New Roy Moore Poll Numbers Have to Be Scaring Democrats

Why would I care who the president is screwing unless he's some moralist a-hole?
Your attitude is why liberals are losing all over. In fact, you are a threat to this countries survival. Just look at the mess we are in now regarding sexual things. And you don't care.

When it comes to Monica Lewinsky? No, I don't care at all, it was completely consensual.

Now, with Trump it's not consensual. Same with Roy Moore, but somehow according to you their actions are the fault of liberals? Funny joke.

Consensual or not, Bubba's crime was committed in he Oval Office, fer chrissake!

What was the crime committed in the oval office?
BJ under the President's desk. That's a sin. Much worse than crime.

A BJ is a sin? Molesting a fourteen year old is what? Just a political inconvenience?
When it comes to Monica Lewinsky? No, I don't care at all, it was completely consensual.

Now, with Trump it's not consensual. Same with Roy Moore, but somehow according to you their actions are the fault of liberals? Funny joke.

Consensual or not, Bubba's crime was committed in he Oval Office, fer chrissake!

What was the crime committed in the oval office?
BJ under the President's desk. That's a sin. Much worse than crime.

They said Reagan had so much respect for the office of President he always wore a suit and tie even if nobody was going to be there. So I don't know if what Clinton did was a crime or a sin, but without a doubt, it was disrespect.


Give it a rest, it's a stupid right wing talking point that means nothing.



Saturday, November 18
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
President Trump Job Approval Gallup Approve 39, Disapprove 56 Disapprove +17
Friday, November 17
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
Alabama Senate Special Election - Moore vs. Jones Gravis Jones 47, Moore 42 Jones +5
President Trump Job Approval Harvard-Harris Approve 41, Disapprove 59 Disapprove +18
President Trump Job Approval Rasmussen Reports Approve 42, Disapprove 56 Disapprove +14
Direction of Country Harvard-Harris Right Direction 30, Wrong Track 58 Wrong Track +28
Thursday, November 16
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
Alabama Senate Special Election - Moore vs. Jones FOX News Jones 50, Moore 42 Jones +8

RealClearPolitics - 2017 Latest Polls

Oh yeah, that looks so scary for Democrats. LOL
Roy Moore assaulted Summer Zervos when she was underage? Wow. She sure does get around, eh?
I'm already convinced that you're an idiot. There's no need to double down on stupid.
Coming from you, I'll take that as High Praise.

Go ahead and continue to stand alongside an alleged Pedophile, fool - putting Party before Decency - you're digging a very deep hole for yourself.

Then again, there isn't much point in trying to warn One-Trick Ponies like you.
Go ahead and continue to stand alongside an alleged Pedophile, fool - putting Party before Decency - you're digging a very deep hole for yourself.

Wow... more of the same self-righteous indignation from hypocrites on the left!

Your party wrote the freaking book on putting party before decency! Who the hell do you think you are to lecture ANYBODY? You can't even master simple HONESTY! Moore hasn't been accused of pedophilia. A 14-year-old is not pre-pubescent. So if lying through your shit-stained teeth comes so easy for you, no telling what kind of sick perverted shit you're into. Go fuck yourself, moron!
Roy Moore assaulted Summer Zervos when she was underage? Wow. She sure does get around, eh?
I'm already convinced that you're an idiot. There's no need to double down on stupid.
Coming from you, I'll take that as High Praise.

Go ahead and continue to stand alongside an alleged Pedophile, fool - putting Party before Decency - you're digging a very deep hole for yourself.

Then again, there isn't much point in trying to warn One-Trick Ponies like you.

Another big fat lie. Moore isn't accused of being a pedophile, moron. Furthermore, it appears all his accusers are lying trailer trash. That's what you defend: the lowest kind of slander and libel.
Go ahead and continue to stand alongside an alleged Pedophile, fool - putting Party before Decency - you're digging a very deep hole for yourself.

Wow... more of the same self-righteous indignation from hypocrites on the left!

Your party wrote the freaking book on putting party before decency! Who the hell do you think you are to lecture ANYBODY? You can't even master simple HONESTY! Moore hasn't been accused of pedophilia. A 14-year-old is not pre-pubescent. So if lying through your shit-stained teeth comes so easy for you, no telling what kind of sick perverted shit you're into. Go fuck yourself, moron!

Some Republicans think these people can be reasoned with.
Actually, Moore winning is the best thing that could happen to dems. The more damage republicans do to themselves, the longer the democratic reign will be once this is all over. All they need to do is find some credible leaders and craft a palatable message and the republicans are boned, especially if net neutrality goes the way of the dinosaur. People will be SOO pissed about that just in itself. Introduce a republican "pedophile" to the senate, plus Trump, a tax plan that fucks the individual while jacking off corporations, and ... tada. Self-destructing republican party ahoy.

Part of me is going to enjoy it, but part of me is going to be sad, because I know the dems are only good right now in comparison to the atrocious and borderline sociopathic republicans in congress.
Go ahead and continue to stand alongside an alleged Pedophile, fool - putting Party before Decency - you're digging a very deep hole for yourself.

Wow... more of the same self-righteous indignation from hypocrites on the left!...
Good thing for me that I'm a Centrist, then, eh?

...Your party wrote the freaking book on putting party before decency! ...
Not my party... if a Dim-O-Crap gets caught pickin' on little kids, we can crucify him-her-it, as well...machts nichts.

...Who the hell do you think you are to lecture ANYBODY? ...
An American Citizen, expressing disgust at partisan hacks fighting a losing battle to protect a creep accused of Pedophilia by multiple, disconnected accusers.

...You can't even master simple HONESTY! Moore hasn't been accused of pedophilia. A 14-year-old is not pre-pubescent...
Pedophile... Child Predator... same-same... stop splitting hairs, Princess... it's not doing your cause the slightest bit of good.

Sick Puppies... like those Inbred Jeds who stand alongside him.

Amoral scum.
...So if lying through your shit-stained teeth comes so easy for you, no telling what kind of sick perverted shit you're into...
Irrelevant, little Cupcake.

...Go fuck yourself, moron!
You tell 'em, Princess.

Next slide, please.
I'm already convinced that you're an idiot. There's no need to double down on stupid.
Coming from you, I'll take that as High Praise.

Go ahead and continue to stand alongside an alleged Pedophile, fool - putting Party before Decency - you're digging a very deep hole for yourself.

Then again, there isn't much point in trying to warn One-Trick Ponies like you.

Another big fat lie. Moore isn't accused of being a pedophile, moron. Furthermore, it appears all his accusers are lying trailer trash. That's what you defend: the lowest kind of slander and libel.
You do not change the narrative by name-calling, Little One.
Roy Moore will be Alabama Senator in 2018, Roy Moore will become Senate Majority Leader in 2019, Roy Moore will be President Of The United States in 2025.

Why would this scare the Dems? This is the best thing that could happen. Elect a child molester the faces of each of those girls will be in ads for the Dems during the election. Most states are not like Alabama and do not approve or such actions.
Yer kinda stoopid, aincha? Here's a little free wisdom. Gloria Allred is a liar. The Washington Post lies. The New Yrok Times lies. And they are all YOUR ENEMY. You're welcome.

Sure buddy, this is on Roy Moore.
You mean like all those women the Post paraded just before the 2016 election? They were "on Trump", as I recall you saying. Where is they now, chump?

They are still out there, none of them have recanted. What would you prefer they do?
Press charges?
Why would this scare the Dems? This is the best thing that could happen. Elect a child molester the faces of each of those girls will be in ads for the Dems during the election. Most states are not like Alabama and do not approve or such actions.

Why would this scare the Dems? This is the best thing that could happen. Elect a child molester the faces of each of those girls will be in ads for the Dems during the election. Most states are not like Alabama and do not approve or such actions.

Nothing since the 10th from any of them. None lawyering up. They just made an allegation and ran off. Might be what they thought you to do, would explain allot.

Leigh Corfman: Claims Moore provided her with alcohol and sexually assaulted her when she was 14 years old.

She claimed a 32-year-old Moore picked her up near her house in Gadsden, Ala., and drove her to a remote location in the woods, where he told her “how pretty she was and kissed her,” according to the Washington Post.

“On a second visit, she said, he took off her shirt and pants and removed his clothes. He touched her over her bra and underpants, she says, and guided her hand to touch him over his underwear,” the report added.

Wendy Miller: Claims Moore asked her out on a date when she was 16 years old and he was 32. Her mother said no.

Debbie Wesson Gibson: Claims she dated Moore for roughly three months in 1981 when she was 17 years old.

Gibson said he would read her poetry and serenade her with his guitar. She said he kissed her twice during the time they dated. He was 34 at the time.

Gloria Thacker Deason: Claims she dated Moore on-and-off again when she was 18 and he was 32 after an initial meeting at the Gadsden Mall in 1979.

Deason said their physical relationship never went further than kissing and hugging. Like Corfman, Deason also said Moore gave her alcohol on dates, even though she was below the legal drinking age.

Beverly Young Nelson: Claims Moore sexually assaulted her in 1977 when she was 16 years old.

Nelson worked as a waitress at a diner Moore frequented. She said Moore once offered to give her a ride home after her shift ended. Instead, she added, he parked his truck in the back of the diner and tried to force her to perform oral sex on him.

“I tried to open my car door to leave, but he reached over and he locked it so I could not get out,” Nelson said in a statement published this week. “I tried fighting him off while yelling at him to stop. But instead of stopping, he began squeezing my neck, attempting to force my head onto his crotch. I continued to struggle.”

“I was determined that I was not going to allow him to force me to have sex with him. I was terrified, he was also trying to pull my shirt off. I thought that he was going to rape me. I was twisting and struggling and I was begging him to stop. I had tears running down my face,” she added.

Moore was 30 years old at the time.

Tina Johnson: Claims Moore groped her in his office in 1991 when she was 28 years old.

"He kept commenting on my looks, telling me how pretty I was, how nice I looked," Johnson told the Birmingham News. "He was saying that my eyes were beautiful."

"I was thinking, can we hurry up and get out of here?" she added

Johnson said Moore repeatedly flirted with her and complimented her on her looks, saying things like he wondered if her children were as good looking as their mother.

She also alleged that as she turned to leave his office after their meeting, Moore grabbed her buttocks.

"He didn't pinch it; he grabbed it," said Johnson

Moore was 44 years old at the time.

Kelly Harrison Thorp: Claims Moore asked her out in 1982 when she was a 17-year-old waitress at Red Lobster.

She said Moore, who was 35 at the time, came into her restaurant one day, introduced himself and then immediately asked her out on a date.

"I just kind of said, 'Do you know how old I am?'" she recalled asking, according to the Birmingham News.

"And he said, 'Yeah. I go out with girls your age all the time.”

Gena Richardson: Claims Moore pursued her relentlessly in 1977 when she was an 18-year-old high school senior.

Richardson said she met Moore at the Gadsden Mall, where he asked her which school she attended. She said he also asked for her phone number, which she said she declined to give.

Richardson said he then called her when she was in trigonometry class and asked her out on a date. She said he called a few more times until she relented, and agreed to go to the movies with him.

After their first date, she said, Moore gave her an unsolicited, “forceful” kiss, which prompted her to break off further contact with him.

“It was a man kiss — like really deep tongue. Like very forceful tongue. It was a surprise. I’d never been kissed like that,” she says. “And the minute that happened, I got scared then,” she told the Post. “I really did. Something came over me that scared me. And so I said, ‘I’ve got to go because my curfew is now.’”

Becky Gray: Claims Moore repeatedly asked her out on dates when she was 22 years old he was 30.
Why would this scare the Dems? This is the best thing that could happen. Elect a child molester the faces of each of those girls will be in ads for the Dems during the election. Most states are not like Alabama and do not approve or such actions.
Yer kinda stoopid, aincha? Here's a little free wisdom. Gloria Allred is a liar. The Washington Post lies. The New Yrok Times lies. And they are all YOUR ENEMY. You're welcome.

Sure buddy, this is on Roy Moore.
You mean like all those women the Post paraded just before the 2016 election? They were "on Trump", as I recall you saying. Where is they now, chump?

They are still out there, none of them have recanted. What would you prefer they do?
Press charges?

3 words, you'll figure it out,
Yer kinda stoopid, aincha? Here's a little free wisdom. Gloria Allred is a liar. The Washington Post lies. The New Yrok Times lies. And they are all YOUR ENEMY. You're welcome.

Sure buddy, this is on Roy Moore.
You mean like all those women the Post paraded just before the 2016 election? They were "on Trump", as I recall you saying. Where is they now, chump?

They are still out there, none of them have recanted. What would you prefer they do?
Press charges?

3 words, you'll figure it out,
Happy Joy is a douche? No, wait, that's five words. HappyJoyis a douche?
Roy Moore will be Alabama Senator in 2018, Roy Moore will become Senate Majority Leader in 2019, Roy Moore will be President Of The United States in 2025.


Dude, can you share some of what you have been smoking? that has to be some good shit
Sure buddy, this is on Roy Moore.
You mean like all those women the Post paraded just before the 2016 election? They were "on Trump", as I recall you saying. Where is they now, chump?

They are still out there, none of them have recanted. What would you prefer they do?
Press charges?

3 words, you'll figure it out,
Happy Joy is a douche? No, wait, that's five words. HappyJoyis a douche?

Learn to count. Also, get a clue about the statute of limitations.

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