New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

Zimmerman is older and stronger and had a weight advantage and a gun...
At some point if he was really getting the crap beat out of him just showing the gun
would have stopped the kid...

I still don't see the reason why he had to shoot the kid...

Brandishing a gun is always a bad idea.

He should have never chased the kid in the first place.

Trayvon's Martin's "right of self defense" appears to be forgotten. Also, when Zimmerman first saw the victim, HE was in his vehicle; he got out and followed the victim rather than wait for law enforcement as ADVISED. I have seen no reports that the teenager approached the killer.

Thus, Zimmerman thought the teenager was suspicious; it appears HE initiated contact. I have also read the victim put on his "hood" when he saw Zimmerman following him. Trayvon Martin also got on his cell phone to tell a friend Zimmerman was following him.............the victim then suddenly attacked Zimmerman? It doesn't add up.

Look at a map of where Zimmerman called police and where the shooting took place.

The call to the girlfriend seems to indicate Martin was nervous about being followed by this man. IF Martin hit Zimmerman, who's to say Martin wasn't in fear of bodily harm and used force in self-defense?

EXCELLENT POINTS EMMA!! That "stand your ground" law should apply to this kid who was being confronted by Zimmerman.

Then in your mind it boils down to both of them defending themselves.

Guess one shouldn't bring Skittles to a gun fight.

No NOT AT ALL. the kid was defending himself from that asshole who was following him. The dispatcher told Zimmerman that he didn't need to confront the fucking kid, yet zimmerman chose to do so. All the kid was doing was walking down the FUCKING street, he wasn't breaking into cars or houses, he was walking.

You can go FUCK YOURSELF with that last sentence, I wonder what you would be saying if that situation happened to one of your relatives ASSHOLE?
Look at a map of where Zimmerman called police and where the shooting took place.

The call to the girlfriend seems to indicate Martin was nervous about being followed by this man. IF Martin hit Zimmerman, who's to say Martin wasn't in fear of bodily harm and used force in self-defense?

EXCELLENT POINTS EMMA!! That "stand your ground" law should apply to this kid who was being confronted by Zimmerman.

the young man charged at Zimmerman. take it to the bank

If someone was following you and stalking you and you thought they were going to attack you, what would you do, give them a blow job or would you start defending yourself??? The best defense is a good offense. Zimmerman had NO business getting out of his truck and confronting the kid.
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EXCELLENT POINTS EMMA!! That "stand your ground" law should apply to this kid who was being confronted by Zimmerman.

the young man charged at Zimmerman. take it to the bank

If someone was following you and stalking you and you thought they were going to attack you, what would you do, give them a blow job???
The best defense is a good offense. Zimmerman had NO business getting out of his truck and confronting the kid.
If you're asking Dante, the answer is prolly.
the young man charged at Zimmerman. take it to the bank

If someone was following you and stalking you and you thought they were going to attack you, what would you do, give them a blow job???
The best defense is a good offense. Zimmerman had NO business getting out of his truck and confronting the kid.
If you're asking Dante, the answer is prolly.

What's the matter Ravi, dying of thirst again? The sperm bank close early?
A witness says that Zimmerman acted in self defense. The man, who is identified only as John, claims that Zimmerman was on the ground shouting for help as Martin was on top of him, beating him. The witness then called 911. According to one reputable source:

“His statements to police were instrumental, because police backed up Zimmerman's claims, saying those screams on the 911 call are those of Zimmerman.

"When I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point," John said.

“Zimmerman says the shooting was self defense. According to information released on the Sanford city website, Zimmerman said he was going back to his SUV when he was attacked by the teen.

“Sanford police say Zimmerman was bloody in his face and head, and the back of his shirt was wet and had grass stains, indicating a struggle took place before the shooting.”

Witness: Martin attacked Zimmerman

There is a good chance that those who are protesting in the streets are doing nothing more than glorifying a street hood who is solely responsible for his own death. Sadly, not all “kids” are innocent.” I do not know, nor do I care, whether Zimmerman was a racist. A racist has as much right to self-defense as anyone else. The only question is whether or not Zimmerman acted in self-defense. So far, all the evidence seems to show he did.

There is just as much of a chance that those who aren't protesting and who are yapping on this board about "street hoods" (seriously what the Heck is a "street hood"? Are you for real?) are doing nothing but glorifying an idiot.

I don't care if Zimmerman was racist or not. You have as much evidence that Trayvon was a "street hood" (WHATEVER that may be) that anybody does that Zimmerman is a racist: none. So... shut up.
From the link posted earlier:

So this proves that Martin ran away from Zimmerman so I don't want to hear anymore crap about Trayvon not running away. Then again I will because racist trolls don't care about facts...

Zimmerman: "Go straight in. Oh, s***. He's running ... down towards the other entrance of neighborhood."

Dispatcher: "He's running? Which way is he running?"

Zimmerman: "Down towards the other entrance to the neighborhood."

Dispatcher: "Which entrance is that, that he is running towards?

Zimmerman: "The back entrance."


Dispatcher: "Are you following him?"

Zimmerman: "Yeah."

The dispatcher then said "You don't need to do that" and Zimmerman replies "Okay". How do you decide where to end your quote? There is nothing sinister about anyone trying to keep an eye on a suspect while the police arrive, but the police told Zimmerman not to for HIS OWN protection. Following criminals is a dangerous thing to do, as Zimmerman found out, but by the grace of God, he had a gun and served justice.

This is not a response, just a for the record. Once again: there is no evidence that Trayvon ever did anything criminal in his entire life up until the moment that he possibly attacked Zimmerman, which could have also been self-defense. Ariux believes all black males are criminals. Disclaimer.
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If someone was following you and stalking you and you thought they were going to attack you, what would you do, give them a blow job or would you start defending yourself??? The best defense is a good offense. Zimmerman had NO business getting out of his truck and confronting the kid.

Starting a fight with someone you fear might be wanting a fight with you is self-defense? Do you take stupid pills? Jumping in front of a bullet isn't self-defense, either.

The black could have jogged away anytime he wanted. He was 6' and in his prime. Zimmerman was obese. Do the math. He thought he would teach Zimmerman a lesson. The black did not act in self-defense.
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I feel the need to say it's rare to find a 17-year-old of any race that isn't in the system anywhere these days. Not even a speeding ticket for all we know. Kids get dragged into the justice system for school yard fights these days. Florida is notorious for that kind of thing. It's impossible for me to even consider the kid being up to no good with no evidence that he was a criminal. BTW: His skin tone is not evidence that he was a criminal.
If someone was following you and stalking you and you thought they were going to attack you, what would you do, give them a blow job or would you start defending yourself??? The best defense is a good offense. Zimmerman had NO business getting out of his truck and confronting the kid.

Starting a fight with someone you fear might be wanting a fight with you is self-defense? Do you take stupid pills? Jumping in front of a bullet isn't self-defense, either.

The black could have jogged away anytime he wanted. He was 6' and in his prime. Zimmerman was obese. Do the math. He thought he would teach Zimmerman a lesson. The black did not act in self-defense.

There is no evidence that he started the fight. Just some evidence that he may have won the fight. We do not know the shape of Zimmerman or really the boy at the time of the incident. Stop making crap up.
I feel the need to say it's rare to find a 17-year-old of any race that isn't in the system anywhere these days. Not even a speeding ticket for all we know. Kids get dragged into the justice system for school yard fights these days. Florida is notorious for that kind of thing. It's impossible for me to even consider the kid being up to no good with no evidence that he was a criminal. BTW: His skin tone is not evidence that he was a criminal.

His right to self defense has been negated by his skin color it appears; the killer left his vehicle with a firearm to follow him. When the gun was seen by the victim is unknown. "Why are you following me" may indicate fear, "What are you doing here" does not.
If someone was following you and stalking you and you thought they were going to attack you, what would you do, give them a blow job or would you start defending yourself??? The best defense is a good offense. Zimmerman had NO business getting out of his truck and confronting the kid.

Starting a fight with someone you fear might be wanting a fight with you is self-defense? Do you take stupid pills? Jumping in front of a bullet isn't self-defense, either.

The black could have jogged away anytime he wanted. He was 6' and in his prime. Zimmerman was obese. Do the math. He thought he would teach Zimmerman a lesson. The black did not act in self-defense.

Maybe you grew up with your parents telling you to let the aggressor hit your first? That's a DUMB strategy. If I have been avoiding someone and they kept following me in their vehicle, and they exited the vehicle to "confront" me and I felt cornered, damn straight that I would come out swinging at that cocksucker.
"The black" CERTAINLY did at in self defense, the zimmerman had no business confronting the kid.
Maybe you grew up with your parents telling you to let the aggressor hit your first? That's a DUMB strategy. If I have been avoiding someone and they kept following me in their vehicle, and they exited the vehicle to "confront" me and I felt cornered, damn straight that I would come out swinging at that cocksucker.
"The black" CERTAINLY did at in self defense, the zimmerman had no business confronting the kid.

It's your assumption that Zimmerman got out of the car to confront the black. But, even given that assumption, for several reasons Zimmerman wouldn't have signaled that he wanted a fight. And, given the black's physical superiority (6' vs. obesity), the black was never in danger from a physical assault form Zimmerman. At any time, he could have jogged away or easily overpowered Zimmerman, should Zimmerman had tried to start a fight.

It was the lack of fear of danger that caused the black to attack. If he were scared, he would have tried to avoid a fight (human nature). But, he thought he'd teach Zimmerman a lesson (black nature), so he attacked. Because Zimmerman was no match for him, Zimmerman was forced to shoot him (self-defense).
Maybe you grew up with your parents telling you to let the aggressor hit your first? That's a DUMB strategy. If I have been avoiding someone and they kept following me in their vehicle, and they exited the vehicle to "confront" me and I felt cornered, damn straight that I would come out swinging at that cocksucker.
"The black" CERTAINLY did at in self defense, the zimmerman had no business confronting the kid.

It's your assumption that Zimmerman got out of the car to confront the black. But, even given that assumption, for several reasons Zimmerman wouldn't have signaled that he wanted a fight. And, given the black's physical superiority (6' vs. obesity), the black was never in danger from a physical assault form Zimmerman. At any time, he could have jogged away or easily overpowered Zimmerman, should Zimmerman had tried to start a fight.

It was the lack of fear of danger that caused the black to attack. If he were scared, he would have tried to avoid a fight (human nature). But, he thought he'd teach Zimmerman a lesson (black nature), so he attacked. Because Zimmerman was no match for him, Zimmerman was forced to shoot him (self-defense).

Thanks for the laugh, what a JOKE!!! :lol:
I feel the need to say it's rare to find a 17-year-old of any race that isn't in the system anywhere these days. Not even a speeding ticket for all we know.

Juvenile criminal records are not public. But, we do know at the time of the shooting, the black was under suspension form school. How about if the school opens up the disciplinary records, with the black's parent's permission? Not going to happen, I wonder why... NOT.

It's impossible for me to even consider the kid being up to no good with no evidence that he was a criminal. BTW: His skin tone is not evidence that he was a criminal.

His skin tone isn't evidence that he's a criminal? But, apparently the white skin of Zimmerman, some of the police, the DA, and maybe some of the witnesses is proof that they're racist.

The punk kid attacked someone and that someone shot in self-defense. That's what happened.

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