New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

two different instances? why do you insist without any evidence to the contrary, that the two men did not separate from the verbal confrontation?

the girlfriend said Martin said he was not going to walk/run away. he clearly wanted to confront Zimmerman. Zimmerman knows the police are on the way. hmmmmmmm....

No, he said he wasn't going to run away, he was going to walk away quickly.

But don't let the facts keep your confirmation bias down.


I am sure you think walking away quickly is not running but hey.

If he walked away so quickly, how did he end up on the ground so close to where Zimmerman's car was?

Walking quickly should have had them a bit of a way from the car and of course a teenager verbally confronted Zimmerman while walking quickly away
You need to ask more intelligent questions.
Or someone was looking for 15 minutes of fame.

this story was published originally on Monday Feb 27th -- Ravi is just being a troll.

He knows Zimmerman was jumped by the teenager. He knows the teenager was pummeling Zimmerman.

Ravi then must be God.

You got that right.

Nevertheless, recording a tape on a conspiracy station is pretty much being a troll looking for fame. Ask Dante, he does it all the time, lol.
Well, that is an update. I guess they were forced to abandon their 'Evil White Man Kills Black Kid' propaganda. Hey, at least they changed course a bit. I'll take what i can get from the Liberal Press at this point. Thanks for the update.
The cops identified him as white. That may have weighed into their decision not to charge him. As may his cozy relationship with the Sanford police department.

It's funny, the "libertarian" that normally questions any hint of police misconduct (and yea, I'm talking about you) has no questions of the police in this case.


I'm not sure what they could have told the parents. How did the police justify the entire event and then just letting the killer go. I try to imagine a policeman telling me my child was killed by a block watch person and he was released. It's impossible..
I read they told him that there was no evidence to convict him because he claimed self-defense.

Yeah, and that does sound incredibly lame.
From the link posted earlier:

So this proves that Martin ran away from Zimmerman so I don't want to hear anymore crap about Trayvon not running away. Then again I will because racist trolls don't care about facts...

Zimmerman: "Go straight in. Oh, s***. He's running ... down towards the other entrance of neighborhood."

Dispatcher: "He's running? Which way is he running?"

Zimmerman: "Down towards the other entrance to the neighborhood."

Dispatcher: "Which entrance is that, that he is running towards?

Zimmerman: "The back entrance."


Dispatcher: "Are you following him?"

Zimmerman: "Yeah."

Then I also want to point out:

The caller here used the term "guy" to refer to the individual that was on top during the fight.
Dispatcher: "So, when you heard screaming, it was a male screaming?"

Caller: "Yes. And the guy on top had a white t-shirt."

Dispatcher: "What do you mean guy on top? Did you see a fight?"

Caller: "I don't know, I just looked out my window, and there was a guy on top wearing a white t-shirt."

Dispatcher: "A white t-shirt. Did you see what kind of pants? He was on top of what?"

Caller: "I couldn't see the person he was on."

Dispatcher: "But he was on top of a person?"

Caller: "Yes."

Dispatcher: "The guy with the white t-shirt, did he get up and run?"

Caller: "I don't know. Went to the phone to call you

Dispatcher: "White, black or Hispanic?"

Caller: "I couldn't tell, it was completely dark."

Also WHO had a white T-shirt on? Trayvon had a hoodie and I thought Zimmy had a red sweatshirt?

Now let me point this out:

and from the same caller...

This was interesting as well:

This is down right strange:
Caller: "Yes, there are people around him now."

Dispatcher: "You there with kids?"

Caller: "Yes, my daughter. He is a black guy."

Dispatcher: "We have units on the way. What do you mean it's a black guy?"

Caller: "There is a black male standing over him."

A black guy standing over Martin? Who is this guy?

Whoever this is should be able to tell us exactly what happened in regards to who was on top of who:
Caller: "I saw a man laying on the ground screaming who needed help. I was going to go over there to try and help him, but my dog got off the leash, and I ran and got him, and I hurried around and down, and the screaming stopped."

Dispatcher: "Did you see the person get shot?"

Caller: "No."

Dispatcher: Did you know the person who got shot, or did you see the person with the gun?"

Caller: "No, I just heard a shot, and the screaming stopped."

911 calls paint picture of chaos after Florida teen is shot – This Just In - Blogs

The thing is, witnesses see things that aren't there all the time. So that there are different versions isn't surprising.

It's also not surprising that Trayvon started to run after his girlfriend told him he should.

None of these calls make it clear who is calling for help.

And none of them make it clear when Trayvon was shot, or how, or even if Zimmerman was calling for help after he shot Trayvon.
The cops identified him as white. That may have weighed into their decision not to charge him. As may his cozy relationship with the Sanford police department.

It's funny, the "libertarian" that normally questions any hint of police misconduct (and yea, I'm talking about you) has no questions of the police in this case.


I'm not sure what they could have told the parents. How did the police justify the entire event and then just letting the killer go. I try to imagine a policeman telling me my child was killed by a block watch person and he was released. It's impossible..
I read they told him that there was no evidence to convict him because he claimed self-defense.

Yeah, and that does sound incredibly lame.

It was reported that Trayvon's parents claim that they were told Zimmy was an upstanding citizen and had no run-ins with the law.

That'd be funny if it wasn't so sad...
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Several points to ponder here:

It is a gated community.
A Neighborhood Watch is common in a gated community.
The Neighborhood Watch is well established.
Zimmerman is an active member of the NW.
Trayvon was a person that Zimmerman did not recognize.

WE don't have all the facts, and 'blogs' don't count as fact, period!
From the link posted earlier:

So this proves that Martin ran away from Zimmerman so I don't want to hear anymore crap about Trayvon not running away. Then again I will because racist trolls don't care about facts...

Zimmerman: "Go straight in. Oh, s***. He's running ... down towards the other entrance of neighborhood."

Dispatcher: "He's running? Which way is he running?"

Zimmerman: "Down towards the other entrance to the neighborhood."

Dispatcher: "Which entrance is that, that he is running towards?

Zimmerman: "The back entrance."


Dispatcher: "Are you following him?"

Zimmerman: "Yeah."

Then I also want to point out:

The caller here used the term "guy" to refer to the individual that was on top during the fight.

Also WHO had a white T-shirt on? Trayvon had a hoodie and I thought Zimmy had a red sweatshirt?

Now let me point this out:

and from the same caller...

This was interesting as well:

This is down right strange:

A black guy standing over Martin? Who is this guy?

Whoever this is should be able to tell us exactly what happened in regards to who was on top of who:
Caller: "I saw a man laying on the ground screaming who needed help. I was going to go over there to try and help him, but my dog got off the leash, and I ran and got him, and I hurried around and down, and the screaming stopped."

Dispatcher: "Did you see the person get shot?"

Caller: "No."

Dispatcher: Did you know the person who got shot, or did you see the person with the gun?"

Caller: "No, I just heard a shot, and the screaming stopped."

911 calls paint picture of chaos after Florida teen is shot – This Just In - Blogs

The thing is, witnesses see things that aren't there all the time. So that there are different versions isn't surprising.

It's also not surprising that Trayvon started to run after his girlfriend told him he should.

None of these calls make it clear who is calling for help.

And none of them make it clear when Trayvon was shot, or how, or even if Zimmerman was calling for help after he shot Trayvon.

Which is why I feel as though knowing what we know today... Zimmerman walks.

However I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to hear this 9-11 call from Trayvon.
Several points to ponder here:

It is a gated community.
A Neighborhood Watch is common in a gated community.
The Neighborhood Watch is well established.
Zimmerman is an active member of the NW.
Trayvon was a person that Zimmerman did not recognize.

WE don't have all the facts, and 'blogs' don't count as fact, period!

So Zimmerman is an established member of the neighborhood watch, this then ends up in a dead body laying on the ground. A lot of pieces need to be added to that puzzle.

9-11 recordings and transcripts are facts. They were released publically. They can't draw us to a conclusion about what actually happened but they can give us an idea about what witnesses saw.
A witness says that Zimmerman acted in self defense. The man, who is identified only as John, claims that Zimmerman was on the ground shouting for help as Martin was on top of him, beating him. The witness then called 911. According to one reputable source:

“His statements to police were instrumental, because police backed up Zimmerman's claims, saying those screams on the 911 call are those of Zimmerman.

"When I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point," John said.

“Zimmerman says the shooting was self defense. According to information released on the Sanford city website, Zimmerman said he was going back to his SUV when he was attacked by the teen.

“Sanford police say Zimmerman was bloody in his face and head, and the back of his shirt was wet and had grass stains, indicating a struggle took place before the shooting.”

Witness: Martin attacked Zimmerman

There is a good chance that those who are protesting in the streets are doing nothing more than glorifying a street hood who is solely responsible for his own death. Sadly, not all “kids” are innocent.” I do not know, nor do I care, whether Zimmerman was a racist. A racist has as much right to self-defense as anyone else. The only question is whether or not Zimmerman acted in self-defense. So far, all the evidence seems to show he did.
From the link posted earlier:

So this proves that Martin ran away from Zimmerman so I don't want to hear anymore crap about Trayvon not running away. Then again I will because racist trolls don't care about facts...

Zimmerman: "Go straight in. Oh, s***. He's running ... down towards the other entrance of neighborhood."

Dispatcher: "He's running? Which way is he running?"

Zimmerman: "Down towards the other entrance to the neighborhood."

Dispatcher: "Which entrance is that, that he is running towards?

Zimmerman: "The back entrance."


Dispatcher: "Are you following him?"

Zimmerman: "Yeah."

The dispatcher then said "You don't need to do that" and Zimmerman replies "Okay". How do you decide where to end your quote? There is nothing sinister about anyone trying to keep an eye on a suspect while the police arrive, but the police told Zimmerman not to for HIS OWN protection. Following criminals is a dangerous thing to do, as Zimmerman found out, but by the grace of God, he had a gun and served justice.
Funny how the truth begins to come forward.......when given time....instead of hysterics! Video - Audio & Image Hosting | Eyewitness Zimmerman Martin shooting Incident

Wouldn't it be nice if we had a media AND so called "leaders" who would adopt such as stance......instead they fuel the hysterics..... :cuckoo:

I hope the kid did kick that cocksucker Zimmerman's ass, he had NO FUCKING BUSINESS confronting the kid, even the dispatcher told him not to do it. I hope that punk Zimmerman gets the book thrown at him and I hope those assholes who didn't arrest him get fired.

Let me ask you genius; if some asshole follows you and you try to avoid him, then he comes up on you and starts a fight and you kick his ass, do you think that you would be in the wrong?
Brandishing a gun is always a bad idea.

He should have never chased the kid in the first place.

No one knows if Zimmerman 'brandished' his gun. We do know that he drew and fired it.

Agreed, he shouldn't have followed Trayvon, but the fact that he did is NOT a crime.

That doesn't prove A FUCKING THING, except the fact that the asshole (Zimmerman) who was following the kid and was told NOT TO CONFRONT THE KID, confronted him and was getting HIS PUNK ASS KICKED. You guys are just hoping that this kid was "bad" so you can justify this heinous act in your eyes. I bet it hits home for some of you "folks" who are scared of "them" when they walk down the street.
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No one knows if Zimmerman 'brandished' his gun. We do know that he drew and fired it.

Agreed, he shouldn't have followed Trayvon, but the fact that he did is NOT a crime.

If calling 911 is justified, the suspect should have been followed to keep him from getting away. The reason not to follow is if the suspect turns and attacks you, which is what happened here. But, Zimmerman had a gun so he wasn't too worried about that.

Shit-for-brains racist liberals try to use everything to paint Zimmerman as the guilty party. But, following a suspect does NOTHING to suggest guilt. It's not even in evidence that Zimmerman continued to follow the black.
Zimmerman is older and stronger and had a weight advantage and a gun...
At some point if he was really getting the crap beat out of him just showing the gun
would have stopped the kid...

I still don't see the reason why he had to shoot the kid...

Zimmerman says he was walking back to his truck and was struck in the head, then pounced on. He said he yelled for help.

Look at a map of where Zimmerman called police and where the shooting took place.

The call to the girlfriend seems to indicate Martin was nervous about being followed by this man. IF Martin hit Zimmerman, who's to say Martin wasn't in fear of bodily harm and used force in self-defense?

EXCELLENT POINTS EMMA!! That "stand your ground" law should apply to this kid who was being confronted by Zimmerman.
Zimmerman says he was walking back to his truck and was struck in the head, then pounced on. He said he yelled for help.

Look at a map of where Zimmerman called police and where the shooting took place.

The call to the girlfriend seems to indicate Martin was nervous about being followed by this man. IF Martin hit Zimmerman, who's to say Martin wasn't in fear of bodily harm and used force in self-defense?

EXCELLENT POINTS EMMA!! That "stand your ground" law should apply to this kid who was being confronted by Zimmerman.

Then in your mind it boils down to both of them defending themselves.

Guess one shouldn't bring Skittles to a gun fight.
Zimmerman is older and stronger and had a weight advantage and a gun...
At some point if he was really getting the crap beat out of him just showing the gun
would have stopped the kid...

I still don't see the reason why he had to shoot the kid...

Mr Zimmerman was older and heavier. That doesn't mean he was stronger.
I've been in fights with people older and heavier than me when I was a young man and won the fight.
Your speculation and opinionated conclusion is exactly that, speculation and opinion.

The bottom line is if Zimmerman hadn't ignored orders NOT to follow the kid,non of this would have happened,Zimmerman caused all of this. He is saying he feared for his life and he was the one with the gun?? The kid should have killed him,he was more than likely fearing for himself way more than Zimmerman.

This is a good example of authoritarian assholes with a gun,local cops included.

Excellent points!
Zimmerman says he was walking back to his truck and was struck in the head, then pounced on. He said he yelled for help.

Look at a map of where Zimmerman called police and where the shooting took place.

The call to the girlfriend seems to indicate Martin was nervous about being followed by this man. IF Martin hit Zimmerman, who's to say Martin wasn't in fear of bodily harm and used force in self-defense?

EXCELLENT POINTS EMMA!! That "stand your ground" law should apply to this kid who was being confronted by Zimmerman.

the young man charged at Zimmerman. take it to the bank
The video clip was from the very next day.

It is (yes, of course) possible that the witness, John, was making shit up even as early as the next day. But is that a realistic scenario?

An eyewitness who himself CALLED 9-1-1 saw the shooter on the ground crying for help; and later, after coming down, he discovered the OTHER guy was no the one now laying -- apparently already dead -- on the ground. UNLESS that witness was lying, what he saw and evidently told the responding cops sure explains why the shooter wasn't arrested.

And even if the witness was lying, how the fuck would the cops who WEREN'T there at the time of the shooting know (immediately) that the witness was (supposedly) not telling the truth?

Given what they DID know, I am curious how they could have justified making an arrest.

I don't believe he was lying. I believe Zimmerman picked a fight with the wrong kid and the kid probably beat the crap out of him.

I hope that the kid was at least able to do that before he was shot by that scumbag.

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