New Study: Sun controls climate, not CO2!!!

the 'Trick'? yes I remember it. do you even know what the 'trick' was? most people dont.

Yes I do, but I don't think that you have any idea.

Many commentators quoted one email in which Phil Jones said he had used "Mike's Nature trick" in a 1999 graph for the World Meteorological Organization "to hide the decline" in proxy temperatures derived from tree ring analyses when measured temperatures were actually rising. This 'decline' referred to the well-discussed tree ring divergence problem, but these two phrases were taken out of context by climate change sceptics, including US Senator Jim Inhofe and former Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin, as though they referred to some decline in measured global temperatures, even though they were written when temperatures were at a record high.[32] John Tierney, writing in the New York Times in November 2009, said that the claims by sceptics of "hoax" or "fraud" were incorrect, but that the graph on the cover of a report for policy makers and journalists did not show these non-experts where proxy measurements changed to measured temperatures.[33] The final analyses from various subsequent inquiries concluded that in this context 'trick' was normal scientific or mathematical jargon for a neat way of handling data, in this case a statistical method used to bring two or more different kinds of data sets together in a legitimate fashion.[34][35] The EPA notes that in fact, the evidence shows that the research community was fully aware of these issues and that no one was hiding or concealing them...

Climatic Research Unit email controversy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

quoting a wikipedia article instead of just answering? lame

Oh, you disagree with findings? Please enlighten us....

I am embarrassed by the ineffectual nature of those investigations. they managed to sidestep any of the important aspects, and limited what little effort they used to investigate periferal questions that no one was asking.
the 'Trick'? yes I remember it. do you even know what the 'trick' was? most people dont.

Yes I do, but I don't think that you have any idea.

explain it in one short paragraph. I can.

Yeah, because proxy indicators showed a decline when direct instrument measurements showed an increase in temperature where the data overlapped, therefore proxies are an unreliable source of temperature data.
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13 of 14 warmest years on record occurred in 21st century UN Environment The Guardian

13 of the 14 warmest years on record occurred this century, according to the UN.

Publishing its annual climate report, the UN's World Meteorological Organisation said that last year continued a long-term warming trend, with the hottest year ever in Australia and floods, droughts and extreme weather elsewhere around the world.

Michel Jarraud, the WMO's secretary-general, also said there had been no 'pause' in global warming, as has been alleged by climate change sceptics. “There is no standstill in global warming,” Jarraud said.

2001-2010 was the warmest decade on record, the WMO noted, and added that the last three decades had been warmer than the previous one.
The answer is........nobody.......although I must point out that warming stopped 18 years ago now.:2up:

The "pause" in warming myth: debunked - Climate Council
Myth One: There has been a pause in global warming

Nope, the Earth continues to warm strongly.NASA,NOAA, theIPCCand a long list of other trusted organisations have confirmed that yearly global average temperature continues to climb. 2013 marked the37thyear in a rowthat the yearly global temperature was hotter than average.13 of the hottest 14 yearshave occurred this century.

Source:interactive NOAA graph
show me where the WMO or MBH98 graph acknowledged that the 'trick' had been performed. in any other field Mann could have gone to jail for fraud.

... Even though it has already been investigated eight different times?

what , exactly, was investigated eight different times?

was Jones ever asked about the 'delete all AR4 emails' email by the British enquiries? no

was Mann asked about whether he was involved in the 'delete all AR4 emails' fiasco? yes, but when Mann lied and said he wasnt, they went no further. later, at a different inquiry, Wahl admitted that he had deleted all his AR4 emails because of the request that had come from Mann. when Wahl was asked why he had never said this before he stated, "because no one had ever asked me before". !!!!!!!!!!
show me where the WMO or MBH98 graph acknowledged that the 'trick' had been performed. in any other field Mann could have gone to jail for fraud.

... Even though it has already been investigated eight different times?
Just like Benghazi has been debunked by a report...the problem is that the Conservatives do not reach conclusion by observation, data, reason and logic...they first reach conclusions then they look for data reasons and logic to support what they already concluded...its like Alice in Wonderland first the verdict then the trial...
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I am embarrassed by the ineffectual nature of those investigations. they managed to sidestep any of the important aspects, and limited what little effort they used to investigate periferal questions that no one was asking.

... Because you don't agree with the final report, I see....
the 'Trick'? yes I remember it. do you even know what the 'trick' was? most people dont.

Yes I do, but I don't think that you have any idea.

Many commentators quoted one email in which Phil Jones said he had used "Mike's Nature trick" in a 1999 graph for the World Meteorological Organization "to hide the decline" in proxy temperatures derived from tree ring analyses when measured temperatures were actually rising. This 'decline' referred to the well-discussed tree ring divergence problem, but these two phrases were taken out of context by climate change sceptics, including US Senator Jim Inhofe and former Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin, as though they referred to some decline in measured global temperatures, even though they were written when temperatures were at a record high.[32] John Tierney, writing in the New York Times in November 2009, said that the claims by sceptics of "hoax" or "fraud" were incorrect, but that the graph on the cover of a report for policy makers and journalists did not show these non-experts where proxy measurements changed to measured temperatures.[33] The final analyses from various subsequent inquiries concluded that in this context 'trick' was normal scientific or mathematical jargon for a neat way of handling data, in this case a statistical method used to bring two or more different kinds of data sets together in a legitimate fashion.[34][35] The EPA notes that in fact, the evidence shows that the research community was fully aware of these issues and that no one was hiding or concealing them...

Climatic Research Unit email controversy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

quoting a wikipedia article instead of just answering? lame

Oh, you disagree with findings? Please enlighten us....

I am embarrassed by the ineffectual nature of those investigations. they managed to sidestep any of the important aspects, and limited what little effort they used to investigate periferal questions that no one was asking.

Total Bullshit, Ian. Many studies since then confirming the hockey stick;


Figure 6: Composite Northern Hemisphere land and land plus ocean temperature reconstructions and estimated 95% confidence intervals. Shown for comparison are published Northern Hemisphere reconstructions (Mann 2008).

What evidence is there for the hockey stick
show me where the WMO or MBH98 graph acknowledged that the 'trick' had been performed. in any other field Mann could have gone to jail for fraud.

... Even though it has already been investigated eight different times?

what , exactly, was investigated eight different times?

was Jones ever asked about the 'delete all AR4 emails' email by the British enquiries? no

was Mann asked about whether he was involved in the 'delete all AR4 emails' fiasco? yes, but when Mann lied and said he wasnt, they went no further. later, at a different inquiry, Wahl admitted that he had deleted all his AR4 emails because of the request that had come from Mann. when Wahl was asked why he had never said this before he stated, "because no one had ever asked me before". !!!!!!!!!!
A Win for the Climate Scientist Who Skeptics to Compared Jerry Sandusky

Pennsylvania State University, where Mann works, and at least six other institutions conducted separate investigations into the allegations of scientific misconduct. Anindependent probecommissioned by the University of East Anglia faulted the researchers for their bunker mentality, and found their responses "to reasonable requests for information were unhelpful and defensive." But none of the investigations turned up evidence of malfeasance or data manipulation. After completing its inquiry, the US Environmental Protection Agency posted afact sheeton its website stating:

The CRU emails do not show either that the science is flawed or that the scientific process has been compromised. EPA carefully reviewed the CRU emails and found no indication of improper data manipulation or misrepresentation of results…Some people have "cherry-picked" a limited selection of CRU email statements to draw broad, unsubstantiated conclusions about the validity of all climate science.

I am embarrassed by the ineffectual nature of those investigations. they managed to sidestep any of the important aspects, and limited what little effort they used to investigate periferal questions that no one was asking.

... Because you don't agree with the final report, I see....
Like the Benghazi report ...this is not isolated its a pattern for Conservatives...its the backbone of Gish Gallop debates ...they keep insisting on their conclusions regardless of any facts...they do not need any stinking facts to jump to conclusions that cannot be challenged ...

Figure 3: Global surface temperature change over the last five centuries from boreholes (thick red line). Shading represents uncertainty. Blue line is a five year running average of HadCRUT global surface air temperature (Huang 2000).

What evidence is there for the hockey stick


Figure 4: Northern Hemisphere annual temperature reconstruction from speleothem reconstructions shown with 2 standard error (shaded area) (Smith 2006)


Figure 5: Global mean temperature calculated form glaciers. The red vertical lines indicate uncertainty.

And many other proxies, as well. But of course, we all realize that this is just a worldwide conspiracy among scientists for global domination by communists. Allied with the Illumati and various other baddies.
show me where the WMO or MBH98 graph acknowledged that the 'trick' had been performed. in any other field Mann could have gone to jail for fraud.

... Even though it has already been investigated eight different times?

what , exactly, was investigated eight different times?

was Jones ever asked about the 'delete all AR4 emails' email by the British enquiries? no

was Mann asked about whether he was involved in the 'delete all AR4 emails' fiasco? yes, but when Mann lied and said he wasnt, they went no further. later, at a different inquiry, Wahl admitted that he had deleted all his AR4 emails because of the request that had come from Mann. when Wahl was asked why he had never said this before he stated, "because no one had ever asked me before". !!!!!!!!!!
A Win for the Climate Scientist Who Skeptics to Compared Jerry Sandusky

Pennsylvania State University, where Mann works, and at least six other institutions conducted separate investigations into the allegations of scientific misconduct. Anindependent probecommissioned by the University of East Anglia faulted the researchers for their bunker mentality, and found their responses "to reasonable requests for information were unhelpful and defensive." But none of the investigations turned up evidence of malfeasance or data manipulation. After completing its inquiry, the US Environmental Protection Agency posted afact sheeton its website stating:

The CRU emails do not show either that the science is flawed or that the scientific process has been compromised. EPA carefully reviewed the CRU emails and found no indication of improper data manipulation or misrepresentation of results…Some people have "cherry-picked" a limited selection of CRU email statements to draw broad, unsubstantiated conclusions about the validity of all climate science.

"An independent probe commissioned by the University of East Anglia..." LOLz

Figure 3: Global surface temperature change over the last five centuries from boreholes (thick red line). Shading represents uncertainty. Blue line is a five year running average of HadCRUT global surface air temperature (Huang 2000).

What evidence is there for the hockey stick


Figure 4: Northern Hemisphere annual temperature reconstruction from speleothem reconstructions shown with 2 standard error (shaded area) (Smith 2006)


Figure 5: Global mean temperature calculated form glaciers. The red vertical lines indicate uncertainty.

And many other proxies, as well. But of course, we all realize that this is just a worldwide conspiracy among scientists for global domination by communists. Allied with the Illumati and various other baddies.

Posting charts from East Angelia is like having Bernie Madoff sign off on the audit

You have to be a real borehole to believe the Decline Hiders at East Angelia
Last edited: I said....the AGW religious crowd would pour in here like slugs to a tin of beer, falling all over themselves to protect the established if there is no sun in the sky!!!:boobies::boobies::eusa_dance:
Climategate: Fraud in Global Warming Research Climate Director Steps Down, Another Under Investigation

The Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia in England is considered one of the world’s leading institutions on human induced global warming research. CRU was a key contributor to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) last four global warming assessment reports. Their latest assessment report claimed, “The warming of the climate system is unequivocal.” The Climategate scandal raises serious questions about those claims. [The IPCC is an entity of the United Nations, they are the facilitating element for Kyoto Treaty]

Recently, unknown hackers obtained and distributed over 1,000 emails and 2,000 documents from top CRU scientists. The emails have now been verified as authentic and show a pattern of deceit and unethical conduct. Here are some of activities leading climate scientists engaged in:

- Deleting raw temperature data used for global warming predictions.
- Using “tricks” to alter data, making temperatures appear warmer than they really were.
- Planning to keep competing research out of the IPCC reports.
- Rigging the peer review process to keep skeptics from publishing research.
- Discussing the destruction of e-mails that would have been subject to open records requests.
- Expressing disappointment the weather wasn’t warmer so their theories would look better.
- Expressing amazement a respected journal published one of their studies with sparse data.
- Recommending not responding to inquiries that may have embarrassed themselves.

LOL.....the "investigation" was a total fraud >>> Articles The Climategate Investigation
Our part in the input to the carbon problem is so insignificant as to be irremedial compared to the total by any effort we can make. Yet our influence as a species could be just enough to forestall a much worse environmental situation an ice age.

Warming can be beneficial and be adapted to in numerous ways but an ice pack down to the Ohio river would destroy civilization as we know it.

It has been learned through geological science that ice advanced that far south in mere decades.
And soon the Alarmist will be along to white wash this as nothing to see...

Kind of like this excerpt from The EAU and Michale Mann's coding for the hockey schitck..

Mann Correction Vector.JPG

Doesn't matter what you put in it will alwasy result in a hockey stick. We even put in white noise and random numbers the results were always the same.

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