New Type of Debate System - Would like to see a president debate use this


Mar 6, 2014
Hey guys, I'm new here, but I'm really passionate about politics. Lately I've been thinking up a lot of my own laws, systems, etc. The first one I've thought about I actually took action and completely wrote the whole thing up so if you could read it and then let me know what you think that would be amazing. I looking forward to arguing with you guys :eusa_angel:

*Since I just found out I can't post links until I have 15 posts, I can post my "quick start guide" here and see what you guys think.

Basically my main problem I've been thinking about is that there is too much information pushed out by people in authority. What I mean by that is that if a politician says that Global Warming is fake, despite an avalanche of evidence supporting it, people will believe him.

Therefore, I wanted to create a system of debate that prevents this misinformation from getting out in the first point. I've been so obsessed to the point where I actually started a blog...

Check out which is my blog.

*Quick Start Guide*

1. Determine what is the point that you are debating about. Language is key here, both parties must entirely agree on the definition of language before commencing.

2. Compile a list of “Points” that either party would like to pursue in their argument.

3. One at a time, bring the “Points” to the stand, and have either party present factual arguments for each side of the point.

4. The panel of judges will assign the “Point” to one team.

5. Argue through all of the points, and then begin writing final arguments using only the points won.

6. Submit final arguments to the panel of judges, who proofread to ensure that the teams are following the rules.

7. Distribute the arguments and then vote!

*Quick Start Guide*

Please look over my system that would tweak the current way in which political debates usually occur and give me any comments, criticism, flaws, etc.. that you can think of!
Each team will say, "I'm going to debate the point you gave me now."

And then they will proceed to give their standard speech having nothing to do with the point, and run out the clock.

Back to the drawing board.
Each team will say, "I'm going to debate the point you gave me now."

And then they will proceed to give their standard speech having nothing to do with the point, and run out the clock.

Back to the drawing board.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by this exactly. If either side refuses to argue one of the points, then neither of them can use it in their final arguments. I don't think anyone would be stupid enough to do that...

To clarify, in the case of a national/televised debate, only the final arguments would be televised.
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Each team will say, "I'm going to debate the point you gave me now."

And then they will proceed to give their standard speech having nothing to do with the point, and run out the clock.

Back to the drawing board.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by this exactly. If either side refuses to argue one of the points, then neither of them can use it in their final arguments. I don't think anyone would be stupid enough to do that...

To clarify, in the case of a national/televised debate, only the final arguments would be televised.
Welcome to forum, the problem with politics as I see it is that democracy is an illusion - you have select scum presented by the media that is controlled by those who control the money supply, then you have small and independent networks SOME of which may in fact be independent and they parrot what they see on MSM, and most of them are in fact NOT independent, because they are dependent on the same exact dollar and in the end by the same exact puppet masters. I have a web site of my own you may want to check out, I am very interested I changing the system, pm me if you want a link, but I do not believe in neither of the two parties and I am also skeptical about any third or independent parties dependent on money and donations who claim to be different. I believe the movement must be so good that it will not need money to succeed, only SUCH a movement is worth my time, and I want to form such a movement, not just for America, but for the world.
Pvsi, that's actually exactly what I intend on doing as well. I've had all these ideas from changing the system on a world-wide level. That's why I thought of this system because I thought I would start with the most basic thing possible. How ideas are generated, and right now we basically do it wrong. Nevertheless, I'll shoot you a PM and I would love to check your site out.

*On second thought I can't PM you until I have 50 posts. Mind PMing me?*
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Political debates are nothing but two serial liars in search of a zinger.

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