New Shooting in Church: Thank You lord for planning this in Church Flying Lead Activity! Again!

Baz Ares

Gold Member
Feb 2, 2017
A couple has been injured after a weapon accidentally went off during a discussion about gun safety at a church in eastern Tennessee, police say Couple shot in church while discussing gun safety, police say - CNN

:lmao::dunno:This does not inspire other new or old folks to go to church folks.
Really, religious folks are unstable peoples. Now you are sicking in an emotional
place of training hate, some are armed with guns! What could happen?

Wait, Shots FIRED!
Come on in, and test your gullible faith in gods!

See if you can Pray The Lead Away!:talk2hand:
Sponsored by the fake lords' and REAL Murder PIMPS of the NRA!.
Play now at your local church. Some can do so Twice a week!
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So this is all good in your DOPer views.
The NRA has gone from being invited to being
outcast co-conspirators in murder using the
church pimping guns. Why does not the
FAKE almighty just fix the issue with super magic?
No guns are needed. Really the Genocidal killing lord
wiped out first-born kids some 2500 years ago.
So it can target just the Mass shooters and Gang Bangers
the same way. FFS!
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Mehh. That's what happen when you use those shitty Chinese-made nylon holsters they sell at Walmart. I blame the Chinese.

My concealed-carry holster on the other hand, is good old American-made leather with a thumb break.
Mehh. That's what happen when you use those shitty Chinese-made nylon holsters they sell at Walmart. I blame the Chinese.

My concealed-carry holster on the other hand, is good old American-made leather with a thumb break.

So you are saying the MORON was Stupid, and a poor Gun Nutter handler? Shooting himself and wife is it.
So the way you can kill the wife is to buy a cheap Chinese-made nylon holster. OOPS! Sorry honey, I'll call the cops to explain your death.

btw: LMAO at people who arm themselves here, showing us ALL.
First their leaders as selling FAKE godly BS!
And they have NO faith in their imaginary friend god, lo to stop the lead flying. DANG...
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Mehh. That's what happen when you use those shitty Chinese-made nylon holsters they sell at Walmart. I blame the Chinese.

My concealed-carry holster on the other hand, is good old American-made leather with a thumb break.

So you are saying the MORON was Stupid, and a poor Gun Nutter handler? Shooting himself and wife is it.
So the way you can kill the wife is to buy a cheap Chinese-made nylon holster. OOPS! Sorry honey, I'll call the cops to explain your death.

btw: LMAO at people who arm themselves here, showing us ALL.
First their leaders as selling FAKE godly BS!
And they have NO faith in their imaginary friend god, lo to stop the lead flying. DANG...

Speak English, please. I don't have a clue what you're trying to say.

I've been carrying for over ten years and don't see the problem here. I've carried to church, to weddings, funerals, stores, businesses, etc.

Never once has my Glock 19 decided to jump out of its holster and shoot someone.
Mehh. That's what happen when you use those shitty Chinese-made nylon holsters they sell at Walmart. I blame the Chinese.

My concealed-carry holster on the other hand, is good old American-made leather with a thumb break.

So you are saying the MORON was Stupid, and a poor Gun Nutter handler? Shooting himself and wife is it.
So the way you can kill the wife is to buy a cheap Chinese-made nylon holster. OOPS! Sorry honey, I'll call the cops to explain your death.

btw: LMAO at people who arm themselves here, showing us ALL.
First their leaders as selling FAKE godly BS!
And they have NO faith in their imaginary friend god, lo to stop the lead flying. DANG...

Speak English, please. I don't have a clue what you're trying to say.

I've been carrying for over ten years and don't see the problem here. I've carried to church, to weddings, funerals, stores, businesses, etc.

Never once has my Glock 19 decided to jump out of its holster and shoot someone.

FFS! The GUN Nutter was in a godly training service with a loaded gun. NOT AT A SHOOTING RANGE!

btw. You clearly understand my other post.
A couple has been injured after a weapon accidentally went off during a discussion about gun safety at a church in eastern Tennessee, police say Couple shot in church while discussing gun safety, police say - CNN

:lmao::dunno:This does not inspire other new or old folks to go to church folks.
Really, religious folks are unstable peoples. Now you are sicking in an emotional
place of training hate, some are armed with guns! What could happen?

Wait, Shots FIRED!
Come on in, and test your gullible faith in gods!

See if you can Pray The Lead Away!:talk2hand:
Sponsored by the fake lords' and REAL Murder PIMPS of the NRA!.
Play now at your local church. Some can do so Twice a week!
In the afterlife may God condemn you to an eternity in a Turkish bath house as a young boy.
Mehh. That's what happen when you use those shitty Chinese-made nylon holsters they sell at Walmart. I blame the Chinese.

My concealed-carry holster on the other hand, is good old American-made leather with a thumb break.

So you are saying the MORON was Stupid, and a poor Gun Nutter handler? Shooting himself and wife is it.
So the way you can kill the wife is to buy a cheap Chinese-made nylon holster. OOPS! Sorry honey, I'll call the cops to explain your death.

btw: LMAO at people who arm themselves here, showing us ALL.
First their leaders as selling FAKE godly BS!
And they have NO faith in their imaginary friend god, lo to stop the lead flying. DANG...

Speak English, please. I don't have a clue what you're trying to say.

I've been carrying for over ten years and don't see the problem here. I've carried to church, to weddings, funerals, stores, businesses, etc.

Never once has my Glock 19 decided to jump out of its holster and shoot someone.

FFS! The GUN Nutter was in a godly training service with a loaded gun. NOT AT A SHOOTING RANGE!

btw. You clearly understand my other post.

Even more reason to support the NRA. You do support the NRA, right?

They've been actively engaged in trying to teach the American public firearms safety for decades.

You do support the NRA, right? As opposed to to uninformed gun owners, right?
A couple has been injured after a weapon accidentally went off during a discussion about gun safety at a church in eastern Tennessee, police say Couple shot in church while discussing gun safety, police say - CNN

:lmao::dunno:This does not inspire other new or old folks to go to church folks.
Really, religious folks are unstable peoples. Now you are sicking in an emotional
place of training hate, some are armed with guns! What could happen?

Wait, Shots FIRED!
Come on in, and test your gullible faith in gods!

See if you can Pray The Lead Away!:talk2hand:
Sponsored by the fake lords' and REAL Murder PIMPS of the NRA!.
Play now at your local church. Some can do so Twice a week!
In the afterlife may God condemn you to an eternity in a Turkish bath house as a young boy.
Right here above folks, you can see a well-trained example follower
of fake gods BEST! Keep training, you'll get to kill for your lord.
Right now you pay others to do it for you.
'Thou shall Kill'
A couple has been injured after a weapon accidentally went off during a discussion about gun safety at a church in eastern Tennessee, police say Couple shot in church while discussing gun safety, police say - CNN

:lmao::dunno:This does not inspire other new or old folks to go to church folks.
Really, religious folks are unstable peoples. Now you are sicking in an emotional
place of training hate, some are armed with guns! What could happen?

Wait, Shots FIRED!
Come on in, and test your gullible faith in gods!

See if you can Pray The Lead Away!:talk2hand:
Sponsored by the fake lords' and REAL Murder PIMPS of the NRA!.
Play now at your local church. Some can do so Twice a week!
In the afterlife may God condemn you to an eternity in a Turkish bath house as a young boy.
Right here above folks, you can see a well-trained example follower
of fake gods BEST! Keep training, you'll get to kill for your lord.
Right now you pay others to do it for you.
'Thou shall Kill'
Kill only communist and Muslims such as you. My God is the God of vengeance.
Mehh. That's what happen when you use those shitty Chinese-made nylon holsters they sell at Walmart. I blame the Chinese.

My concealed-carry holster on the other hand, is good old American-made leather with a thumb break.
Definition of a gun pussy: He who is afraid to leave home without a gun tucked inside his bra. A thumb break! Cool! Whatever the hell that is.
Mehh. That's what happen when you use those shitty Chinese-made nylon holsters they sell at Walmart. I blame the Chinese.

My concealed-carry holster on the other hand, is good old American-made leather with a thumb break.

So you are saying the MORON was Stupid, and a poor Gun Nutter handler? Shooting himself and wife is it.
So the way you can kill the wife is to buy a cheap Chinese-made nylon holster. OOPS! Sorry honey, I'll call the cops to explain your death.

btw: LMAO at people who arm themselves here, showing us ALL.
First their leaders as selling FAKE godly BS!
And they have NO faith in their imaginary friend god, lo to stop the lead flying. DANG...

Speak English, please. I don't have a clue what you're trying to say.

I've been carrying for over ten years and don't see the problem here. I've carried to church, to weddings, funerals, stores, businesses, etc.

Never once has my Glock 19 decided to jump out of its holster and shoot someone.

FFS! The GUN Nutter was in a godly training service with a loaded gun. NOT AT A SHOOTING RANGE!

btw. You clearly understand my other post.

Even more reason to support the NRA. You do support the NRA, right?

They've been actively engaged in trying to teach the American public firearms safety for decades.

You do support the NRA, right? As opposed to to uninformed gun owners, right?
You don't need the NRA to be a better gun owner. The NRA 50 years ago, is not as
welcome now. Try to keep up.
A couple has been injured after a weapon accidentally went off during a discussion about gun safety at a church in eastern Tennessee, police say Couple shot in church while discussing gun safety, police say - CNN

:lmao::dunno:This does not inspire other new or old folks to go to church folks.
Really, religious folks are unstable peoples. Now you are sicking in an emotional
place of training hate, some are armed with guns! What could happen?

Wait, Shots FIRED!
Come on in, and test your gullible faith in gods!

See if you can Pray The Lead Away!:talk2hand:
Sponsored by the fake lords' and REAL Murder PIMPS of the NRA!.
Play now at your local church. Some can do so Twice a week!
In the afterlife may God condemn you to an eternity in a Turkish bath house as a young boy.
Right here above folks, you can see a well-trained example follower
of fake gods BEST! Keep training, you'll get to kill for your lord.
Right now you pay others to do it for you.
'Thou shall Kill'
Mehh. That's what happen when you use those shitty Chinese-made nylon holsters they sell at Walmart. I blame the Chinese.

My concealed-carry holster on the other hand, is good old American-made leather with a thumb break.
Definition of a gun pussy: He who is afraid to leave home without a gun tucked inside his bra. A thumb break! Cool! Whatever the hell that is.

That's as ignorant a statement as I've heard this week. Do you even have a clue as to why law-enforcement officers carry a firearm? To protect you're sorry ass from the "bad guys"? Seeing as how you're completely clueless, I'll give you a hint:

The Supreme Court ruled in 2005 that law-enforcement officers have absolutely no constitutional duty to protect you from harm, if your life is in danger. Now why the fuck do you think law-enforcement officers carry a firearm? To protect your worthless ass? No, to protect themselves. So you'd deny me the right to do the same?

So what are you going to do when those five drugged-out home invaders come crashing through your front door? Beg and plead with them while they rape your you, your wife, or your 15 year old daughters? Maybe invite them to sit around a campfire roasting marshmallows to make Smores while you sing a round of "Kumbaya"?

Your sheer stupidity and willingness to become another statistic appalls me. Go out of this world leaving nothing behind but a chalk outline on the floor if you want to, that's your prerogative. But don't count on me to follow in your footprints, I'd rather take advantage of what my country's constitution allows me: Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and the right to defend myself, my family, and my property against you shitheads who would like to deny me those.
A couple has been injured after a weapon accidentally went off during a discussion about gun safety at a church in eastern Tennessee, police say Couple shot in church while discussing gun safety, police say - CNN

:lmao::dunno:This does not inspire other new or old folks to go to church folks.
Really, religious folks are unstable peoples. Now you are sicking in an emotional
place of training hate, some are armed with guns! What could happen?

Wait, Shots FIRED!
Come on in, and test your gullible faith in gods!

See if you can Pray The Lead Away!:talk2hand:
Sponsored by the fake lords' and REAL Murder PIMPS of the NRA!.
Play now at your local church. Some can do so Twice a week!
In the afterlife may God condemn you to an eternity in a Turkish bath house as a young boy.
Right here above folks, you can see a well-trained example follower
of fake gods BEST! Keep training, you'll get to kill for your lord.
Right now you pay others to do it for you.
'Thou shall Kill'

Yeah. Pure insanity when you compare the small number of armed citizens having to kill to protect their lives, to the number of unborn children murdered by abortion: 50 million so far, and liberals still support it. Pure nuttiness.

The thread is about firearms and shooting, not abortion.

Please don't make off topic remarks
Well tell me Mr. Freshman Moderator, how is abortion an inappropriate response to "Thou shall Kill'? I don't remember anything in the OP about anyone being "killed", yet this is what the OP is leading us to believe will happen should someone carry a concealed weapon in church.
Well tell me Mr. Freshman Moderator, how is abortion an inappropriate response to "Thou shall Kill'? I don't remember anything in the OP about anyone being "killed", yet this is what the OP is leading us to believe will happen should someone carry a concealed weapon in church.

Not going to argue with you.

the topic of the thread is shooting, and firearms.

NOT abortion
Galt is correct, abortion is killing, though the protection in the constitution is accompanied by protection-racket deception: "freedom of religion" is not "freedom from religion." Coneheaded 666 kuklos exothen.

Galt is off topic, as are you
Galt is correct, abortion is killing, though the protection in the constitution is accompanied by protection-racket deception: "freedom of religion" is not "freedom from religion." Coneheaded 666 kuklos exothen.

Galt is off topic, as are you

I agree. But really this is about life, living, and not so much about cellular MASS
of goo.

So, I can see a connection here. DOPer are PRO-Terminating Born lives with/by guns.
Dems are PRO-Choice Terminating goo in safer ways, by pills, and doctors saving
the born first. And not taking (Terminating) everythang in the MASS!
Like how MASS NRA Sponsored Shooters DO!

btw: If we are saying this is about being 'Alive' or 'Living'. Gee!
New studies explain how cancer cells 'eat us alive'

Yep! Cancer is alive and feeding off of our life juices and personal
body meats of choice.

btw: Cancer does not kill. Peoples do, spreading death!
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