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Do you support war with Syria

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I believe that has already been addressed in this thread. He wasn't arming and funding ISIS.


If you or I gave money, weapons or support to al-Qaeda or ISIS, we would be thrown in jail. Why does our gov get a free pass on this?

— Tulsi Gabbard (@TulsiGabbard) December 10, 2016


Most importantly, however, is her introduction of the “Stop Arming Terrorists Act,” which she presented last Thursday. In her presentation of the bill, Gabbard cited prominent publications such as the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal to show that the rebels the U.S. is supporting in Syria are aligned with al-Nusra (which is essentially al-Qaeda in Syria).

She is co-sponsoring the bill with Rep. Thomas Massie, who says the bill “would prohibit the U.S. government from using American taxpayer dollars to provide funding, weapons, training, and intelligence support to terrorist groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS, or to countries who are providing direct or indirect support to those same groups.”

These concerns are not conjectures — they can be verified by none other than suspected war criminal Tony Blair. A think tank founded by the former U.K. Prime Minister released a report in 2015 that concluded it was ultimately pointless to make a distinction between the various rebel groups on the ground since the majority of these groups share ISIS’s core belief system (and would impose Sharia law if they came into power).

“The CIA has also been funneling weapons and money through Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and others who provide direct and indirect support to groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda,” Gabbard stated on the House floor last week.

She went into more detail:

The CIA has long been supporting a group called Fursan al Haqq, providing them with salaries, weapons, and support, including surface to air missiles. This group is cooperating with and fighting alongside an al-Qaeda affiliated group trying to overthrow the Syrian government. The Levant Front is another so-called moderate umbrella group of Syrian opposition fighters. Over the past year, the United States has been working with Turkey to give this group intelligence support and other forms of military assistance. This group has joined forces with al-Qaeda’s offshoot group in Syria.

“This madness must end. We must stop arming terrorists. The Government must end this hypocrisy and abide by the same laws that apply to its’ citizens.”

Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration are well aware of the support the Gulf states have provided to ISIS.

The bill would prohibit any federal agency from supporting a terrorist group or funneling support through other countries that directly or indirectly support terror groups. It is also co-sponsored by lawmakers Peter Welch, Barbara Lee, and Trump ally Dana Rohrabacher.

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard blasts Obama for funding ISIS, introduces “Stop Arming Terrorists Act”
She's out there, if you ask me. I'm sure she means well, but we are not arming terrorists as a matter of policy. Just stop this nonsense. These rebel factions often realign which is part of why it is so hard to sort out what is happening there from one day to the next. If you would prefer it be our soldiers over there getting shot, fight that good fight, but giving logistical and military support to the rebels fighting Assad and fighting ISIS are the way Obama chose to go so we would NOT be sending our own soldiers to their death in someone else's war.
"Lets arm terrorist factions to fight terrorists, so the winner can take their weapons, resources and people so we can do it again in 5 years. Lets continue 30 years of FAILURE because it will be different THIS time!" ---Obama :lol:
Oy vey
Okay, TN. Who is going to defeat ISIS? You signing up tomorrow? Do you really think they can be ignored, now that they have declared war on us and are blowing up and running over folks everywhere they can slink their way into? Just let them have their caliphate in Syria and Iraq and you think they'll settle down and leave the West alone?
If not the Muslims fighting ISIS, who will?
Chemical weapons were one reason he wanted to fuck with Assad. Obama is sure not the only one who wants Assad out, apparently including the Syrian people. Turning Obama into a cartoon evil figure only makes you look foolish. The Arab Spring was not started by Obama, and he did not support ISIS, ever. You are the one altering reality here. I don't know why you feel the need to keep it up, since Obama's turn is over. It is ridiculous.

Assad is a bad person.

Obama's ISIS buddies are worse.

{President Obama this month authorized a new Pentagon plan to train and arm Syrian rebel fighters, relaunching a program that was suspended in the fall after a string of embarrassing setbacks which included recruits being ambushed and handing over much of their U.S.-issued ammunition and trucks to an Al Qaeda affiliate.}

In Syria, militias armed by the Pentagon fight those armed by the CIA
Do you support war with Syria?

Did you when the Flouncing Fairy was arming and funding ISIS? We wouldn't be in this mess if he hadn't.
I believe that has already been addressed in this thread. He wasn't arming and funding ISIS.

If you're referencing Obama, yes he was.

McCain was all for funding and arming the rebels in Syria as well.

Assad is not a bad guy. AP makes him out to be that, but that's just not how it is and thus far, truth is prevailing.

I disagree with Spicer's latest statements and Tomohawking Assad's base.

I feel there may be a big troll moment in that and Trump will catch many in that web.

I have faith that justice and Karma will prevail in the end.

I believe that has already been addressed in this thread. He wasn't arming and funding ISIS.


If you or I gave money, weapons or support to al-Qaeda or ISIS, we would be thrown in jail. Why does our gov get a free pass on this?

— Tulsi Gabbard (@TulsiGabbard) December 10, 2016


Most importantly, however, is her introduction of the “Stop Arming Terrorists Act,” which she presented last Thursday. In her presentation of the bill, Gabbard cited prominent publications such as the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal to show that the rebels the U.S. is supporting in Syria are aligned with al-Nusra (which is essentially al-Qaeda in Syria).

She is co-sponsoring the bill with Rep. Thomas Massie, who says the bill “would prohibit the U.S. government from using American taxpayer dollars to provide funding, weapons, training, and intelligence support to terrorist groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS, or to countries who are providing direct or indirect support to those same groups.”

These concerns are not conjectures — they can be verified by none other than suspected war criminal Tony Blair. A think tank founded by the former U.K. Prime Minister released a report in 2015 that concluded it was ultimately pointless to make a distinction between the various rebel groups on the ground since the majority of these groups share ISIS’s core belief system (and would impose Sharia law if they came into power).

“The CIA has also been funneling weapons and money through Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and others who provide direct and indirect support to groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda,” Gabbard stated on the House floor last week.

She went into more detail:

The CIA has long been supporting a group called Fursan al Haqq, providing them with salaries, weapons, and support, including surface to air missiles. This group is cooperating with and fighting alongside an al-Qaeda affiliated group trying to overthrow the Syrian government. The Levant Front is another so-called moderate umbrella group of Syrian opposition fighters. Over the past year, the United States has been working with Turkey to give this group intelligence support and other forms of military assistance. This group has joined forces with al-Qaeda’s offshoot group in Syria.

“This madness must end. We must stop arming terrorists. The Government must end this hypocrisy and abide by the same laws that apply to its’ citizens.”

Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration are well aware of the support the Gulf states have provided to ISIS.

The bill would prohibit any federal agency from supporting a terrorist group or funneling support through other countries that directly or indirectly support terror groups. It is also co-sponsored by lawmakers Peter Welch, Barbara Lee, and Trump ally Dana Rohrabacher.

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard blasts Obama for funding ISIS, introduces “Stop Arming Terrorists Act”
She's out there, if you ask me. I'm sure she means well, but we are not arming terrorists as a matter of policy. Just stop this nonsense. These rebel factions often realign which is part of why it is so hard to sort out what is happening there from one day to the next. If you would prefer it be our soldiers over there getting shot, fight that good fight, but giving logistical and military support to the rebels fighting Assad and fighting ISIS are the way Obama chose to go so we would NOT be sending our own soldiers to their death in someone else's war.
"Lets arm terrorist factions to fight terrorists, so the winner can take their weapons, resources and people so we can do it again in 5 years. Lets continue 30 years of FAILURE because it will be different THIS time!" ---Obama :lol:
Oy vey
Okay, TN. Who is going to defeat ISIS? You signing up tomorrow? Do you really think they can be ignored, now that they have declared war on us and are blowing up and running over folks everywhere they can slink their way into? Just let them have their caliphate in Syria and Iraq and you think they'll settle down and leave the West alone?
If not the Muslims fighting ISIS, who will?
IDK friend. I don't claim to know. But one thing I do KNOW is intervening in their bullshit causes more terrorism. It is a continuous circle. I have 30, almost 40, years of history on my side. The more we intervene, the more we piss them off. You can defeat a group of people with violence, but you cant defeat an ideology. Unless you want to line up and kill all muslims. Which, I don't think that is the best answer.
Do you support war with Syria?

Did you when the Flouncing Fairy was arming and funding ISIS? We wouldn't be in this mess if he hadn't.
I believe that has already been addressed in this thread. He wasn't arming and funding ISIS.

If you're referencing Obama, yes he was.

McCain was all for funding and arming the rebels in Syria as well.

Assad is not a bad guy. AP makes him out to be that, but that's just not how it is and thus far, truth is prevailing.

I disagree with Spicer's latest statements and Tomohawking Assad's base.

I feel there may be a big troll moment in that and Trump will catch many in that web.

I have faith that justice and Karma will prevail in the end.
"Assad is not a bad guy" is a pretty strong statement, Marion. I realize he's involved in a civil war, same as Lincoln was in ours, but I don't remember Lincoln having a policy to kill civilians. This war in Syria started because his own people did not want him anymore. So he gassed them.
I would like to think Karma will catch up with him, too.
Do you support war with Syria?

Did you when the Flouncing Fairy was arming and funding ISIS? We wouldn't be in this mess if he hadn't.
I believe that has already been addressed in this thread. He wasn't arming and funding ISIS.

If you're referencing Obama, yes he was.

McCain was all for funding and arming the rebels in Syria as well.

Assad is not a bad guy. AP makes him out to be that, but that's just not how it is and thus far, truth is prevailing.

I disagree with Spicer's latest statements and Tomohawking Assad's base.

I feel there may be a big troll moment in that and Trump will catch many in that web.

I have faith that justice and Karma will prevail in the end.
"Assad is not a bad guy" is a pretty strong statement, Marion. I realize he's involved in a civil war, same as Lincoln was in ours, but I don't remember Lincoln having a policy to kill civilians. This war in Syria started because his own people did not want him anymore. So he gassed them.
I would like to think Karma will catch up with him, too.
ummm ever hear of William Sherman or the lieber code?!
And that doesn't include him arresting political opponents... which, its not as bad as murder, it is tyrannical.
I don't believe we need to be at war with and fight Syria. We need to be at war with ISIS.

Why? Because Assad, though he's less keen on the U.S. than are the rebels who oppose him, is not a problem. "Annoyance" is a better way of describing him.

Did you when the Flouncing Fairy was arming and funding ISIS? We wouldn't be in this mess if he hadn't.
I believe that has already been addressed in this thread. He wasn't arming and funding ISIS.

If you're referencing Obama, yes he was.

McCain was all for funding and arming the rebels in Syria as well.

Assad is not a bad guy. AP makes him out to be that, but that's just not how it is and thus far, truth is prevailing.

I disagree with Spicer's latest statements and Tomohawking Assad's base.

I feel there may be a big troll moment in that and Trump will catch many in that web.

I have faith that justice and Karma will prevail in the end.
"Assad is not a bad guy" is a pretty strong statement, Marion. I realize he's involved in a civil war, same as Lincoln was in ours, but I don't remember Lincoln having a policy to kill civilians. This war in Syria started because his own people did not want him anymore. So he gassed them.
I would like to think Karma will catch up with him, too.
ummm ever hear of William Sherman or the lieber code?!
And that doesn't include him arresting political opponents... which, its not as bad as murder, it is tyrannical.
Don't go there. I just knew you'd come up with some Sherman shit when I wrote that. But
Did you when the Flouncing Fairy was arming and funding ISIS? We wouldn't be in this mess if he hadn't.
I believe that has already been addressed in this thread. He wasn't arming and funding ISIS.

If you're referencing Obama, yes he was.

McCain was all for funding and arming the rebels in Syria as well.

Assad is not a bad guy. AP makes him out to be that, but that's just not how it is and thus far, truth is prevailing.

I disagree with Spicer's latest statements and Tomohawking Assad's base.

I feel there may be a big troll moment in that and Trump will catch many in that web.

I have faith that justice and Karma will prevail in the end.
"Assad is not a bad guy" is a pretty strong statement, Marion. I realize he's involved in a civil war, same as Lincoln was in ours, but I don't remember Lincoln having a policy to kill civilians. This war in Syria started because his own people did not want him anymore. So he gassed them.
I would like to think Karma will catch up with him, too.
ummm ever hear of William Sherman or the lieber code?!
And that doesn't include him arresting political opponents... which, its not as bad as murder, it is tyrannical.
Don't go there. I just knew you'd come up with some Sherman shit when I wrote that. But

Assad is nowhere near as bad as Sherman.

Funny how he ruled for 20+ years and no chemical weapons got used.

That is until somebody wanted to effect "regime change" in his country.

Who wanted to effect regime change in Syria?

Who started that mess? Who initialized that?
ummm ever hear of William Sherman or the lieber code?!
And that doesn't include him arresting political opponents... which, its not as bad as murder, it is tyrannical.

Sherman mostly murdered cows, pigs and chickens so the Rebs couldn't eat them.
ummm ever hear of William Sherman or the lieber code?!
And that doesn't include him arresting political opponents... which, its not as bad as murder, it is tyrannical.

Sherman mostly murdered cows, pigs and chickens so the Rebs couldn't eat them.

Leading to the starvation of not only the Confederates, but their families as well. What he did was an act of genocide.
Launching even one missile at another country is not, a "military action." It is an act of war.
“Every war when it comes, or before it comes, is represented not as a war but as an act of self-defense against a homicidal maniac.”
George Orwell,1984
Leading to the starvation of not only the Confederates, but their families as well. What he did was an act of genocide.

Nothing the Rebs wouldn't have done to the North.....what Sherman did ended that stinking war.

"They did it too" seems a hollow retort. IF the Union supposedly had the moral high ground (ending slavery, ensuring the continuation of the Constitution) then Sherman should have been tried and executed for war crimes. Sherman was no better than Quantrill, and should be viewed the same.
"They did it too" seems a hollow retort. IF the Union supposedly had the moral high ground (ending slavery, ensuring the continuation of the Constitution) then Sherman should have been tried and executed for war crimes. Sherman was no better than Quantrill, and should be viewed the same.

Nah, Quantrill was an irregular but he is a good example of the Reb was a war, a brutal war, and it took brutality to end it. I don't know that the North needed any moral high ground since the Rebs broke from the Union they swore to join and protect. What's a shame is that it's still a thorn in the southern man's side after all these years and the wars we've fought together since.
Did you when the Flouncing Fairy was arming and funding ISIS? We wouldn't be in this mess if he hadn't.
I believe that has already been addressed in this thread. He wasn't arming and funding ISIS.

If you're referencing Obama, yes he was.

McCain was all for funding and arming the rebels in Syria as well.

Assad is not a bad guy. AP makes him out to be that, but that's just not how it is and thus far, truth is prevailing.

I disagree with Spicer's latest statements and Tomohawking Assad's base.

I feel there may be a big troll moment in that and Trump will catch many in that web.

I have faith that justice and Karma will prevail in the end.
"Assad is not a bad guy" is a pretty strong statement, Marion. I realize he's involved in a civil war, same as Lincoln was in ours, but I don't remember Lincoln having a policy to kill civilians. This war in Syria started because his own people did not want him anymore. So he gassed them.
I would like to think Karma will catch up with him, too.
ummm ever hear of William Sherman or the lieber code?!
And that doesn't include him arresting political opponents... which, its not as bad as murder, it is tyrannical.
Don't go there. I just knew you'd come up with some Sherman shit when I wrote that. But
Because you knew you were wrong as soon as you said it? Lol
They's blacks in GA that would still like to get ahold of Sherman. Couple other states, too.
We are not going to "WAR" with Syria.
We've been in a proxy war with Syria for years. That's why 500,000 Syrians are now dead.

So now Syria is our fault? That should be a simple enough question!

Yes, remember the "Arab Spring" where Obama tried to install radical Islam in all the nations of the ME? He armed and funded ISIS to topple Assad. The USA is behind the war in Syria, has been all along.
Sounds crazy but the icing was placed on the cake when he sent billions to Iran.

Clear cut case of treason if I ever saw it.
Did you say that when Reagan sent them to Afghanistan terrorists? He sent weapons and money. Even increased it from Carters policies. What bama did wasn't unprecedented..

They were fighting the Soviets. Big difference!

Besides, they weren't terrorists, they were opposing an invasion of their country. It was not a civil war.
We've been in a proxy war with Syria for years. That's why 500,000 Syrians are now dead.

So now Syria is our fault? That should be a simple enough question!

Yes, remember the "Arab Spring" where Obama tried to install radical Islam in all the nations of the ME? He armed and funded ISIS to topple Assad. The USA is behind the war in Syria, has been all along.
Sounds crazy but the icing was placed on the cake when he sent billions to Iran.

Clear cut case of treason if I ever saw it.
Did you say that when Reagan sent them to Afghanistan terrorists? He sent weapons and money. Even increased it from Carters policies. What bama did wasn't unprecedented..

They were fighting the Soviets. Big difference!

Besides, they weren't terrorists, they were opposing an invasion of their country. It was not a civil war.
They have been fighting in Afghanistan for over 100 years. They wanted power and they got it.

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