New Study shows Liberals have a lower average IQ than Conservatives

Well that ought to be real obvious... here's your typical liberal obama supporter... tell me this thing is intelligent...

Is this really any surprise? Their voting base consists of some of the most ignorant people in the US. You know why FOX News does so well? Because republicans pay attention to politics and current events. Democrats spend their day watching Springer and eating EBT bought cookies.
JEWSNEWS? That's fucking hilarious! Thank you!
What part of Harvard study, did you have trouble understanding.

Oh your stupidity is remarkable

First, you link to Jewnews.

New Study shows Liberals have a lower average IQ than Conservatives JEWSNEWS

Second, you say "new" study but this article is from May 27th. Hardly new but not the biggest fvck up you did.

Third, it's filed under opinion.

Fourth, the only link in the article is to this blogpost:

New Study shows Liberals have a lower average IQ than Conservatives International Association of Homing Sources a News Network

Fifth, that article is from 2011.

Sixth, the article gives no links.

Seventh and quite possibly the greatest proof that conservatives really are very stupid. This quote from that blog post:

Oh yeah, and everything in that bullshit you just read is completely and totally false. There has been no such conclusive study, and all of the “Finds” are based on public paranoia. Chances are good that if you are a conservative, you were empowered by this new find.
If you, even for a second, thought this find might be true, you are probably an idiot.

And finally Eighth,

Every single conservative in this thread didn't even question it, they just accepted it as fact because it confirms their narrative and damn the actual facts, it's true if conservatives say so.
JEWSNEWS? That's fucking hilarious! Thank you!
What part of Harvard study, did you have trouble understanding.

Oh your stupidity is remarkable

First, you link to Jewnews.

New Study shows Liberals have a lower average IQ than Conservatives JEWSNEWS

Second, you say "new" study but this article is from May 27th. Hardly new but not the biggest fvck up you did.

Third, it's filed under opinion.

Fourth, the only link in the article is to this blogpost:

New Study shows Liberals have a lower average IQ than Conservatives International Association of Homing Sources a News Network

Fifth, that article is from 2011.

Sixth, the article gives no links.

Seventh and quite possibly the greatest proof that conservatives really are very stupid. This quote from that blog post:

Oh yeah, and everything in that bullshit you just read is completely and totally false. There has been no such conclusive study, and all of the “Finds” are based on public paranoia. Chances are good that if you are a conservative, you were empowered by this new find.
If you, even for a second, thought this find might be true, you are probably an idiot.

And finally Eighth,

Every single conservative in this thread didn't even question it, they just accepted it as fact because it confirms their narrative and damn the actual facts, it's true if conservatives say so.
If you were trying to disprove the results of this study, you failed. You need to bring a lot more to the table than ^ that nonsense.
Is this really any surprise? Their voting base consists of some of the most ignorant people in the US. You know why FOX News does so well? Because republicans pay attention to politics and current events. Democrats spend their day watching Springer and eating EBT bought cookies.

JEWSNEWS? That's fucking hilarious! Thank you!
What part of Harvard study, did you have trouble understanding.

Oh your stupidity is remarkable

First, you link to Jewnews.

New Study shows Liberals have a lower average IQ than Conservatives JEWSNEWS

Second, you say "new" study but this article is from May 27th. Hardly new but not the biggest fvck up you did.

Third, it's filed under opinion.

Fourth, the only link in the article is to this blogpost:

New Study shows Liberals have a lower average IQ than Conservatives International Association of Homing Sources a News Network

Fifth, that article is from 2011.

Sixth, the article gives no links.

Seventh and quite possibly the greatest proof that conservatives really are very stupid. This quote from that blog post:

Oh yeah, and everything in that bullshit you just read is completely and totally false. There has been no such conclusive study, and all of the “Finds” are based on public paranoia. Chances are good that if you are a conservative, you were empowered by this new find.
If you, even for a second, thought this find might be true, you are probably an idiot.

And finally Eighth,

Every single conservative in this thread didn't even question it, they just accepted it as fact because it confirms their narrative and damn the actual facts, it's true if conservatives say so.
If you were trying to disprove the results of this study, you failed. You need to bring a lot more to the table than ^ that nonsense.


I literally laid out in an easy to follow list why it is completely false. A list a kindergartner could follow and yet you can't even follow the instructions? Boy conservatives are stupid. How do you dress yourself in the morning?
Interesting............but idk.....never thought it was an intelligence thing as much as it was a thought processing thing. Big difference.
When idea's put into motion never take into account what the results are, that's a problem..........its it the standard MO for progressives. For example, this week, this whole business by Obama about winning the hearts and minds with ISIS. Its like the history of the world has never happened............that's pretty fucked up thinking!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
JEWSNEWS? That's fucking hilarious! Thank you!
What part of Harvard study, did you have trouble understanding.

Oh your stupidity is remarkable

First, you link to Jewnews.

New Study shows Liberals have a lower average IQ than Conservatives JEWSNEWS

Second, you say "new" study but this article is from May 27th. Hardly new but not the biggest fvck up you did.

Third, it's filed under opinion.

Fourth, the only link in the article is to this blogpost:

New Study shows Liberals have a lower average IQ than Conservatives International Association of Homing Sources a News Network

Fifth, that article is from 2011.

Sixth, the article gives no links.

Seventh and quite possibly the greatest proof that conservatives really are very stupid. This quote from that blog post:

Oh yeah, and everything in that bullshit you just read is completely and totally false. There has been no such conclusive study, and all of the “Finds” are based on public paranoia. Chances are good that if you are a conservative, you were empowered by this new find.
If you, even for a second, thought this find might be true, you are probably an idiot.

And finally Eighth,

Every single conservative in this thread didn't even question it, they just accepted it as fact because it confirms their narrative and damn the actual facts, it's true if conservatives say so.
If you were trying to disprove the results of this study, you failed. You need to bring a lot more to the table than ^ that nonsense.


I literally laid out in an easy to follow list why it is completely false. A list a kindergartner could follow and yet you can't even follow the instructions? Boy conservatives are stupid. How do you dress yourself in the morning?
Tell us why two states have legalized marijuana while the federal government keeps it illegal, yet respects state rights, while many states voted against gay marriage and the state ignores state rights on gay marriage?

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