New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

I don't know...instead of the big blow up I was hoping for, he just sort of rolled off the end of the pier and into the water with a little plunk.
Wow and it appears nobody said *fucking coon* after all.

It's amazing what racists will read into things.

“Now it does sound less like that racial slur. … From listening in this room, and this is a state-of-the-art room, it doesn’t sound like that slur anymore. It sounds like … we‘re hearing the swear word at first and then the word ’cold.’ And the reason some say that would be relevant, is because it was unseasonably cold in Florida that night and raining.”
The audio expert agreed it sounded like “cold,” and said the new method gets rid of a lot more background noise but doesn’t change the voice or words."

CNN Enhances Zimmerman 911 Again, Finds He May Have Not Used Racial Slur | Video |

The incident was never racially motivated. Martin simply fit the description of the suspects in some burgluries in the neighborhood.

And because the cops described Zimmerman as "white" the whole thing blew up.

How many black teenagers were shot dead last week in Detroit? LA? New York?

We dont hear about that. But if theres a chance to get some race card mileage out of it and boost ratings or newspaper sales and its all over the news.

Thats the REAL racism.
There are two narratives in this case.

Narrative A ( Racist Zimmerman kills Black Kid story ): Zimmerman left his car, approached Martin and shot him dead.

Narrative B ( Zimmermans own self defense story ) Zimmerman left his car, martin ran, Zimmerman gave chase but lost Martin, started back for his car but was attacked my Martin, then shot Martin dead.

In BOTH narratives, under the law, Zimmerman is a murderer. In fact, the Stand Your Ground law can ONLY be applied to narrative B and even then ONLY to Martin as Zimmerman gave chase.

Remember, Zimmerman himself says that Trayvon ran away.

Zimmerman told dispatchers the person he spotted was coming toward him, and then, moments later, he said the person was running.

Trayvon Martin: George Zimmerman's story may not hold up to scrutiny

even articles defending Zimmerman give the same story:

From the call released by the Sanford Police:

At 2:07, Zimmerman tells the dispatcher, “He’s running.”

At 2:09, you can hear a car door open and an alarm begins that is undoubtedly the “door open, keys in ignition” warning on Zimmerman’s truck.

At 2:13, you can clearly hear the car door slamming shut, and the alarm stops.

At 2:17, Zimmerman’s voice wobbles and he starts breathing heavily into the phone, indicating that he has started running.

At 2:22, without any prompting other than the aforementioned noises and breathing, the dispatcher asks “Are you following him?” to which Zimmerman responds, “Yeah.”

At 2:26, the dispatcher says, “Okay, we don’t need you to do that,” to which Zimmerman responds, “Okay.”

Zimmerman proceeds to give the dispatcher his name. Then he says, “He ran.”

Zimmerman can still be heard breathing into the phone until about 2:39, at which point the heavy breathing stops entirely, a mere 13 seconds after the dispatcher asked him to stop following. A very calm and collected Zimmerman then proceeds to give the dispatcher his own information, directions and a description of his location for another 1 minute and 33 seconds.

Read more: 911 call shows Zimmerman stopped following Martin after dispatcher

The FACT that Zimmerman RAN/CHASED after Trayvon, not just followed, gives Trayvon the protection of the Stand Your Ground law, as George Zimmerman then presented a direct threat to his person.

Which, under the Stand Your Ground law, makes George Zimmerman a murderer.
The whole problem is this watchman business, where as a person is appointed to keep watch over a neighborhood that had recently had some troubles in it, but yet did Zimmerman have almost none to very little training in law enforcement ? He also has a concealed legal weapon on his person, in which I'm guessing he had it in order to protect himself or maybe other innocents with, just in case the worse came to worse senario arose, and he were to encounter a supposed threat in the area during his watch, where as the gun would come in quite handy for a defensive stance if needed until the cops got there, and this after calling 9-11 on a possible supposed criminal or criminal element if were encountered in the area that night .

Otherwise the gun was needed in his mind, only if he should come upon someone doing something very "wrong", as in committing a felony, burgularizing a home, car and/or hurting another, where all of a sudden the person caught decides to harm Zimmerman maybe, and all because he had caught that someone in an act of criminal activity within the community being watched, thus causing that someone instantly to attack him (where as the gun would be needed to defend with, if that situation were to arise at that point). Now did Zimmerman show proper restraint, before un-concealing his weapon and shooting a man, in which he says was attacking him, and this all due to a case of mistaken identity or improper profiling of whom he thought was a suspicious looking character that night, and mainly due to the clothes worn by the victim, and his actions observed within the area as being erratic while being observed by the so called watchmen Zimmerman ?

Is this what happened maybe ? - He ((Zimmerman)) had identified a person in the area who was alledged by Zimmerman, to be acting or apearing suspicious, thus profiling the person as such when called 9-11 to report the suspicious person, who according to Zimmerman, was acting strangely within the area by his observation of, but in doing so did it cause the person being profiled ((Trayvon)) to become very nervous of Zimmerman at this point, because was it that Zimmerman had no identifying security clothes worn (?), in which could have let Trayvon know that he was a watchman/security officer or person in the area, in which may have eased Trayvons fears once identified Zimmerman as a legit security person for the area?

Did Zimmerman have a badge of any sort, to show Trayvon ??? I mean if so, then would he Trayvon had begun a conversation with Zimmerman at that point, instead of running away maybe ?

The two of them are recipients of the "Stand your Ground Law" in this case, but they recieved the law at different times within the situation they were in, where as at different times along the way it would apply to the both of them seperately as a self defense law, in which would of course cover them, (yet all depending), and this at what point during the situation it could have or would have covered the two seperately at any given moment, and could have been in one or the others favor to be used as a defence in the situation. Sadly as it progressed out of control for the two of them, it just became of a horrible mistake of identities and profiling gone very wrong (not racial profiling as yet to be proven so far), because both under the circumstances THOUGHT the other was a criminal or a threat of some sort, and this was all due to their un-identifying strange clothes worn, and worse it being at night to top it all off, where as this is where the deadly dance began between the two of them under these high suspicions of each other, who next came together under very confused and hightened alertness due to the circumstances or past goings on in the area before that fatal night, where the both of them were trying to defend themselves against one another sadly enough in the confusion of it all, even when the both of them were found to be completely innocent in respect to one another as it all turned out in the end.

Am I giving a fair assessment of the situation maybe? I hope so...
Now did Zimmerman show proper restraint, before un-concealing his weapon and shooting a man, in which he says was attacking him, and this all due to a case of mistaken identity or improper profiling of whom he thought was a suspicious looking character that night, and mainly due to the clothes worn by the victim, and his actions observed within the area as being erratic while being observed by the so called watchmen Zimmerman ?

When Zimmerman is in the clear, he'll write a book, make a million dollars, and give us all the details.

I think if Zimmerman had shown his gun, the African would not have attacked him in the first place. And, if he had his gun out, he could have shot the African before he was wounded (but, that would have cost him the proof that he was in real danger).

There's no such thing as "improper profiling", as long as you're rationally profiling. Although, it is extremely Politically Incorrect to profile by race (except if the race is white).

it cause the person being profiled ((Trayvon)) to become very nervous of Zimmerman at this point

You're assuming Zimmerman was profiling, and it's irrelevant whether he was or not. You mean to say that Zimmerman's observation of Trayvon caused Trayvon to become nervous.

Sadly as it progressed out of control for the two of them, it just became of a horrible mistake of identities and profiling gone very wrong

No, there were no horrible mistakes. There was a piece-of-shit African who deliberately decided to beat the crap out of a cracker, forcing that cracker to shoot in self-defense. That's all.

If Trayvon really wasn't casing the neighborhood, then Zimmerman just made a small mistake that should have been nothing beyond a little annoying to Trayvon. Trayvon should have continued to where he was staying, maybe at a quicker pace, and do nothing more than say "There was some dude looking at me..." after arriving. He should have been home before the cops showed up, but he decided to go cracker hunting instead.
I didn't see anywhere in the many news reports on this story that the young man was not a US citizen, so why do you keep saying "African"? Oh, that's right, YOU'RE A STUPID FUCKING RACIST. How could I have forgotten when you go out of your way to display your cowardly nature on every fucking post?
I think every hispanic/latino in America should let this be a lesson to them. Don't believe the garbage the left says about having your back. They will lynch you in a heartbeat if you are up against blacks.
Especially the racist libtard press.
The only people saying that Zimmerman might not be guilty are the conservatives.
According to reports, Zimmerman claims he said punk. How then is CNN claiming he said cold?

According to both of the experts the Sentinel hired down there that analyzed the recordings it was punk.
They ruled out coon.
But what have to do with anything anyway?
Words are never a crime.
Just a distortion from the looney tune racists that have convicted a man before the grand jury has even convened.
Sad that most Americans these days are so ignorant. They had a few of the demonstrators on last night and the reporter asked them if they knew about the grand jury. "I aintz nerverz knows they is a big juries. Ize thotz the juries wuz already at the coathoze. Yo says they is a bigger, grander one those?"
They must be reading the posts here.
According to reports, Zimmerman claims he said punk. How then is CNN claiming he said cold?

According to both of the experts the Sentinel hired down there that analyzed the recordings it was punk.
They ruled out coon.
But what have to do with anything anyway?
Words are never a crime.
Just a distortion from the looney tune racists that have convicted a man before the grand jury has even convened.
Sad that most Americans these days are so ignorant. They had a few of the demonstrators on last night and the reporter asked them if they knew about the grand jury. "I aintz nerverz knows they is a big juries. Ize thotz the juries wuz already at the coathoze. Yo says they is a bigger, grander one those?"
They must be reading the posts here.

Words are never a crime. But they certainly throw cold water on the self-defense angle.
Of course words can be used in a criminal way. Hate speech, libel, inciting, slander, harassment, etc. and so on.
I think every hispanic/latino in America should let this be a lesson to them. Don't believe the garbage the left says about having your back. They will lynch you in a heartbeat if you are up against blacks.
Especially the racist libtard press.
The only people saying that Zimmerman might not be guilty are the conservatives.

But George Zimmerman is white! White people get no protections from the liberals.


And you have to twist the facts pretty hard to get completely innocent out of this whole thing, something neocons are experts at.
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I think every hispanic/latino in America should let this be a lesson to them. Don't believe the garbage the left says about having your back. They will lynch you in a heartbeat if you are up against blacks.
Especially the racist libtard press.
The only people saying that Zimmerman might not be guilty are the conservatives.

But George Zimmerman is white! White people get no protections from the liberals.


And you have to twist the facts pretty hard to get completely innocent out of this whole thing, something neocons are experts at.
See, this is what I don't get. Since when is defending the integrity of the process a partisan thing?

It's and American thing.

At least it used to be.
Another day, another week, and another month that Zimmerman is a free man. Despite all the pressure that is being put on the authorities to arrest him, they haven't. Could it be that the ONLY people who have all of the facts, and the only people who know the law, know that they have absolutely zero evidence that Zimmerman didn't shoot Martin in self-defense? Common sense seems to point that way.
Have you heard the latest? Get this - New News: Zimmerman's lawyer now say's he suffered from
"Shaken Baby Syndrome"
in the incident.

Oh dear lawd. lol

What's funny about that? You often laugh at people's injuries do you?

Having ones head slammed to the pavement results in the same injuries a baby can suffer when shaken. The brain is smacked against the skull violently.

This is the kind of thing YOU think is funny?
Have you heard the latest? Get this - New News: Zimmerman's lawyer now say's he suffered from
"Shaken Baby Syndrome"
in the incident.

Oh dear lawd. lol

What's funny about that? You often laugh at people's injuries do you?

Having ones head slammed to the pavement results in the same injuries a baby can suffer when shaken. The brain is smacked against the skull violently.

This is the kind of thing YOU think is funny?
Hey's something for ya: Babies (and small children) get "Shaken Baby Syndrome."
Have you heard the latest? Get this - New News: Zimmerman's lawyer now say's he suffered from
"Shaken Baby Syndrome"
in the incident.

Oh dear lawd. lol

What's funny about that? You often laugh at people's injuries do you?

Having ones head slammed to the pavement results in the same injuries a baby can suffer when shaken. The brain is smacked against the skull violently.

This is the kind of thing YOU think is funny?
Hey's something for ya: Babies (and small children) get "Shaken Baby Syndrome."

Ignoring the point I see.

I have no idea why the lawyer decided to call it Shaken Baby Syndrome, but what he calls it is not really important except to partisan hacks like yourself. The name is different but the injuries are the same. You laugh at people's injuries, we got it.

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