New Speakers First Bill-"If You Want To Protect Jews, You Have To Protect Billionaires Tax Cuts


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Did anybody ever hear Mike Johnson holding up a bill under Donald Trump because it wasn't paid for?" Scarborough said. "In all of the $8 trillion, he just opened the door, 'Here, just drive the trucks through,' of debt – $1 billion, $2 billion, Mike Johnson, $3 billion, $5 billion, $7 billion, $8 billion, $8 billion Mike Johnson and Donald Trump gave America in debt, and suddenly, he won't even help Jews protect themselves. It is so gross, and, making it even grosser, he says, 'This is what we're going to do – we'll protect the Jews if you protect the billionaires. We want billionaire tax cheats to get away with stealing more money from the American people. We'll let you protect the Jews, Joe Biden, but you have to let us protect our donors, our billionaire donors that are tax cheats.'"

The first of many losers, by the new loser, on behalf of the other losers.
Did anybody ever hear Mike Johnson holding up a bill under Donald Trump because it wasn't paid for?" Scarborough said. "In all of the $8 trillion, he just opened the door, 'Here, just drive the trucks through,' of debt – $1 billion, $2 billion, Mike Johnson, $3 billion, $5 billion, $7 billion, $8 billion, $8 billion Mike Johnson and Donald Trump gave America in debt, and suddenly, he won't even help Jews protect themselves. It is so gross, and, making it even grosser, he says, 'This is what we're going to do – we'll protect the Jews if you protect the billionaires. We want billionaire tax cheats to get away with stealing more money from the American people. We'll let you protect the Jews, Joe Biden, but you have to let us protect our donors, our billionaire donors that are tax cheats.'"

The first of many losers, by the new loser, on behalf of the other losers.
I hope America punishes the fuck out of the GOP next year.
Did anybody ever hear Mike Johnson holding up a bill under Donald Trump because it wasn't paid for?" Scarborough said. "In all of the $8 trillion, he just opened the door, 'Here, just drive the trucks through,' of debt – $1 billion, $2 billion, Mike Johnson, $3 billion, $5 billion, $7 billion, $8 billion, $8 billion Mike Johnson and Donald Trump gave America in debt, and suddenly, he won't even help Jews protect themselves. It is so gross, and, making it even grosser, he says, 'This is what we're going to do – we'll protect the Jews if you protect the billionaires. We want billionaire tax cheats to get away with stealing more money from the American people. We'll let you protect the Jews, Joe Biden, but you have to let us protect our donors, our billionaire donors that are tax cheats.'"

The first of many losers, by the new loser, on behalf of the other losers.
He NEVER said that, you liar.
The IRS, like many other agencies, was way overfunded with the Inflation Reduction Act boondoggle that the leftist dems and RINOs voted into law.

BTW....How is that Inflation Reduction Act workin' out for ya? Not too good looking at the current polls. :laughing0301:

The agencies are gonna have to take a haircut....There's a new sheriff in town that won't be led around by the nose by the likes of McConnell and Schumer as McCarthy was.

You leftist dems played your little lock-step fuck-fuck games by voting to get rid of RINO McCarthy so you can reap the whirlwind of your actions....Stupid should hurt.
The IRS, like many other agencies, was way overfunded with the Inflation Reduction Act boondoggle that the leftist dems and RINOs voted into law.

BTW....How is that Inflation Reduction Act workin' out for ya? Not too good looking at the current polls. :laughing0301:

The agencies are gonna have to take a haircut....There's a new sheriff in town that won't be led around by the nose by the likes of McConnell and Schumer as McCarthy was.

You leftist dems played your little lock-step fuck-fuck games by voting to get rid of RINO McCarthy so you can reap the whirlwind of your actions....Stupid should hurt.
Were you the one who said I complained too much about antisemitism from Democrats (perhaps a week before October 7th)? Now you see what I was talking about.
I don't recall but if I did I sure as hell did not see this one coming.....Talk about Jew hate just under the surface.
I will take that as an apology, assuming you were the one.

I too didn’t realize the full extent of the Democrat hate for Jews, but I knew that most antisemitism was from the left - and I tried to warn about it. I was often blocked from doing so, as liberal moderators here sought to hide it or downplay it.

I am NOT happy, though, that I was proven right. I am devastated by what America has become.
I will take that as an apology, assuming you were the one.

I too didn’t realize the full extent of the Democrat hate for Jews, but I knew that most antisemitism was from the left - and I tried to warn about it. I was often blocked from doing so, as liberal moderators here sought to hide it or downplay it.

I am NOT happy, though, that I was proven right. I am devastated by what America has become.
I never apologize, it's a sign of weakness. ;)
Taking funds from the IRS and giving them to Israel so the can avoid another holocaust is highly offensive to that "Morning Joe" guy, but for normal people it sounds like a great idea.

Nobody with a brain really believes the IRS would use that money to go after billionaires.
Taking funds from the IRS and giving them to Israel so the can avoid another holocaust is highly offensive to that "Morning Joe" guy, but for normal people it sounds like a great idea.

Nobody with a brain really believes the IRS would use that money to go after billionaires.
The money would be used to target and intimidate the Democrats’ enemies - middle class people who vote Republican.
Did anybody ever hear Mike Johnson holding up a bill under Donald Trump because it wasn't paid for?" Scarborough said. "In all of the $8 trillion, he just opened the door, 'Here, just drive the trucks through,' of debt – $1 billion, $2 billion, Mike Johnson, $3 billion, $5 billion, $7 billion, $8 billion, $8 billion Mike Johnson and Donald Trump gave America in debt, and suddenly, he won't even help Jews protect themselves. It is so gross, and, making it even grosser, he says, 'This is what we're going to do – we'll protect the Jews if you protect the billionaires. We want billionaire tax cheats to get away with stealing more money from the American people. We'll let you protect the Jews, Joe Biden, but you have to let us protect our donors, our billionaire donors that are tax cheats.'"

The first of many losers, by the new loser, on behalf of the other losers.
This is a no brained, help Israel and keep the debt down, it can and should be done. Saving Israel and no added debt is the right course.
still hoping for one party rule bobo?.....
No I want all the people who financially should not be voting GOP to STOP. Then the GOP would only get 30% of the vote. THEN they would stop their horrible agenda and be forced to change. To be

More pro science
Less pro life
Less anti government
Less in favor of the rich
Less pro gun
Less racist

They are only racist because they believe it helps them win elections. The day they realize that strategy isn't working they'll stop.

If we were all in favor of trannies being able to use the girls bathroom, they'd stop with that shit.
This is a no brained, help Israel and keep the debt down, it can and should be done. Saving Israel and no added debt is the right course.

This will add to the debt. For the past 7 years, since the IRS was defunded, millionares and billionares haven't been paying their taxes. Adding agents will allow us to go after those guys. Now we are understaffed and the IRS can only go after middle class people who are easy to audit. Trump is not easy to audit.

And they did this all by design. On purpose. And now they claim they want to cut spending and this is where they want to cut it? Are you stupid?
One knew early on that democrats are insane, but one is surprised that they so openly advertise that fact. Here it is, the usual suspects flagrantly melting down over someone DARING to actually attempt to hold the government fiscally responsible. If one wants to spend more here, one spends less there. This is something everyone in their right mind does every day of their lives, but apparently that excludes democrats.
The IRS, like many other agencies, was way overfunded with the Inflation Reduction Act boondoggle that the leftist dems and RINOs voted into law.

BTW....How is that Inflation Reduction Act workin' out for ya? Not too good looking at the current polls. :laughing0301:

The agencies are gonna have to take a haircut....There's a new sheriff in town that won't be led around by the nose by the likes of McConnell and Schumer as McCarthy was.

You leftist dems played your little lock-step fuck-fuck games by voting to get rid of RINO McCarthy so you can reap the whirlwind of your actions....Stupid should hurt.
That was stripped away in the last budget temporary fix.

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