New Twist to Thug Killing!

More charges were just filed on the neighbor who shot the video. You were saying?
I just saw that, too. I’m very curious what brought those charges on; what information do investigators have that the third man was involved? It certainly could make the case against the McMichaels stronger if it can be shown the third man was involved and they lied about it.

The McMichaels were idiots from the get go. Rule one. Never talk to the police without a lawyer. Their own statements are evidence against them. As a boy My Dad told me most people talk their way into prison.

Well, as I have mentioned before I do agree that if arrested for anything one should never talk to the police without their lawyer present...that is a well known fact least in the legal community.

However in this case...what statements did the McMichaels make that will be evidence against them?
They said they wanted to talk to him. Yea right! The vehicle was chasing the man down. Arbery was running, not jogging. And you don't question someone by standing in the back of a pickup truck with a loaded gun. You do not go and question someone by illegally carrying a loaded shotgun in a truck.
More charges were just filed on the neighbor who shot the video. You were saying?
I just saw that, too. I’m very curious what brought those charges on; what information do investigators have that the third man was involved? It certainly could make the case against the McMichaels stronger if it can be shown the third man was involved and they lied about it.

Well he was a neighbor and thus probably knew what was going on although from what I have read he was just tagging along videotaping the this point without knowing the whole story it appears to me the main factor for his arrest was the momma....Ahmaud's mother demanded he be arrested....thus at this point the authorities are still kowtowing to the blacks in an effort to calm things down.

I would guess they will probably charge him with being an accessory....thouugh I cannot see that holding up in court.
It will. He participated, instead of calling 911.
If you think you live in a country where Arbery's murderers will be brought to justice, then you are fooling yourself.
Homicide, not murder.

Murder. They would not have armed themselves if there was no intent to use the weapons.
Anyone who has a weapon and does not arm himself while confronting a very violent thug would be an idiot. The tape says it all.

Yep......the father recognized the suspect....had dealt with him before when he was a policeman/ he most likely knew the suspect's history.....taking a loaded weapon to school, mental problems etc. thus he knew there was a possibility at least the suspect might be armed...thus their caution.

I am still waiting for them to bring up the suspects mental history....of course the prosecutors will not do that and perhaps the defense is waiting for the trial or they might present it to the grand jury.

Anyhow....the former D.A. mentioned the suspects mental history and thought it might have contributed to the suspects aggressiveness aka attacking a man with a shotgun. Not something most sane people would do.

So why did Daddy withhold this information from police while on the phone with them? Why did Daddy commit a Felony by interfering with the investigation withholding the name?
I recognize a lot of people, that doesn't mean I know all their names.

Yes exactly.....
Anyhow....they were in a rush....they wanted to perform a citizens arrest or at least keep the suspect in sight till the police arrived...or they may not have asked for his name or the former cop may not have remembered his name...or he may have told them the name..........anyhow it had been a long time since he had dealt with the suspect...irregardless no felony was commited dummie....the former cop did not interefere with any investigation.

The liberals have been reduced to grasping at straws.....they are beginning to realize this case is headed for the dustbin of history as well it should was a case of the media once again trying to stir up racial trouble and further divide a nation that is already far too divided....they lied, they spun and now it will all come back to bite them....hopefully someone will sue them and get millions.

So now the McMichaels are back to performing a citizens arrest. I love how the narrative in support changes with every reply. When it was pointed out they did not have legal justification for a Citizens arrest the supporters all swore the McMichaels were going to detain AA. Then when that was exposed as illegal it was merely talking to him until the police arrived. Then it was passively standing in the street threatening nobody.

Please tell me you are not part of the defense team. I really want the Defendants to have a competent legal defense.

As pointed out before you obviously have a comprehension problem....O.K. I will explain in very simple terms what was meant ...if you read it again with your glasses will see what was said..."they wanted to perform a citizens arrest" that is what the father said....but as pointed out many times to you(I know you are a tad slow but really)they did not perform a citizens arrest.....until they explain why they did not do a citizens arrest...we can only speculate as to the reason for that.....the father being a former policeman probably decided that it would be best to let the police do that...for whatever reason....maybe he didnt want to have to put his hands on a dirty and diseased mental case...might of caught some kind of virus.

Attempting to detain him was a crime. A crime the Neighbor who shot the video was just arrested for. I have been telling you over and over again. The McMichaels are the criminals in this event. Armed mobs are never the answer. Self appointed posse’s are always illegal.

Nonsense....they did not attempt to detain the has been shown via the video no time did anyone lay a hand on the suspect or attempt to detain him. He had freedom of movement at all time...look up the definition of arrest or detainment and get back with us.

Yet even if they had it would not have been a crime as in they had reasonable cause to believe he was involved in a crime.
If you think you live in a country where Arbery's murderers will be brought to justice, then you are fooling yourself.
Homicide, not murder.

Murder. They would not have armed themselves if there was no intent to use the weapons.
Anyone who has a weapon and does not arm himself while confronting a very violent thug would be an idiot. The tape says it all.

Yep......the father recognized the suspect....had dealt with him before when he was a policeman/ he most likely knew the suspect's history.....taking a loaded weapon to school, mental problems etc. thus he knew there was a possibility at least the suspect might be armed...thus their caution.

I am still waiting for them to bring up the suspects mental history....of course the prosecutors will not do that and perhaps the defense is waiting for the trial or they might present it to the grand jury.

Anyhow....the former D.A. mentioned the suspects mental history and thought it might have contributed to the suspects aggressiveness aka attacking a man with a shotgun. Not something most sane people would do.

So why did Daddy withhold this information from police while on the phone with them? Why did Daddy commit a Felony by interfering with the investigation withholding the name?
I recognize a lot of people, that doesn't mean I know all their names.

Yes exactly.....
Anyhow....they were in a rush....they wanted to perform a citizens arrest or at least keep the suspect in sight till the police arrived...or they may not have asked for his name or the former cop may not have remembered his name...or he may have told them the name..........anyhow it had been a long time since he had dealt with the suspect...irregardless no felony was commited dummie....the former cop did not interefere with any investigation.

The liberals have been reduced to grasping at straws.....they are beginning to realize this case is headed for the dustbin of history as well it should was a case of the media once again trying to stir up racial trouble and further divide a nation that is already far too divided....they lied, they spun and now it will all come back to bite them....hopefully someone will sue them and get millions.

So now the McMichaels are back to performing a citizens arrest. I love how the narrative in support changes with every reply. When it was pointed out they did not have legal justification for a Citizens arrest the supporters all swore the McMichaels were going to detain AA. Then when that was exposed as illegal it was merely talking to him until the police arrived. Then it was passively standing in the street threatening nobody.

Please tell me you are not part of the defense team. I really want the Defendants to have a competent legal defense.

As pointed out before you obviously have a comprehension problem....O.K. I will explain in very simple terms what was meant ...if you read it again with your glasses will see what was said..."they wanted to perform a citizens arrest" that is what the father said....but as pointed out many times to you(I know you are a tad slow but really)they did not perform a citizens arrest.....until they explain why they did not do a citizens arrest...we can only speculate as to the reason for that.....the father being a former policeman probably decided that it would be best to let the police do that...for whatever reason....maybe he didnt want to have to put his hands on a dirty and diseased mental case...might of caught some kind of virus.

Attempting to detain him was a crime. A crime the Neighbor who shot the video was just arrested for. I have been telling you over and over again. The McMichaels are the criminals in this event. Armed mobs are never the answer. Self appointed posse’s are always illegal.

Definition of a Posse............

a body of men, typically armed, summoned by a sheriff to enforce the law.
You do know that the elder McMichael had been involved or appointed as the man to go to on this ongoing problem in the neighborhood of people trespassing on the construction you not?

Now the Neighbor has been arrested.

Apparently the people who actually deal with the law in Georgia do not know it as well as our experts here on the message board.

The charges are Felony Murder and attempted criminal false imprisonment.

So the innocent car following AA was not so innocent after all. Waiting to hear how this is totally illegal. really are is obvious the only reason for his arrest is to try and put pressure on him to turn against the McMichales and thus perhaps manufacture something against them in order to get the charges against him dropped....that is how police operate....look for the weak link and exploit it...not saying he is the weak link but the police are on a witch hunt and thus they think they may manipulate him into helping them.

Who knows? It might put murder charges on someone and that is a lot of much pressure the fellow might make up stories just to get the charges against him dropped....not like it has never happened before.

This is a prime example of someone that should not have talked to the police without his lawyer....I wonder if they even read him his miranda the time they first questioned him he was just a witness..not a suspect.
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More charges were just filed on the neighbor who shot the video. You were saying?
I just saw that, too. I’m very curious what brought those charges on; what information do investigators have that the third man was involved? It certainly could make the case against the McMichaels stronger if it can be shown the third man was involved and they lied about it.

The McMichaels were idiots from the get go. Rule one. Never talk to the police without a lawyer. Their own statements are evidence against them. As a boy My Dad told me most people talk their way into prison.

Well, as I have mentioned before I do agree that if arrested for anything one should never talk to the police without their lawyer present...that is a well known fact least in the legal community.

However in this case...what statements did the McMichaels make that will be evidence against them?
For one, they royally screwed over Bryan by telling police he used his car to try and block Arbery's escape.

For another, they admitted they didn't see Arbery in the construction house that day.
If you think you live in a country where Arbery's murderers will be brought to justice, then you are fooling yourself.
Homicide, not murder.

Murder. They would not have armed themselves if there was no intent to use the weapons.
Anyone who has a weapon and does not arm himself while confronting a very violent thug would be an idiot. The tape says it all.

Yep......the father recognized the suspect....had dealt with him before when he was a policeman/ he most likely knew the suspect's history.....taking a loaded weapon to school, mental problems etc. thus he knew there was a possibility at least the suspect might be armed...thus their caution.

I am still waiting for them to bring up the suspects mental history....of course the prosecutors will not do that and perhaps the defense is waiting for the trial or they might present it to the grand jury.

Anyhow....the former D.A. mentioned the suspects mental history and thought it might have contributed to the suspects aggressiveness aka attacking a man with a shotgun. Not something most sane people would do.

So why did Daddy withhold this information from police while on the phone with them? Why did Daddy commit a Felony by interfering with the investigation withholding the name?
I recognize a lot of people, that doesn't mean I know all their names.

Yes exactly.....
Anyhow....they were in a rush....they wanted to perform a citizens arrest or at least keep the suspect in sight till the police arrived...or they may not have asked for his name or the former cop may not have remembered his name...or he may have told them the name..........anyhow it had been a long time since he had dealt with the suspect...irregardless no felony was commited dummie....the former cop did not interefere with any investigation.

The liberals have been reduced to grasping at straws.....they are beginning to realize this case is headed for the dustbin of history as well it should was a case of the media once again trying to stir up racial trouble and further divide a nation that is already far too divided....they lied, they spun and now it will all come back to bite them....hopefully someone will sue them and get millions.

So now the McMichaels are back to performing a citizens arrest. I love how the narrative in support changes with every reply. When it was pointed out they did not have legal justification for a Citizens arrest the supporters all swore the McMichaels were going to detain AA. Then when that was exposed as illegal it was merely talking to him until the police arrived. Then it was passively standing in the street threatening nobody.

Please tell me you are not part of the defense team. I really want the Defendants to have a competent legal defense.

As pointed out before you obviously have a comprehension problem....O.K. I will explain in very simple terms what was meant ...if you read it again with your glasses will see what was said..."they wanted to perform a citizens arrest" that is what the father said....but as pointed out many times to you(I know you are a tad slow but really)they did not perform a citizens arrest.....until they explain why they did not do a citizens arrest...we can only speculate as to the reason for that.....the father being a former policeman probably decided that it would be best to let the police do that...for whatever reason....maybe he didnt want to have to put his hands on a dirty and diseased mental case...might of caught some kind of virus.

Attempting to detain him was a crime. A crime the Neighbor who shot the video was just arrested for. I have been telling you over and over again. The McMichaels are the criminals in this event. Armed mobs are never the answer. Self appointed posse’s are always illegal.

Nonsense....they did not attempt to detain the has been shown via the video no time did anyone lay a hand on the suspect or attempt to detain him. He had freedom of movement at all time...look up the definition of arrest or detainment and get back with us.

Yet even if they had it would not have been a crime as in they had reasonable cause to believe he was involved in a crime.
If you think you live in a country where Arbery's murderers will be brought to justice, then you are fooling yourself.
Homicide, not murder.

Murder. They would not have armed themselves if there was no intent to use the weapons.
Anyone who has a weapon and does not arm himself while confronting a very violent thug would be an idiot. The tape says it all.

Yep......the father recognized the suspect....had dealt with him before when he was a policeman/ he most likely knew the suspect's history.....taking a loaded weapon to school, mental problems etc. thus he knew there was a possibility at least the suspect might be armed...thus their caution.

I am still waiting for them to bring up the suspects mental history....of course the prosecutors will not do that and perhaps the defense is waiting for the trial or they might present it to the grand jury.

Anyhow....the former D.A. mentioned the suspects mental history and thought it might have contributed to the suspects aggressiveness aka attacking a man with a shotgun. Not something most sane people would do.

So why did Daddy withhold this information from police while on the phone with them? Why did Daddy commit a Felony by interfering with the investigation withholding the name?
I recognize a lot of people, that doesn't mean I know all their names.

Yes exactly.....
Anyhow....they were in a rush....they wanted to perform a citizens arrest or at least keep the suspect in sight till the police arrived...or they may not have asked for his name or the former cop may not have remembered his name...or he may have told them the name..........anyhow it had been a long time since he had dealt with the suspect...irregardless no felony was commited dummie....the former cop did not interefere with any investigation.

The liberals have been reduced to grasping at straws.....they are beginning to realize this case is headed for the dustbin of history as well it should was a case of the media once again trying to stir up racial trouble and further divide a nation that is already far too divided....they lied, they spun and now it will all come back to bite them....hopefully someone will sue them and get millions.

So now the McMichaels are back to performing a citizens arrest. I love how the narrative in support changes with every reply. When it was pointed out they did not have legal justification for a Citizens arrest the supporters all swore the McMichaels were going to detain AA. Then when that was exposed as illegal it was merely talking to him until the police arrived. Then it was passively standing in the street threatening nobody.

Please tell me you are not part of the defense team. I really want the Defendants to have a competent legal defense.

As pointed out before you obviously have a comprehension problem....O.K. I will explain in very simple terms what was meant ...if you read it again with your glasses will see what was said..."they wanted to perform a citizens arrest" that is what the father said....but as pointed out many times to you(I know you are a tad slow but really)they did not perform a citizens arrest.....until they explain why they did not do a citizens arrest...we can only speculate as to the reason for that.....the father being a former policeman probably decided that it would be best to let the police do that...for whatever reason....maybe he didnt want to have to put his hands on a dirty and diseased mental case...might of caught some kind of virus.

Attempting to detain him was a crime. A crime the Neighbor who shot the video was just arrested for. I have been telling you over and over again. The McMichaels are the criminals in this event. Armed mobs are never the answer. Self appointed posse’s are always illegal.

Definition of a Posse............

a body of men, typically armed, summoned by a sheriff to enforce the law.
You do know that the elder McMichael had been involved or appointed as the man to go to on this ongoing problem in the neighborhood of people trespassing on the construction you not?

Uh, no, Gregory McMichael was neither involved nor appointed as a go to guy. An officer texted that to the homeowner but the homeowner never contacted McMichael.
Now the Neighbor has been arrested.

Apparently the people who actually deal with the law in Georgia do not know it as well as our experts here on the message board.

The charges are Felony Murder and attempted criminal false imprisonment.

So the innocent car following AA was not so innocent after all. Waiting to hear how this is totally illegal. really are is obvious the only reason for his arrest is to try and put pressure on him to turn against the McMichales and thus perhaps manufacture something against them in order to get the charges against him dropped....that is how police operate....look for the weak link and exploit it...not saying he is the weak link but the police are on a witch hunt and thus they think they may manipulate him into helping them.

Who knows? It might put murder charges on someone and that is a lot of much pressure the fellow might make up stories just to get the charges against him dropped....not like it has never happened before.

This is a prime example of someone that should not have talked to the police without his lawyer....I wonder if they even read him his miranda the time they first questioned him he was just a witness..not a suspect.
They didn't have to read him his Miranda rights until he was in custody.

But he was a cop. He's well aware he never had to speak with police.
Now the Neighbor has been arrested.

Apparently the people who actually deal with the law in Georgia do not know it as well as our experts here on the message board.

The charges are Felony Murder and attempted criminal false imprisonment.

So the innocent car following AA was not so innocent after all. Waiting to hear how this is totally illegal. really are is obvious the only reason for his arrest is to try and put pressure on him to turn against the McMichales and thus perhaps manufacture something against them in order to get the charges against him dropped....that is how police operate....look for the weak link and exploit it...not saying he is the weak link but the police are on a witch hunt and thus they think they may manipulate him into helping them.

Who knows? It might put murder charges on someone and that is a lot of much pressure the fellow might make up stories just to get the charges against him dropped....not like it has never happened before.

This is a prime example of someone that should not have talked to the police without his lawyer....I wonder if they even read him his miranda the time they first questioned him he was just a witness..not a suspect.

The evidence keeps piling up. If the case against the McMichaels was half as weak as you with your Cracker Jack Law degree say it is then the McMichaels would have bail by now. But they don’t. Daddy should be in Protective Isolation. Travis probably is too.

Long ago I posted that even attempting a Citizens Arrest in Georgia is playing Bet your life. If you are wrong, you are the one who goes to jail. The McMichaels were wrong. So they are the ones going to jail. It is why people in Georgia do not do Citizens Arrest. Unless you are 100% sure you do not do it.

The link to the lawyers description I posted several times explained it. But you were hung up on everything but the actual law and how it is actually applied.

As for what statement? I thought you were up on the news? Or are you merely testing my memory.

They were at the police station for hours being interviewed. So in addition to the statement made to the responding officer we have them on record for hours.

I am guessing this did not get much play in the McMichaels just killed a violent thug websites. It is why I read many sources. To find the truth through all the political spin.

Now I have known since day one they were guilty. Not because of the colors involved. Not because of any bias. But because I have taken two courses in person on Concealed Carry and laws in Georgia. Both were taught by police. And both told me not to do exactly what the McMichaels did. Both courses said that I would be committing a felony if I did it.

So if you and the rest are right. That means the courses I paid for, and taught by cops, was wrong. It means the lawyers I talked to were wrong. It means the lawyers article about it is wrong. In other words. A lot of people who are trained and experienced in the laws of Georgia are wrong. People who make their living doing just what I described. Enforcing and litigating the laws.

Now I am willing to admit there is often differences of opinion. And one lawyer is going to argue they were justified at their trial. But the problem is that a lot of people without a dog in this hunt say it was a crime.

Now. Imagine if you were trained that you should not do something at work. It is dangerous and if you do it you will be fired. If you see someone do it. And they get fired. Are you going to argue that it was unjust and wrong?

Daddy was a cop. And from the sound of it not very good at the end. He lost his certification because he couldn’t be bothered to attend annual training. That does not speak well. Instead of doing the training and returning he retired shortly afterwards. Maybe he was ready to retire. Maybe he was tired of it all. But the suspension at the end makes him look obstinate and like a guy who flaunts the rules.

In a way. I feel sorry for the McMichaels. They were used to the old boys club sorting things out. The club was overwhelmed and they are being thrown to the wolves. But that is always what happens when the club faces a case too big to sweep under the rug. Most of the people who see that realize it long before the McMichaels did. Daddy for one should have known this was too big. But he hung his hat on the post and now he is screwed.

Even if by some set of events I can not imagine they are found Not Guilty the legal fees will bankrupt both families. A mediocre lawyer would bankrupt them and they need a great lawyer who cost five times as much. Nobody will hire them and other than some far right speaking engagement they are unemployed and without prospects.

I have been telling you all for a while. None of this is good news for the McMichaels.
Now the Neighbor has been arrested.

Apparently the people who actually deal with the law in Georgia do not know it as well as our experts here on the message board.

The charges are Felony Murder and attempted criminal false imprisonment.

So the innocent car following AA was not so innocent after all. Waiting to hear how this is totally illegal. really are is obvious the only reason for his arrest is to try and put pressure on him to turn against the McMichales and thus perhaps manufacture something against them in order to get the charges against him dropped....that is how police operate....look for the weak link and exploit it...not saying he is the weak link but the police are on a witch hunt and thus they think they may manipulate him into helping them.

Who knows? It might put murder charges on someone and that is a lot of much pressure the fellow might make up stories just to get the charges against him dropped....not like it has never happened before.

This is a prime example of someone that should not have talked to the police without his lawyer....I wonder if they even read him his miranda the time they first questioned him he was just a witness..not a suspect.

The evidence keeps piling up. If the case against the McMichaels was half as weak as you with your Cracker Jack Law degree say it is then the McMichaels would have bail by now. But they don’t. Daddy should be in Protective Isolation. Travis probably is too.

Long ago I posted that even attempting a Citizens Arrest in Georgia is playing Bet your life. If you are wrong, you are the one who goes to jail. The McMichaels were wrong. So they are the ones going to jail. It is why people in Georgia do not do Citizens Arrest. Unless you are 100% sure you do not do it.

The link to the lawyers description I posted several times explained it. But you were hung up on everything but the actual law and how it is actually applied.

As for what statement? I thought you were up on the news? Or are you merely testing my memory.

They were at the police station for hours being interviewed. So in addition to the statement made to the responding officer we have them on record for hours.

I am guessing this did not get much play in the McMichaels just killed a violent thug websites. It is why I read many sources. To find the truth through all the political spin.

Now I have known since day one they were guilty. Not because of the colors involved. Not because of any bias. But because I have taken two courses in person on Concealed Carry and laws in Georgia. Both were taught by police. And both told me not to do exactly what the McMichaels did. Both courses said that I would be committing a felony if I did it.

So if you and the rest are right. That means the courses I paid for, and taught by cops, was wrong. It means the lawyers I talked to were wrong. It means the lawyers article about it is wrong. In other words. A lot of people who are trained and experienced in the laws of Georgia are wrong. People who make their living doing just what I described. Enforcing and litigating the laws.

Now I am willing to admit there is often differences of opinion. And one lawyer is going to argue they were justified at their trial. But the problem is that a lot of people without a dog in this hunt say it was a crime.

Now. Imagine if you were trained that you should not do something at work. It is dangerous and if you do it you will be fired. If you see someone do it. And they get fired. Are you going to argue that it was unjust and wrong?

Daddy was a cop. And from the sound of it not very good at the end. He lost his certification because he couldn’t be bothered to attend annual training. That does not speak well. Instead of doing the training and returning he retired shortly afterwards. Maybe he was ready to retire. Maybe he was tired of it all. But the suspension at the end makes him look obstinate and like a guy who flaunts the rules.

In a way. I feel sorry for the McMichaels. They were used to the old boys club sorting things out. The club was overwhelmed and they are being thrown to the wolves. But that is always what happens when the club faces a case too big to sweep under the rug. Most of the people who see that realize it long before the McMichaels did. Daddy for one should have known this was too big. But he hung his hat on the post and now he is screwed.

Even if by some set of events I can not imagine they are found Not Guilty the legal fees will bankrupt both families. A mediocre lawyer would bankrupt them and they need a great lawyer who cost five times as much. Nobody will hire them and other than some far right speaking engagement they are unemplo

yed and without prospects.

I have been telling you all for a while. None of this is good news for the McMichaels.

Not good news any time you are being accused of something you did not do. Not good news to have the power of the media aligned against you. Not good news when corrupt politicians control the state where you live.

Yet it is far from the disaster you portend. Funds will be donated and collected for the defense of the McMichaels. They have far more resources, friends, connections than Zimmerman had and he prevailed though you and your ilk thought back then like you do now that wild and false accusations would prevail....what you seem not to get is we have a fairly good legal system in America....called trial by jury...not trial by the media, not trial by corrupt politicians willing to sell their soul to advance or protect their careers.

That is what saved George Zimmerman who even had the entire executive branch of the Federal Government including President Obama aligned against him.

The same thing will save the McMichaels ....Trial by a jury of their peers.

You cite a lot of crap....nothing more than bullshite...what lawyers think or say or what you claim they say or think....what some class instructor may have told you or what you may not have demonstrate time and again your lack of good analytical think by throwing out a lot of irreleveant and nonsensical verbiage that you can contradict the facts of the case or the applicable law.

You claimed the McMichaels had made statements that will incriminate them....I axed you what those statements could not answer you throw out more irrelevant crap in fact you spam the board with irreleant nonsense...which no one will even read anyhow.

So again for the record...what statements made by the McMichaels will incriminate them? Maybe they did?...but if they did I have not seen them and you certainly have not presented said statements on this thread. You should either put up or shut up. Either present the incriminating statements you claimed they made or admit that once again you are mis-representing the facts of this case.

You are fooling no one but yourself. Your bias has blinded you to the facts and evidence of the cannot even look at the video and see what what most claim ridiculous things that never a lot of liars you seem to think if you repeat your lies often enough someone will believe them.
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Now the Neighbor has been arrested.

Apparently the people who actually deal with the law in Georgia do not know it as well as our experts here on the message board.

The charges are Felony Murder and attempted criminal false imprisonment.

So the innocent car following AA was not so innocent after all. Waiting to hear how this is totally illegal. really are is obvious the only reason for his arrest is to try and put pressure on him to turn against the McMichales and thus perhaps manufacture something against them in order to get the charges against him dropped....that is how police operate....look for the weak link and exploit it...not saying he is the weak link but the police are on a witch hunt and thus they think they may manipulate him into helping them.

Who knows? It might put murder charges on someone and that is a lot of much pressure the fellow might make up stories just to get the charges against him dropped....not like it has never happened before.

This is a prime example of someone that should not have talked to the police without his lawyer....I wonder if they even read him his miranda the time they first questioned him he was just a witness..not a suspect.

The evidence keeps piling up. If the case against the McMichaels was half as weak as you with your Cracker Jack Law degree say it is then the McMichaels would have bail by now. But they don’t. Daddy should be in Protective Isolation. Travis probably is too.

Long ago I posted that even attempting a Citizens Arrest in Georgia is playing Bet your life. If you are wrong, you are the one who goes to jail. The McMichaels were wrong. So they are the ones going to jail. It is why people in Georgia do not do Citizens Arrest. Unless you are 100% sure you do not do it.

The link to the lawyers description I posted several times explained it. But you were hung up on everything but the actual law and how it is actually applied.

As for what statement? I thought you were up on the news? Or are you merely testing my memory.

They were at the police station for hours being interviewed. So in addition to the statement made to the responding officer we have them on record for hours.

I am guessing this did not get much play in the McMichaels just killed a violent thug websites. It is why I read many sources. To find the truth through all the political spin.

Now I have known since day one they were guilty. Not because of the colors involved. Not because of any bias. But because I have taken two courses in person on Concealed Carry and laws in Georgia. Both were taught by police. And both told me not to do exactly what the McMichaels did. Both courses said that I would be committing a felony if I did it.

So if you and the rest are right. That means the courses I paid for, and taught by cops, was wrong. It means the lawyers I talked to were wrong. It means the lawyers article about it is wrong. In other words. A lot of people who are trained and experienced in the laws of Georgia are wrong. People who make their living doing just what I described. Enforcing and litigating the laws.

Now I am willing to admit there is often differences of opinion. And one lawyer is going to argue they were justified at their trial. But the problem is that a lot of people without a dog in this hunt say it was a crime.

Now. Imagine if you were trained that you should not do something at work. It is dangerous and if you do it you will be fired. If you see someone do it. And they get fired. Are you going to argue that it was unjust and wrong?

Daddy was a cop. And from the sound of it not very good at the end. He lost his certification because he couldn’t be bothered to attend annual training. That does not speak well. Instead of doing the training and returning he retired shortly afterwards. Maybe he was ready to retire. Maybe he was tired of it all. But the suspension at the end makes him look obstinate and like a guy who flaunts the rules.

In a way. I feel sorry for the McMichaels. They were used to the old boys club sorting things out. The club was overwhelmed and they are being thrown to the wolves. But that is always what happens when the club faces a case too big to sweep under the rug. Most of the people who see that realize it long before the McMichaels did. Daddy for one should have known this was too big. But he hung his hat on the post and now he is screwed.

Even if by some set of events I can not imagine they are found Not Guilty the legal fees will bankrupt both families. A mediocre lawyer would bankrupt them and they need a great lawyer who cost five times as much. Nobody will hire them and other than some far right speaking engagement they are unemplo

yed and without prospects.

I have been telling you all for a while. None of this is good news for the McMichaels.

Not good news any time you are being accused of something you did not do. Not good news to have the power of the media aligned against you. Not good news when corrupt politicians control the state where you live.

Yet it is far from the disaster you portend. Funds will be donated and collected for the defense of the McMichaels. They have far more resources, friends, connections than Zimmerman had and he prevailed though you and your ilk thought back then like you do now that wild and false accusations would prevail....what you seem not to get is we have a fairly good legal system in America....called trial by jury...not trial by the media, not trial by corrupt politicians willing to sell their soul to advance or protect their careers.

That is what saved George Zimmerman who even had the entire executive branch of the Federal Government including President Obama aligned against him.

The same thing will save the McMichaels ....Trial by a jury of their peers.

You cite a lot of crap....nothing more than bullshite...what lawyers think or say or what you claim they say or think....what some class instructor may have told you or what you may not have demonstrate time and again your lack of good analytical think by throwing out a lot of irreleveant and nonsensical verbiage that you can contradict the facts of the case or the applicable law.

You claimed the McMichaels had made statements that will incriminate them....I axed you what those statements could not answer you throw out more irrelevant crap in fact you spam the board with irreleant nonsense...which no one will even read anyhow.

So again for the record...what statements made by the McMichaels will incriminate them? Maybe they did?...but if they did I have not seen them and you certainly have not presented said statements on this thread. You should either put up or shut up. Either present the incriminating statements you claimed they made or admit that once again you are mis-representing the facts of this case.

You are fooling no one but yourself. Your bias has blinded you to the facts and evidence of the cannot even look at the video and see what what most claim ridiculous things that never a lot of liars you seem to think if you repeat your lies often enough someone will believe them.

As I said. I can decide you are right. Or everyone who trained me and taught me and practice law now are right.

I am going with the experts. For some reason a Snake Oil Salesman in a he parking lot does not give me nearly the reassurance of actual professionals.
First of all the McMichaels blocked no the first contact they made with the suspect they merely pulled up beside the jogger and told him they needed to talk to him......they did not display their weapons at this time.....he took off in a different direction.

The second instance they drove way ahead of the jogger and parked their truck. The father got into the bed of the truck and the son got out and was standing to the left and slightly to the front of the truck with his shotgun visible.

Ahmaud saw the truck, he saw the two men and he at least he saw the son with the shotgun...he also may have seen the father in the bed of the pickup truck with his pistol out.....irregardless he kept on jogging towards the truck....if he were in fear of his life he could have gone in a different direction.

Anyhow to get to your hypothetical question.

First of all it depends on the this on a busy street...on a rural road or in a area with lots of people around and a lot of nearby houses.

Another thing to consider would be the appearance of the
two a lot of factors to consider but perhaps the most important factor would be the impression made by the questioners.

Also another factor...what area of the country would this be in....down south people are used to seeing people with guns, going hunting or just in racks behind the drivers seats in too many factors at play to give you an answer without knowing more details.
So they have the right to follow, obstruct and act in a threatening manner. He does not have a right to see that as a threat and defend himself?

You follow me around in your truck brandishing weapons I am not going to brandish one - ill just shoot you and would be well within my rights to do so.

There is no law against following someone...anyone can do it and quite legally.

The MicMichaaels did not obstruct anyone...the suspect had complete freedom of movement at all times.

The McMichaels did not brandish weapons.
To brandish something is to wave it about aggressively which they never did.

The McMichaels never threatened anyone.

Nothing that happened gave the suspect the right to assault Travis McMichael.

Thus in all your points you are in error.

Nor do you have the legal right to shoot anyone for following you around.

You demonstrate ignorance of the law simply that and nothing more.
Accept they are in jail, will be prosecuted and it is pretty damn certain that they will be convicted.

'Except" is the correct word, not "accept".
Now the Neighbor has been arrested.

Apparently the people who actually deal with the law in Georgia do not know it as well as our experts here on the message board.

The charges are Felony Murder and attempted criminal false imprisonment.

So the innocent car following AA was not so innocent after all. Waiting to hear how this is totally illegal. really are is obvious the only reason for his arrest is to try and put pressure on him to turn against the McMichales and thus perhaps manufacture something against them in order to get the charges against him dropped....that is how police operate....look for the weak link and exploit it...not saying he is the weak link but the police are on a witch hunt and thus they think they may manipulate him into helping them.

Who knows? It might put murder charges on someone and that is a lot of much pressure the fellow might make up stories just to get the charges against him dropped....not like it has never happened before.

This is a prime example of someone that should not have talked to the police without his lawyer....I wonder if they even read him his miranda the time they first questioned him he was just a witness..not a suspect.

The evidence keeps piling up. If the case against the McMichaels was half as weak as you with your Cracker Jack Law degree say it is then the McMichaels would have bail by now. But they don’t. Daddy should be in Protective Isolation. Travis probably is too.

Long ago I posted that even attempting a Citizens Arrest in Georgia is playing Bet your life. If you are wrong, you are the one who goes to jail. The McMichaels were wrong. So they are the ones going to jail. It is why people in Georgia do not do Citizens Arrest. Unless you are 100% sure you do not do it.

The link to the lawyers description I posted several times explained it. But you were hung up on everything but the actual law and how it is actually applied.

As for what statement? I thought you were up on the news? Or are you merely testing my memory.

They were at the police station for hours being interviewed. So in addition to the statement made to the responding officer we have them on record for hours.

I am guessing this did not get much play in the McMichaels just killed a violent thug websites. It is why I read many sources. To find the truth through all the political spin.

Now I have known since day one they were guilty. Not because of the colors involved. Not because of any bias. But because I have taken two courses in person on Concealed Carry and laws in Georgia. Both were taught by police. And both told me not to do exactly what the McMichaels did. Both courses said that I would be committing a felony if I did it.

So if you and the rest are right. That means the courses I paid for, and taught by cops, was wrong. It means the lawyers I talked to were wrong. It means the lawyers article about it is wrong. In other words. A lot of people who are trained and experienced in the laws of Georgia are wrong. People who make their living doing just what I described. Enforcing and litigating the laws.

Now I am willing to admit there is often differences of opinion. And one lawyer is going to argue they were justified at their trial. But the problem is that a lot of people without a dog in this hunt say it was a crime.

Now. Imagine if you were trained that you should not do something at work. It is dangerous and if you do it you will be fired. If you see someone do it. And they get fired. Are you going to argue that it was unjust and wrong?

Daddy was a cop. And from the sound of it not very good at the end. He lost his certification because he couldn’t be bothered to attend annual training. That does not speak well. Instead of doing the training and returning he retired shortly afterwards. Maybe he was ready to retire. Maybe he was tired of it all. But the suspension at the end makes him look obstinate and like a guy who flaunts the rules.

In a way. I feel sorry for the McMichaels. They were used to the old boys club sorting things out. The club was overwhelmed and they are being thrown to the wolves. But that is always what happens when the club faces a case too big to sweep under the rug. Most of the people who see that realize it long before the McMichaels did. Daddy for one should have known this was too big. But he hung his hat on the post and now he is screwed.

Even if by some set of events I can not imagine they are found Not Guilty the legal fees will bankrupt both families. A mediocre lawyer would bankrupt them and they need a great lawyer who cost five times as much. Nobody will hire them and other than some far right speaking engagement they are unemplo

yed and without prospects.

I have been telling you all for a while. None of this is good news for the McMichaels.

Not good news any time you are being accused of something you did not do. Not good news to have the power of the media aligned against you. Not good news when corrupt politicians control the state where you live.

Yet it is far from the disaster you portend. Funds will be donated and collected for the defense of the McMichaels. They have far more resources, friends, connections than Zimmerman had and he prevailed though you and your ilk thought back then like you do now that wild and false accusations would prevail....what you seem not to get is we have a fairly good legal system in America....called trial by jury...not trial by the media, not trial by corrupt politicians willing to sell their soul to advance or protect their careers.

That is what saved George Zimmerman who even had the entire executive branch of the Federal Government including President Obama aligned against him.

The same thing will save the McMichaels ....Trial by a jury of their peers.

You cite a lot of crap....nothing more than bullshite...what lawyers think or say or what you claim they say or think....what some class instructor may have told you or what you may not have demonstrate time and again your lack of good analytical think by throwing out a lot of irreleveant and nonsensical verbiage that you can contradict the facts of the case or the applicable law.

You claimed the McMichaels had made statements that will incriminate them....I axed you what those statements could not answer you throw out more irrelevant crap in fact you spam the board with irreleant nonsense...which no one will even read anyhow.

So again for the record...what statements made by the McMichaels will incriminate them? Maybe they did?...but if they did I have not seen them and you certainly have not presented said statements on this thread. You should either put up or shut up. Either present the incriminating statements you claimed they made or admit that once again you are mis-representing the facts of this case.

You are fooling no one but yourself. Your bias has blinded you to the facts and evidence of the cannot even look at the video and see what what most claim ridiculous things that never a lot of liars you seem to think if you repeat your lies often enough someone will believe them.

As I said. I can decide you are right. Or everyone who trained me and taught me and practice law now are right.

I am going with the experts. For some reason a Snake Oil Salesman in a he parking lot does not give me nearly the reassurance of actual professionals.

The Ahmaud Arbery Case as Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin Redux

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If you think you live in a country where Arbery's murderers will be brought to justice, then you are fooling yourself.
Homicide, not murder.

Murder. They would not have armed themselves if there was no intent to use the weapons.
well it looks like they were right. the black dude lost his fking mind and attacked the kid. the black dude had issues.

Definitely....but most of these left-wing dupes are not aware of that they only know what the msm lets them know....thus they do not know Shit from Shiloh about this case. Totally duped by the media.

The term is "You don't know shit from Shinola" as in shoe polish. Shiloh is a place in Tennessee.
he was minding his own business with a gun in his possession, that's it

Your kidding, right? This was all planned before the men even hopped in their trucks. They have arrested the camera man now. This was premeditated. They are all charged with murder.

What exactly did they plan? Don't waffle on me now...I am prepared to drop the hammer on you. hehheh

No, they did not. You're grasping at straws now. You know damn well the driver got out of the truck, with his weapon and confronted the jogger who was very close to his home.
Who invited the camera man along? Sounds like a plan in the making.

If they made a plan it had to be a very fast plan....anyhow according to Greg McDaniels the plan was to make a citizens arrest...or at least that was his plan...not sure if the other 2 were aware of that.

But of course as we all know by now or should....that the plan was never put into effect.

There was no detainment, there was no restrainment, there was no arrest, there were no handcuffs, there was no blockage of the Jawja Jogger and in fact the Jawa Jogger had complete freedom of movement as has been shown on here many saw the video or at least you claim to have....though you never made clear which video you watched....aka the msm edited video or the complete un-abridged and un-edited video.

No, they did not. You're grasping at straws now. You know damn well the driver got out of the truck, with his weapon and confronted the jogger who was very close to his home.
Who invited the camera man along? Sounds like a plan in the making.

I think someone was just messin wid ya. Yes Travis got out of the truck and was standing to the left and slightly in front of the truck.

The father Greg McDaniels was in the bed of the pickup....why he was back there I have not heard.....someone did say he was on the phone to the police the whole time....dont know if that is the case or not. In the video he does appear to have some sort of device in his hands ..possibly a camera .....the defense attorney has said there are more videos that have not come out yet....maybe Greg made would be excellent if he did ...from his vantage point the camera should have an excellent view of the attack on Travis by ahmaud.
More charges were just filed on the neighbor who shot the video. You were saying?
I just saw that, too. I’m very curious what brought those charges on; what information do investigators have that the third man was involved? It certainly could make the case against the McMichaels stronger if it can be shown the third man was involved and they lied about it.
Seems his involvement with the McMichaels was limited in that he claims hadn't communicated with them before the murder. But the police report indicates he used his car in an attempt to corral Arbery, who got past him anyway and escaped; only to be tracked down again and then murdered.

Corrupt cops and corrupt DAs need to be arrested as well. They were complicit by participating in the cover-up.

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