New Rule Announcement.

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Then you haven't read my 8 or 10 replies.. Go back and read them. Ain't about the funny button. It's about people using it for OBVIOUS malicious stalking and harassment. It's EASY to tell the diff. And I explained how it's being abused..

Got it? Were you around for the neg rep rule? Same deal. It was being used for stalking and harassment. There was a rule implemented then similar to this one.

Every single time I push the funny button is because I find something funny for some reason or another.

It doesn't matter what you think is funny, obvious, nor however you would like to slice it ...
You don't know what I am thinking, nor why I do what I do ... Unless I tell you ... :thup:

Now you have the power to do whatever you want ...
But don't start suggesting you have some magical ability to correctly arrive at what it is I may actually think.

I was around during the "rep years", "rep wars" ... "Rep crying".
But seriously ... People crying about receiving a funny (a positive rating no less) ... Well, to me, that's funny.

Take the time to read the new USMB announcement in the sticky section above.

Addition to USMB Posting Guidelines.
Doesn't "Funny" ratings increase your positive ratings? If so, and I'm pretty sure it is, this seems completely silly.

Next usmb will be putting up a calm, safe forum for those skeered of the funny. Only sweet nothings allowed. All caps banned and no meanypants business.




I knew my elitist text-coloring would catch on. I like your choice in colors, by the way.'s giving my eyeballs cancer.
Then you haven't read my 8 or 10 replies.. Go back and read them. Ain't about the funny button. It's about people using it for OBVIOUS malicious stalking and harassment. It's EASY to tell the diff. And I explained how it's being abused..

Got it? Were you around for the neg rep rule? Same deal. It was being used for stalking and harassment. There was a rule implemented then similar to this one.

Every single time I push the funny button is because I find something funny for some reason or another.

It doesn't matter what you think is funny, obvious, nor however you would like to slice it ...
You don't know what I am thinking, nor why I do what I do ... Unless I tell you ... :thup:

Now you have the power to do whatever you want ...
But don't start suggesting you have some magical ability to correctly arrive at what it is I may actually think.

I was around during the "rep years", "rep wars" ... "Rep crying".
But seriously ... People crying about receiving a funny ... Well, to me, that's funny.


It wasn't just "rep crying".. Folks were being abused. There were a couple folks who would stalk their victims. Send them PMs every 15 minutes a couple hours before their 24 hour "neg rep" limit got renewed. Told them to watch the clock because it's coming. That's harassment. Not the enviro vibe we want for USMB.

You're not affected by this at all if you don't go postal and TARGET members with dozens of funnies on posts that are serious replies to threads. From the pattern and timing -- we can EASILY tell harassment from just incident taunting or genuine rep..
People get a funny from me if something makes me chuckle. I suppose if that insults them 'oh wells'.
Considering how easy it is to piss you off, Chris, I'm assuming you've not been trolled with funnies like the rule describes. That's probably because left wingers are more decent people than right wingers and they don't do that bullswallop.

I could copy and pasted my alerts and make you look foolish
I've never trolled you, Sassy. The rule is for....well read the thing, would ya?

You wrote this, no?

That's probably because left wingers are more decent people than right wingers and they don't do that bullswallop.

I'm here to tell ya left wingers do that "bullswallop" A couple of them to excess
I was actually being sarcastic. I'm sure there are left wingers who troll, too.

Newsflash: Sarcasm does not translate well on the internet.

You can say THAT again!
It wasn't just "rep crying".. Folks were being abused. There were a couple folks who would stalk their victims. Send them PMs every 15 minutes a couple hours before their 24 hour "neg rep" limit got renewed. Told them to watch the clock because it's coming. That's harassment. Not the enviro vibe we want for USMB.

You're not affected by this at all if you don't go postal and TARGET members with dozens of funnies on posts that are serious replies to threads. From the pattern and timing -- we can EASILY tell harassment from just incident taunting or genuine rep..

I was here ... I remember everything ... Including "rep abuse".
My attitude alone was enough to get some of the monkeys riled up and throwing their poop (neg reps my way).
I simply thanked them with a positive rep every time they did ... And it didn't take them long to get the message ... :thup:

Someone can cry about the knocks they receive ... Or find a way to defeat the obstacles in front of them.
I'll ask you if I need help figuring out what is going on with the avatars ... But never to defend me against an ass clown on the internet.


Then you haven't read my 8 or 10 replies.. Go back and read them. Ain't about the funny button. It's about people using it for OBVIOUS malicious stalking and harassment. It's EASY to tell the diff. And I explained how it's being abused..

Got it? Were you around for the neg rep rule? Same deal. It was being used for stalking and harassment. There was a rule implemented then similar to this one.

Every single time I push the funny button is because I find something funny for some reason or another.

It doesn't matter what you think is funny, obvious, nor however you would like to slice it ...
You don't know what I am thinking, nor why I do what I do ... Unless I tell you ... :thup:

Now you have the power to do whatever you want ...
But don't start suggesting you have some magical ability to correctly arrive at what it is I may actually think.

I was around during the "rep years", "rep wars" ... "Rep crying".
But seriously ... People crying about receiving a funny ... Well, to me, that's funny.


It wasn't just "rep crying".. Folks were being abused. There were a couple folks who would stalk their victims. Send them PMs every 15 minutes a couple hours before their 24 hour "neg rep" limit got renewed. Told them to watch the clock because it's coming. That's harassment. Not the enviro vibe we want for USMB.

You're not affected by this at all if you don't go postal and TARGET members with dozens of funnies on posts that are serious replies to threads. From the pattern and timing -- we can EASILY tell harassment from just incident taunting or genuine rep..

I'm just gonna be sneakier about my message board harrassing
Take the time to read the new USMB announcement in the sticky section above.

Addition to USMB Posting Guidelines.
Doesn't "Funny" ratings increase your positive ratings? If so, and I'm pretty sure it is, this seems completely silly.

Yeah they do. But NOBODY is funny enough to deserve someone maliciously funnying about 24 of their posts over multiple forums and multiple threads in a 20 minute period. That's malicious and creepy. And we've seen it too many times. It IS stalking. And even if it rolls off your back as it rolls off mine --- it just escalates the frustrations and anger.

I personally take "malicious drive-by funnying as a badge of honor. It's that "click - click" sound when your assailant is out of ammo. But when I see 10 or 11 from the hater in one day -- it's mildly annoying. OTHERS are not that mellow about it. :rolleyes:

It's an escalation of the increasing friction around these parts. And using it as a weapon does not promote what USMB is primarily for which is discussion..
It's about time. I've been bitching about this for ages and just get called a snowflake for my pains. Ironically, the posters who used to funny me to death have all stopped, already.
But it's a great idea.

oh, the horror of the insincere funny
It wasn't just "rep crying".. Folks were being abused. There were a couple folks who would stalk their victims. Send them PMs every 15 minutes a couple hours before their 24 hour "neg rep" limit got renewed. Told them to watch the clock because it's coming. That's harassment. Not the enviro vibe we want for USMB.

You're not affected by this at all if you don't go postal and TARGET members with dozens of funnies on posts that are serious replies to threads. From the pattern and timing -- we can EASILY tell harassment from just incident taunting or genuine rep..

I'm just gonna be sneakier about my message board harrassing

There are 68 sub-forums and 4 different zones here at USMB.
Anyone can find something, some place here, that is closely tailored to their interests and desired level of participation.

The rule (policy) change mentioned in this thread is the same type of "overthinking" garbage that ran a few quality posters off in the past.
They need to spend more time moderating the responsibilities and zones they already have ... And less time/effort attempting social engineering.

Then you haven't read my 8 or 10 replies.. Go back and read them. Ain't about the funny button. It's about people using it for OBVIOUS malicious stalking and harassment. It's EASY to tell the diff. And I explained how it's being abused..

Got it? Were you around for the neg rep rule? Same deal. It was being used for stalking and harassment. There was a rule implemented then similar to this one.

Every single time I push the funny button is because I find something funny for some reason or another.

It doesn't matter what you think is funny, obvious, nor however you would like to slice it ...
You don't know what I am thinking, nor why I do what I do ... Unless I tell you ... :thup:

Now you have the power to do whatever you want ...
But don't start suggesting you have some magical ability to correctly arrive at what it is I may actually think.

I was around during the "rep years", "rep wars" ... "Rep crying".
But seriously ... People crying about receiving a funny (a positive rating no less) ... Well, to me, that's funny.

But they are plenty people here who think you should not say that anything they say or do is funny.
Take the time to read the new USMB announcement in the sticky section above.

Addition to USMB Posting Guidelines.
Doesn't "Funny" ratings increase your positive ratings? If so, and I'm pretty sure it is, this seems completely silly.

Yeah they do. But NOBODY is funny enough to deserve someone maliciously funnying about 24 of their posts over multiple forums and multiple threads in a 20 minute period. That's malicious and creepy. And we've seen it too many times. It IS stalking. And even if it rolls off your back as it rolls off mine --- it just escalates the frustrations and anger.

I personally take "malicious drive-by funnying as a badge of honor. It's that "click - click" sound when your assailant is out of ammo. But when I see 10 or 11 from the hater in one day -- it's mildly annoying. OTHERS are not that mellow about it. :rolleyes:

It's an escalation of the increasing friction around these parts. And using it as a weapon does not promote what USMB is primarily for which is discussion..
It's about time. I've been bitching about this for ages and just get called a snowflake for my pains. Ironically, the posters who used to funny me to death have all stopped, already.
But it's a great idea.

oh, the horror of the insincere funny
I've been defending my honor all day, and although you are one of my heroes, I'm about ready to wring your neck
There is always going to be a certain amount of anal retentive folks in a group this size... These people who get a turd cross ways (small majority) have options how to handle their butthurt... The iggy button works really well and I am assuming that the funnies don't show up from someone on ignore... I know someone can't pm if on ignore... Blacksand was spot on re: the social engineering... Why does the whole group have to be subjected to what I consider just another juvenile RULE, when there are solutions all ready in place... Trolls are looking for attention when they do chickenshit moves like this... Ignore them and they get bored and move on...
There is always going to be a certain amount of anal retentive folks in a group this size... These people who get a turd cross ways (small majority) have options how to handle their butthurt... The iggy button works really well and I am assuming that the funnies don't show up from someone on ignore... I know someone can't pm if on ignore... Blacksand was spot on re: the social engineering... Why does the whole group have to be subjected to what I consider just another juvenile RULE, when there are solutions all ready in place... Trolls are looking for attention when they do chickenshit moves like this... Ignore them and they get bored and move on...
Who asked you.
FYI, no the iggy button doesn't stop funnies from appearing in your alerts.
There is always going to be a certain amount of anal retentive folks in a group this size... These people who get a turd cross ways (small majority) have options how to handle their butthurt... The iggy button works really well and I am assuming that the funnies don't show up from someone on ignore... I know someone can't pm if on ignore... Blacksand was spot on re: the social engineering... Why does the whole group have to be subjected to what I consider just another juvenile RULE, when there are solutions all ready in place... Trolls are looking for attention when they do chickenshit moves like this... Ignore them and they get bored and move on...
Who asked you.
FYI, no the iggy button doesn't stop funnies from appearing in your alerts.

Yeah it does...mine anyway
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