New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

Not at all. Lack of a criminal record only means he hasn't been caught yet.

Lack of a criminal record means you're not a criminal. End of story. You can't sit here and speculate that the kid lives some evil double life and breaks into house in his spare time and then turn around and call al sharpton and the liberal media biased. There is no evidence that martin ever did anything criminal prior to his confrontation with zimmy so I don't even see why this is being discussed.

True, I let myself get side tracked. I don't see how it would really be relevant even if he did have a criminal record.

Fair enough.

If he did have a criminal past it probably would be brought up in court and used as evidence that he have violent tendencies or that Zimmerman was justified in pursuing him. Wouldn't be much of a game changer though. Zimmy walks regardless in my opinion
Lack of a criminal record means you're not a criminal. End of story. You can't sit here and speculate that the kid lives some evil double life and breaks into house in his spare time and then turn around and call al sharpton and the liberal media biased. There is no evidence that martin ever did anything criminal prior to his confrontation with zimmy so I don't even see why this is being discussed.

True, I let myself get side tracked. I don't see how it would really be relevant even if he did have a criminal record.

Fair enough.

If he did have a criminal past it probably would be brought up in court and used as evidence that he have violent tendencies or that Zimmerman was justified in pursuing him. Wouldn't be much of a game changer though. Zimmy walks regardless in my opinion

Why? Stale evidence, self defense? Media coverage?
If it's true that Martin made a 911 call, where would that call have been received (since he was from Miami)?

What? Who said Martin made a 911 call? When you say Martin do you mean Trayvon or his father?

No, I meant Martin. Posted the link to the video a page or two back. I don't think the reporter misspoke, either. Start at 2:33. He says the FBI is investigating the recording of the call, where Zimmerman's voice can be heard in the background.

Trayvon Martin protests come to Chicago | Video |

If that 9-11 call did occur when it is released, it will stir up public opinion moreso against Zimmy. I don't know if it will be a game changer with a petit jury but it might cause an indictment.

This should answer your initial questions about 9-11 and cell phones though:
Before You Call 911 on a Cell Phone - What You Need to Know
True, I let myself get side tracked. I don't see how it would really be relevant even if he did have a criminal record.

Fair enough.

If he did have a criminal past it probably would be brought up in court and used as evidence that he have violent tendencies or that Zimmerman was justified in pursuing him. Wouldn't be much of a game changer though. Zimmy walks regardless in my opinion

Why? Stale evidence, self defense? Media coverage?

All of the above. I don't personally believe Zimmy was acting in self-defense. But from what I've seen up and 'till now, I also don't see enough evidence against him. Not because Zimmy did the right thing and was perfectly innocent, but because it's a "he said he said" situation and one of the "he saids" can't say nothin'.
"The guy on the bottom, who had a red sweater on, was yelling to me, 'Help! Help!' and I told him to stop, and I was calling 911," said the witness, who asked to be identified only by his first name, John. John said he locked his patio door, ran upstairs and heard at least one gun shot. "And then, when I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on the top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point."

Man shot and killed in neighborhood altercation
In none of the the 911 tapes that were released does anyone claim to speak to Zimmerman.

911 calls paint picture of chaos after Florida teen is shot – This Just In - Blogs

I guess the cops forgot to release that call.
Or someone was looking for 15 minutes of fame.
She heard them exchange words then heard the beginnings of the physical altercation. Doesn't match with what Zimmerman said about being attacked from behind unless he was hollering it over his shoulder as he ran away from Martin.

two different instances? why do you insist without any evidence to the contrary, that the two men did not separate from the verbal confrontation?

the girlfriend said Martin said he was not going to walk/run away. he clearly wanted to confront Zimmerman. Zimmerman knows the police are on the way. hmmmmmmm....

No, he said he wasn't going to run away, he was going to walk away quickly.

But don't let the facts keep your confirmation bias down.

All of the above. I don't personally believe Zimmy was acting in self-defense. But from what I've seen up and 'till now, I also don't see enough evidence against him. Not because Zimmy did the right thing and was perfectly innocent, but because it's a "he said he said" situation and one of the "he saids" can't say nothin'.

If the black hadn't attacked Zimmerman (I like how you mock Jews by changing the Jewish name to Zimmy) then there wouldn't have been the physical evidence that Zimmerman was assaulted. It's not "he said he said", it's the "evidence says..."
In none of the the 911 tapes that were released does anyone claim to speak to Zimmerman.

911 calls paint picture of chaos after Florida teen is shot – This Just In - Blogs

I guess the cops forgot to release that call.
Or someone was looking for 15 minutes of fame.

this story was published originally on Monday Feb 27th -- Ravi is just being a troll.

He knows Zimmerman was jumped by the teenager. He knows the teenager was pummeling Zimmerman.
She heard them exchange words then heard the beginnings of the physical altercation. Doesn't match with what Zimmerman said about being attacked from behind unless he was hollering it over his shoulder as he ran away from Martin.

two different instances? why do you insist without any evidence to the contrary, that the two men did not separate from the verbal confrontation?

the girlfriend said Martin said he was not going to walk/run away. he clearly wanted to confront Zimmerman. Zimmerman knows the police are on the way. hmmmmmmm....

No, he said he wasn't going to run away, he was going to walk away quickly.

But don't let the facts keep your confirmation bias down.


I am sure you think walking away quickly is not running but hey.

If he walked away so quickly, how did he end up on the ground so close to where Zimmerman's car was?

Walking quickly should have had them a bit of a way from the car and of course a teenager verbally confronted Zimmerman while walking quickly away
The main reason is facebook and the perception that Trayvon's case was not properly handled by local authorities. We live in the social media age, so the media is held camptive largely to what people keep "tweeting" and "Facebooking" about. There was a large under the radar campaign to get this on the media outlets long before CNN got wind of it. It was a push to shed light on what many thought was an injustice, it happened to succeed.

social media is not unbiased or intelligent -- it is the wisdom of the mob -- the same mob that gave us Obama and Bush. clearly the wisdom of the mob has schizophrenia

Obama and Bush have nothing to do with Trayvon.
No, they don't. And the "overreaction" comes partly because of the stand your ground law and the FACT that a boy without a record was killed. More people should "over-react" when the cops appear to be allowing an injustice.
Are the loons over at CNN & NBC still calling Zimmerman 'White?' Anyone got an update on that?

No. I've only seen "multi-racial" and "hispanic" lately.

Well, that is an update. I guess they were forced to abandon their 'Evil White Man Kills Black Kid' propaganda. Hey, at least they changed course a bit. I'll take what i can get from the Liberal Press at this point. Thanks for the update.
The cops identified him as white. That may have weighed into their decision not to charge him. As may his cozy relationship with the Sanford police department.

It's funny, the "libertarian" that normally questions any hint of police misconduct (and yea, I'm talking about you) has no questions of the police in this case.

No. I've only seen "multi-racial" and "hispanic" lately.

Well, that is an update. I guess they were forced to abandon their 'Evil White Man Kills Black Kid' propaganda. Hey, at least they changed course a bit. I'll take what i can get from the Liberal Press at this point. Thanks for the update.
The cops identified him as white. That may have weighed into their decision not to charge him. As may his cozy relationship with the Sanford police department.

It's funny, the "libertarian" that normally questions any hint of police misconduct (and yea, I'm talking about you) has no questions of the police in this case.


I'm not sure what they could have told the parents. How did the police justify the entire event and then just letting the killer go. I try to imagine a policeman telling me my child was killed by a block watch person and he was released. It's impossible..
From the link posted earlier:

So this proves that Martin ran away from Zimmerman so I don't want to hear anymore crap about Trayvon not running away. Then again I will because racist trolls don't care about facts...

Zimmerman: "Go straight in. Oh, s***. He's running ... down towards the other entrance of neighborhood."

Dispatcher: "He's running? Which way is he running?"

Zimmerman: "Down towards the other entrance to the neighborhood."

Dispatcher: "Which entrance is that, that he is running towards?

Zimmerman: "The back entrance."


Dispatcher: "Are you following him?"

Zimmerman: "Yeah."

Then I also want to point out:

The caller here used the term "guy" to refer to the individual that was on top during the fight.
Dispatcher: "So, when you heard screaming, it was a male screaming?"

Caller: "Yes. And the guy on top had a white t-shirt."

Dispatcher: "What do you mean guy on top? Did you see a fight?"

Caller: "I don't know, I just looked out my window, and there was a guy on top wearing a white t-shirt."

Dispatcher: "A white t-shirt. Did you see what kind of pants? He was on top of what?"

Caller: "I couldn't see the person he was on."

Dispatcher: "But he was on top of a person?"

Caller: "Yes."

Dispatcher: "The guy with the white t-shirt, did he get up and run?"

Caller: "I don't know. Went to the phone to call you

Dispatcher: "White, black or Hispanic?"

Caller: "I couldn't tell, it was completely dark."

Also WHO had a white T-shirt on? Trayvon had a hoodie and I thought Zimmy had a red sweatshirt?

Now let me point this out:

Caller:" I know. I can't believe somebody's killed. He was saying help. Why didn't someone come out and help him?"

Dispatcher: "Listen, we don't know if they been killed ..."

Caller: "Yes, the person is dead, laying on the ground."

and from the same caller...

Caller: "I didn't see cause it was too dark, and I just heard people screaming 'help me, help me.' And this person shot him! He was like wrestling with him, you know what I mean, on the ground, from what I can see it was very dark. The man didn't try to run away or anything. I don't want to be a witness or anything. I'm scared. Oh, my god, a young boy, I can't imagine, I haven't seen anyone killed. This is a nice neighborhood. Oh, my God, I'm too scared to live here."

Dispatcher: "You don't have to worry right now. We have many officers on the way. Two officers on scene right now, we are on scene, OK?"

This was interesting as well:
Dispatcher: "Do you need police, fire or medical?"

Caller: "Medical. I think someone has been shot."

Dispatcher: "Why do you think someone has been shot?"

Caller: "Because they are laying in the backyard and a gunshot and they said 'call 911.' Now there are people coming with flashlights ..."

This is down right strange:
Caller: "Yes, there are people around him now."

Dispatcher: "You there with kids?"

Caller: "Yes, my daughter. He is a black guy."

Dispatcher: "We have units on the way. What do you mean it's a black guy?"

Caller: "There is a black male standing over him."

A black guy standing over Martin? Who is this guy?

Whoever this is should be able to tell us exactly what happened in regards to who was on top of who:
Caller: "I saw a man laying on the ground screaming who needed help. I was going to go over there to try and help him, but my dog got off the leash, and I ran and got him, and I hurried around and down, and the screaming stopped."

Dispatcher: "Did you see the person get shot?"

Caller: "No."

Dispatcher: Did you know the person who got shot, or did you see the person with the gun?"

Caller: "No, I just heard a shot, and the screaming stopped."
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Who said Martin was "casing the neighborhood"? Who are you quoting?


Zimmerman told 911 he was wandering around the clubhouse.

The clubhouse is an indirect route from the store.
From what I've read, he had to pass that way to get back home.

There is a video of Martin's Dad retracing his steps; it shows the gate to the complex and he points out the clubhouse right there, mentioning that is where Zimmerman claimed to be when he called police.
The girlfriend's account does, or at least adds details Zimmy left out.

No it doesn't. Not in the least. How does anything she said prove that Zimmerman's story is wrong? Did Zimmerman say that Martin was not on the phone? Did Zimmerman say that Martin did not ask why he was following him? I've heard that account from the girlfriend mabny times. It does nothing to discount Zimmerman's story. Where do you see it?

She heard them exchange words then heard the beginnings of the physical altercation. Doesn't match with what Zimmerman said about being attacked from behind unless he was hollering it over his shoulder as he ran away from Martin.

He said, she said....heck i was a 'witness' too! :cuckoo:
If it's true that Martin made a 911 call, where would that call have been received (since he was from Miami)?

What? Who said Martin made a 911 call? When you say Martin do you mean Trayvon or his father?

No, I meant Martin. Posted the link to the video a page or two back. I don't think the reporter misspoke, either. Start at 2:33. He says the FBI is investigating the recording of the call, where Zimmerman's voice can be heard in the background.

Trayvon Martin protests come to Chicago | Video |

It would go to the nearest dispatcher, so the same place Zimmerman's call went to.

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