New Study shows 5.7 million illegals voted


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
Anyone with common sense KNOWS the Democrats depended heavily on illegal votes. It's so obvious that even a moron should be able to see. Been saying for a long time that millions of illegals vote....but jackwagon idiot leftbeenie snowflakes always deny even the slightest possibly.

NEVER trust ANYONE on the radical left....EVER. Everything they say is total bullshit.
I guarantee this is just the tip of the iceberg. The more we remove the lying left from government offices, the more the truth has a chance to finally come out.

While this was about the election of holds true for 2016 as well. Probably more illegals voted in 2016. I would say close to 10 million. The proof is coming.

New Study Supports Trump: 5.7 Million Noncitizens May Have Cast Illegal Votes
It doesn't show anything of the kind. It's a think tank speculation.
Anyone with common sense KNOWS the Democrats depended heavily on illegal votes. It's so obvious that even a moron should be able to see.

The ability of morons to 'see' things like this is hardly uncommon.
Hmm, kind of like how liberals continue to assert that Trump colluded with Russia.

But that's none of my business.
Democrats mobilized their new illegal alien base with their crazy gun toting anarchist base and they still lost 5 out of 5 special elections. Yet the angry incoherent leaderless party seems clueless and confused.

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