demonstrated that these "investigations" are total shams. Franken should resign.
Pedophile... Child Predator... same-same... stop splitting hairs, Princess... it's not doing your cause the slightest bit of good.

Nah... not really the same thing at all.
For the record, Bill Clinton was 42 (not 32) when Monica was 14.

I personally hope you guys continue to try and make THIS an issue. I'm willing to bet there are a lot more kiddie-diddling skeletons in your closets than ours. It will unavoidably embarrassing when those start tumbling out. And count on it, they're going to!

Well then they all need outed and need to go regardless of party. Why is that so tough?

Franken has no intention of leaving. Calling for an ethics investigation is a stall. That's why all the douchebags chimed in.
Yeah! How dare he ask for an investigation! He should do what Republicans do! Deny! Deny! Deny! Right, Dennis Hastert?

Slick Willy is the maestro of that tactic.
Well then they all need outed and need to go regardless of party. Why is that so tough?

Oh, it's not tough.... So, essentially, whenever there is someone out there we don't particularly like or agree with politically, all we need to do is find some woman willing to blubber on camera about how he molested her when she was 14. I can see where this tactic might actually result in bipartisanship and cooperation among politicos. You won't be able to afford to piss anybody off anymore. Your representatives will just have to go along with the majority on things rather than represent your interests because this is how we're going to play the game now. Hope you're happy with that.
For the record, Bill Clinton was 42 (not 32) when Monica was 14.

Guess who Clinton didn't have sex with when she was 14?

Roy Moore didn't either.

True, he just took off her clothes and felt her up...I guess that does not really count as sex

I would expect a bit Moore after all I bought the chicken-fried steak plate, $1tip. Come on.

Edit: I can't help it. Chris L took off her slutty avatar naked pic after I mentioned it. Now she plays holy. WWJCD? I run the boards. I owm her.......battery going......
Nothing since the 10th from any of them. None lawyering up. They just made an allegation and ran off. Might be what they thought you to do, would explain allot.

Leigh Corfman: Claims Moore provided her with alcohol and sexually assaulted her when she was 14 (JAILBAIT)

Wendy Miller: Claims Moore asked her out on a date when she was 16 (LEGAL)

Debbie Wesson Gibson: Claims she dated Moore for roughly three months in 1981 when she was 17 (LEGAL)

Gloria Thacker Deason: Claims she dated Moore on-and-off again when she was 18 (LEGAL)

Beverly Young Nelson: Claims Moore sexually assaulted her in 1977 when she was 16 (LEGAL)

Tina Johnson: Claims Moore groped her in his office in 1991 when she was 28 (LEGAL)

Kelly Harrison Thorp: Claims Moore asked her out in 1982 when she was a 17 (LEGAL)

Gena Richardson: Claims Moore pursued her relentlessly in 1977 when she was an 18 (LEGAL)

Becky Gray: Claims Moore repeatedly asked her out on dates when she was 22 (LEGAL)

You see the problem with your stories here is only one girl was supposedly underage. And all we have there is her claiming something happened and him denying it. The other stories are only being added as embellishment and we have to objectively ask why that is? Could it be because the story of the underage girl is weak? It's been 38 years and she hasn't said anything about this before.

Now here is MY train of thought on this... had nothing else come out except the story about the 14 year old, I might have been inclined to believe the accuser and consider the allegation to be true. But it's the added barrage of other allegations along with the timing that blows it for you. You may have convinced me if you hadn't pulled that, but it was a dead give away. Now I'm gonna have to go vote for Roy Moore. I wasn't planning on it... probably wouldn't have... now I've got to. ...Way to go Dems!

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