New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

If Martin didn't know Zimmerman had a gun, he would not be holding his arms and preventing Zimmerman from reaching for his gun. Thus Zimmerman could draw the weapon after he was attacked and on the ground.

Which brings up another question that we'll probably have to wait for the investigators to tell us. What is the trajectory of the bullet? Does it match what Zimmerman's story said? that would be interestingto know. I've never heard a complete version of Zimmerman's story, and now tha he has a lawyer we probably won't until the trial. If there is one. If Zimmerman claims to have shot Martin when he was on top of him, then the trajectory should be upwards. If not, then there is something that disputes Zimmerman's story of what happened.

Bottom line is that if they don't find anything to dispute Zimmerman's story, then they have to accept it and let him go free.

All I'm saying is if there was ever a reason for human beings to overreact a dead unarmed teenager is a pretty good reason.

A lynch mob is never a good thing.

No sh*t Pred.
It's hard to imagine being able to ovvereact to the death of minor.

It's kind of a kick in the gut to the family to say people overreacted to the death of their son. Kind of where this conversation get's lost in translation. There's fierce emotion on both sides, but that's not a "black leader" thing, that's a human thing.

I looked into this kids face and saw my nephew, many people did. Kind of hard not to overreact.

Sure it is..we are witnessing it as we speak. Or is Trayvon the only child shot in America this year?

There were 49 shootings in Chicago over the St Pattys day weekend..I think 15 of the people died!

Where was Al Sharpton then? Where was Jesse Jackson crying for "justice".......where was Obama?

Oh was a whitie doing the shooting...dats OK

The FACT is the black community has once again used their own bias to overreact and assume whitey is out to get em...they have imagined the white police chief is trying to "cover it up"....

Why? ONLY because he is white!

This is the problem with racism, so many times those being racist fail to see it.....

In how many of those 49 shootings was the shooter released with minimal investigation and no charges?

"I felt threatened so I shot him"

Most are not found standing over the victim I guess. :clap2:
You do realize that the lack of a criminal record doesn't mean he didn't start that day right? Just sayin'.

You do realize how highly improbable that is right?

Not at all. Lack of a criminal record only means he hasn't been caught yet.

Lack of a criminal record means you're not a criminal. End of story. You can't sit here and speculate that the kid lives some evil double life and breaks into house in his spare time and then turn around and call al sharpton and the liberal media biased. There is no evidence that martin ever did anything criminal prior to his confrontation with zimmy so I don't even see why this is being discussed.
The reaction of some of the USMB's professional lefties is kinda telling.

Could Zimmerman be guilty here? Sure.

But is it ALSO possible that he (in fact) is not guilty of a crime?

The leftists here seem almost bitterly disappointed that it might work out that way.

If the evidence ends up suggesting that he shot without legal justification, I'm fine with him facing such charges. And if he has no viable self-defense claim at that point, too bad. That's on him.

But, if the evidence ends up suggesting that his action (if not brilliant or even all that well considered) was nevertheless reasonably predicated on a need to engage in self defense, then I'm also fine with him not getting charged at all.

If he deserves to be prosecuted and convicted, so be it. But if not, wouldn't it be nice if he was the beneficiary of neutral justice, too?
Well, here we are, all sitting back in our chairs arm-chair quarterbacking this incident. The police have interviewed Zimmerman. In a shooting incident, if there was a crime committed by Zimmerman, don't you think they would have arrested him by now? If not, what would be the motivation to not arrest him? I think it was a tragic incident but piling on isn't going to do any good. This guy is being tried by the court of public opinion and that isn't a good thing.

And yet Al Sharpton and his ilk have already convicted him and organized protests calling for his arrest without knowing anything whatsoever about the incident.
Gee...this seems familiar....
MarCATL - what do you think? :eusa_shhh:
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Good job detective Holmes. The use of word guy surely discounts trayvon, he's not guy he's a kid and I'm sure that could be told easily in the dark.

right behind the caller's porch. I would hope he could tell the difference between a big hulking white Hispanic hater of black teenagers, and an innocent frail, mild mannered, underdog black teenager

There's no way of knowing someones age based on the way they look. No matter trayvons size I'm sure the man on the phone with the cops wasn't trying to figure out their ages.

ever call 911? they ask lots of questions. plus, I never knew anyone would didn't differentiate by age group when discussing a fight
Good job detective Holmes. The use of word guy surely discounts trayvon, he's not guy he's a kid and I'm sure that could be told easily in the dark.

right behind the caller's porch. I would hope he could tell the difference between a big hulking white Hispanic hater of black teenagers, and an innocent frail, mild mannered, underdog black teenager

There's no way of knowing someones age based on the way they look. No matter trayvons size I'm sure the man on the phone with the cops wasn't trying to figure out their ages.

Ask if the caller knows the names and ages of those involved.

Training Manual for Call-Taker
You do realize how highly improbable that is right?

Not at all. Lack of a criminal record only means he hasn't been caught yet.

Lack of a criminal record means you're not a criminal. End of story. You can't sit here and speculate that the kid lives some evil double life and breaks into house in his spare time and then turn around and call al sharpton and the liberal media biased. There is no evidence that martin ever did anything criminal prior to his confrontation with zimmy so I don't even see why this is being discussed.

True, I let myself get side tracked. I don't see how it would really be relevant even if he did have a criminal record.
The reaction of some of the USMB's professional lefties is kinda telling.

Could Zimmerman be guilty here? Sure.

But is it ALSO possible that he (in fact) is not guilty of a crime?

The leftists here seem almost bitterly disappointed that it might work out that way.

If the evidence ends up suggesting that he shot without legal justification, I'm fine with him facing such charges. And if he has no viable self-defense claim at that point, too bad. That's on him.

But, if the evidence ends up suggesting that his action (if not brilliant or even all that well considered) was nevertheless reasonably predicated on a need to engage in self defense, then I'm also fine with him not getting charged at all.

If he deserves to be prosecuted and convicted, so be it. But if not, wouldn't it be nice if he was the beneficiary of neutral justice, too?

If he is guilty, then I will join in on the chorus demanding he be punished. And I am pro-death penalty if it's murder in the first.
If it's true that Martin made a 911 call, where would that call have been received (since he was from Miami)?

What? Who said Martin made a 911 call? When you say Martin do you mean Trayvon or his father?

No, I meant Martin. Posted the link to the video a page or two back. I don't think the reporter misspoke, either. Start at 2:33. He says the FBI is investigating the recording of the call, where Zimmerman's voice can be heard in the background.

Trayvon Martin protests come to Chicago | Video |
Well, here we are, all sitting back in our chairs arm-chair quarterbacking this incident. The police have interviewed Zimmerman. In a shooting incident, if there was a crime committed by Zimmerman, don't you think they would have arrested him by now? If not, what would be the motivation to not arrest him? I think it was a tragic incident but piling on isn't going to do any good. This guy is being tried by the court of public opinion and that isn't a good thing.

And yet Al Sharpton and his ilk have already convicted him and organized protests calling for his arrest without knowing anything whatsoever about the incident.
Gee...this seems familiar....
MarCATL - what do you think? :eusa_shhh:

Al Sharpton is a race pimp and media whore.
If it's true that Martin made a 911 call, where would that call have been received (since he was from Miami)?

Good question. I think we would have heard by now if it went to Miami.

I think they go (based on the nearest cell tower) to the most local police 9-1-1 dispatch center.
Thanks. I know that back in '05, while I was out of town on a job, I made a 911 call that routed to an area nowhere near where I was at the time.
Well, here we are, all sitting back in our chairs arm-chair quarterbacking this incident. The police have interviewed Zimmerman. In a shooting incident, if there was a crime committed by Zimmerman, don't you think they would have arrested him by now? If not, what would be the motivation to not arrest him? I think it was a tragic incident but piling on isn't going to do any good. This guy is being tried by the court of public opinion and that isn't a good thing.

And yet Al Sharpton and his ilk have already convicted him and organized protests calling for his arrest without knowing anything whatsoever about the incident.
Gee...this seems familiar....
MarCATL - what do you think? :eusa_shhh:

Al Sharpton is a race pimp and media whore.

and this is news? :lol:
Funny how the truth begins to come forward.......when given time....instead of hysterics! Video - Audio & Image Hosting | Eyewitness Zimmerman Martin shooting Incident

Wouldn't it be nice if we had a media AND so called "leaders" who would adopt such as stance......instead they fuel the hysterics..... :cuckoo:

Anonymous Witness Police Used Tells Orlando Station Trayvon Martin Attacked George Zimmerman
by Frances Martel | 3:57 pm, March 24th, 2012

As the investigation into the investigation of the killing of Trayvon Martin continues, new facts are beginning to surface, and the Fox affiliate in Tampa Bay found an anonymous witness who spoke to them in George Zimmerman‘s defense, saying he saw the man who was mostly the aggressor in the struggle fall on the grass, dead.

Tampa Bay’s Fox 13 reported that the witness, who agreed only to be identified as “John,” saw the struggle and it was his testimony the police used to let Zimmerman go free (John spoke to Fox 13′s Orlando Affiliate, Fox 35). His statements to the cops were instrumental because Sanford police say those screams you hear,” the anchor notes, are Zimmerman’s and not Martin’s. Says John: “When I got upstairs and looked down, the person that was on top beating up the other guy was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point.”

The police report allegedly included notes of Zimmerman’s shirt being wet and grassy on the back, a sign of struggle. What it also includes, though, according to this report, is an initial assessment of the situation as “manslaughter and unnecessarily killing to prevent an unlawful act,” according to the first police officer on the scene.

This story is far from over as the story develops and Zimmerman’s side comes up to light. Given that the witness is anonymous and the only on-the-record supporters of Zimmerman’s are his parents, his neighbor, and his lawyer, however, a reasonable explanation for his behavior appears quite elusive. The station also compiled Zimmerman’s history of 911 calls, the police report from the night of Martin’s death, and a number of other handy documents to understand the situation.

Anonymous Witness Police Used Tells Orlando Station Trayvon Martin Attacked George Zimmerman | Mediaite
right behind the caller's porch. I would hope he could tell the difference between a big hulking white Hispanic hater of black teenagers, and an innocent frail, mild mannered, underdog black teenager

There's no way of knowing someones age based on the way they look. No matter trayvons size I'm sure the man on the phone with the cops wasn't trying to figure out their ages.

ever call 911? they ask lots of questions. plus, I never knew anyone would didn't differentiate by age group when discussing a fight

I'm not talking about what happens generally when people call 9-11.

I'm talking about the recording. Did you hear the dispatcher in the recording ask for the age of either party? Did you hear the man calling 9-11 even mention either men's ages? If not then this conversation is pointless. He didn't say kid, but he didn't say grown man either, he said "guy" that could apply to both.

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