New SurveyUSA poll shows Walker falling fast.

That is true, and in football, one is expected to do those things, or you're not a man, especially when one is a black man. In the past, I remember hearing it said that philandering is a legitimate cultural attribute of the black community and should be respected as such. But, also, remember Bill Clinton, sex is a private matter, and it is no one's business, and we don't judge anymore. So his personal life has no significance as long as he can do the job.
Wow, that's a big bunch of horseshit. You should properly dispose of that.
It is not republicans who are trying to turn our kids into Trannys. It is not Repubs who advocate murdering babies.

It is not republicans who are trying to turn our kids into Trannys. It is not Repubs who advocate murdering babies.
And it's not the Republicans that are destroying this country; it is my party. The Democrat party has done it. Inflation is killing this country; it is destroying the nation's wealth. It has happened before. Anybody who thinks they can compete with inflation is a fool. Biden and the Fed allowed inflation psychology to take hold, and now it will be hell to crush it. We can't do it out a recession, which will mean a lot of pain for many people. And whose fault is it? Biden and the Fed are the criminals. Biden should have been putting pressure on the Fed to do something about inflation while it was still small instead of calling it transitory. Again, their stupidity is going to hurt a lot of people in this country.
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You'd think that if Warnock ran over his ex's foot with a fucking car, there'd be signs of injury -- there were none.

That's not to say that he's some great husband or father - I don't know, the bar's pretty fucking low these days. But if you're going to make a claim that involves physics, make sure that physics and forensics supports your claim.
I had a massive pallet of food dropped on my right foot once. There was no sign of injury but I could barely walk for days. It's called a soft tissue injury.
Walker Encapsulates The Absolute Hypocrisy of the Q-Publicans.

For all bloviating Bull Shit about the "Right To Life", and himself being a "Right To Life" candidate, news comes out he has paid one of his sexual partner's abortion.

Then proving what hypocrites they really are, Q-Publicans rally around Walker and support him.....for paying for an abortion which Q-Publicans are totally opposed to in the first place.

Legislation passed by these so-called "Right To Life" Q-Publicans (who have no problem supporting Capitol Punishment) has forced on 14-year old girl to out of state for a needed abortion and denied another 14-year old girl to be denied medication she needs for Rheumatoid Arthristis.

Walker has threaten Women in his life with guns and has been accused of Domestic Violence, and Q-Publicans flock to. him.

His own son has told him to shut up.

The Man does not belong in the Senate, but all Q-Publicans care about is power for the sake of power.
Nice collection of lies! Did you make this up all on your own or did you see it on CNN or MSNBC?
It just shows the Republiklan party has no morals or values.

After our last conversation involving race and republicans I see you’ve learned nothing.
I’ve come up with a new more accurate screen name for you.

Walker Encapsulates The Absolute Hypocrisy of the Q-Publicans.

For all bloviating Bull Shit about the "Right To Life", and himself being a "Right To Life" candidate, news comes out he has paid one of his sexual partner's abortion.

Then proving what hypocrites they really are, Q-Publicans rally around Walker and support him.....for paying for an abortion which Q-Publicans are totally opposed to in the first place.

Legislation passed by these so-called "Right To Life" Q-Publicans (who have no problem supporting Capitol Punishment) has forced on 14-year old girl to out of state for a needed abortion and denied another 14-year old girl to be denied medication she needs for Rheumatoid Arthristis.

Walker has threaten Women in his life with guns and has been accused of Domestic Violence, and Q-Publicans flock to. him.

His own son has told him to shut up.

The Man does not belong in the Senate, but all Q-Publicans care about is power for the sake of power.

Psssssstt…… nobody’s doing the Q thingy anymore. Update your dnc talking points loser.

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