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Do you support war with Syria

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Our problems started long before Obama and Isis was born when bush invaded Iraq.

Why should we trust you on foreign policy after Iraq?

That is a lie. ISIS started when Obama and Hillary funded "Syrian Rebels" as they sought to oust Assad during the absurdly named "Arab Spring, " as Obama worked to put radical Islam in charge of all Middle East nations. Obama and Clinton got Libya into the hands of Al Qaeda, Egypt into the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood (Al Qaeda) and we determined to hand Syria over to Al Qaeda. But Assad fought more fiercely than Obama expected.

ISIS coopted the name of an earlier terrorist group in Iraq (ISIL), but ISIS is purely the creation of Obama and Clinton. Obama funded, armed, and trained ISIS, they are 100% his baby.

You are a stone cold liar. Just like Trump lied to get elected, you lie.

For The Record, Yes, George W. Bush Did Help Create ISIS | The Huffington Post

This is why even Republicans didn't like Jeb Bush. This is why all the Republicans who ran got rejected, even by Republicans. Because even they know Bush started the mess we are in.

And just like you downplay how good of a job Obama did getting us out of Bush's recession, you will downplay the huge mistake Bush made invading Iraq.

Iraq: The Biggest Mistake In American Military History
Quoting the Huffington post as verified fact, that is rich, quite hilarious.
Our problems started long before Obama and Isis was born when bush invaded Iraq.

Why should we trust you on foreign policy after Iraq?

That is a lie. ISIS started when Obama and Hillary funded "Syrian Rebels" as they sought to oust Assad during the absurdly named "Arab Spring, " as Obama worked to put radical Islam in charge of all Middle East nations. Obama and Clinton got Libya into the hands of Al Qaeda, Egypt into the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood (Al Qaeda) and we determined to hand Syria over to Al Qaeda. But Assad fought more fiercely than Obama expected.

ISIS coopted the name of an earlier terrorist group in Iraq (ISIL), but ISIS is purely the creation of Obama and Clinton. Obama funded, armed, and trained ISIS, they are 100% his baby.

You are a stone cold liar. Just like Trump lied to get elected, you lie.

For The Record, Yes, George W. Bush Did Help Create ISIS | The Huffington Post

This is why even Republicans didn't like Jeb Bush. This is why all the Republicans who ran got rejected, even by Republicans. Because even they know Bush started the mess we are in.

And just like you downplay how good of a job Obama did getting us out of Bush's recession, you will downplay the huge mistake Bush made invading Iraq.

Iraq: The Biggest Mistake In American Military History

Huffingglue is full of shit.

The leftist rag attempts to claim ISIS is ISIL. It is not. The author is lying, as you fascists tend to do.

Now I could respond to the absurd shit from alt-left Huffingglue with an article from DailyMail or Red State, but instead I will use the fake news of the NY Times against the false narrative you Soros Brownshirts are trying to sell;

By the time the United States withdrew from its long bloody encounter with Iraq in 2011, it thought it had declawed a once fearsome enemy: the Islamic State, which had many names and incarnations but at the time was neither fearsome nor a state.

Beaten back by the American troop surge and Sunni tribal fighters, it was considered such a diminished threat that the bounty the United States put on one of its leaders had dropped from $5 million to $100,000. The group’s new chief was just 38 years old, a nearsighted cleric, not even a fighter, with little of the muscle of his predecessor, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the godfather of Iraq’s insurgency, killed by the American military five years earlier after a relentless hunt.}

And there were, in fact, more than hints of the group’s plans and potential. A 2012 report by the United States Defense Intelligence Agency was direct: The growing chaos in Syria’s civil war was giving Islamic militants there and in Iraq the space to spread and flourish. The group, it said, could “declare an Islamic state through its union with other terrorist organizations in Iraq and Syria.”

“This particular report, this was one of those nobody wanted to see,” said Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, who ran the defense agency at the time.

“It was disregarded by the White House,” he said. “It was disregarded by other elements in the intelligence community as a one-off report. Frankly, at the White House, it didn’t meet the narrative.”}

ISIL was a creature of Bush, and it was defeated.

ISIS is purely Obama/Clinton, which the fool ignored.

I stopped taking you seriously when you called us fascists.

Donald Trump is actually a fascist
Our problems started long before Obama and Isis was born when bush invaded Iraq.

Why should we trust you on foreign policy after Iraq?

That is a lie. ISIS started when Obama and Hillary funded "Syrian Rebels" as they sought to oust Assad during the absurdly named "Arab Spring, " as Obama worked to put radical Islam in charge of all Middle East nations. Obama and Clinton got Libya into the hands of Al Qaeda, Egypt into the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood (Al Qaeda) and we determined to hand Syria over to Al Qaeda. But Assad fought more fiercely than Obama expected.

ISIS coopted the name of an earlier terrorist group in Iraq (ISIL), but ISIS is purely the creation of Obama and Clinton. Obama funded, armed, and trained ISIS, they are 100% his baby.

You are a stone cold liar. Just like Trump lied to get elected, you lie.

For The Record, Yes, George W. Bush Did Help Create ISIS | The Huffington Post

This is why even Republicans didn't like Jeb Bush. This is why all the Republicans who ran got rejected, even by Republicans. Because even they know Bush started the mess we are in.

And just like you downplay how good of a job Obama did getting us out of Bush's recession, you will downplay the huge mistake Bush made invading Iraq.

Iraq: The Biggest Mistake In American Military History
Quoting the Huffington post as verified fact, that is rich, quite hilarious.

Show me your counter facts from Fox please.

Trump as a fascist. Not in the sense of an all-purpose bad guy, but in the sense of somebody who sincerely believes that the toxic combination of strong government and strong corporations should run the nation and the world. He spent his previous career negotiating with the government on behalf of corporations; now he has switched teams. But it’s the same game.

The game has several names: “Corporate statism” is one. In Europe, they call it “dirigisme.” Those two other words for it — “Nazism” and “fascism” — are now beyond all respectability. It means, roughly, combining the power of the state with the power of corporations.
Our problems started long before Obama and Isis was born when bush invaded Iraq.

Why should we trust you on foreign policy after Iraq?

That is a lie. ISIS started when Obama and Hillary funded "Syrian Rebels" as they sought to oust Assad during the absurdly named "Arab Spring, " as Obama worked to put radical Islam in charge of all Middle East nations. Obama and Clinton got Libya into the hands of Al Qaeda, Egypt into the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood (Al Qaeda) and we determined to hand Syria over to Al Qaeda. But Assad fought more fiercely than Obama expected.

ISIS coopted the name of an earlier terrorist group in Iraq (ISIL), but ISIS is purely the creation of Obama and Clinton. Obama funded, armed, and trained ISIS, they are 100% his baby.

You are a stone cold liar. Just like Trump lied to get elected, you lie.

For The Record, Yes, George W. Bush Did Help Create ISIS | The Huffington Post

This is why even Republicans didn't like Jeb Bush. This is why all the Republicans who ran got rejected, even by Republicans. Because even they know Bush started the mess we are in.

And just like you downplay how good of a job Obama did getting us out of Bush's recession, you will downplay the huge mistake Bush made invading Iraq.

Iraq: The Biggest Mistake In American Military History

Huffingglue is full of shit.

The leftist rag attempts to claim ISIS is ISIL. It is not. The author is lying, as you fascists tend to do.

Now I could respond to the absurd shit from alt-left Huffingglue with an article from DailyMail or Red State, but instead I will use the fake news of the NY Times against the false narrative you Soros Brownshirts are trying to sell;

By the time the United States withdrew from its long bloody encounter with Iraq in 2011, it thought it had declawed a once fearsome enemy: the Islamic State, which had many names and incarnations but at the time was neither fearsome nor a state.

Beaten back by the American troop surge and Sunni tribal fighters, it was considered such a diminished threat that the bounty the United States put on one of its leaders had dropped from $5 million to $100,000. The group’s new chief was just 38 years old, a nearsighted cleric, not even a fighter, with little of the muscle of his predecessor, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the godfather of Iraq’s insurgency, killed by the American military five years earlier after a relentless hunt.}

And there were, in fact, more than hints of the group’s plans and potential. A 2012 report by the United States Defense Intelligence Agency was direct: The growing chaos in Syria’s civil war was giving Islamic militants there and in Iraq the space to spread and flourish. The group, it said, could “declare an Islamic state through its union with other terrorist organizations in Iraq and Syria.”

“This particular report, this was one of those nobody wanted to see,” said Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, who ran the defense agency at the time.

“It was disregarded by the White House,” he said. “It was disregarded by other elements in the intelligence community as a one-off report. Frankly, at the White House, it didn’t meet the narrative.”}

ISIL was a creature of Bush, and it was defeated.

ISIS is purely Obama/Clinton, which the fool ignored.
Obama insisted on calling them ISIL. If this is an attempt to blame Bush, it is purely symbolic. Obama’s assisted greatly in the creation of ISIS.

I think a MOAB every week in the dead of night would do wonders in fighting ISIS.
Who else will trump send a message to and what message will they send back? Can we take on the middle East, Russia, north Korea. I hear attrocities are happening in Africa. What are we going to do about it?

Republicans want the cold war. They missed it
So you have a problem with sending a message now?????

I guess this is all we can expect from you folks on the left. Nothing but bitching and complaining.
Why don't you all just STFU and learn a hobby or something. Find something productive to do. Let the adults deal with foreign policy.

The reason we have so many problems in the world today is because YOUR president set up so many of them with his silly policies. There are landmines everywhere. It's like a child was running the White House all of these years and now a serious adult has to deal with the mess he left behind. Same thing in the economy.
Our problems started long before Obama and Isis was born when bush invaded Iraq.

Why should we trust you on foreign policy after Iraq?
Obama said that he could literally stop the rising of the sea. Are you willing to admit he was full of crap yet???
How do you know? We haven't cleaned up our act. Sea still rising.
Sure it is.

I guess if the US sacrifices it's economy and gets rid of all those pesky wealth concentrations maybe we can slow the rise to a centimeter every million years. According to some on the left NYC should already be under water.
According to Trump last year GW was a hoax. Now that he's president he's not saying that. Even Rex Tillerson admits it's real. That's what happens when you win the White House. You have to deal in reality. A lot different when you are talking to crowds at Trump rallies.

China is raping us? That's what he said before. Not now.

Nafta is the worst deal ever negotiated? Has he fixed it yet? From what I see he ain't going to do much to it. So he lied that it was the worst deal ever negotiated. And you fell for it.
Our problems started long before Obama and Isis was born when bush invaded Iraq.

Why should we trust you on foreign policy after Iraq?

That is a lie. ISIS started when Obama and Hillary funded "Syrian Rebels" as they sought to oust Assad during the absurdly named "Arab Spring, " as Obama worked to put radical Islam in charge of all Middle East nations. Obama and Clinton got Libya into the hands of Al Qaeda, Egypt into the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood (Al Qaeda) and we determined to hand Syria over to Al Qaeda. But Assad fought more fiercely than Obama expected.

ISIS coopted the name of an earlier terrorist group in Iraq (ISIL), but ISIS is purely the creation of Obama and Clinton. Obama funded, armed, and trained ISIS, they are 100% his baby.

You are a stone cold liar. Just like Trump lied to get elected, you lie.

For The Record, Yes, George W. Bush Did Help Create ISIS | The Huffington Post

This is why even Republicans didn't like Jeb Bush. This is why all the Republicans who ran got rejected, even by Republicans. Because even they know Bush started the mess we are in.

And just like you downplay how good of a job Obama did getting us out of Bush's recession, you will downplay the huge mistake Bush made invading Iraq.

Iraq: The Biggest Mistake In American Military History

Huffingglue is full of shit.

The leftist rag attempts to claim ISIS is ISIL. It is not. The author is lying, as you fascists tend to do.

Now I could respond to the absurd shit from alt-left Huffingglue with an article from DailyMail or Red State, but instead I will use the fake news of the NY Times against the false narrative you Soros Brownshirts are trying to sell;

By the time the United States withdrew from its long bloody encounter with Iraq in 2011, it thought it had declawed a once fearsome enemy: the Islamic State, which had many names and incarnations but at the time was neither fearsome nor a state.

Beaten back by the American troop surge and Sunni tribal fighters, it was considered such a diminished threat that the bounty the United States put on one of its leaders had dropped from $5 million to $100,000. The group’s new chief was just 38 years old, a nearsighted cleric, not even a fighter, with little of the muscle of his predecessor, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the godfather of Iraq’s insurgency, killed by the American military five years earlier after a relentless hunt.}

And there were, in fact, more than hints of the group’s plans and potential. A 2012 report by the United States Defense Intelligence Agency was direct: The growing chaos in Syria’s civil war was giving Islamic militants there and in Iraq the space to spread and flourish. The group, it said, could “declare an Islamic state through its union with other terrorist organizations in Iraq and Syria.”

“This particular report, this was one of those nobody wanted to see,” said Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, who ran the defense agency at the time.

“It was disregarded by the White House,” he said. “It was disregarded by other elements in the intelligence community as a one-off report. Frankly, at the White House, it didn’t meet the narrative.”}

ISIL was a creature of Bush, and it was defeated.

ISIS is purely Obama/Clinton, which the fool ignored.

I stopped taking you seriously when you called us fascists.

Donald Trump is actually a fascist

I deal in facts, you deal in partisan idiocy.

Hey, you're a fascist, can't expect any better from you.
Our problems started long before Obama and Isis was born when bush invaded Iraq.

Why should we trust you on foreign policy after Iraq?

That is a lie. ISIS started when Obama and Hillary funded "Syrian Rebels" as they sought to oust Assad during the absurdly named "Arab Spring, " as Obama worked to put radical Islam in charge of all Middle East nations. Obama and Clinton got Libya into the hands of Al Qaeda, Egypt into the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood (Al Qaeda) and we determined to hand Syria over to Al Qaeda. But Assad fought more fiercely than Obama expected.

ISIS coopted the name of an earlier terrorist group in Iraq (ISIL), but ISIS is purely the creation of Obama and Clinton. Obama funded, armed, and trained ISIS, they are 100% his baby.

You are a stone cold liar. Just like Trump lied to get elected, you lie.

For The Record, Yes, George W. Bush Did Help Create ISIS | The Huffington Post

This is why even Republicans didn't like Jeb Bush. This is why all the Republicans who ran got rejected, even by Republicans. Because even they know Bush started the mess we are in.

And just like you downplay how good of a job Obama did getting us out of Bush's recession, you will downplay the huge mistake Bush made invading Iraq.

Iraq: The Biggest Mistake In American Military History

Huffingglue is full of shit.

The leftist rag attempts to claim ISIS is ISIL. It is not. The author is lying, as you fascists tend to do.

Now I could respond to the absurd shit from alt-left Huffingglue with an article from DailyMail or Red State, but instead I will use the fake news of the NY Times against the false narrative you Soros Brownshirts are trying to sell;

By the time the United States withdrew from its long bloody encounter with Iraq in 2011, it thought it had declawed a once fearsome enemy: the Islamic State, which had many names and incarnations but at the time was neither fearsome nor a state.

Beaten back by the American troop surge and Sunni tribal fighters, it was considered such a diminished threat that the bounty the United States put on one of its leaders had dropped from $5 million to $100,000. The group’s new chief was just 38 years old, a nearsighted cleric, not even a fighter, with little of the muscle of his predecessor, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the godfather of Iraq’s insurgency, killed by the American military five years earlier after a relentless hunt.}

And there were, in fact, more than hints of the group’s plans and potential. A 2012 report by the United States Defense Intelligence Agency was direct: The growing chaos in Syria’s civil war was giving Islamic militants there and in Iraq the space to spread and flourish. The group, it said, could “declare an Islamic state through its union with other terrorist organizations in Iraq and Syria.”

“This particular report, this was one of those nobody wanted to see,” said Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, who ran the defense agency at the time.

“It was disregarded by the White House,” he said. “It was disregarded by other elements in the intelligence community as a one-off report. Frankly, at the White House, it didn’t meet the narrative.”}

ISIL was a creature of Bush, and it was defeated.

ISIS is purely Obama/Clinton, which the fool ignored.

I stopped taking you seriously when you called us fascists.

Donald Trump is actually a fascist

I deal in facts, you deal in partisan idiocy.

Hey, you're a fascist, can't expect any better from you.
Invading Iraq created Isis you dumb partisan fuck
Our problems started long before Obama and Isis was born when bush invaded Iraq.

Why should we trust you on foreign policy after Iraq?

That is a lie. ISIS started when Obama and Hillary funded "Syrian Rebels" as they sought to oust Assad during the absurdly named "Arab Spring, " as Obama worked to put radical Islam in charge of all Middle East nations. Obama and Clinton got Libya into the hands of Al Qaeda, Egypt into the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood (Al Qaeda) and we determined to hand Syria over to Al Qaeda. But Assad fought more fiercely than Obama expected.

ISIS coopted the name of an earlier terrorist group in Iraq (ISIL), but ISIS is purely the creation of Obama and Clinton. Obama funded, armed, and trained ISIS, they are 100% his baby.

You are a stone cold liar. Just like Trump lied to get elected, you lie.

For The Record, Yes, George W. Bush Did Help Create ISIS | The Huffington Post

This is why even Republicans didn't like Jeb Bush. This is why all the Republicans who ran got rejected, even by Republicans. Because even they know Bush started the mess we are in.

And just like you downplay how good of a job Obama did getting us out of Bush's recession, you will downplay the huge mistake Bush made invading Iraq.

Iraq: The Biggest Mistake In American Military History

Huffingglue is full of shit.

The leftist rag attempts to claim ISIS is ISIL. It is not. The author is lying, as you fascists tend to do.

Now I could respond to the absurd shit from alt-left Huffingglue with an article from DailyMail or Red State, but instead I will use the fake news of the NY Times against the false narrative you Soros Brownshirts are trying to sell;

By the time the United States withdrew from its long bloody encounter with Iraq in 2011, it thought it had declawed a once fearsome enemy: the Islamic State, which had many names and incarnations but at the time was neither fearsome nor a state.

Beaten back by the American troop surge and Sunni tribal fighters, it was considered such a diminished threat that the bounty the United States put on one of its leaders had dropped from $5 million to $100,000. The group’s new chief was just 38 years old, a nearsighted cleric, not even a fighter, with little of the muscle of his predecessor, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the godfather of Iraq’s insurgency, killed by the American military five years earlier after a relentless hunt.}

And there were, in fact, more than hints of the group’s plans and potential. A 2012 report by the United States Defense Intelligence Agency was direct: The growing chaos in Syria’s civil war was giving Islamic militants there and in Iraq the space to spread and flourish. The group, it said, could “declare an Islamic state through its union with other terrorist organizations in Iraq and Syria.”

“This particular report, this was one of those nobody wanted to see,” said Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, who ran the defense agency at the time.

“It was disregarded by the White House,” he said. “It was disregarded by other elements in the intelligence community as a one-off report. Frankly, at the White House, it didn’t meet the narrative.”}

ISIL was a creature of Bush, and it was defeated.

ISIS is purely Obama/Clinton, which the fool ignored.
Obama insisted on calling them ISIL. If this is an attempt to blame Bush, it is purely symbolic. Obama’s assisted greatly in the creation of ISIS.

I think a MOAB every week in the dead of night would do wonders in fighting ISIS.
So you have a problem with sending a message now?????

I guess this is all we can expect from you folks on the left. Nothing but bitching and complaining.
Why don't you all just STFU and learn a hobby or something. Find something productive to do. Let the adults deal with foreign policy.

The reason we have so many problems in the world today is because YOUR president set up so many of them with his silly policies. There are landmines everywhere. It's like a child was running the White House all of these years and now a serious adult has to deal with the mess he left behind. Same thing in the economy.
Our problems started long before Obama and Isis was born when bush invaded Iraq.

Why should we trust you on foreign policy after Iraq?
Obama said that he could literally stop the rising of the sea. Are you willing to admit he was full of crap yet???
How do you know? We haven't cleaned up our act. Sea still rising.
Sure it is.

I guess if the US sacrifices it's economy and gets rid of all those pesky wealth concentrations maybe we can slow the rise to a centimeter every million years. According to some on the left NYC should already be under water.
According to Trump last year GW was a hoax. Now that he's president he's not saying that. Even Rex Tillerson admits it's real. That's what happens when you win the White House. You have to deal in reality. A lot different when you are talking to crowds at Trump rallies.

China is raping us? That's what he said before. Not now.

Nafta is the worst deal ever negotiated? Has he fixed it yet? From what I see he ain't going to do much to it. So he lied that it was the worst deal ever negotiated. And you fell for it.
I guess you're attention span is highly selective.

Trump worked out a deal with China to take care of N. Korea.....he's not about to trash them right now. Do you expect the give and take negotiations with China to happen over night?

Trump decided to renegotiate NAFTA. Nuff said.

And the situation with forget that Trump didn't know all of the intelligence on Iraq till he was sworn in. You must think he should just ignore all of it and keep trashing him like some asshole, right? GITMO CLOSED YET???
Last edited:
That is a lie. ISIS started when Obama and Hillary funded "Syrian Rebels" as they sought to oust Assad during the absurdly named "Arab Spring, " as Obama worked to put radical Islam in charge of all Middle East nations. Obama and Clinton got Libya into the hands of Al Qaeda, Egypt into the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood (Al Qaeda) and we determined to hand Syria over to Al Qaeda. But Assad fought more fiercely than Obama expected.

ISIS coopted the name of an earlier terrorist group in Iraq (ISIL), but ISIS is purely the creation of Obama and Clinton. Obama funded, armed, and trained ISIS, they are 100% his baby.

You are a stone cold liar. Just like Trump lied to get elected, you lie.

For The Record, Yes, George W. Bush Did Help Create ISIS | The Huffington Post

This is why even Republicans didn't like Jeb Bush. This is why all the Republicans who ran got rejected, even by Republicans. Because even they know Bush started the mess we are in.

And just like you downplay how good of a job Obama did getting us out of Bush's recession, you will downplay the huge mistake Bush made invading Iraq.

Iraq: The Biggest Mistake In American Military History

Huffingglue is full of shit.

The leftist rag attempts to claim ISIS is ISIL. It is not. The author is lying, as you fascists tend to do.

Now I could respond to the absurd shit from alt-left Huffingglue with an article from DailyMail or Red State, but instead I will use the fake news of the NY Times against the false narrative you Soros Brownshirts are trying to sell;

By the time the United States withdrew from its long bloody encounter with Iraq in 2011, it thought it had declawed a once fearsome enemy: the Islamic State, which had many names and incarnations but at the time was neither fearsome nor a state.

Beaten back by the American troop surge and Sunni tribal fighters, it was considered such a diminished threat that the bounty the United States put on one of its leaders had dropped from $5 million to $100,000. The group’s new chief was just 38 years old, a nearsighted cleric, not even a fighter, with little of the muscle of his predecessor, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the godfather of Iraq’s insurgency, killed by the American military five years earlier after a relentless hunt.}

And there were, in fact, more than hints of the group’s plans and potential. A 2012 report by the United States Defense Intelligence Agency was direct: The growing chaos in Syria’s civil war was giving Islamic militants there and in Iraq the space to spread and flourish. The group, it said, could “declare an Islamic state through its union with other terrorist organizations in Iraq and Syria.”

“This particular report, this was one of those nobody wanted to see,” said Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, who ran the defense agency at the time.

“It was disregarded by the White House,” he said. “It was disregarded by other elements in the intelligence community as a one-off report. Frankly, at the White House, it didn’t meet the narrative.”}

ISIL was a creature of Bush, and it was defeated.

ISIS is purely Obama/Clinton, which the fool ignored.

I stopped taking you seriously when you called us fascists.

Donald Trump is actually a fascist

I deal in facts, you deal in partisan idiocy.

Hey, you're a fascist, can't expect any better from you.
Invading Iraq created Isis you dumb partisan fuck

Nope, you lying might make the baby Obama smile, but it doesn't change reality.

I gave you the facts from the leftwing NY Times, that you continue to lie is simply a reflection of your utter lack of integrity.
You are a stone cold liar. Just like Trump lied to get elected, you lie.

For The Record, Yes, George W. Bush Did Help Create ISIS | The Huffington Post

This is why even Republicans didn't like Jeb Bush. This is why all the Republicans who ran got rejected, even by Republicans. Because even they know Bush started the mess we are in.

And just like you downplay how good of a job Obama did getting us out of Bush's recession, you will downplay the huge mistake Bush made invading Iraq.

Iraq: The Biggest Mistake In American Military History

Huffingglue is full of shit.

The leftist rag attempts to claim ISIS is ISIL. It is not. The author is lying, as you fascists tend to do.

Now I could respond to the absurd shit from alt-left Huffingglue with an article from DailyMail or Red State, but instead I will use the fake news of the NY Times against the false narrative you Soros Brownshirts are trying to sell;

By the time the United States withdrew from its long bloody encounter with Iraq in 2011, it thought it had declawed a once fearsome enemy: the Islamic State, which had many names and incarnations but at the time was neither fearsome nor a state.

Beaten back by the American troop surge and Sunni tribal fighters, it was considered such a diminished threat that the bounty the United States put on one of its leaders had dropped from $5 million to $100,000. The group’s new chief was just 38 years old, a nearsighted cleric, not even a fighter, with little of the muscle of his predecessor, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the godfather of Iraq’s insurgency, killed by the American military five years earlier after a relentless hunt.}

And there were, in fact, more than hints of the group’s plans and potential. A 2012 report by the United States Defense Intelligence Agency was direct: The growing chaos in Syria’s civil war was giving Islamic militants there and in Iraq the space to spread and flourish. The group, it said, could “declare an Islamic state through its union with other terrorist organizations in Iraq and Syria.”

“This particular report, this was one of those nobody wanted to see,” said Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, who ran the defense agency at the time.

“It was disregarded by the White House,” he said. “It was disregarded by other elements in the intelligence community as a one-off report. Frankly, at the White House, it didn’t meet the narrative.”}

ISIL was a creature of Bush, and it was defeated.

ISIS is purely Obama/Clinton, which the fool ignored.

I stopped taking you seriously when you called us fascists.

Donald Trump is actually a fascist

I deal in facts, you deal in partisan idiocy.

Hey, you're a fascist, can't expect any better from you.
Invading Iraq created Isis you dumb partisan fuck

Nope, you lying might make the baby Obama smile, but it doesn't change reality.

I gave you the facts from the leftwing NY Times, that you continue to lie is simply a reflection of your utter lack of integrity.

so now the NYT isnt fake news ?

sorry chump, yer done.
Huffingglue is full of shit.

The leftist rag attempts to claim ISIS is ISIL. It is not. The author is lying, as you fascists tend to do.

Now I could respond to the absurd shit from alt-left Huffingglue with an article from DailyMail or Red State, but instead I will use the fake news of the NY Times against the false narrative you Soros Brownshirts are trying to sell;

By the time the United States withdrew from its long bloody encounter with Iraq in 2011, it thought it had declawed a once fearsome enemy: the Islamic State, which had many names and incarnations but at the time was neither fearsome nor a state.

Beaten back by the American troop surge and Sunni tribal fighters, it was considered such a diminished threat that the bounty the United States put on one of its leaders had dropped from $5 million to $100,000. The group’s new chief was just 38 years old, a nearsighted cleric, not even a fighter, with little of the muscle of his predecessor, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the godfather of Iraq’s insurgency, killed by the American military five years earlier after a relentless hunt.}

And there were, in fact, more than hints of the group’s plans and potential. A 2012 report by the United States Defense Intelligence Agency was direct: The growing chaos in Syria’s civil war was giving Islamic militants there and in Iraq the space to spread and flourish. The group, it said, could “declare an Islamic state through its union with other terrorist organizations in Iraq and Syria.”

“This particular report, this was one of those nobody wanted to see,” said Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, who ran the defense agency at the time.

“It was disregarded by the White House,” he said. “It was disregarded by other elements in the intelligence community as a one-off report. Frankly, at the White House, it didn’t meet the narrative.”}

ISIL was a creature of Bush, and it was defeated.

ISIS is purely Obama/Clinton, which the fool ignored.

I stopped taking you seriously when you called us fascists.

Donald Trump is actually a fascist

I deal in facts, you deal in partisan idiocy.

Hey, you're a fascist, can't expect any better from you.
Invading Iraq created Isis you dumb partisan fuck

Nope, you lying might make the baby Obama smile, but it doesn't change reality.

I gave you the facts from the leftwing NY Times, that you continue to lie is simply a reflection of your utter lack of integrity.

so now the NYT isnt fake news ?

sorry chump, yer done.

You think the NY Times is faking news for the right? :lmao:

You chose 7 as your name, because it's your IQ, dinja?
Our problems started long before Obama and Isis was born when bush invaded Iraq.

Why should we trust you on foreign policy after Iraq?

That is a lie. ISIS started when Obama and Hillary funded "Syrian Rebels" as they sought to oust Assad during the absurdly named "Arab Spring, " as Obama worked to put radical Islam in charge of all Middle East nations. Obama and Clinton got Libya into the hands of Al Qaeda, Egypt into the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood (Al Qaeda) and we determined to hand Syria over to Al Qaeda. But Assad fought more fiercely than Obama expected.

ISIS coopted the name of an earlier terrorist group in Iraq (ISIL), but ISIS is purely the creation of Obama and Clinton. Obama funded, armed, and trained ISIS, they are 100% his baby.

You are a stone cold liar. Just like Trump lied to get elected, you lie.

For The Record, Yes, George W. Bush Did Help Create ISIS | The Huffington Post

This is why even Republicans didn't like Jeb Bush. This is why all the Republicans who ran got rejected, even by Republicans. Because even they know Bush started the mess we are in.

And just like you downplay how good of a job Obama did getting us out of Bush's recession, you will downplay the huge mistake Bush made invading Iraq.

Iraq: The Biggest Mistake In American Military History
Quoting the Huffington post as verified fact, that is rich, quite hilarious.

Show me your counter facts from Fox please.

Trump as a fascist. Not in the sense of an all-purpose bad guy, but in the sense of somebody who sincerely believes that the toxic combination of strong government and strong corporations should run the nation and the world. He spent his previous career negotiating with the government on behalf of corporations; now he has switched teams. But it’s the same game.

The game has several names: “Corporate statism” is one. In Europe, they call it “dirigisme.” Those two other words for it — “Nazism” and “fascism” — are now beyond all respectability. It means, roughly, combining the power of the state with the power of corporations.

Here is a non-bias top 10 military blunders, Afghanistan is number one, but you better read it for yourself.

Top 10 Worst Military Decisions In History - Listverse
I stopped taking you seriously when you called us fascists.

Donald Trump is actually a fascist

I deal in facts, you deal in partisan idiocy.

Hey, you're a fascist, can't expect any better from you.
Invading Iraq created Isis you dumb partisan fuck

Nope, you lying might make the baby Obama smile, but it doesn't change reality.

I gave you the facts from the leftwing NY Times, that you continue to lie is simply a reflection of your utter lack of integrity.

so now the NYT isnt fake news ?

sorry chump, yer done.

You think the NY Times is faking news for the right? :lmao:

You chose 7 as your name, because it's your IQ, dinja?


the NYT was deemed fake news by every Trumpdrone on the planet, and now its credible enough for you.

I deal in facts, you deal in partisan idiocy.

Hey, you're a fascist, can't expect any better from you.
Invading Iraq created Isis you dumb partisan fuck

Nope, you lying might make the baby Obama smile, but it doesn't change reality.

I gave you the facts from the leftwing NY Times, that you continue to lie is simply a reflection of your utter lack of integrity.

so now the NYT isnt fake news ?

sorry chump, yer done.

You think the NY Times is faking news for the right? :lmao:

You chose 7 as your name, because it's your IQ, dinja?


the NYT was deemed fake news by every Trumpdrone on the planet, and now its credible enough for you.


You never deal in substance, do you?

I get it, you can't attack a leftist source, so you derp, because you are a hack without anything to contribute.
Invading Iraq created Isis you dumb partisan fuck

Actually it was the beheading of Iraq, and leaving a power vacuum that created ISIS. We invaded Iraq in the first Gulf war, and that didn't create ISIS. Overthrowing the government, and firing the Iraqi military left a lot of unemployed pissed off people trained to use weapons.
I guess you're attention span is highly selective.

Trump worked out a deal with China to take care of N. Korea.....he's not about to trash them right now. Do you expect the give and take negotiations with China to happen over night?

China will stop N. Korea from testing missiles? China will shut down N. Koreas nuclear program? Just what will China do?
Invading Iraq created Isis you dumb partisan fuck

Nope, you lying might make the baby Obama smile, but it doesn't change reality.

I gave you the facts from the leftwing NY Times, that you continue to lie is simply a reflection of your utter lack of integrity.

so now the NYT isnt fake news ?

sorry chump, yer done.

You think the NY Times is faking news for the right? :lmao:

You chose 7 as your name, because it's your IQ, dinja?


the NYT was deemed fake news by every Trumpdrone on the planet, and now its credible enough for you.


You never deal in substance, do you?

I get it, you can't attack a leftist source, so you derp, because you are a hack without anything to contribute.

the truth of your hypocrisy isn't substance ??

So now Syria is our fault? That should be a simple enough question!

Yes, remember the "Arab Spring" where Obama tried to install radical Islam in all the nations of the ME? He armed and funded ISIS to topple Assad. The USA is behind the war in Syria, has been all along.
Sounds crazy but the icing was placed on the cake when he sent billions to Iran.

Clear cut case of treason if I ever saw it.
Did you say that when Reagan sent them to Afghanistan terrorists? He sent weapons and money. Even increased it from Carters policies. What bama did wasn't unprecedented..

That is dishonest. They weren't terrorists then, they were fighting our then enemy; Russia. Obama gave money to a terrorist sponsoring state. That was most certainly unprecedented.
Nope. That same group was terrorizing the country for over 100 years before we stuck our noses in it. Guess how that sect started? Some muslim nutcase returning from Mecca wanting to start war against the infidels.

No, you can twist history as much as you want to, they weren't attacking us, they weren't state sponsors of terrorism, they were fighting out enemy. 0bama gave money and support to a state sponsor of terrorism. You can't spin that and get away with it.

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