New Tax on Indoor Tanning Goes into Effect--I found this odd....

Are you telling me you guys don't think blacks sun bath? You have never seen a black person laying out on the beach? There just called black people. There skin is not actually black and devoid of the ability to be effected by sunbathing. Their only source of Vitamin E is from the sun just like us. As someone said those who suffer from acne also use it, and just like white people black people sunbath. Maybe not as much as whites, but they do. They even go to tanning salons.

You guys are showing your racial ignorance assuming a black person would have no reason to sun bath.

Dude, we are talking hamsters here. Before thatm there was some discussion of indoor tanning, but sun bathing is still a nontax subject on this thread.

My melanin-challenged homeys don't seem to be doing skin lightening treatments much, but perhaps I'm racially ignorant there too. :eek:
1. Like I said it just shows you are desperate as you try to make something out of a typo. LOL
You still miss the irony... how lame...:lol:

2. You referred to my post as a generalization and referred to those using generalizations "rather foolish, therefore you called me "rather foolish" even though you made generalizations in the post that i was responding to you MORON.
So you self-identified and agree with my "foolish" comment... Excellent - we are making

I mean what kind of MORON tries to avoid a debate by hiding behind generalizations when he made a generalization in his previous post as well as in the very post he tried to use to attack others for using generalizations? My god you must be a complete and total moron not realize that you were attacking me and calling me "rather foolish" for something you JUST did? LOL
"Attacking"...:lol: what a fucking baby...

You are the only one here claiming I am avoiding the debate... The comments I made, which remain there unaltered, stand as they are - a comment on your foolish generalizations...

I admitted that mine was an error, but that doesn't mean I now think generalizations are no longer foolish... If I claimed my generalizations were ok while yours were not then yes, I would be hypocritical... I DO NOT make that claim... You really need that dictionary... Perhaps we could take up a collection to help defray your costs...

3. Admitting your "error" after the fact does not change the fact that you attacked me for doing what you did. Attacking me for something you did is hypocrisy. However, nice spin but you fell short of the mark AGAIN.
What kind of lameass actually believes that admitting to something AFTER HE IS CAUGHT is manning up?? LOL Furthermore who is floundering? I clearly stated my postion [sic] on generalizations and you are the one that says you are against them even as you make them so it would seem that you are the one floundering but thanks for the spin. LOL

See above... Generalizations are foolish... You continue to fail...

4. WOW way to read into something. I am not saying I am doing because the other guy is doing it. I admitted I don't have a problem with it. Why is that simple concept so hard for you to understand??
You yourself claimed that the reason WHY you don't have a problem with generalizations is because they are used against you all the time... You can go back and change your words if you want, but right now they are there for all to see... A prime example of "well, the other guy is doing it so it's ok for me to"... more fail from you...

You also fail to address how you can try to use generalizations to attack me for using generalizations and claim you are against using them even as you use them. LOL
I did above... You should sue your grade school teachers for neglect... It's THAT bad...

( "atttacked"...:LOL: )

5. So you have a faulty memory oh well it's not my problem but it's apparent that is the case based on the FACT that you had to have ME explain to YOU how YOU were using generalizations even as you referred to those who used them as "rather foolish". LOL
It's evident that my memory is fine... I admitted to my error... You failed to man up... No worries... Watching you continue to wiggle and squirm is funnier than shit...:lol:

6. Oh no, I have been here a year and don't have the respect of a bunch hypocritical lameass rightwing trolls who couldn't actually debate any topic above a kindergarten level. The most hilarious thing of all is that this poster, whom you refer to as a "clueless fuckstain" showed YOU to be a moronic hypocritical hack who runs away from debates and questions he can't spin even as YOU refer to yourself as "rather foolish" and then has to be told about it by ME so you can admit your error in the hopes that you hypocrisy in cancelled [sic] out after the fact. LOL
You are a legend in your own mind, Smith... Those on the left here don't even respect you... I'm sure it has to do with your stellar and legendary debate skills...:rofl:
yeah my words and my response to a question that was asked by meister, DUMBASS, and your attack came AFTER my response to meister's question. So to me food, water, and shelter are NEEDS for survival. I don't consider a car a need for my survival but it's quite telling that you do consider it a need.

As usual, your spin and desperate (self percieved) NEED to attack any who dare to disagree with you falls well short of the mark and your self declared victory is undeserved and unearned. However, thanks for playing.

I never asked you a question, smitty. :eusa_whistle:

Sure you didn't. LOL you just made a statement as you tried to define how I don't need a car in my world and agreed with me. LOL

In your world a car is not a need, smitty.

If this wasn't supposed to be a question then what was it??

Are you agreeing with me and telling me that a car is not a need in my world?? LOL What was the intent of that response in question form despite the fact that it lacks the proper puncuation?

Your spin is beyond hilarious.

You stated a car was not a need and transportation wasn't a need. I figured you sat on your fat ass all I thought "In your world a car is not a need, smitty"...unlike the real world.

Then you come back and say you can walk, bike, cab, or bus it, Which are all transportation. LOL So which is it, you don't need a car or transportation....or you need transportation? Einstein would have been confused with your thought process on this one. LOL

Look who's spinning on this remind of a top in motion. LOL
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I read through a dozen posts totally irrelevant to the subject. I don't know if this has been covered yet but tanning salons equipment produces loads ultraviolet which has been shown to cause skin cancer. I questioned the 10% tax when I read part of the bill. Why tanning salons and not tobacco companies and for that matter why not fast food joints. I guess they had a stronger lobby. If you don't have the right lobbyist and sufficient funds, your're screwed.
I read through a dozen posts totally irrelevant to the subject. I don't know if this has been covered yet but tanning salons equipment produces loads ultraviolet which has been shown to cause skin cancer. I questioned the 10% tax when I read part of the bill. Why tanning salons and not tobacco companies and for that matter why not fast food joints. I guess they had a stronger lobby. If you don't have the right lobbyist and sufficient funds, your're screwed.

I don't think they can tax cigarettes any more than they already do. The taxES on cigarettes are now quadruple what the product actually costs. As far as fast food taxes, I am hopeful they will be coming VERY soon. Along with taxes on sugary sodas.
I read through a dozen posts totally irrelevant to the subject. I don't know if this has been covered yet but tanning salons equipment produces loads ultraviolet which has been shown to cause skin cancer. I questioned the 10% tax when I read part of the bill. Why tanning salons and not tobacco companies and for that matter why not fast food joints. I guess they had a stronger lobby. If you don't have the right lobbyist and sufficient funds, your're screwed.

That is about the size of it.

I read through a dozen posts totally irrelevant to the subject. I don't know if this has been covered yet but tanning salons equipment produces loads ultraviolet which has been shown to cause skin cancer. I questioned the 10% tax when I read part of the bill. Why tanning salons and not tobacco companies and for that matter why not fast food joints. I guess they had a stronger lobby. If you don't have the right lobbyist and sufficient funds, your're screwed.

I don't think they can tax cigarettes any more than they already do. The taxES on cigarettes are now quadruple what the product actually costs. As far as fast food taxes, I am hopeful they will be coming VERY soon. Along with taxes on sugary sodas.

Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

Where does it end? Have the Dems ever met a tax they don't like. Oh wait. Medical marijuana. After all, it's a drug. Can't tax that.

And Charles - while blacks may enjoy frolicking at the beach with their kids, they do not go to sun bathe; nor do they use indoor tanning beds - in general. I've lived and worked at the Jersey shore most of my life and know many black families. They try to avoid the sun.

I'm still curious about my sales tax question. Is it an "income tax" or a "sales tax"? That's the difference of hundreds of hours of clerical work.
I read through a dozen posts totally irrelevant to the subject. I don't know if this has been covered yet but tanning salons equipment produces loads ultraviolet which has been shown to cause skin cancer. I questioned the 10% tax when I read part of the bill. Why tanning salons and not tobacco companies and for that matter why not fast food joints. I guess they had a stronger lobby. If you don't have the right lobbyist and sufficient funds, your're screwed.

Yeah why not add a tax to everything because we all know in someones eyes everything is bad for you. Tobacco has been crushed over the last 20 years as well as fast food joints but hey lets destroy some more industry!!! Yep thats the answer!! Instead of being a democracy and letting people make choices for themselves we will just tax the hell out of them and force them to conform to someone elses ideals. When the hell did it become the governments responsibility to tell people how to live?
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I read through a dozen posts totally irrelevant to the subject. I don't know if this has been covered yet but tanning salons equipment produces loads ultraviolet which has been shown to cause skin cancer. I questioned the 10% tax when I read part of the bill. Why tanning salons and not tobacco companies and for that matter why not fast food joints. I guess they had a stronger lobby. If you don't have the right lobbyist and sufficient funds, your're screwed.

Yeah why not add a tax to everything because we all know in someones eyes everything is bad for you. Tobacco has been crushed over the last 20 years as well as fast food joints but hey lets destroy some more industry!!! Yep thats the answer!! Instead of being a democracy and letting people make choices for themselves we will just tax the hell out of them and force them to conform to someone elses ideals. When the hell did it become the governments responsibility to tell people how to live?

Probably around the same time someone made it the Government's reponsibility to offer MediCade?
I read through a dozen posts totally irrelevant to the subject. I don't know if this has been covered yet but tanning salons equipment produces loads ultraviolet which has been shown to cause skin cancer. I questioned the 10% tax when I read part of the bill. Why tanning salons and not tobacco companies and for that matter why not fast food joints. I guess they had a stronger lobby. If you don't have the right lobbyist and sufficient funds, your're screwed.

Yeah why not add a tax to everything because we all know in someones eyes everything is bad for you. Tobacco has been crushed over the last 20 years as well as fast food joints but hey lets destroy some more industry!!! Yep thats the answer!! Instead of being a democracy and letting people make choices for themselves we will just tax the hell out of them and force them to conform to someone elses ideals. When the hell did it become the governments responsibility to tell people how to live?

Probably around the same time someone made it the Government's reponsibility to offer MediCade?

Yeah and maybe that is the problem. The bigger govenment is and the more roles it plays in American's lives the less freedom we will have and that is a promise.
Yeah why not add a tax to everything because we all know in someones eyes everything is bad for you. Tobacco has been crushed over the last 20 years as well as fast food joints but hey lets destroy some more industry!!! Yep thats the answer!! Instead of being a democracy and letting people make choices for themselves we will just tax the hell out of them and force them to conform to someone elses ideals. When the hell did it become the governments responsibility to tell people how to live?

Probably around the same time someone made it the Government's reponsibility to offer MediCade?

Yeah and maybe that is the problem. The bigger govenment is and the more roles it plays in American's lives the less freedom we will have and that is a promise.

The problem is, seniors rely on MediCare. MediCare is goin bankrupt. Irresponsible choices by American citizens who partake of MediCare are cotsing our Government more than they are taking in. So, now the Government has decided to tax those irreposnisble choices in hopes of shoring up MediCare.
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Probably around the same time someone made it the Government's reponsibility to offer MediCade?

Yeah and maybe that is the problem. The bigger govenment is and the more roles it plays in American's lives the less freedom we will have and that is a promise.

The problem is, seniros rely on MediCare. MediCare is goin bankrupt. Irresponsible choices by American citizens who partake of MediCare are cotsing our Government more than they are taking in. So, now the Government has decided to tax those irreposnisble choices in hopes of shoring up MediCare.

So tax the irresponsible seniors for their errors and leave the rest of us out of it.
Yeah and maybe that is the problem. The bigger govenment is and the more roles it plays in American's lives the less freedom we will have and that is a promise.

The problem is, seniros rely on MediCare. MediCare is goin bankrupt. Irresponsible choices by American citizens who partake of MediCare are cotsing our Government more than they are taking in. So, now the Government has decided to tax those irreposnisble choices in hopes of shoring up MediCare.

So tax the irresponsible seniors for their errors and leave the rest of us out of it.

The GOP will NEVER go for that. The seniors are about the only "base" they can count on anymore....
Probably around the same time someone made it the Government's reponsibility to offer MediCade?

Yeah and maybe that is the problem. The bigger govenment is and the more roles it plays in American's lives the less freedom we will have and that is a promise.

The problem is, seniors rely on MediCare. MediCare is goin bankrupt. Irresponsible choices by American citizens who partake of MediCare are cotsing our Government more than they are taking in. So, now the Government has decided to tax those irreposnisble choices in hopes of shoring up MediCare.

:cuckoo: You just might want to look into how much of the money being lost is from fraud and waste. Then look at your avatar and say to yourself...."That describes me as well." Just sayin.....
I read through a dozen posts totally irrelevant to the subject. I don't know if this has been covered yet but tanning salons equipment produces loads ultraviolet which has been shown to cause skin cancer. I questioned the 10% tax when I read part of the bill. Why tanning salons and not tobacco companies and for that matter why not fast food joints. I guess they had a stronger lobby. If you don't have the right lobbyist and sufficient funds, your're screwed.

I don't think they can tax cigarettes any more than they already do. The taxES on cigarettes are now quadruple what the product actually costs. As far as fast food taxes, I am hopeful they will be coming VERY soon. Along with taxes on sugary sodas.

Yes, they can tax your smokes more than they do, and you will pay them just like you always do. The funny part about it is that you won't question it, because it's from the government. :lol:
1. Like I said it just shows you are desperate as you try to make something out of a typo. LOL
You still miss the irony... how lame...:lol:

2. You referred to my post as a generalization and referred to those using generalizations "rather foolish, therefore you called me "rather foolish" even though you made generalizations in the post that i was responding to you MORON.
So you self-identified and agree with my "foolish" comment... Excellent - we are making

"Attacking"...:lol: what a fucking baby...

You are the only one here claiming I am avoiding the debate... The comments I made, which remain there unaltered, stand as they are - a comment on your foolish generalizations...

I admitted that mine was an error, but that doesn't mean I now think generalizations are no longer foolish... If I claimed my generalizations were ok while yours were not then yes, I would be hypocritical... I DO NOT make that claim... You really need that dictionary... Perhaps we could take up a collection to help defray your costs...

See above... Generalizations are foolish... You continue to fail...

You yourself claimed that the reason WHY you don't have a problem with generalizations is because they are used against you all the time... You can go back and change your words if you want, but right now they are there for all to see... A prime example of "well, the other guy is doing it so it's ok for me to"... more fail from you...

I did above... You should sue your grade school teachers for neglect... It's THAT bad...

( "atttacked"...:LOL: )

5. So you have a faulty memory oh well it's not my problem but it's apparent that is the case based on the FACT that you had to have ME explain to YOU how YOU were using generalizations even as you referred to those who used them as "rather foolish". LOL
It's evident that my memory is fine... I admitted to my error... You failed to man up... No worries... Watching you continue to wiggle and squirm is funnier than shit...:lol:

6. Oh no, I have been here a year and don't have the respect of a bunch hypocritical lameass rightwing trolls who couldn't actually debate any topic above a kindergarten level. The most hilarious thing of all is that this poster, whom you refer to as a "clueless fuckstain" showed YOU to be a moronic hypocritical hack who runs away from debates and questions he can't spin even as YOU refer to yourself as "rather foolish" and then has to be told about it by ME so you can admit your error in the hopes that you hypocrisy in cancelled [sic] out after the fact. LOL
You are a legend in your own mind, Smith... Those on the left here don't even respect you... I'm sure it has to do with your stellar and legendary debate skills...:rofl:

1. No, I didn't miss the irony but did you miss your hypocrisy as you continue to bring up my typo in an attempt to demean me even as you try to claim that your own hypocrisy in attacking me for making generalizations in response to YOUR generalizations should not be discussed anymore because you admitted your "error" which is otherwise known as hypocrisy?

2. Nice DISHONEST misinterpretation but NO I did not self identify nor did I agree with your personal attack I merely showed how YOUR personal attack applied to you since you were hypocritically attacking me for something you were doing. But thanks for showing hoe dishoenst you can be as you try so desperately to CYA.

3. you attack AGAIN instead of having the integrity to admit it. How typical. The FACT is that that you referred to those who use generalizations as being rather foolish which applies to you and you used that back firing attack to avoid the content of my post.

BTW here is your post in which you refer to ME specifically
I find people who speak in generalizations to be rather foolish...

That would be you, in case you were wondering...

So much for self identifying. LOL

4. And here you go again hiding behind generalizations to avoid content you refuse to respond to. how typical here is the CONTENT that you ignored see if you can actually respond to it. LOL
Admitting your "error" after the fact does not change the fact that you attacked me for doing what you did. Attacking me for something you did is hypocrisy. However, nice spin but you fell short of the mark AGAIN.
What kind of lameass actually believes that admitting to something AFTER HE IS CAUGHT is manning up?? LOL Furthermore who is floundering? I clearly stated my postion [sic] on generalizations and you are the one that says you are against them even as you make them so it would seem that you are the one floundering but thanks for the spin. LOL

5. The fact is that I don't have a problem with generalizations and yet you claim to have a problem with them and insult those who use them even as you use them. Why can you just admit you are a hypocrite and be honest for a change instead of spinning in a desperate attempt to CYA?

6. claiming I am presenting more generalizations as you avoid the fact that you make them is NOT addressing how you can try to use generalizations to attack me for using generalizations and claim you are against using them even as you use them. However thanks again for exposing your dishoensty as you claim to have done something you haven't done.

7. No it's apparent that you memory is not fine unless of course you are being this inept and hypocrital intentionally which means that you are being dishonest? However, What kind of lameass actually believes that admitting to something AFTER HE IS CAUGHT doing something HE believes is wrong is manning up??
Furthermore I just love how you refer to your hypocrisy as an "error" LOL BTW since I have stated my position pretty clearly why should I "man up" and admit my "error" based on YOUR standards that you don't even hold yourself to as you continue to do what you claim to be against??


Those on the left here don't even respect you

is yet another generalization from you when you continue to attack me for doing something that you claim to be against but continue to do.

The truly hilarious thing is that YOU called yourself "rather foolish" and I had to explain it to you and yet you continue to attack my debating skills. LOL

You spin and spin as you try to attack me but all you accomplish is further expose your own dishonesty, hypocrisy and lack of integrity.
Democrat-Progessive party equals, JUSTICE FOR ALL:lol:

Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, July 7, 2010, 5:48 AM
It’s Time to Tax Whitey–

Dems impose a 10% surcharge on the use of ultraviolet indoor tanning beds. White folks feel burned.

The Washington Post reported:

The sun hasn’t exactly set on Solar Planet, but anxiety over the fate of the Arlington tanning salon has been running high ever since a “tan tax” took effect Thursday.

One of the less publicized measures in the new health-care law, the tax imposes a 10 percent surcharge on the use of ultraviolet indoor tanning beds.

Supporters — including the Obama administration, congressional Democrats and dermatologists — have argued that the tax will raise an estimated $2.7 billion toward the cost of expanding health coverage to the uninsured, while discouraging a practice that increases the risk of skin cancer by as much as threefold in frequent users, according to scientific research.

read it all here.
Gateway Pundit

When it comes to the things we are going to be taxed on, "you ain't seen nothin` yet!" For "the greater good", you know, for the government to tell us what is healthy and unhealthy for us. Like we don't know and can't make our own decisions how to live or die.
Let's all pause for a few months and wait for the VAT, that will insure everyone everyone gets an equal screwing by the tax fanatics.

How about a Driveway tax, most people have a driveway right, and those that don't will be penalized? Those in apartments and townhouses will pay a stiff parking slot tax, added to their monthly payments.

No death & disposal insurance? Meaning the proper disposal of our broken down remains will be at the cost of the taxpayer, no way, fine those who have no 'human disposal insurance'.

I have a very long list, but that's it for now, since I am sure someone in office somewhere will try passing some of these into law. They are grabbing at straws, anything and everything is fair game for a tax, fee, toll, permit or license requirement.

I am sure most in here could add to this list without any problems, I think the politicians pay people, most likely from an insane asylum, to come up with some of this crazy 'chit', oooops, like me, maybe I am ..............:cuckoo:, if so, they made me go cuckoo.

Such hysteria. Unbelievable. This is a tax on a product KNOWN to cause skin cancer. Your analogies are absurd.

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