New Roy Moore Poll Numbers Have to Be Scaring Democrats

It's obvious we can count on you mental midgets to call ANY and ALL who oppose your agenda of destroying America "Sexual Predators", "Bigot" or whatever term you feel can best smear and disable the opposition.

Im just hoping America wises up and sees through all the BS before it's too late.

Because next they'll come for the guns and then they'll usher in a Hugo Chavez..which will lead to an American Maduro here at home. Leftist "Utopia"


Ms. Leeann Tweeden, you...

1, were born in 1973, in Virginia.

2, at 18, you moved to Hollywood, CA, secured a job at Hooters and sought to become a model.

3, after two decades of modeling you appeared nude in Playboy Magazine.

4, in 2008, recognizing you were once a 18, year old table server, you were named among "The Top Hooters Girls of all time."

5, 16 years ago you began working for the Fox Sports Network and have appeared on the Hannity show.

6, you claim that during a comedy USO show with Al Franken, as comedian (years before he became a Senator) and you as the sex symbol you felt uncomfortable over a kiss skit written in the script.

7, you do not claim that you ever demanded the script be re-written.

8, you are now a 44 year old ex-nude model with only a high school education.

No further questions your Honor. I ask the court to thank and excuse the "witness."

So your excuse for Franken's behavior is that his victim is a slut who deserved it?

How many times do I have to point out what a worthless piece of shit you are?
Here are the rules when it comes to sexual accusers:

If the accusation is against a Republican - the accusers are telling the truth. Why would they lie?
If the accusation is against a Democrat - the accusers are all "nuts and sluts". Whores lie!

lol, just as I was reading the above, on MSNBC they were running a clip of Trump calling his accusers liars. A lovely coincidence.

What's "lovely" about it? They were proven to be liars.
if Moore is defeated, Alabama is the victim.

If a far-left liberal Democrat Doug Jones is elected, America is the victim.
If far lefty Jones the obama-boy is elected he will spend his days filling Alabama up with immigrants. The true Alabamans will be outnumbered by plague infested africans.

Terror Babies, Obama holdovers and (AWWWWWKKK) PLAGUE INFESTED AFRICANS?

Alabama is DOOMED! :)

Ms. Leeann Tweeden, you...

1, were born in 1973, in Virginia.

2, at 18, you moved to Hollywood, CA, secured a job at Hooters and sought to become a model.

3, after two decades of modeling you appeared nude in Playboy Magazine.

4, in 2008, recognizing you were once a 18, year old table server, you were named among "The Top Hooters Girls of all time."

5, 16 years ago you began working for the Fox Sports Network and have appeared on the Hannity show.

6, you claim that during a comedy USO show with Al Franken, as comedian (years before he became a Senator) and you as the sex symbol you felt uncomfortable over a kiss skit written in the script.

7, you do not claim that you ever demanded the script be re-written.

8, you are now a 44 year old ex-nude model with only a high school education.

No further questions your Honor. I ask the court to thank and excuse the "witness."

So your excuse for Franken's behavior is that his victim is a slut who deserved it?

How many times do I have to point out what a worthless piece of shit you are?
FU where you breathe you little cock s....ker
If Crazy Roy Moore gets elected it will be a real inspiration to white males everywhere: you can do basically anything and get away with it! Follow your dreams, white men, your dirty predatory dreams! There’s no consequences!
I don't know if Moore is guilty or not and I hope he isn't.
I nor anyone I know would support a convicted pedophile or rapist. If Moore is found guilty I will be the first one to denounce him. It seems as though Liberals can make a charge, bring in Gloria Allred in and he'll be tried, convicted and hung in the public eye. It doesn't work that way.
Hoss It can't be proven in court You either believe ALL those ladies or they're all liars Your choice

Maybe so but when Gloria Allred gets her nose in it, I smell a skunk. And just today she wouldn't or couldn't produce the woman's original yearbook, not just the one with his supposed inscription and signature.
So who do you believe, Moore or 9 lying women?

I believe you don't have a fricken clue.
Thinker IF I had a f--k I wouldn't give it
Here are the rules when it comes to sexual accusers:

If the accusation is against a Republican - the accusers are telling the truth. Why would they lie?
If the accusation is against a Democrat - the accusers are all "nuts and sluts". Whores lie!

lol, just as I was reading the above, on MSNBC they were running a clip of Trump calling his accusers liars. A lovely coincidence.

What's "lovely" about it? They were proven to be liars.

Prove it, asshole.
"The hypocrisy of Washington has no bounds. So many denouncing Roy Moore when they are guilty of doing much worse than what he has been accused of supposedly doing. Shame on those hypocrites." - Franklin Graham
"The hypocrisy of Washington has no bounds. So many denouncing Roy Moore when they are guilty of doing much worse than what he has been accused of supposedly doing. Shame on those hypocrites." - Franklin Graham

If Roy Moore did these things,

a billion hypocrites won't undo them.
"The hypocrisy of Washington has no bounds. So many denouncing Roy Moore when they are guilty of doing much worse than what he has been accused of supposedly doing. Shame on those hypocrites." - Franklin Graham

LOL, yeah, let's all turn to a sleazy televangelist for pontification on the sin of hypocrisy.
I don't like myself for thinking this......but here it goes.

I saw Roy's wife. She was talking on TV. I don't know what she was saying. All I could focus on was very Dark roots, bad hair, massive false eyelashes. Why do they do that? And a big nose. There, I said it. Clean it up, Get back in the kitchen and cook. I should be jailed. But black roots? Come-on! Eyelashes like a ?....she may be nice, I don't know? May
Here are the rules when it comes to sexual accusers:

If the accusation is against a Republican - the accusers are telling the truth. Why would they lie?
If the accusation is against a Democrat - the accusers are all "nuts and sluts". Whores lie!

lol, just as I was reading the above, on MSNBC they were running a clip of Trump calling his accusers liars. A lovely coincidence.

What's "lovely" about it? They were proven to be liars.

Prove it, asshole.
More PROOF - NY Times Accuser Made Her Story Up About Trump's "Groping" - CONFIRMED!

HERE IT IS=> List of Debunked Groper Allegations by Corrupt Media Against Donald Trump

Trump campaign releases statement from accuser’s cousin

Breaking! Here Is The Proof The New York Times Trump Accuser Lied About The Sexual Assault

STUMPED: Lying Media Accidentally Confirm On Video That Trump Accusers Are Full Of Sh*t

Latest Trump Accuser Exposed and Debunked: That Didn’t Take Long, Did It?

#nextfaketrumpvictim hashtag on Twitter
Fox News has Jones up by 8. Gravis has Jones up by 5.

RealClearPolitics - 2017 Latest Polls

I wouldn't make too much of these numbers since the election is still a few weeks ago.

Hate to keep mentioning it but there's also the "Trump Effect" in play here. People who may very well be intending on voting for Moore might be reluctant to admit that to a pollster in light of the current atmosphere. That's precisely why the polls were so wrong on Trump and continue to be wrong. Polls don't always accurately reflect the voting intent of the general public.
Alabama will vote for Creepy Roy because he hates fags and loves Jesus

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