New Wiki released email: We wanted citizens compliant, so we made them unaware

You got to hand it to them, and I don't like them either, but the Clintons really know how to steal thunder. They knew this was coming and they planned accordingly. The Groper is getting his ass kicked by Gropees and the media is loving it. Trump should have never, ever insulted the press publicly many months back. He picked a fight and the media and Clintons are going to win.
Trump destroyed the media by becoming the Republican nominee against their fall guys and props.

10s of millions of educated people now know that the media is 100% in for the Democrat every time with no apologies.

All you Democrats have is Podesta modified retards now for Trump supporters to mock.
Actually, the dems have the Trumpbots to mock now, but that's sort of another story.

Imo the email comes closest to supporting what I think is sort of Dale's thesis. None of us actually knows what we're voting for .... or what Hillary (or Trump) is really about. Neither the media nor the campaigns have any interest in filling us in. And in a sense, that was Assange's schtick, until he became part of the Trump/Putin campaign.

I agree with you. I would like to see some RNC e-mails exposing the same type of fraud that is being exposed
It's no more dem than gop. Assange's thesis is that political parties (and other organizations) are conspiracies in which a few manipulate behavior by the many. The email suggests that may be true.

On the other hand, a political party may be a body of shared principles regarding govt and society. And the principles are distilled to an oversimplied generality. Thus, the "unaware" are "compliant." The email posits that the gop electorate remains wedded to the oversimplified generality but is no longer compliant.

Regardless Assange is only interested outing one of two conspiracies, so he's as much a partner to the conspiracy of ignorance as anyone else in power.
Just like you dipshits thought Gruber wasn't talking about you in regards to Obamacare when he only called those who were for it idiots....

Denial is a powerful drug for Democrats and their phoney "independent" allies.
Who the fuck are you calling a dipshit. I never voted for Obama. The gop took a total pass on doing anything about healthcare, and imo Gingrich and Norquist hijacked the gop, but that's another matter.
I am calling you a dipshit for thinking Democrats have anything on Trump supporters.

We voted for him against every useless talking head and we got rewarded with a completely discredited media, and a renewed sense of fighting spirit from knowing Democrats are never going to stop being mentally inferior to us.

Well fuck you pillow. you're a trumpbot ... a know nothing, and you wouldn't even have a fuking clue what that means. Adios your ignorant piece of cat shit.

ptbw forever: For whatever it's worth, I have known Bendog for 15 years. We posted on another board and I can say in all honesty that Bendog has never wavered in any position and is as "straight a shooter" as they come. He has never wavered from his beliefs or played partisan politics. It was only after I had my epiphany was I able to appreciate what he brought to the forum. He calls it like he sees it and his accuracy is pretty much "dead on". When I need a dose of brutal honesty and a different perspective, I look up what he posts. Not everyone that doesn't believe in Trump is an enemy....maybe they have a different take and there is nothing wrong with looking at where they are coming from. I have learned more from those that challenged me than I ever did from those that walked in lockstep. Good on ya......
Sorry, but he blatantly said Democrats are smarter than "Trumpbots", despite the emails that have admitted in the clearest possible fashion that the Democrats are the dumbest of the dumb.

If Podesta thought Republicans were just as "compliant" he would be a Republican operative to insure both parties were controllable in that fashion.
How sick is that email?? Wanting citizenry like robots and braindead.. You loopy liberals should feel really stupid but you're too compliant and unware, ie morons to know any better.. LOL This email mocks all of you dummies.

Power to the Sheeple

Here's a leaked email where Helly's own warn her over foreign govts sending money to the Clinton Foundation which is against the law..

Since when? That was prohibited while Mrs. Clinton held office. She's no longer SecState, so AFAIK, the restriction no longer applies. You'll note the date of the correspondence is in 2015. Mrs. Clinton left DoS in 2013.

Here's a leaked email where Helly's own warn her over foreign govts sending money to the Clinton Foundation which is against the law..

Since when? That was prohibited while Mrs. Clinton held office. She's no longer SecState, so AFAIK, the restriction no longer applies. You'll note the date of the correspondence is in 2015. Mrs. Clinton left DoS in 2013.
We see you got the email....

Here's a leaked email where Helly's own warn her over foreign govts sending money to the Clinton Foundation which is against the law..

Since when? That was prohibited while Mrs. Clinton held office. She's no longer SecState, so AFAIK, the restriction no longer applies. You'll note the date of the correspondence is in 2015. Mrs. Clinton left DoS in 2013.

The lifting of Haiti's gold started under Hitlery....hope this helps.
WikiLeaks ‏@wikileaks 9h9 hours ago
Bill Clinton NEA Chair: We wanted citizens compliant, so we made them unaware. Now unaware & non-compliant, so Trump …

READ IT.. this is the leftist narrative and thought process we continually read about.. Their sheeple are just that- compliant braindead bozos and this email says as much.. but they want us, those of us who actually think for ourselves and have plans to try to change that which is why Obama made a speech today on shutting down speech that he doesn't approve of, TYRANNY
WikiLeaks ‏@wikileaks 9h9 hours ago
Bill Clinton NEA Chair: We wanted citizens compliant, so we made them unaware. Now unaware & non-compliant, so Trump …

READ IT.. this is the leftist narrative and thought process we continually read about.. Their sheeple are just that- compliant braindead bozos and this email says as much.. but they want us, those of us who actually think for ourselves and have plans to try to change that which is why Obama made a speech today on shutting down speech that he doesn't approve of, TYRANNY

Really? You find that conversation strange and "out of bounds," as it were, for a political strategist to have with a political campaign executive? Do you know what a political strategist does for a living? They essentially are marketing professionals for political candidate rather than for goods and services. The product is different, the point of measurement for the effectiveness of the promotion effort is singular, and the buyer doesn't have to spend any money to "buy" the "product," but the overall promotion tactics and strategy is identical. Were the exact same methods and modalities not applicable, Trump's candidacy would long ago have faded into obscurity.

The man's a brilliant marketer, which is precisely why so many people have bought him. They certainly aren't :"buying" Trump because he's a markedly better "product" than any of the alternatives. Indeed, it remains a great surprise to me that Republicans have not flocked in droves to Gary Johnson, who, after all, is a former Republican and current Libertarian whose ideas aren't all that far afield from those held by a great many GOP-ers and whose personal integrity outstrips that of both Trump and Clinton.

Here's a leaked email where Helly's own warn her over foreign govts sending money to the Clinton Foundation which is against the law..

Since when? That was prohibited while Mrs. Clinton held office. She's no longer SecState, so AFAIK, the restriction no longer applies. You'll note the date of the correspondence is in 2015. Mrs. Clinton left DoS in 2013.

The lifting of Haiti's gold started under Hitlery....hope this helps.

Notice the temporal aspect of the email and Mrs. Clinton's tenure as SecState? Donations in 2015 being remarked upon in the email depicted above. Mrs. Clinton's having left State in 2013.

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