New Sarah Palin Facebook Entry: "Global Warming" - More Like a Snow Job

What a excellent write up that will make the liberals and MSM go into a overdrive spinout doing damage control tommorrow. If anyone doesn't agree with her assessment on this then something is wrong.

Sarah Palin: ?Global Warming? ? More Like a Snow Job | Facebook

Over the last few months, and even again today, very unsettling revelations have come to light about the “settled science” of man-made global warming. With all of these shoes dropping you’d think every member of the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) would be barefoot by now.

One thing after another keeps popping up to further discredit the theory of man-made global warming. The IPCC’s supposedly definitive report proving the theory riddled with serious errors. The organization has been publicly chastised by everyone from its former chair to the heads of the UK’s biggest funder of climate research and Greenpeace UK. One of the world’s top climate change scientists, Prof. Phil Jones, has conceded that there’s been no significant warming since 1995; that the medieval period may have been warmer than today; and that he’s had trouble even keeping track of raw data crucial to the global warming theory. Yet President Obama still seeks to create a federal office for global warming, and they’re still talking about mandating their cap-and-tax plan that's based on discredited data.

The Obama administration’s environmental extremism also shows up in its aversion to oil and gas development. A true all-of-the-above approach to energy would mean allowing oil and gas explorers to drill here and drill now because America has the proven reserves needed to meet our energy challenges. A new industry study reveals that the federal government's current restrictions on oil and gas drilling in Alaska and off the U.S. coastline will cost us $2.36 trillion through 2029. Think of the millions of U.S. jobs we could create, and how much more secure America would be, if we had a true free market approach to energy independence that allowed us to finally drill!

And though I applaud the President’s newly declared interest in nuclear power, it should be noted that he’s merely following through on loan guarantees authorized during the prior administration. What’s more, while the White House now touts the building of new nuclear power plants, its budget inexplicably calls for cutting funding to the proposed nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. A real nuclear energy plan requires a strategy for dealing with nuclear waste storage and recycling.
The man-made global warming hysteria isn’t based on sound science, and the Obama administration’s energy policy isn’t based on sound economics. If the climategate revelations teach us anything, it’s that we need to cool down the rhetoric and fire up our common sense.
- Sarah Palin

This is another one of those "We-fear-Sarah Palin-so-much-we-can't-stop-starting-threads-about-her" threads, isn't it?

Derangement syndromes come in both varieties, Pro and con derangement.
Why would I listen to a women who takes credit for a project that has no contruction contract or any real approval to start even start contruction, and that some say won't even start contruction for another 5 to 10 years?

What are you talking about? You have to give her credit because she is the only governor in 30 years who got the deal sealed thru negotiations with the companies that other governors failed to do. The deal has been approved for the first time and given the green light to begin construction. Didn't you read the whole article and the links inside it. The pipeline will be operational by 2018.

Oh.. 2018... that's eight years from now.

So exactly what has she done? Nothing? I thought so.

Do you understand that construction (jobs) will be continuous until 2018 when the valve is opened. Are you that dense?
Const has not even started on the pipeline I think.
Have they even surveyed the route?

Did you not look at the route in the map I provided in the link in the 1st post or do you have a problem with reading topography maps?

Yeah I can draw on a map. Has it been surveyed and the route approved by Canada?

I spent a few summers working as a surveyors assistant.
What are you talking about? You have to give her credit because she is the only governor in 30 years who got the deal sealed thru negotiations with the companies that other governors failed to do. The deal has been approved for the first time and given the green light to begin construction. Didn't you read the whole article and the links inside it. The pipeline will be operational by 2018.

Oh.. 2018... that's eight years from now.

So exactly what has she done? Nothing? I thought so.

Do you understand that construction (jobs) will be continuous until 2018 when the valve is opened. Are you that dense?

What construction jobs? Have they broken ground yet? So now its just a "wouldn't it be great if...." scenario.
You have to give her ghost writer credit, he or she is somewhat making Palin look good.
She majored in Journalism so she can write on her own and she held the top post of the Alaska Oil & Gas Regulatory Commission so she knows and understands the Oil and Gas Sector as well as the fundamentals of domestic drilling with many locally independently owned drilling companies across the U.S. that will create millions of jobs and royalties for land owners who will turn around and use that money to buy goods that will pump the local economies of the towns they live in boosting revenue. Man made Global Warming is a hoax.

Which of the five universities/colleges are you referring to her major in?
Notice folks, how quickly this progressive attempts to deflect the conversation from the content of what Sarah Palin wrote and onto Sarah Palins person. One might offer the observation that the left wing fruitcakes are more obsessed with Sarah Palin than the right wing fruitcakes are, after all they appear to be unable to even attempt to address Mrs. Palins commentary in anything even approaching a meaningful way.

Perhaps from now on every thread that even mentions Sarah Palin should come with a significant stock of handkerchiefs so the left wingers can wipe away the foam that inevitably develops on their lips whenever Mrs. Palin gets mentioned.

Why would I listen to a women who takes credit for a project that has no contruction contract or any real approval to start even start contruction, and that some say won't even start contruction for another 5 to 10 years?

What are you talking about? You have to give her credit because she is the only governor in 30 years who got the deal sealed thru negotiations with the companies that other governors failed to do. The deal has been approved for the first time and given the green light to begin construction. Didn't you read the whole article and the links inside it. The pipeline will be operational by 2018.

You are an idiot! She didn't seal the deal, she only approved that TransCanada got the deal.
There is no contruction contract, and they don't even have full approval to start building it, something that will take years to get.
Instead of quitting maybe she should have stayed in office and made sure her " deal" went through.
You have to give her ghost writer credit, he or she is somewhat making Palin look good.

Notice folks, how quickly this progressive attempts to deflect the conversation from the content of what Sarah Palin wrote and onto Sarah Palins person. One might offer the observation that the left wing fruitcakes are more obsessed with Sarah Palin than the right wing fruitcakes are, after all they appear to be unable to even attempt to address Mrs. Palins commentary in anything even approaching a meaningful way.

Perhaps from now on every thread that even mentions Sarah Palin should come with a significant stock of handkerchiefs so the left wingers can wipe away the foam that inevitably develops on their lips whenever Mrs. Palin gets mentioned.

Why would I listen to a women who takes credit for a project that has no contruction contract or any real approval to start even start contruction, and that some say won't even start contruction for another 5 to 10 years?
I dunno perhaps "listening" and judging content based on it's own merit (or lack therof) instead of prejudging it based on the source would be a useful exercise in curing what appears to be a case of acute, narrow-minded bigotry, just a thought. :cool:
What are you talking about? You have to give her credit because she is the only governor in 30 years who got the deal sealed thru negotiations with the companies that other governors failed to do. The deal has been approved for the first time and given the green light to begin construction. Didn't you read the whole article and the links inside it. The pipeline will be operational by 2018.

Oh.. 2018... that's eight years from now.

So exactly what has she done? Nothing? I thought so.

Do you understand that construction (jobs) will be continuous until 2018 when the valve is opened. Are you that dense?

What contruction jobs? They haven't even got approval from the Natives or Canada yet.
They don't even have a contruction contract yet.
Why would I listen to a women who takes credit for a project that has no contruction contract or any real approval to start even start contruction, and that some say won't even start contruction for another 5 to 10 years?

What are you talking about? You have to give her credit because she is the only governor in 30 years who got the deal sealed thru negotiations with the companies that other governors failed to do. The deal has been approved for the first time and given the green light to begin construction. Didn't you read the whole article and the links inside it. The pipeline will be operational by 2018.

You are an idiot! She didn't seal the deal, she only approved that TransCanada got the deal.
There is no contruction contract, and they don't even have full approval to start building it, something that will take years to get.
Instead of quitting maybe she should have stayed in office and made sure her " deal" went through.

Why stay as governor if she can make $100,000 speaking to a bunch of people who are scared shitless about the economy?

All she's doing is banking off of fear mongering.
Notice folks, how quickly this progressive attempts to deflect the conversation from the content of what Sarah Palin wrote and onto Sarah Palins person. One might offer the observation that the left wing fruitcakes are more obsessed with Sarah Palin than the right wing fruitcakes are, after all they appear to be unable to even attempt to address Mrs. Palins commentary in anything even approaching a meaningful way.

Perhaps from now on every thread that even mentions Sarah Palin should come with a significant stock of handkerchiefs so the left wingers can wipe away the foam that inevitably develops on their lips whenever Mrs. Palin gets mentioned.

Why would I listen to a women who takes credit for a project that has no contruction contract or any real approval to start even start contruction, and that some say won't even start contruction for another 5 to 10 years?
I dunno perhaps "listening" and judging content based on it's own merit (or lack therof) instead of prejudging it based on the source would be a useful exercise in curing what appears to be a case of acute, narrow-minded bigotry, just a thought. :cool:

Giving the fact I know plenty about Palin, your assumptions are pretty stupid.:lol::lol:
Why would I listen to a women who takes credit for a project that has no contruction contract or any real approval to start even start contruction, and that some say won't even start contruction for another 5 to 10 years?
I dunno perhaps "listening" and judging content based on it's own merit (or lack therof) instead of prejudging it based on the source would be a useful exercise in curing what appears to be a case of acute, narrow-minded bigotry, just a thought. :cool:

Giving the fact I know plenty about Palin, your assumptions are pretty stupid.:lol::lol:

Hmmm... I see someone clearly doesn't understand the difference between source and content, no matter I had low expectations from the start anyways.
I dunno perhaps "listening" and judging content based on it's own merit (or lack therof) instead of prejudging it based on the source would be a useful exercise in curing what appears to be a case of acute, narrow-minded bigotry, just a thought. :cool:

Giving the fact I know plenty about Palin, your assumptions are pretty stupid.:lol::lol:

Hmmm... I see someone clearly doesn't understand the difference between source and content, no matter I had low expectations from the start anyways.

She used to babysit my friend who's father worked with Todd at BP, and my friends little sister went to day care with her oldest son. I probably know more about the women than you do. :lol: :lol:
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She sang a different tune when she was standing up to her knees in water from Alaska's melting icepack.
What a excellent write up that will make the liberals and MSM go into a overdrive spinout doing damage control tommorrow. If anyone doesn't agree with her assessment on this then something is wrong.

Sarah Palin: ?Global Warming? ? More Like a Snow Job | Facebook

Over the last few months, and even again today, very unsettling revelations have come to light about the “settled science” of man-made global warming. With all of these shoes dropping you’d think every member of the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) would be barefoot by now.

One thing after another keeps popping up to further discredit the theory of man-made global warming. The IPCC’s supposedly definitive report proving the theory riddled with serious errors. The organization has been publicly chastised by everyone from its former chair to the heads of the UK’s biggest funder of climate research and Greenpeace UK. One of the world’s top climate change scientists, Prof. Phil Jones, has conceded that there’s been no significant warming since 1995; that the medieval period may have been warmer than today; and that he’s had trouble even keeping track of raw data crucial to the global warming theory. Yet President Obama still seeks to create a federal office for global warming, and they’re still talking about mandating their cap-and-tax plan that's based on discredited data.

The Obama administration’s environmental extremism also shows up in its aversion to oil and gas development. A true all-of-the-above approach to energy would mean allowing oil and gas explorers to drill here and drill now because America has the proven reserves needed to meet our energy challenges. A new industry study reveals that the federal government's current restrictions on oil and gas drilling in Alaska and off the U.S. coastline will cost us $2.36 trillion through 2029. Think of the millions of U.S. jobs we could create, and how much more secure America would be, if we had a true free market approach to energy independence that allowed us to finally drill!

And though I applaud the President’s newly declared interest in nuclear power, it should be noted that he’s merely following through on loan guarantees authorized during the prior administration. What’s more, while the White House now touts the building of new nuclear power plants, its budget inexplicably calls for cutting funding to the proposed nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. A real nuclear energy plan requires a strategy for dealing with nuclear waste storage and recycling.
The man-made global warming hysteria isn’t based on sound science, and the Obama administration’s energy policy isn’t based on sound economics. If the climategate revelations teach us anything, it’s that we need to cool down the rhetoric and fire up our common sense.
- Sarah Palin

Fairly good stuff, Although Sarah Palin is being a bit disingenuous by implying that it was the Obama Administration that killed off the Yucca Mountain facility, this has been an ongoing fight for many years in Nevada and IMHO the coup de grace for the facility was geological evidence that the facility was being built on a less than stable fault line system (from my understanding of it anyways). So essentially President Obamas budget just de-funded a facility that would probably never have been opened anyways (good move).
Giving the fact I know plenty about Palin, your assumptions are pretty stupid.:lol::lol:

Hmmm... I see someone clearly doesn't understand the difference between source and content, no matter I had low expectations from the start anyways.

She used to babysit my friend who's father worked with Todd at BP, and my friends little sister went to day care with her oldest son. I probably know more about the women than you do. :lol: :lol:

That's nice, if I ever find myself involved in a Sarah Palin trivia contest I'll know who to call. :rolleyes:
You have to love the irony of a fundamentalist Christian telling us there's not enough scientific evidence for us to take climate change seriously.

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