New Rule Announcement.

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Interesting, mods. I count two members so far (including me) that think this rule is a good idea. The people who complained about funny-trolling are laying low, aren't they?
Goddamn idiotic....How much of a bored, despotic, control freak do you have to be, to come up with such petty chickenshit?

Please, don't answer that.

Oh man, don't hit me with those negative waves so early in the morning.
You don't troll. You gonna do it just because it's a rule now?

I will dare a moderator to attempt to prove they can show malicious intent in my rating something as funny ...
Or whether or not they can accurately determine if I think something is funny.

Funny is subjective ... And where I may find something funny, someone else may not.
It is also true that I could be reading a post so ridiculous it makes me laugh ... And likewise reward it a funny.

They can make a rule ... If they want to punish me in light of what they think about what I do ...
Without any connection as to what it is I actually think ... They certainly can ... :thup:


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"Revenge Funnying"

Tis a sad day when a funny is a weapon of choice.
It's a sad day when pos. rep is considered a weapon. I encourage anyone with an itchy "funny" finger to lay it on me.....I won't cry about it.
You people don't get it! I want FUNNIES, Not "Thank you's" Not "funny and agree" Not "agree"....FUNNIES!!!!
Reverse psychology? Might just work on this crew.
Take the time to read the new USMB announcement in the sticky section above.

Addition to USMB Posting Guidelines.
I'm being stalked by a Mod or two. How do we deal with that?

Baz Ares Honestly, the best thing you can do is ignore him. The more you answer, the worse he gets. Ignore him completely.

About the OP, sounds like someone needs to grow up and recognize that the InterWebs don't revolve around their every little wish.

I do, almost all mods are mentally unstable.What can we do? e.g. See the Great Douche.
They never made the mark as leaders or respected for their input when spewed
on current issues. Even worse, when reviewing factual history.The last ones you ask for
information or solutions as they are proven defectives.

But really, Editing your posts, moving them and locking them when the post falls inside the rules.
Mostly over personal weaknesses in dealing with the real world that does not meet their
mentally weak imaginations on how thangs should be.
You don't troll. You gonna do it just because it's a rule now?

I will dare a moderator to attempt to prove they can show malicious intent in my rating something as funny ...
Or whether or not they can accurately determine if I think something is funny.

Funny is subjective ... And where I may find something funny, someone else may not.
It is also true that I could be reading a post so ridiculous it makes me laugh ... And likewise reward it a funny.

They can make a rule ... If they want to punish me in light of what they think about what I do ...
Without any connection as to what it is I actually think ... They certainly can ... :thup:


You should be a lawyer.
You should be a lawyer.

Hey, don't get offended over the funny I gave you ... I only laughed because a close friend recently told me I missed my calling and should go to law school.
Of course I then corrected them and said I only needed to pass the bar exam to practice law.
You should be a lawyer.

Hey, don't get offended over the funny I gave you ... I only laughed because a close friend recently told me I missed my calling and should go to law school.
Of course I then corrected them and said I only needed to pass the bar exam to practice law.
Of course I'm not offended. Maybe you should try the bar exam--it could always be a fallback second career for you.
Interesting, mods. I count two members so far (including me) that think this rule is a good idea. The people who complained about funny-trolling are laying low, aren't they?

The mods need to add a poll to a post if they want to close, move or lock the OP.
If it gets some fair 2/3 vote by readers to do some option. So be it.

Humor is not Trolling.
Sarcasm is not Trolling.

Trolling is offensive or provocative in some cases.
Slamming thangs as Trolling is used to many times to
justify a mods claims it's offensive or provocative in most cases.
WEAK! Do most really understand what trolling is?
I'm neither, but still deliberate to a point. I just post clear
precise views in many simple forms. Loose, but simple.grammer.
And most know, I'm right 99% of the time with my facts.
Unless punctuated as questioning the information found..
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You don't troll. You gonna do it just because it's a rule now?

I will dare a moderator to attempt to prove they can show malicious intent in my rating something as funny ...
Or whether or not they can accurately determine if I think something is funny.

Funny is subjective ... And where I may find something funny, someone else may not.
It is also true that I could be reading a post so ridiculous it makes me laugh ... And likewise reward it a funny.

They can make a rule ... If they want to punish me in light of what they think about what I do ...
Without any connection as to what it is I actually think ... They certainly can ... :thup:



Then you haven't read my 8 or 10 replies.. Go back and read them. Ain't about the funny button. It's about people using it for OBVIOUS malicious stalking and harassment. It's EASY to tell the diff. And I explained how it's being abused..

Got it? Were you around for the neg rep rule? Same deal. It was being used for stalking and harassment. There was a rule implemented then similar to this one.
Of course I'm not offended. Maybe you should try the bar exam--it could always be a fallback second career for you.

Thanks ... I am perfectly happy with my current career choices though.

I made the mistake of "chasing a shingle" in college (psychology).
Hated it by the time I graduated ... Hung my degree on the wall where it just requires dusting now.

Take the time to read the new USMB announcement in the sticky section above.

Addition to USMB Posting Guidelines.
I'm being stalked by a Mod or two. How do we deal with that?

Baz Ares Honestly, the best thing you can do is ignore him. The more you answer, the worse he gets. Ignore him completely.

About the OP, sounds like someone needs to grow up and recognize that the InterWebs don't revolve around their every little wish.

I do, almost all mods are mentally unstable.What can we do? e.g. See the Great Douche.
They never made the mark as leaders or respected for their input when spewed
on current issues. Even worse, when reviewing factual history.The last ones you ask for
information or solutions as they are proven defectives.

But really, Editing your posts, moving them and locking them when the post falls inside the rules.
Mostly over personal weaknesses in dealing with the real world that does not meet their
mentally weak imaginations on how thangs should be.

"What can we do?"

Nothing. Its their sandbox and they make the rules. Yes, they're one sided and unfair but there you are.

BlackSand said something about proving her intent but that really doesn't matter. What matters is that some little wuss couldn't take the heat and refused to get out of the kitchen.
You people don't make any sense and are completely illogical and insane.
Chris, you're just so obnoxious that you can't see why this makes sense.
Well, I see this as an opportunity for learning. Please explain to me why this makes sense, as clear and concisely as possible.

Also, please work into your response why you are bothered by people funny-ing your posts. I'm genuinely interested.

I want to know too!

I gotta tell ya... I think the day I get upset about being maliciously funnied is the same day I take my tablet and laptop out to the burn pile and burn that shit up.
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