New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

Oh wow, think he has a backward "B"?


Why do right wing groups with "God" as part of their name always seem to be liars?
I feel the need to say it's rare to find a 17-year-old of any race that isn't in the system anywhere these days. Not even a speeding ticket for all we know.

Juvenile criminal records are not public. But, we do know at the time of the shooting, the black was under suspension form school. How about if the school opens up the disciplinary records, with the black's parent's permission? Not going to happen, I wonder why... NOT.

It's impossible for me to even consider the kid being up to no good with no evidence that he was a criminal. BTW: His skin tone is not evidence that he was a criminal.

His skin tone isn't evidence that he's a criminal? But, apparently the white skin of Zimmerman, some of the police, the DA, and maybe some of the witnesses is proof that they're racist.

The punk kid attacked someone and that someone shot in self-defense. That's what happened.

I repeatedly said that I cannot call Zimmerman a racist. I have NOT ONCE called Zimmerman racist or anyone else. It would be unfair because I do not know Zimmerman.

The kid was suspended for tardiness. The kid took vacations with his family to Colorado to go skiing. I don't know any criminal minded kids from broken homes that take vacations in colorado. Heck, I didn't even go water skiing until I was 20, I've been waiting to go snow board and I think I'll take a trip to Utah next year in early December. Trayvon's not in the criminal justice system, so we have no evidence that he's a criminal. Therefore we all ought to be fair and unbiased and refrain from calling Zimmy a racist and Trayvon a criminal. From my understand he only would be in the system for a felony, but there's enough 17-year-olds out here with felonies for you to recognize a good kid from a regular kid school-aged kid. Apparently the kid wants to be a pilot and liked flying. I can look into this kids eyes and tell he was a normal kid. He looks as threatening as my old neighbors kitten, then again I don't like cats or my old neighbors.
I repeatedly said that I cannot call Zimmerman a racist.

Maybe you can't, but it's the consensus of people on your side of the fence that there's a lot of racist whites involved in this case.

The kid was suspended for tardiness.

Chronic tardiness is a way of saying "fuck you" to the school. It's hard to believe that tardiness alone resulted in suspension (instead of detention). Maybe tardiness was the final straw. Let's see the kid's school record. Until we see the kid's record, it's premature to announce that he was a good kid.
I repeatedly said that I cannot call Zimmerman a racist.

Maybe you can't, but it's the consensus of people on your side of the fence that there's a lot of racist whites involved in this case.

The kid was suspended for tardiness.

Chronic tardiness is a way of saying "fuck you" to the school. It's hard to believe that tardiness alone resulted in suspension (instead of detention). Maybe tardiness was the final straw. Let's see the kid's school record. Until we see the kid's record, it's premature to announce that he was a good kid.

First: Tell me what my side of the fence is? Then explain to me how SharpTONE and and that ilk have anything to do with me? They don't.

Second: I would not jump to conclusions on that either. Trayvon went to a magnet school. Many magnet schools are very disciplined as they offer special activities for students they wouldn't get elsewhere and some of them require testing and examination for entrance outside of their districts or for all of their students.

I looked up the student handbook the rules aren't that tough on tardiness (I personally don't think the rules are tough enough) But I feel as though unlike most public schools this school probably ACTUALLY enforces most of their guidelines. That being the case, Trayvon was tardy ten or eleven times this year according to the handbook: Files/Student and Parent Handbook 11-12.pdf

Could just be dumb luck. The kid might just have poor timing. The school never said he skipped class, but that he was late. I remember running down the hallway in my school to get the class, didn't make it all the time, but then again they didn't enforce crap in my school so I never got in trouble. My younger brothers went to a magnet school, they never had the luck I did. Plus, the kid is a lover boy apparently, love-struck kids get late for class every once and a while. Not making excuses just saying this kid isn't going to end up on cops because he was late for class.
Two off topic comments/questions:

First: I was reading the school handbook and I LOVE the schools dress code. Everything goes past the knees and kids can't come to school in their pajamas like the idiots did at mine. I always wondered why parents let their children out of the house looking a certain way.

Second: does anybody know if Trayvon ever lived in Tampa, Florida? From what I've heard he's a Miami native... has lived anywhere other then Miami?
First: Tell me what my side of the fence is? Then explain to me how SharpTONE and and that ilk have anything to do with me? They don't.

People who think Zimmerman committed a crime.

I looked up the student handbook the rules aren't that tough on tardiness (I personally don't think the rules are tough enough) But I feel as though unlike most public schools this school probably ACTUALLY enforces most of their guidelines.

So, we know based on unexcused reported tardiness alone that this black kid has been in after-school detention a couple of times, Saturday school, several in-school detentions, and more than one out of school detention - in the current year, alone. Not to mention a lot of 'F's for participation. Am I suppose to believe that a kid with that record never causes any trouble except for being late? Let's see the school records.

Running on Colored People's Time isn't the only black stereotype this black kid fulfills.
First: Tell me what my side of the fence is? Then explain to me how SharpTONE and and that ilk have anything to do with me? They don't.

People who think Zimmerman committed a crime.

I looked up the student handbook the rules aren't that tough on tardiness (I personally don't think the rules are tough enough) But I feel as though unlike most public schools this school probably ACTUALLY enforces most of their guidelines.

So, we know based on unexcused reported tardiness alone that this black kid has been in after-school detention a couple of times, Saturday school, several in-school detentions, and more than one out of school detention - in the current year, alone. Not to mention a lot of 'F's for participation. Am I suppose to believe that a kid with that record never causes any trouble except for being late? Let's see the school records.

Running on Colored People's Time isn't the only black stereotype this black kid fulfills.

Ugh... why am I even having a conversation with you? In one of posts you almost sounded rational... the black stereotype comment brought me back to reality. Trolling isn't cool.
Apparently, Martin was beating on Zimmerman for quite some time before he got shot. According to the sources I have read, a witness saw the beating when he took his dog outside for a potty break. The witness first told the attacker he was going to call 911, then he retrieved his dog who was not on a leash, then he went to his upstairs apartment some distance away to make the 911 call. Even while he was making the call, the voice of Zimmerman yelling for help could still be heard in the background. Only when the gunshot was heard did the cries for help stop. The beating obviously took more than just a few seconds, most likely several minutes.

Zimmerman's injuries (bloody face and head) were recorded by the police; however, I have heard no reports of any injuries to Martin other than the gunshot. This leads me to believe that Martin was the attacker and Zimmerman was unable to fight back. Common sense tells you that no man would endure a beating that lasted as long as that experienced by Zimmerman without trying to ward off his attacker. Zimmerman's multiple injuries and the apparent lack of injuries to Martin prove Zimmerman was the guy on the bottom and he was unable to defend himself without using deadly force.

I would like to know if if the bullet passed through Martin's body. This is important because if it passed through it could provide additional information as to who was on top. If Zimmerman were on top, I would expect the bullet to be found right under Martin's body, possible penetrating into the ground or asphalt. If the bullet passed through the body but was not found on the scene, Zimmerman was obviously on the bottom during the beating. I really don't need this evidence since other information independently proves Martin was on top, but I am curious nonetheless.

Fortunately, unemotional forensics will be the deciding factor. If forensics show that Martin was shot at point-blank range after he had been beating on Zimmerman for more than a few seconds with no end in sight, there is no way Zimmerman will be convicted; arrested perhaps for purely political reasons, but not convicted. Hell, this case would be a defense attorney's dream.

There are those who think that Martin was shot as he was running away or perhaps backing off. If this is the case, Zimmerman had no right to use deadly force since he no longer had a reasonable fear of death or serious bodily injury (this is the legal standard for self-defense). However, this could only be true if the ballistic evidence shows that Martin was shot at some distance. I don't have access to the official ballistics findings, but from everything I have read I am certain that the evidence will show that Martin was shot at point-blank range during the time he was beating Zimmerman. The good thing is that the ballistic evidence should be conclusive. Final analysis: self defense.

I can only wonder what would have happened to Zimmerman if he were unarmed. Do any of you wonder the same thing?
Apparently, Martin was beating on Zimmerman for quite some time before he got shot. According to the sources I have read, a witness saw the beating when he took his dog outside for a potty break. The witness first told the attacker he was going to call 911, then he retrieved his dog who was not on a leash, then he went to his upstairs apartment some distance away to make the 911 call. Even while he was making the call, the voice of Zimmerman yelling for help could still be heard in the background. Only when the gunshot was heard did the cries for help stop. The beating obviously took more than just a few seconds, most likely several minutes.

Zimmerman's injuries (bloody face and head) were recorded by the police; however, I have heard no reports of any injuries to Martin other than the gunshot. This leads me to believe that Martin was the attacker and Zimmerman was unable to fight back. Common sense tells you that no man would endure a beating that lasted as long as that experienced by Zimmerman without trying to ward off his attacker. Zimmerman's multiple injuries and the apparent lack of injuries to Martin prove Zimmerman was the guy on the bottom and he was unable to defend himself without using deadly force.

I would like to know if if the bullet passed through Martin's body. This is important because if it passed through it could provide additional information as to who was on top. If Zimmerman were on top, I would expect the bullet to be found right under Martin's body, possible penetrating into the ground or asphalt. If the bullet passed through the body but was not found on the scene, Zimmerman was obviously on the bottom during the beating. I really don't need this evidence since other information independently proves Martin was on top, but I am curious nonetheless.

Fortunately, unemotional forensics will be the deciding factor. If forensics show that Martin was shot at point-blank range after he had been beating on Zimmerman for more than a few seconds with no end in sight, there is no way Zimmerman will be convicted; arrested perhaps for purely political reasons, but not convicted. Hell, this case would be a defense attorney's dream.

There are those who think that Martin was shot as he was running away or perhaps backing off. If this is the case, Zimmerman had no right to use deadly force since he no longer had a reasonable fear of death or serious bodily injury (this is the legal standard for self-defense). However, this could only be true if the ballistic evidence shows that Martin was shot at some distance. I don't have access to the official ballistics findings, but from everything I have read I am certain that the evidence will show that Martin was shot at point-blank range during the time he was beating Zimmerman. The good thing is that the ballistic evidence should be conclusive. Final analysis: self defense.

I can only wonder what would have happened to Zimmerman if he were unarmed. Do any of you wonder the same thing?


Zimmerman and Martin would be down at the police station giving their sides of the story about the fist fight they had.

Then they would have probably been released.
Brandishing a gun is always a bad idea.

He should have never chased the kid in the first place.

No one knows if Zimmerman 'brandished' his gun. We do know that he drew and fired it.

Agreed, he shouldn't have followed Trayvon, but the fact that he did is NOT a crime.

He was the aggressor. While that may not have been a crime..killing a kid..very well might be..

And so far it looks like it was.
Apparently, Martin was beating on Zimmerman for quite some time before he got shot. According to the sources I have read, a witness saw the beating when he took his dog outside for a potty break. The witness first told the attacker he was going to call 911, then he retrieved his dog who was not on a leash, then he went to his upstairs apartment some distance away to make the 911 call. Even while he was making the call, the voice of Zimmerman yelling for help could still be heard in the background. Only when the gunshot was heard did the cries for help stop. The beating obviously took more than just a few seconds, most likely several minutes.

Zimmerman's injuries (bloody face and head) were recorded by the police; however, I have heard no reports of any injuries to Martin other than the gunshot. This leads me to believe that Martin was the attacker and Zimmerman was unable to fight back. Common sense tells you that no man would endure a beating that lasted as long as that experienced by Zimmerman without trying to ward off his attacker. Zimmerman's multiple injuries and the apparent lack of injuries to Martin prove Zimmerman was the guy on the bottom and he was unable to defend himself without using deadly force.

I would like to know if if the bullet passed through Martin's body. This is important because if it passed through it could provide additional information as to who was on top. If Zimmerman were on top, I would expect the bullet to be found right under Martin's body, possible penetrating into the ground or asphalt. If the bullet passed through the body but was not found on the scene, Zimmerman was obviously on the bottom during the beating. I really don't need this evidence since other information independently proves Martin was on top, but I am curious nonetheless.

Fortunately, unemotional forensics will be the deciding factor. If forensics show that Martin was shot at point-blank range after he had been beating on Zimmerman for more than a few seconds with no end in sight, there is no way Zimmerman will be convicted; arrested perhaps for purely political reasons, but not convicted. Hell, this case would be a defense attorney's dream.

There are those who think that Martin was shot as he was running away or perhaps backing off. If this is the case, Zimmerman had no right to use deadly force since he no longer had a reasonable fear of death or serious bodily injury (this is the legal standard for self-defense). However, this could only be true if the ballistic evidence shows that Martin was shot at some distance. I don't have access to the official ballistics findings, but from everything I have read I am certain that the evidence will show that Martin was shot at point-blank range during the time he was beating Zimmerman. The good thing is that the ballistic evidence should be conclusive. Final analysis: self defense.

I can only wonder what would have happened to Zimmerman if he were unarmed. Do any of you wonder the same thing?


Zimmerman and Martin would be down at the police station giving their sides of the story about the fist fight they had.

Then they would have probably been released.

That is one possibility. The other is that Zimmerman would be dead. Since the beating went on for at least several minutes, and there were no signs of it ending, I tend to go with the latter possibility. I haven't been in a lot of fights, but I do know that most fights end when one of the parties shows dominance. The fact that the attack lasted at least several minutes, with multiple injuries to Zimmerman but none to Martin convinces me that Martin was trying to do more than show the other guy who is boss. But I could be wrong so I will give you the last word.
Oh wow, think he has a backward "B"?


Why do right wing groups with "God" as part of their name always seem to be liars?

Morton Downey Jr. paved the way for the new Conservative reality when he was "attacked" by skinheads.

Morton Downey Jr. Dies - CBS News

That effort to top himself every night led to perhaps the biggest embarrassment of his career when he claimed neo-Nazi skinheads attacked him in San Francisco, cutting off his hair and painting a swastika on his head.

Authorities could never verify the attack, and Downey's critics pounced, calling it a publicity stunt.
Morton Downey Jr. Dies - CBS News

Following his death, news reports and obituaries incorrectly (according to the Orange County Register)[22] credited him as the composer of "Wipe Out."[12] As of 2008, Downey's official website (and others) continue to make this claim.[23] Prior to Downey's death, Spin in April 1989 had identified the "Wipe Out" authorship as a myth.[24]
Morton Downey, Jr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Apparently, Martin was beating on Zimmerman for quite some time before he got shot. According to the sources I have read, a witness saw the beating when he took his dog outside for a potty break. The witness first told the attacker he was going to call 911, then he retrieved his dog who was not on a leash, then he went to his upstairs apartment some distance away to make the 911 call. Even while he was making the call, the voice of Zimmerman yelling for help could still be heard in the background. Only when the gunshot was heard did the cries for help stop. The beating obviously took more than just a few seconds, most likely several minutes.

Zimmerman's injuries (bloody face and head) were recorded by the police; however, I have heard no reports of any injuries to Martin other than the gunshot. This leads me to believe that Martin was the attacker and Zimmerman was unable to fight back. Common sense tells you that no man would endure a beating that lasted as long as that experienced by Zimmerman without trying to ward off his attacker. Zimmerman's multiple injuries and the apparent lack of injuries to Martin prove Zimmerman was the guy on the bottom and he was unable to defend himself without using deadly force.

I would like to know if if the bullet passed through Martin's body. This is important because if it passed through it could provide additional information as to who was on top. If Zimmerman were on top, I would expect the bullet to be found right under Martin's body, possible penetrating into the ground or asphalt. If the bullet passed through the body but was not found on the scene, Zimmerman was obviously on the bottom during the beating. I really don't need this evidence since other information independently proves Martin was on top, but I am curious nonetheless.

Fortunately, unemotional forensics will be the deciding factor. If forensics show that Martin was shot at point-blank range after he had been beating on Zimmerman for more than a few seconds with no end in sight, there is no way Zimmerman will be convicted; arrested perhaps for purely political reasons, but not convicted. Hell, this case would be a defense attorney's dream.

There are those who think that Martin was shot as he was running away or perhaps backing off. If this is the case, Zimmerman had no right to use deadly force since he no longer had a reasonable fear of death or serious bodily injury (this is the legal standard for self-defense). However, this could only be true if the ballistic evidence shows that Martin was shot at some distance. I don't have access to the official ballistics findings, but from everything I have read I am certain that the evidence will show that Martin was shot at point-blank range during the time he was beating Zimmerman. The good thing is that the ballistic evidence should be conclusive. Final analysis: self defense.

I can only wonder what would have happened to Zimmerman if he were unarmed. Do any of you wonder the same thing?


Zimmerman and Martin would be down at the police station giving their sides of the story about the fist fight they had.

Then they would have probably been released.

That is one possibility. The other is that Zimmerman would be dead. Since the beating went on for at least several minutes, and there were no signs of it ending, I tend to go with the latter possibility. I haven't been in a lot of fights, but I do know that most fights end when one of the parties shows dominance. The fact that the attack lasted at least several minutes, with multiple injuries to Zimmerman but none to Martin convinces me that Martin was trying to do more than show the other guy who is boss. But I could be wrong so I will give you the last word.

Sure there was "signs" of it ending. Martin was trying to get away from Zimmerman. And I've been in quite a few blood and mud fights in my day. Part of the reason I'm so damned ugly.

And hard as it might be to's extremely difficult to beat a person to death, unarmed. Especially if he's almost twice your size.
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Apparently, Martin was beating on Zimmerman for quite some time before he got shot. According to the sources I have read, a witness saw the beating when he took his dog outside for a potty break. The witness first told the attacker he was going to call 911, then he retrieved his dog who was not on a leash, then he went to his upstairs apartment some distance away to make the 911 call. Even while he was making the call, the voice of Zimmerman yelling for help could still be heard in the background. Only when the gunshot was heard did the cries for help stop. The beating obviously took more than just a few seconds, most likely several minutes.

Zimmerman's injuries (bloody face and head) were recorded by the police; however, I have heard no reports of any injuries to Martin other than the gunshot. This leads me to believe that Martin was the attacker and Zimmerman was unable to fight back. Common sense tells you that no man would endure a beating that lasted as long as that experienced by Zimmerman without trying to ward off his attacker. Zimmerman's multiple injuries and the apparent lack of injuries to Martin prove Zimmerman was the guy on the bottom and he was unable to defend himself without using deadly force.

I would like to know if if the bullet passed through Martin's body. This is important because if it passed through it could provide additional information as to who was on top. If Zimmerman were on top, I would expect the bullet to be found right under Martin's body, possible penetrating into the ground or asphalt. If the bullet passed through the body but was not found on the scene, Zimmerman was obviously on the bottom during the beating. I really don't need this evidence since other information independently proves Martin was on top, but I am curious nonetheless.

Fortunately, unemotional forensics will be the deciding factor. If forensics show that Martin was shot at point-blank range after he had been beating on Zimmerman for more than a few seconds with no end in sight, there is no way Zimmerman will be convicted; arrested perhaps for purely political reasons, but not convicted. Hell, this case would be a defense attorney's dream.

There are those who think that Martin was shot as he was running away or perhaps backing off. If this is the case, Zimmerman had no right to use deadly force since he no longer had a reasonable fear of death or serious bodily injury (this is the legal standard for self-defense). However, this could only be true if the ballistic evidence shows that Martin was shot at some distance. I don't have access to the official ballistics findings, but from everything I have read I am certain that the evidence will show that Martin was shot at point-blank range during the time he was beating Zimmerman. The good thing is that the ballistic evidence should be conclusive. Final analysis: self defense.

I can only wonder what would have happened to Zimmerman if he were unarmed. Do any of you wonder the same thing?

Trayvon would be back in school and hopefully his father put enough of a hurting on him to get his little act together and snap him out of this early senioritis he had (I got that early too... then again I got it in my freshman year lol). He probably would have either gone to school to be a pilot or joined the air force and became one. I may have had the pleasure of working with him or been stationed with him one day. May have been my neighbor.

Zimmermen would still be at his job and go to work the next morning with a headache. He. Probably would've been embarrased but his life would eventually gone back to normal and who knows he might have one day made the force.

Best part: Al Sharpton would not be relevent to any conversation at all.

Zimmerman and Martin would be down at the police station giving their sides of the story about the fist fight they had.

Then they would have probably been released.

That is one possibility. The other is that Zimmerman would be dead. Since the beating went on for at least several minutes, and there were no signs of it ending, I tend to go with the latter possibility. I haven't been in a lot of fights, but I do know that most fights end when one of the parties shows dominance. The fact that the attack lasted at least several minutes, with multiple injuries to Zimmerman but none to Martin convinces me that Martin was trying to do more than show the other guy who is boss. But I could be wrong so I will give you the last word.

Sure there was "signs" of it ending. Martin was trying to get away from Zimmerman. And I've been in quite a few blood and mud fights in my day. Part of the reason I'm so damned ugly.

And hard as it might be to's extremely difficult to beat a person to death, unarmed. Especially if he's almost twice your size.

I was going to give you the last word; however, you made that impossible. I have provided evidence that Martin was not trying to get away but was killed while he was beating on Zimmerman. However, you have provided no evidence that he was trying to get away, and an unsubstantiated opinion means nothing. You think it is difficult to beat a person to death? Well, there are tens of thousands of cases that prove you wrong. The easiest thing in the world to do is beat a man to death when he can't defend himself. The fact that Zimmerman outweighed Martin is meaningless, given the evidence which proves that Zimmerman was the one who got beaten and Martin was unscathed. It's nice to make assumptions, but when the assumptions are inconsistent with the evidence, they are worthless. Besides, you should know that just because one person weighs more than another does not mean he is stronger. And just because one person is stronger than another does not mean he is the better fighter. Hell, common sense disproves your argument, and the evidence in the case at hand proves your assumptions are invalid. I think you are too emotionally involved in this case to examine it rationally.

Beside, under the law it doesn't matter whether you believe that Martin would not have caused additional injury to Zimmerman. If Zimmerman had a reasonable fear of serious bodily injury or death - and the evidence shows that he did - he had the absolute right to pull the trigger. Question for you sir, not for my benefit but for the others on this forum: just how long would you have allowed yourself to be pummeled about the face and head before you took the only action you could to stop it? Ten minutes, twenty? When would it enter your mind that perhaps the relentless pounding could cause serous injury or even death? After ten minutes? When you were on the verge of losing consciousness? I think Zimmerman waited long enough. I think the courts will agree with me.

Now I will give you the last word. I am done with you and with this thread. I have wasted enough time on you.

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