New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

I provide the link which you called me a liar for claiming there was a witness John. You first deny there was a witness John and wanted a link. Now you know I was right and you were wrong as there is a witness John and now you just HAVE TO have some other form of an out.
What is most troubling is how naive and gullible you are. This has THE MEDIA report on a few questions they asked. They did NOT ask him about the altercation.
But the police did and that is why Zimmerman WAS NOT charged.
If you can not figure that out you are beyond lost. The burden of proof is ON THE ACCUSERS, THE PROSECUTION always in a criminal case.
Zimmerman has to prove NOTHING as he is presumed innocent, especially someone has attacked him, he is on the ground screaming help and a 17 year old maniac is pummeling him.
That is the evidence and you know it so quit playing games and acting stupid.

Back up a minute, bucko.

I never called you a liar, and I never denied there was a witness named John. What I DID say is that the only witness I've seen ID'd as "John" --- the same one you linked to above --- never said he saw the initial contact, only that he saw Martin on top of Zimmerman, and that later he saw Martin laying dead in the grass. AND I asked YOU to show a source where John says he saw Trayvon body-slam Zimmerman to the ground (YOUR claim) and that he saw Trayvon smash a can into Zimmerman's nose (YOUR claim). Which you have YET to do.
There's obviously some pathological issues going on with that poster, Emm.

No kidding.
If you folks can not find the "John" that is being interviewd and questioned by police you are brain dead.

You DO NOT want to find it.
He ruins your wish for Zimmerman to fry for something he did not do.
Sick. You do not want justice, you want a witch hunt.

The "John" you refer to in the link you posted never said he saw the initial contact --- just that he saw Martin on top of Zimmerman, and then after he went upstairs, saw Martin in the grass (and believed him to be dead).

So show us where John says he also saw Martin body-slam Zimmerman to the ground, hit him in the nose with the ice tea can, etc...

(which btw contradicts Zimmerman's account, as acknowledged by the police )

I provide the link which you called me a liar for claiming there was a witness John. You first deny there was a witness John and wanted a link. Now you know I was right and you were wrong as there is a witness John and now you just HAVE TO have some other form of an out.
What is most troubling is how naive and gullible you are. This has THE MEDIA report on a few questions they asked. They did NOT ask him about the altercation.
But the police did and that is why Zimmerman WAS NOT charged.
If you can not figure that out you are beyond lost. The burden of proof is ON THE ACCUSERS, THE PROSECUTION always in a criminal case.
Zimmerman has to prove NOTHING as he is presumed innocent, especially someone has attacked him, he is on the ground screaming help and a 17 year old maniac is pummeling him.
That is the evidence and you know it so quit playing games and acting stupid.
I'm the one that called you a liar for your outrageous lies on what the witness "John" said.

Are you really some sort of detective? Fool.
George has created his own website, where he asks for contributions to his paypal account.

"This website's sole purpose is to ensure my supporters they are receiving my full attention without any intermediaries."

WTF is that supposed to mean ??

BTW, notice the bottom image of the two in his album?

The Frank W. Hale Black Cultural Center at Ohio State University was vandalized Thursday morning, according to The Associated Press:
The graffiti painted early Thursday said “Long Live Zimmerman.”

…Ohio State President E. Gordon Gee says university police are “vigorously investigating.”

“I was really outraged by this on a university that takes great pride in civility and respect,” Gee told WBNS. The graffiti has been removed.

It was discovered the same day a campus rally was held for Martin and Shaima Alawadi, an Iraqi woman who was fatally beaten last month in her El Cajon, Calif., home.​

Maybe this is the 'real' George Zimmerman.
George has created his own website, where he asks for contributions to his paypal account.

"This website's sole purpose is to ensure my supporters they are receiving my full attention without any intermediaries."

WTF is that supposed to mean ??

BTW, notice the bottom image of the two in his album?

The Frank W. Hale Black Cultural Center at Ohio State University was vandalized Thursday morning, according to The Associated Press:

The graffiti painted early Thursday said “Long Live Zimmerman.”​

…Ohio State President E. Gordon Gee says university police are “vigorously investigating.”​

“I was really outraged by this on a university that takes great pride in civility and respect,” Gee told WBNS. The graffiti has been removed.​

It was discovered the same day a campus rally was held for Martin and Shaima Alawadi, an Iraqi woman who was fatally beaten last month in her El Cajon, Calif., home.​

Maybe this is the 'real' George Zimmerman.

You're an idiot. I continue to be impressed by your idiocy.

The website was put up (if you actually read, you would know this) because there are other sites popping up claiming to be defense funds for him. His purpose with the site was to establish that he's receiving no money from those defense funds, and to warn people in case they are ripped off. It also provides a legit defense fund site, I do believe.
Funny how a murderer, if given time, and if his daddy is a judge, and if the police don't do their job can come up with a bogus defense that racists will swallow.

All we want is for him to face a jury of his peers. And put a couple blacks on that jury. Ok?
BTW, notice the bottom image of the two in his album?

The Frank W. Hale Black Cultural Center at Ohio State University was vandalized Thursday morning, according to The Associated Press:
The graffiti painted early Thursday said “Long Live Zimmerman.”

…Ohio State President E. Gordon Gee says university police are “vigorously investigating.”

“I was really outraged by this on a university that takes great pride in civility and respect,” Gee told WBNS. The graffiti has been removed.

It was discovered the same day a campus rally was held for Martin and Shaima Alawadi, an Iraqi woman who was fatally beaten last month in her El Cajon, Calif., home.​

Maybe this is the 'real' George Zimmerman.
Funny how a murderer, if given time, and if his daddy is a judge, and if the police don't do their job can come up with a bogus defense that racists will swallow.

All we want is for him to face a jury of his peers. And put a couple blacks on that jury. Ok?

Fortunately, in the United States what 'we want' does not matter. What matters is justice.
lol! Dumb Democrat Race-Baiters getting pissier & pissier by the minute. Reality is beginning to sink in for em i guess. Pretty hilarious. Zimmerman is actually Hispanic. And he actually said 'It's fuckin cold'. He did not say 'Fuckin coons.' This is obviously very disappointing news for the USMB Race-Baiter nutters like Ravi the Raving Lunatic. They're just not taking it very well. But it sure is fun watching them in meltdown-mode. So lets hope they keep it up. Priceless stuff for sure. :)
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Sorry, it isn't jumping to conclusions to consider someone innocent until proven guilty, and to want the investigators involved to finish their investigation before determining there was wrong doing...

And yet you have concluded that Martin is guilty of assault. Of course, there is no evidence of this, other than Zimmerman's claim. So stop babbling on about presumption of innocence, because you obviously don't care at all about it. You're all too eager to call Martin guilty of assault.
Zimmerman is making gun rights people look real bad right now.


I am a firm proponent of gun rights too. In my mind owning a gun is like owning a car. It's your right to do it, but I expect you to be responsible about it. Zimmerman is an affront to everything that the pro-gun rights camp is supposed to be about.
Oh, those fun loving non-racist Democrats are at it again...

[ame=]VIDEO: Black Mob Beats, Strips & Robs Tourist As Onlookers Laugh in Baltimore - YouTube[/ame]
Sorry, it isn't jumping to conclusions to consider someone innocent until proven guilty, and to want the investigators involved to finish their investigation before determining there was wrong doing...

And yet you have concluded that Martin is guilty of assault. Of course, there is no evidence of this, other than Zimmerman's claim. So stop babbling on about presumption of innocence, because you obviously don't care at all about it. You're all too eager to call Martin guilty of assault.

And yet you were silent when the media was all about creating the story that Zimmerman was responsible. The fact is we don't know who was responsible for what... but that didn't stop the ranting about Zimmerman. You only see it as a problem that Martin doesn't appear to be quite the little angel that you were sold.
Zimmerman is making gun rights people look real bad right now.


I am a firm proponent of gun rights too. In my mind owning a gun is like owning a car. It's your right to do it, but I expect you to be responsible about it. Zimmerman is an affront to everything that the pro-gun rights camp is supposed to be about.

Not if he was attacked and used his firearm in self defense.
I haven't concluded that Martin is guilty of anything. I've concluded that it's reasonable that someone could have THOUGHT he was a thug, based on what we do know of it.
Sorry, it isn't jumping to conclusions to consider someone innocent until proven guilty, and to want the investigators involved to finish their investigation before determining there was wrong doing...

And yet you have concluded that Martin is guilty of assault. Of course, there is no evidence of this, other than Zimmerman's claim. So stop babbling on about presumption of innocence, because you obviously don't care at all about it. You're all too eager to call Martin guilty of assault.

Wrong, liar.

But I certainly wouldn't be surprised if a kid who calls himself no-limit nigga, wears gang-related styles, a gold grill, tats, and who was currently suspended for drugs..and whose cousin posted gleefully on his myspace about him bashing a bus driver...

I wouldn't be SURPRISED if that young man assaulted someone. And it's dishonest to deny the very likely possibility that he did.

PS...this is why I tell my boys, and always have...the way you present yourself will cause people to perceive you a certain way. If you present yourself to the world as a gangsta, even if you're just wearing the clothes and jewelry and using the vernacular...surprise surprise, people are going to think you're criminal...
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Makes you wonder what goes through some of their heads...

That's something I'll never wonder about you.... nothing goes through your head.

Wow, you're taking this all very personally, aren't you?

I'm not.

So much for being "logical".

She's complementing you. Nothing goes through your head. I don't always agree with you, but no doubt there is a functional brain inside there that would obstruct anything from going through your head easily. Unlike CG, who has quite a bit of hot air going through her head on a daily basis.
If you folks can not find the "John" that is being interviewd and questioned by police you are brain dead.

You DO NOT want to find it.
He ruins your wish for Zimmerman to fry for something he did not do.
Sick. You do not want justice, you want a witch hunt.

Everyone knows who John is. Thank you for taking the time to rebut the notion that John doesn't exist. Congratulations on finding the straw man. Now hurry up and find the wizard so you can wake up from your delusion already.
Sorry, it isn't jumping to conclusions to consider someone innocent until proven guilty, and to want the investigators involved to finish their investigation before determining there was wrong doing...

And yet you have concluded that Martin is guilty of assault. Of course, there is no evidence of this, other than Zimmerman's claim. So stop babbling on about presumption of innocence, because you obviously don't care at all about it. You're all too eager to call Martin guilty of assault.

Wrong, liar.

But I certainly wouldn't be surprised if a kid who calls himself no-limit nigga, wears gang-related styles, a gold grill, tats, and who was currently suspended for drugs..and whose cousin posted gleefully on his myspace about him bashing a bus driver...

I wouldn't be SURPRISED if that young man assaulted someone. And it's dishonest to pretend there's no reason to deny the very likely possibility that he did.

PS...this is why I tell my boys, and always have...the way you present yourself will cause people to perceive you a certain way. If you present yourself to the world as a gangsta, even if you're just wearing the clothes and jewelry and using the vernacular...surprise surprise, people are going to think you're criminal...


[ame=]Occupy The World ! - Rage Against The Machine - won't do what they tell me - YouTube[/ame]

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