New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

There is as much evidence that Treyvon Martin was a street thug as there is that Zimmerman is a racist, which is NONE at all.

There is a witness. The witness gives an account consistent with Zimmerman's injuries. That's the only facts we have at this time. Is it possible that Treyvon was confronted, felt "dissed" and decided that he would pull a "tude" with Zimmerman that included giving hin a thump on the head with a car of iced tea?

No matter what those who were not there think, a great deal is going to turn on that can. If there is blood on it, and that blood is Zimmerman's this whole case is gone. It's going to be Duke Lacrosse all over again.

My theory, and I wasn't there so it is 100% speculation at this time is that Martin shoved Zimmerman to the ground, wounding him on the back of his head, and then sat on him punching him in the face which accounted for his bloodied nose. Zimmerman pulled the gun that martin didn't know he had, and shot him.

I will be interested in hearing the ballistics on this case.
There is as much evidence that Treyvon Martin was a street thug as there is that Zimmerman is a racist, which is NONE at all.

There is a witness. The witness gives an account consistent with Zimmerman's injuries. That's the only facts we have at this time. Is it possible that Treyvon was confronted, felt "dissed" and decided that he would pull a "tude" with Zimmerman that included giving hin a thump on the head with a car of iced tea?

No matter what those who were not there think, a great deal is going to turn on that can. If there is blood on it, and that blood is Zimmerman's this whole case is gone. It's going to be Duke Lacrosse all over again.

My theory, and I wasn't there so it is 100% speculation at this time is that Martin shoved Zimmerman to the ground, wounding him on the back of his head, and then sat on him punching him in the face which accounted for his bloodied nose. Zimmerman pulled the gun that martin didn't know he had, and shot him.

I will be interested in hearing the ballistics on this case.

Martin was on the phone with his girlfriend when Zimmerman approached him. If anyone, Martin was the one who had a legal right to "stand his ground". He had a right to be where he was and he had a right to defend himself.

Zimmerman could have walked away at any time. He was the one who was armed. He was the one who outweighed the kid by 100 lbs

No doubt there was an altercation. But it was an altercation provoked by Zimmerman
There is as much evidence that Treyvon Martin was a street thug as there is that Zimmerman is a racist, which is NONE at all.

There is a witness. The witness gives an account consistent with Zimmerman's injuries. That's the only facts we have at this time. Is it possible that Treyvon was confronted, felt "dissed" and decided that he would pull a "tude" with Zimmerman that included giving hin a thump on the head with a car of iced tea?

No matter what those who were not there think, a great deal is going to turn on that can. If there is blood on it, and that blood is Zimmerman's this whole case is gone. It's going to be Duke Lacrosse all over again.

My theory, and I wasn't there so it is 100% speculation at this time is that Martin shoved Zimmerman to the ground, wounding him on the back of his head, and then sat on him punching him in the face which accounted for his bloodied nose. Zimmerman pulled the gun that martin didn't know he had, and shot him.

I will be interested in hearing the ballistics on this case.

Martin was on the phone with his girlfriend when Zimmerman approached him. If anyone, Martin was the one who had a legal right to "stand his ground". He had a right to be where he was and he had a right to defend himself.

Zimmerman could have walked away at any time. He was the one who was armed. He was the one who outweighed the kid by 100 lbs

No doubt there was an altercation. But it was an altercation provoked by Zimmerman

YOU don't know that. Nobody alive today "knows" that, except (one way or the other) Zimmerman.
My theory, and I wasn't there so it is 100% speculation at this time is that Martin shoved Zimmerman to the ground, wounding him on the back of his head, and then sat on him punching him in the face which accounted for his bloodied nose. Zimmerman pulled the gun that martin didn't know he had, and shot him.

I will be interested in hearing the ballistics on this case.

Martin was on the phone with his girlfriend when Zimmerman approached him. If anyone, Martin was the one who had a legal right to "stand his ground". He had a right to be where he was and he had a right to defend himself.

Zimmerman could have walked away at any time. He was the one who was armed. He was the one who outweighed the kid by 100 lbs

No doubt there was an altercation. But it was an altercation provoked by Zimmerman

YOU don't know that. Nobody alive today "knows" that, except (one way or the other) Zimmerman.

The forensics seem to point that way.
I was going to give you the last word; however, you made that impossible. I have provided evidence that Martin was not trying to get away but was killed while he was beating on Zimmerman. However, you have provided no evidence that he was trying to get away, and an unsubstantiated opinion means nothing. You think it is difficult to beat a person to death? Well, there are tens of thousands of cases that prove you wrong. The easiest thing in the world to do is beat a man to death when he can't defend himself. The fact that Zimmerman outweighed Martin is meaningless, given the evidence which proves that Zimmerman was the one who got beaten and Martin was unscathed. It's nice to make assumptions, but when the assumptions are inconsistent with the evidence, they are worthless. Besides, you should know that just because one person weighs more than another does not mean he is stronger. And just because one person is stronger than another does not mean he is the better fighter. Hell, common sense disproves your argument, and the evidence in the case at hand proves your assumptions are invalid. I think you are too emotionally involved in this case to examine it rationally.

Beside, under the law it doesn't matter whether you believe that Martin would not have caused additional injury to Zimmerman. If Zimmerman had a reasonable fear of serious bodily injury or death - and the evidence shows that he did - he had the absolute right to pull the trigger. Question for you sir, not for my benefit but for the others on this forum: just how long would you have allowed yourself to be pummeled about the face and head before you took the only action you could to stop it? Ten minutes, twenty? When would it enter your mind that perhaps the relentless pounding could cause serous injury or even death? After ten minutes? When you were on the verge of losing consciousness? I think Zimmerman waited long enough. I think the courts will agree with me.

Now I will give you the last word. I am done with you and with this thread. I have wasted enough time on you.

Doesn't matter what you consider wasted time really..

As for "evidence"? Zimmerman on the 911 tapes says that Murphy is running away from him. Got it?

Running away.

Not only that..he complains that "they always get away".

Listen to the tape.

Zimmerman confirms what I said.
Who the fuck is Murphy?

My was late when I posted that..

I meant Martin.
There is as much evidence that Treyvon Martin was a street thug as there is that Zimmerman is a racist, which is NONE at all.

There is a witness. The witness gives an account consistent with Zimmerman's injuries. That's the only facts we have at this time. Is it possible that Treyvon was confronted, felt "dissed" and decided that he would pull a "tude" with Zimmerman that included giving hin a thump on the head with a car of iced tea?

No matter what those who were not there think, a great deal is going to turn on that can. If there is blood on it, and that blood is Zimmerman's this whole case is gone. It's going to be Duke Lacrosse all over again.

My theory, and I wasn't there so it is 100% speculation at this time is that Martin shoved Zimmerman to the ground, wounding him on the back of his head, and then sat on him punching him in the face which accounted for his bloodied nose. Zimmerman pulled the gun that martin didn't know he had, and shot him.

I will be interested in hearing the ballistics on this case.

Martin was on the phone with his girlfriend when Zimmerman approached him. If anyone, Martin was the one who had a legal right to "stand his ground". He had a right to be where he was and he had a right to defend himself.

Zimmerman could have walked away at any time. He was the one who was armed. He was the one who outweighed the kid by 100 lbs

No doubt there was an altercation. But it was an altercation provoked by Zimmerman

This whole thing might not have happened if Zimmerman had just followed Martin home, never got out of his truck to bully the kid, if he had just done his job and only went that far.
Who the fuck is Murphy?

Murphy's law maybe? :eusa_shifty:
Thing is, on this topic, Sallow has responded to a post with a link directly to the cop report and said that the cop report says the EXACT opoosite of what it says - he didn't read the report, yet he posts the exact opposite of what the report says.

Secondly, he doesn't even know the parties' names????

Yet, like so many, he posts what OTHERS have told him, and post it as fact.

I hate that shit.

Folks surrender thought to others too much and it is killing this country.


The "cop" report makes no mention of any statement. They didn't question him.
My theory, and I wasn't there so it is 100% speculation at this time is that Martin shoved Zimmerman to the ground, wounding him on the back of his head, and then sat on him punching him in the face which accounted for his bloodied nose. Zimmerman pulled the gun that martin didn't know he had, and shot him.

I will be interested in hearing the ballistics on this case.

Martin was on the phone with his girlfriend when Zimmerman approached him. If anyone, Martin was the one who had a legal right to "stand his ground". He had a right to be where he was and he had a right to defend himself.

Zimmerman could have walked away at any time. He was the one who was armed. He was the one who outweighed the kid by 100 lbs

No doubt there was an altercation. But it was an altercation provoked by Zimmerman

This whole thing might not have happened if Zimmerman had just followed Martin home, never got out of his truck to bully the kid, if he had just done his job and only went that far.

He wasn't doing any "job". From what I understand..he wasn't even registered as neighborhood watch. And it seems from his behavior that he had little or no training in how to handle these situations. Police will seldom go up against a perp, one on one. They generally call for backup. Why? Because they aren't trying to prove themselves with each and every suspect. We they are trying to do is apprehend a person in the safest manner possible..that reduces risk to themselves and that person.

What Zimmerman did may have been fine in a "Death Wish" sort of universe..but not in this case.
Martin was on the phone with his girlfriend when Zimmerman approached him. If anyone, Martin was the one who had a legal right to "stand his ground". He had a right to be where he was and he had a right to defend himself.

Zimmerman could have walked away at any time. He was the one who was armed. He was the one who outweighed the kid by 100 lbs

No doubt there was an altercation. But it was an altercation provoked by Zimmerman

This whole thing might not have happened if Zimmerman had just followed Martin home, never got out of his truck to bully the kid, if he had just done his job and only went that far.

He wasn't doing any "job". From what I understand..he wasn't even registered as neighborhood watch. And it seems from his behavior that he had little or no training in how to handle these situations. Police will seldom go up against a perp, one on one. They generally call for backup. Why? Because they aren't trying to prove themselves with each and every suspect. We they are trying to do is apprehend a person in the safest manner possible..that reduces risk to themselves and that person.

What Zimmerman did may have been fine in a "Death Wish" sort of universe..but not in this case.

He was the captain of the block watch group though. He was watching the neighborhood and was suspicious, paranoid really because he was saying the kid had something in his waistband but he was the one who confronted the kid, he was the one who was armed and he was the one who was skittish.

You are right, he should have waited for the police but he thought the black guy would get away, he said so in the audio. These punks always get away or something to that effect.
My theory, and I wasn't there so it is 100% speculation at this time is that Martin shoved Zimmerman to the ground, wounding him on the back of his head, and then sat on him punching him in the face which accounted for his bloodied nose. Zimmerman pulled the gun that martin didn't know he had, and shot him.

I will be interested in hearing the ballistics on this case.

Martin was on the phone with his girlfriend when Zimmerman approached him. If anyone, Martin was the one who had a legal right to "stand his ground". He had a right to be where he was and he had a right to defend himself.

Zimmerman could have walked away at any time. He was the one who was armed. He was the one who outweighed the kid by 100 lbs

No doubt there was an altercation. But it was an altercation provoked by Zimmerman

YOU don't know that. Nobody alive today "knows" that, except (one way or the other) Zimmerman.

We do know that it was Zimmerman who was following the kid. We know that for some reason, Zimmerman chose to leave the safety of his car. We do know one was armed and one wasn't

If not for the fact that Zimmerman provoked a situation, Martin would be alive today
Martin was on the phone with his girlfriend when Zimmerman approached him. If anyone, Martin was the one who had a legal right to "stand his ground". He had a right to be where he was and he had a right to defend himself.

Zimmerman could have walked away at any time. He was the one who was armed. He was the one who outweighed the kid by 100 lbs

No doubt there was an altercation. But it was an altercation provoked by Zimmerman

YOU don't know that. Nobody alive today "knows" that, except (one way or the other) Zimmerman.

We do know that it was Zimmerman who was following the kid. We know that for some reason, Zimmerman chose to leave the safety of his car. We do know one was armed and one wasn't

If not for the fact that Zimmerman provoked a situation, Martin would be alive today

Yeah, there is a lot that we do know even though Martin died and can't defend himself now.
There is as much evidence that Treyvon Martin was a street thug as there is that Zimmerman is a racist, which is NONE at all.

There is a witness. The witness gives an account consistent with Zimmerman's injuries. That's the only facts we have at this time. Is it possible that Treyvon was confronted, felt "dissed" and decided that he would pull a "tude" with Zimmerman that included giving hin a thump on the head with a car of iced tea?

No matter what those who were not there think, a great deal is going to turn on that can. If there is blood on it, and that blood is Zimmerman's this whole case is gone. It's going to be Duke Lacrosse all over again.

My theory, and I wasn't there so it is 100% speculation at this time is that Martin shoved Zimmerman to the ground, wounding him on the back of his head, and then sat on him punching him in the face which accounted for his bloodied nose. Zimmerman pulled the gun that martin didn't know he had, and shot him.

I will be interested in hearing the ballistics on this case.

I want to see the chemical analysis of the blood on the CAN.

According to the witness, and I heard this on the news last night. I have not looked for a link. Zimmerman and Martin got into a verbal confrontation. Zimmerman said that he had called the police and was going to meet with them. He then left Martin and was opening the door to his car when Martin jumped him from behind and hit him in the head with the can. Zimmerman fell to the ground and rolled over with Martin beating him in the face with the can. Zimmerman, clearly identified by the red jacket he was wearing was screaming help me. No one responded. Zimmerman was able to reach his gun and shot Treyvon Martin. The witness did not see the actual gunshot because he was distracted by his dog so missed that crucial moment. We don't know whether there was any struggle for control of the gun.

I would hope the can had been preserved. If there was blood on it. If that blood was Zimmerman's we should know that by now. Logically, if the can did not have blood on it, or if the blood was not Zimmerman's, he would have been arrested by now. The shooting was clearly unprovoked. So far, the evidence is consistent with self-defense. How afraid are the authorities to release the information about the can?
There is as much evidence that Treyvon Martin was a street thug as there is that Zimmerman is a racist, which is NONE at all.

There is a witness. The witness gives an account consistent with Zimmerman's injuries. That's the only facts we have at this time. Is it possible that Treyvon was confronted, felt "dissed" and decided that he would pull a "tude" with Zimmerman that included giving hin a thump on the head with a car of iced tea?

No matter what those who were not there think, a great deal is going to turn on that can. If there is blood on it, and that blood is Zimmerman's this whole case is gone. It's going to be Duke Lacrosse all over again.

My theory, and I wasn't there so it is 100% speculation at this time is that Martin shoved Zimmerman to the ground, wounding him on the back of his head, and then sat on him punching him in the face which accounted for his bloodied nose. Zimmerman pulled the gun that martin didn't know he had, and shot him.

I will be interested in hearing the ballistics on this case.

Martin was on the phone with his girlfriend when Zimmerman approached him. If anyone, Martin was the one who had a legal right to "stand his ground". He had a right to be where he was and he had a right to defend himself.

Zimmerman could have walked away at any time. He was the one who was armed. He was the one who outweighed the kid by 100 lbs

No doubt there was an altercation. But it was an altercation provoked by Zimmerman

You continue in your grand tradition of talking about shit you know absolutely nothing about.
There is as much evidence that Treyvon Martin was a street thug as there is that Zimmerman is a racist, which is NONE at all.

There is a witness. The witness gives an account consistent with Zimmerman's injuries. That's the only facts we have at this time. Is it possible that Treyvon was confronted, felt "dissed" and decided that he would pull a "tude" with Zimmerman that included giving hin a thump on the head with a car of iced tea?

No matter what those who were not there think, a great deal is going to turn on that can. If there is blood on it, and that blood is Zimmerman's this whole case is gone. It's going to be Duke Lacrosse all over again.

My theory, and I wasn't there so it is 100% speculation at this time is that Martin shoved Zimmerman to the ground, wounding him on the back of his head, and then sat on him punching him in the face which accounted for his bloodied nose. Zimmerman pulled the gun that martin didn't know he had, and shot him.

I will be interested in hearing the ballistics on this case.

I want to see the chemical analysis of the blood on the CAN.

According to the witness, and I heard this on the news last night. I have not looked for a link. Zimmerman and Martin got into a verbal confrontation. Zimmerman said that he had called the police and was going to meet with them. He then left Martin and was opening the door to his car when Martin jumped him from behind and hit him in the head with the can. Zimmerman fell to the ground and rolled over with Martin beating him in the face with the can. Zimmerman, clearly identified by the red jacket he was wearing was screaming help me. No one responded. Zimmerman was able to reach his gun and shot Treyvon Martin. The witness did not see the actual gunshot because he was distracted by his dog so missed that crucial moment. We don't know whether there was any struggle for control of the gun.

I would hope the can had been preserved. If there was blood on it. If that blood was Zimmerman's we should know that by now. Logically, if the can did not have blood on it, or if the blood was not Zimmerman's, he would have been arrested by now. The shooting was clearly unprovoked. So far, the evidence is consistent with self-defense. How afraid are the authorities to release the information about the can?

I also have heard this story before, I can not find it anywhere so I haven't mentioned it before. There is a lot we don't know, and only an idiot would claim to know exactly what happened when they weren't there.
Murphy's law maybe? :eusa_shifty:
Thing is, on this topic, Sallow has responded to a post with a link directly to the cop report and said that the cop report says the EXACT opoosite of what it says - he didn't read the report, yet he posts the exact opposite of what the report says.

Secondly, he doesn't even know the parties' names????

Yet, like so many, he posts what OTHERS have told him, and post it as fact.

I hate that shit.

Folks surrender thought to others too much and it is killing this country.


The "cop" report makes no mention of any statement. They didn't question him.
Once again, you were too lazy to read the cop report, you prefer to be ignorant of the facts, or you did read it and you are lying.

Direct quote from the cop report: "Zimmerman was placed in an interview room at SPD, where he was interviewed by Investigator D. Singleton."
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There is as much evidence that Treyvon Martin was a street thug as there is that Zimmerman is a racist, which is NONE at all.

There is a witness. The witness gives an account consistent with Zimmerman's injuries. That's the only facts we have at this time. Is it possible that Treyvon was confronted, felt "dissed" and decided that he would pull a "tude" with Zimmerman that included giving hin a thump on the head with a car of iced tea?

No matter what those who were not there think, a great deal is going to turn on that can. If there is blood on it, and that blood is Zimmerman's this whole case is gone. It's going to be Duke Lacrosse all over again.

My theory, and I wasn't there so it is 100% speculation at this time is that Martin shoved Zimmerman to the ground, wounding him on the back of his head, and then sat on him punching him in the face which accounted for his bloodied nose. Zimmerman pulled the gun that martin didn't know he had, and shot him.

I will be interested in hearing the ballistics on this case.

I want to see the chemical analysis of the blood on the CAN.

According to the witness, and I heard this on the news last night. I have not looked for a link. Zimmerman and Martin got into a verbal confrontation. Zimmerman said that he had called the police and was going to meet with them. He then left Martin and was opening the door to his car when Martin jumped him from behind and hit him in the head with the can. Zimmerman fell to the ground and rolled over with Martin beating him in the face with the can. Zimmerman, clearly identified by the red jacket he was wearing was screaming help me. No one responded. Zimmerman was able to reach his gun and shot Treyvon Martin. The witness did not see the actual gunshot because he was distracted by his dog so missed that crucial moment. We don't know whether there was any struggle for control of the gun.

I would hope the can had been preserved. If there was blood on it. If that blood was Zimmerman's we should know that by now. Logically, if the can did not have blood on it, or if the blood was not Zimmerman's, he would have been arrested by now. The shooting was clearly unprovoked. So far, the evidence is consistent with self-defense. How afraid are the authorities to release the information about the can?
That's not what Zimmerman said in the police report so I can only assume that you're lying.

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