New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

It's hard to imagine being able to ovvereact to the death of minor.

This isn't a reaction to the put down of a high school delinquent bringing his fists to a gunfight, after being caught casing the neighborhood. It's opportunistic civil criminals exploiting a situation to shake down society.

I looked into this kids face and saw my nephew, many people did. Kind of hard not to overreact.

Yeah, all blacks look the same. Or, maybe you're thinking of the uncertainty of black paternity?

:lol: Check your rep lately?

Don't feed the troll! Lol.
This isn't a reaction to the put down of a high school delinquent bringing his fists to a gunfight, after being caught casing the neighborhood. It's opportunistic civil criminals exploiting a situation to shake down society.

Yeah, all blacks look the same. Or, maybe you're thinking of the uncertainty of black paternity?

:lol: Check your rep lately?

Where does Martin "casing the neighborhood" come from? The victim was being followed by the KILLER.

He's a racist troll, ignore him.
Except the eyewitness account of Zimmerman on the ground and Martin on top of him. Doesn't soud like Martin was trying to get away there.

I've seen kids get bullied fight back just to get away and if they get the best of their bully go on a 30-sec rampage... just saying there's a point that adreline kicks in in a situation like that and your brain goes from "get away" to "make sure that he doesn't get back up to harm you again..."

This may well be true, but it is something else that just substantiates Zimmerman's story.

If Zimmerman was attacked by Martin, the attack did not stop him from getting his gun, and then shooting Martin in the chest.
Ariux shouldn't be taken seriously.

Nor should anybody who believes a seventeen year old kid visiting family with his father would go case a neighborhood 4 hours from where he lives.

The kid was innocently walking down the street in a hoodie after buying tea and skittles from a local convenience store and those items were the only thing on his person.

There was no evidence that he was a threat to anyone or ever would be in his life.

Those are the FACTS.

boy, oh boy, you didn't know the kids I knew while growing up..are you really this naive? I see no evidence the young man was casing the hood, but get real..bad kids do bad things regardless of where they are and who they are around.


I'm not naive, you and your ilk are just stupid and making crap up to make this Trayvon's fault.

The kid was by himself in a random neighborhood. You have no evidence to suggest Trayvon was a "bad kid". He had no criminal record. Why'd he get the criminal itch all of a sudden 4 hours away from his house?

You do realize that the lack of a criminal record doesn't mean he didn't start that day right? Just sayin'.
I see the Zimmerman apologist are still grasping at crackers.

I make NO apologies for Zimmerman. My original post was to point out the FACT the media AND many black so called "leaders" have, as usual...OVERREACTED!

They have called for not only Zimmermans arrest they have alleged misconduct on the police department....all based on their own damn racism!

It's hard to imagine being able to ovvereact to the death of minor.

It's kind of a kick in the gut to the family to say people overreacted to the death of their son. Kind of where this conversation get's lost in translation. There's fierce emotion on both sides, but that's not a "black leader" thing, that's a human thing.

I looked into this kids face and saw my nephew, many people did. Kind of hard not to overreact.

Sure it is..we are witnessing it as we speak. Or is Trayvon the only child shot in America this year?

There were 49 shootings in Chicago over the St Pattys day weekend..I think 15 of the people died!

Where was Al Sharpton then? Where was Jesse Jackson crying for "justice".......where was Obama?

Oh was a whitie doing the shooting...dats OK

The FACT is the black community has once again used their own bias to overreact and assume whitey is out to get em...they have imagined the white police chief is trying to "cover it up"....

Why? ONLY because he is white!

This is the problem with racism, so many times those being racist fail to see it.....
This isn't a reaction to the put down of a high school delinquent bringing his fists to a gunfight, after being caught casing the neighborhood. It's opportunistic civil criminals exploiting a situation to shake down society.

Yeah, all blacks look the same. Or, maybe you're thinking of the uncertainty of black paternity?

:lol: Check your rep lately?

Don't feed the troll! Lol.
C'mon man... I usually wouldnt... but this one is too fun.
boy, oh boy, you didn't know the kids I knew while growing up..are you really this naive? I see no evidence the young man was casing the hood, but get real..bad kids do bad things regardless of where they are and who they are around.


I'm not naive, you and your ilk are just stupid and making crap up to make this Trayvon's fault.

The kid was by himself in a random neighborhood. You have no evidence to suggest Trayvon was a "bad kid". He had no criminal record. Why'd he get the criminal itch all of a sudden 4 hours away from his house?

You do realize that the lack of a criminal record doesn't mean he didn't start that day right? Just sayin'.

Yes, I DO realize that. I also believe it should have been sent to the SA'a office long before it was. The "special prosecutor", bringing the Feds in, and the all the outrage might have been prevented.
I've seen kids get bullied fight back just to get away and if they get the best of their bully go on a 30-sec rampage... just saying there's a point that adreline kicks in in a situation like that and your brain goes from "get away" to "make sure that he doesn't get back up to harm you again..."

This may well be true, but it is something else that just substantiates Zimmerman's story.

If Zimmerman was attacked by Martin, the attack did not stop him from getting his gun, and then shooting Martin in the chest.

If Martin didn't know Zimmerman had a gun, he would not be holding his arms and preventing Zimmerman from reaching for his gun. Thus Zimmerman could draw the weapon after he was attacked and on the ground.

Which brings up another question that we'll probably have to wait for the investigators to tell us. What is the trajectory of the bullet? Does it match what Zimmerman's story said? that would be interestingto know. I've never heard a complete version of Zimmerman's story, and now tha he has a lawyer we probably won't until the trial. If there is one. If Zimmerman claims to have shot Martin when he was on top of him, then the trajectory should be upwards. If not, then there is something that disputes Zimmerman's story of what happened.

Bottom line is that if they don't find anything to dispute Zimmerman's story, then they have to accept it and let him go free.
boy, oh boy, you didn't know the kids I knew while growing up..are you really this naive? I see no evidence the young man was casing the hood, but get real..bad kids do bad things regardless of where they are and who they are around.


I'm not naive, you and your ilk are just stupid and making crap up to make this Trayvon's fault.

The kid was by himself in a random neighborhood. You have no evidence to suggest Trayvon was a "bad kid". He had no criminal record. Why'd he get the criminal itch all of a sudden 4 hours away from his house?

You do realize that the lack of a criminal record doesn't mean he didn't start that day right? Just sayin'.

You do realize how highly improbable that is right?
This may well be true, but it is something else that just substantiates Zimmerman's story.

If Zimmerman was attacked by Martin, the attack did not stop him from getting his gun, and then shooting Martin in the chest.

If Martin didn't know Zimmerman had a gun, he would not be holding his arms and preventing Zimmerman from reaching for his gun. Thus Zimmerman could draw the weapon after he was attacked and on the ground.

Which brings up another question that we'll probably have to wait for the investigators to tell us. What is the trajectory of the bullet? Does it match what Zimmerman's story said? that would be interestingto know. I've never heard a complete version of Zimmerman's story, and now tha he has a lawyer we probably won't until the trial. If there is one. If Zimmerman claims to have shot Martin when he was on top of him, then the trajectory should be upwards. If not, then there is something that disputes Zimmerman's story of what happened.

Bottom line is that if they don't find anything to dispute Zimmerman's story, then they have to accept it and let him go free.

And if that happens (Zimmerman retaining his liberty), You may bet there will be trouble.

Which is why I hope the AG of Florida presents the case fully...
A male caller described a physical altercation between Martin and the shooter.

"I just heard a shot right behind my house," the caller said. "They're wrestling right behind my porch. The guy is yelling 'Help.' I'm not going outside."

911 calls released in Trayvon Martin fatal shooting - Crimesider - CBS News
The guy, not the kid?
Good job detective Holmes. The use of word guy surely discounts trayvon, he's not guy he's a kid and I'm sure that could be told easily in the dark.

right behind the caller's porch. I would hope he could tell the difference between a big hulking white Hispanic hater of black teenagers, and an innocent frail, mild mannered, underdog black teenager
This may well be true, but it is something else that just substantiates Zimmerman's story.

If Zimmerman was attacked by Martin, the attack did not stop him from getting his gun, and then shooting Martin in the chest.

If Martin didn't know Zimmerman had a gun, he would not be holding his arms and preventing Zimmerman from reaching for his gun. Thus Zimmerman could draw the weapon after he was attacked and on the ground.

Which brings up another question that we'll probably have to wait for the investigators to tell us. What is the trajectory of the bullet? Does it match what Zimmerman's story said? that would be interestingto know. I've never heard a complete version of Zimmerman's story, and now tha he has a lawyer we probably won't until the trial. If there is one. If Zimmerman claims to have shot Martin when he was on top of him, then the trajectory should be upwards. If not, then there is something that disputes Zimmerman's story of what happened.

Bottom line is that if they don't find anything to dispute Zimmerman's story, then they have to accept it and let him go free.

All I'm saying is if there was ever a reason for human beings to overreact a dead unarmed teenager is a pretty good reason.
I'm not naive, you and your ilk are just stupid and making crap up to make this Trayvon's fault.

The kid was by himself in a random neighborhood. You have no evidence to suggest Trayvon was a "bad kid". He had no criminal record. Why'd he get the criminal itch all of a sudden 4 hours away from his house?

You do realize that the lack of a criminal record doesn't mean he didn't start that day right? Just sayin'.

Yes, I DO realize that. I also believe it should have been sent to the SA'a office long before it was. The "special prosecutor", bringing the Feds in, and the all the outrage might have been prevented.

I've heard that "casing the neighborhood" line before. Trouble is I haven't ever heard it from any kind of reliable source so I never mentioned it. I'm not sure it is proof of anything if it's even true.
I make NO apologies for Zimmerman. My original post was to point out the FACT the media AND many black so called "leaders" have, as usual...OVERREACTED!

They have called for not only Zimmermans arrest they have alleged misconduct on the police department....all based on their own damn racism!

It's hard to imagine being able to ovvereact to the death of minor.

It's kind of a kick in the gut to the family to say people overreacted to the death of their son. Kind of where this conversation get's lost in translation. There's fierce emotion on both sides, but that's not a "black leader" thing, that's a human thing.

I looked into this kids face and saw my nephew, many people did. Kind of hard not to overreact.

Sure it is..we are witnessing it as we speak. Or is Trayvon the only child shot in America this year?

There were 49 shootings in Chicago over the St Pattys day weekend..I think 15 of the people died!

Where was Al Sharpton then? Where was Jesse Jackson crying for "justice".......where was Obama?

Oh was a whitie doing the shooting...dats OK

The FACT is the black community has once again used their own bias to overreact and assume whitey is out to get em...they have imagined the white police chief is trying to "cover it up"....

Why? ONLY because he is white!

This is the problem with racism, so many times those being racist fail to see it.....

In how many of those 49 shootings was the shooter released with minimal investigation and no charges?

"I felt threatened so I shot him"
I'm not naive, you and your ilk are just stupid and making crap up to make this Trayvon's fault.

The kid was by himself in a random neighborhood. You have no evidence to suggest Trayvon was a "bad kid". He had no criminal record. Why'd he get the criminal itch all of a sudden 4 hours away from his house?

You do realize that the lack of a criminal record doesn't mean he didn't start that day right? Just sayin'.

You do realize how highly improbable that is right?

Not at all. Lack of a criminal record only means he hasn't been caught yet.
The guy, not the kid?
Good job detective Holmes. The use of word guy surely discounts trayvon, he's not guy he's a kid and I'm sure that could be told easily in the dark.

right behind the caller's porch. I would hope he could tell the difference between a big hulking white Hispanic hater of black teenagers, and an innocent frail, mild mannered, underdog black teenager

There's no way of knowing someones age based on the way they look. No matter trayvons size I'm sure the man on the phone with the cops wasn't trying to figure out their ages.
You do realize that the lack of a criminal record doesn't mean he didn't start that day right? Just sayin'.

Yes, I DO realize that. I also believe it should have been sent to the SA'a office long before it was. The "special prosecutor", bringing the Feds in, and the all the outrage might have been prevented.

I've heard that "casing the neighborhood" line before. Trouble is I haven't ever heard it from any kind of reliable source so I never mentioned it. I'm not sure it is proof of anything if it's even true.

Perhaps the victim got on the phone to express his fear of the killer as a cover up for his attack on the killer also. :doubt:
If Zimmerman was attacked by Martin, the attack did not stop him from getting his gun, and then shooting Martin in the chest.

If Martin didn't know Zimmerman had a gun, he would not be holding his arms and preventing Zimmerman from reaching for his gun. Thus Zimmerman could draw the weapon after he was attacked and on the ground.

Which brings up another question that we'll probably have to wait for the investigators to tell us. What is the trajectory of the bullet? Does it match what Zimmerman's story said? that would be interestingto know. I've never heard a complete version of Zimmerman's story, and now tha he has a lawyer we probably won't until the trial. If there is one. If Zimmerman claims to have shot Martin when he was on top of him, then the trajectory should be upwards. If not, then there is something that disputes Zimmerman's story of what happened.

Bottom line is that if they don't find anything to dispute Zimmerman's story, then they have to accept it and let him go free.

All I'm saying is if there was ever a reason for human beings to overreact a dead unarmed teenager is a pretty good reason.

A lynch mob is never a good thing.

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