New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

You stupid racist bigot!

Trayvon Martin (on the right) is big enough to beat up, do major bodily harm or kill the other 13 people in this photo with him. According to the FBI criminal data 17 year old males are the most violent killers of any other age group.

What a nice looking family and how sad you use this picture to make your race baiting "points."

Makes you wonder what goes through some of their heads...

That's something I'll never wonder about you.... nothing goes through your head.

I know you don't have one so incoming neg for lying.

Neg rep me all you want fool but a witness came forward and has even given interviews. His name is "John" and if you do not know about him you are not very swift.

Here is your man:View attachment 18230
He said nothing of the sort. My neg wasn't wasted, racist idiot.

Take a good look at what my family has done for race relations Ravi. Scroll down to the 2 men named Ben on the College Board article and see where they went into just integrated high schools over the south and made sure, being threatened as they did it, that blacks could take the SAT. Dad was awarded many awards from that time until his retirement in 1980 from almost every black college and university in America. And I played football for just integrated teams in the public schools and wanted that in the 60s as that is how I was raised. We appreciated them being able to go to the same schools as us because we believe they ARE EQUAL:

JBHE: Latest News for 1/29/09
Hate to bust the Al Sharpton fan club bubble here but the latest is the DA's investigator has just finished an in depth interview with the witness "John" who is an eye witness and was there minutes before the shooting.
Martin attacked Zimmerman, body slammed him to the ground, hit him in the nose with a can, was slamming his head on the concrete and Zimmerman was screami9ng for help.
Eye witness that saw it all.
But I will STILL WAIT for the full report.
But it appears that Martin was the attacker and Zimerman acted in self defense.
I was wrong, totally wrong. I thought this was a manslaughter case.
This is a self defense case it appears.

If you really think that Scott's office is going to hand Obama a plum like letting his Justice Department do the state's job for it, you're delusional.

You mean Eric Holder's Justice Department?:lol::lol:

Or lack of a Justice Department. The guy that gave out 2000 assault rifles to drug cartels.
As hard as you try Joe you just can never gain any ground. You have no competitive drive for seeking the truth.
Sorry folks, the last week's investigation into Trayvon Martin is not going to be pretty.
The current FACTS are that he did attack Zimmerman and Zimmerman was screaming for help and Martin would not get off of him.
2 witnesses confirm it and another is on the fence.
Sorry folks, senseless killing but a man has a right to defend himself.


It is EASY to find.

That ain't the normal protocols of the internet.

What it comes down to is credibility, thus why people ask for links...

The normal protocol in my line of work as a license agency private detective certified forensic investigator for 30 years is YOU do the research.


OLD NEWS. Respectfully, if you do not know this then you are 3 weeks behind in this and need to catch up ON YOUR OWN.

google "Zimmerman witness "John" and get 100s of links.

Do your own research.

Still reading through the thread, but nowhere have I read that anyone saw the initial confrontation, including John. The video report from 2/27 (which is the one referenced at the beginning of the thread):

A man who witnessed part of the altercation contacted authorities.

"The guy on the bottom, who had a red sweater on, was yelling to me, 'Help! Help!' and I told him to stop, and I was calling 911," said the witness, who asked to be identified only by his first name, John.

John said he locked his patio door, ran upstairs and heard at least one gun shot.

"And then, when I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on the top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point."

Read more: Trayvon Martin shot and killed in neighborhood altercation

Was "John" the second call on this tape?

GRAPHIC: Trayvon Martin 911 calls released | News - Home
If you do not know the witness "John" has stated all of that you are a dumbass.
I forgot, we all know you are a dumbass.

I know that there is absolutely no information that has been made public that John has made such claims. I also notice that you continue to claim that John said this and that, yet you have yet to produce a single report of such statements.

Tell you what. I bet you 10K that if you Google Zimmerman witness "John" you will get at least 100 links.

Ok? 10K. Google Zimmerman witness "John" and see what you get.

You DO NOT want to do it because you know what you will find.


Report: Witness Says Trayvon Martin Attacked George Zimmerman | Video |

And he does not say he saw the initial contact, only that he saw a man in red on the bottom yelling for help, and that when he looked again, the man who had been on top was laying in the grass (and he presumed him dead).
If you folks can not find the "John" that is being interviewd and questioned by police you are brain dead.

You DO NOT want to find it.
He ruins your wish for Zimmerman to fry for something he did not do.
Sick. You do not want justice, you want a witch hunt.
If you folks can not find the "John" that is being interviewd and questioned by police you are brain dead.

You DO NOT want to find it.
He ruins your wish for Zimmerman to fry for something he did not do.
Sick. You do not want justice, you want a witch hunt.
Why do you keep lying?
If you folks can not find the "John" that is being interviewd and questioned by police you are brain dead.

You DO NOT want to find it.
He ruins your wish for Zimmerman to fry for something he did not do.
Sick. You do not want justice, you want a witch hunt.

The "John" you refer to in the link you posted never said he saw the initial contact --- just that he saw Martin on top of Zimmerman, and then after he went upstairs, saw Martin in the grass (and believed him to be dead).

So show us where John says he also saw Martin body-slam Zimmerman to the ground, hit him in the nose with the ice tea can, etc...

(which btw contradicts Zimmerman's account, as acknowledged by the police )
If you folks can not find the "John" that is being interviewd and questioned by police you are brain dead.

You DO NOT want to find it.
He ruins your wish for Zimmerman to fry for something he did not do.
Sick. You do not want justice, you want a witch hunt.

The "John" you refer to in the link you posted never said he saw the initial contact --- just that he saw Martin on top of Zimmerman, and then after he went upstairs, saw Martin in the grass (and believed him to be dead).

So show us where John says he also saw Martin body-slam Zimmerman to the ground, hit him in the nose with the ice tea can, etc...

(which btw contradicts Zimmerman's account, as acknowledged by the police )

I provide the link which you called me a liar for claiming there was a witness John. You first deny there was a witness John and wanted a link. Now you know I was right and you were wrong as there is a witness John and now you just HAVE TO have some other form of an out.
What is most troubling is how naive and gullible you are. This has THE MEDIA report on a few questions they asked. They did NOT ask him about the altercation.
But the police did and that is why Zimmerman WAS NOT charged.
If you can not figure that out you are beyond lost. The burden of proof is ON THE ACCUSERS, THE PROSECUTION always in a criminal case.
Zimmerman has to prove NOTHING as he is presumed innocent, especially someone has attacked him, he is on the ground screaming help and a 17 year old maniac is pummeling him.
That is the evidence and you know it so quit playing games and acting stupid.
George has created his own website, where he asks for contributions to his paypal account.

"This website's sole purpose is to ensure my supporters they are receiving my full attention without any intermediaries."

WTF is that supposed to mean ??

You can find that but could not find the witness "John"

Fraud. You knew about him all the time.
This is something I posted earlier, and I just want to post it again. You'll see why in a little bit:

Take a look at this. The cell phone records:


Shows the call *from*his g/f at 7:12.

Also shows on MARCH 2 - A call to 911. At 12:45PM.

Look, here, from a screen capture of the records:

Poor quality, but you can make it out in a larger image (click the pic), or by checking out the above ABC link for yourself. TWO PHONE CALLS INCOMING FROM THE SANFORD PD.

These are Trayvon's cell records - not the girlfriends, as it would have shown the many calls the girlfriend made that night, after it was abruptly disconnected.

I repeat: there were two follow up incoming calls from Sanford PD within two minutes after the 911 March 2nd call. One the exact same time as the 911 outgoing call: 12:45 - and one 2 minutes after.
Police station calling to verify phone number, then calling it back? Possibly.

So, 5 days later, they finally decided to get around to his cell phone.

We can also say for certain it was the g/f who called T at 7:12, not the other way around, as some have mentioned.

His girlfriends call to his phone and -- timeline, again: Important!
As I indicated earlier. This little bit bugs me.

So just laying this out here. For now, and for later. I think we'll be seeing something more about something I keyed in on earlier.

We know the girlfriend place a call at 7:12. [Rounded up or down? Don't know]
Zimmerman's call to police ended 7:13:41

Phone records show the g/f's call ended at 7:16 p.m. <-- Phone records obtained by Huff Post. Trayvon Martin Case Spotlights Florida Town's History Of 'Sloppy' Police Work
[Up/down rounding again. ??]

The first witness 911 call comes in at 7:16:11 p.m.

That's the one where in the background you can hear the struggle and then the sound of the pistol being fired.

The exact time of shot: -->7:16:56

First call to police with timing synched:

[ame=]Trayvon Martin Case 911 Calls Time Stamped part 1 (placed before gunshot) - YouTube[/ame]

Here&#8217;s Zimmerman&#8217;s call to police with proper timing synced:

[ame=]George Zimmerman Police Call w. Time Stamps and Notes - YouTube[/ame]

Police arrive 7:17.
Adding this to the record as well:

Nearly a week passed before important witnesses were interviewed by the police. Perhaps most crucially, investigators failed to access Martin&#8217;s cell phone records for weeks.

Those records revealed that just before he was shot, the teen was on the phone with his girlfriend, who said she overheard crucial moments of the encounter between Zimmerman and Martin.

&#8220;Those mistakes should not have been made,&#8221; said Andrew Scott, former chief of the Boca Raton police department and a national policing consultant. &#8220;They were such rudimentary aspects of an investigation.&#8221;
As I said weeks ago, that part of the investigation was BASIC. They failed.
The failure of Sanford police to locate and interview the girl was a crucial investigative oversight, according to Gerald S. Reamey, a former police department legal advisor in Texas and law professor and legal scholar specializing in criminal procedure at St. Mary's University in San Antonio.

"It really casts doubt on the soundness of the entire investigation when you see something like this," Reamey said. "They should have had this piece of evidence."
Trayvon Martin Case Spotlights Florida Town's History Of 'Sloppy' Police Work

Recall again the March 2rd 911 call outgoing from Trayvon's phone. 12:45PM.

There were two follow up incoming calls from Sanford PD immediately.
One the exact same time as the 911 outgoing call: 12:45 - and one 2 minutes after.

Sean Hannity Discussion - View Single Post - Zimmerman/Martin Thread

Right from the very beginning, when, where and what was done with that phone, whether it was entered into evidence that night, how they handled it when they had it -- has bothered me from from the very start.
What bothers you is the fact that you don't have all the information. It's not there. And you're desperately trying to make things fit using sketchy and faulty information.

There's absolutely nothing there to indicate the investigation is botched. What it indicates is that YOU don't have all the information. And maybe the information doesn't exist.

In which case, the investigation stalls. That's the way it works.
I provide the link which you called me a liar for claiming there was a witness John. You first deny there was a witness John and wanted a link. Now you know I was right and you were wrong as there is a witness John and now you just HAVE TO have some other form of an out.
What is most troubling is how naive and gullible you are. This has THE MEDIA report on a few questions they asked. They did NOT ask him about the altercation.
But the police did and that is why Zimmerman WAS NOT charged.
If you can not figure that out you are beyond lost. The burden of proof is ON THE ACCUSERS, THE PROSECUTION always in a criminal case.
Zimmerman has to prove NOTHING as he is presumed innocent, especially someone has attacked him, he is on the ground screaming help and a 17 year old maniac is pummeling him.
That is the evidence and you know it so quit playing games and acting stupid.

Back up a minute, bucko.

I never called you a liar, and I never denied there was a witness named John. What I DID say is that the only witness I've seen ID'd as "John" --- the same one you linked to above --- never said he saw the initial contact, only that he saw Martin on top of Zimmerman, and that later he saw Martin laying dead in the grass. AND I asked YOU to show a source where John says he saw Trayvon body-slam Zimmerman to the ground (YOUR claim) and that he saw Trayvon smash a can into Zimmerman's nose (YOUR claim). Which you have YET to do.
I provide the link which you called me a liar for claiming there was a witness John. You first deny there was a witness John and wanted a link. Now you know I was right and you were wrong as there is a witness John and now you just HAVE TO have some other form of an out.
What is most troubling is how naive and gullible you are. This has THE MEDIA report on a few questions they asked. They did NOT ask him about the altercation.
But the police did and that is why Zimmerman WAS NOT charged.
If you can not figure that out you are beyond lost. The burden of proof is ON THE ACCUSERS, THE PROSECUTION always in a criminal case.
Zimmerman has to prove NOTHING as he is presumed innocent, especially someone has attacked him, he is on the ground screaming help and a 17 year old maniac is pummeling him.
That is the evidence and you know it so quit playing games and acting stupid.

Back up a minute, bucko.

I never called you a liar, and I never denied there was a witness named John. What I DID say is that the only witness I've seen ID'd as "John" --- the same one you linked to above --- never said he saw the initial contact, only that he saw Martin on top of Zimmerman, and that later he saw Martin laying dead in the grass. AND I asked YOU to show a source where John says he saw Trayvon body-slam Zimmerman to the ground (YOUR claim) and that he saw Trayvon smash a can into Zimmerman's nose (YOUR claim). Which you have YET to do.
There's obviously some pathological issues going on with that poster, Emm.

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