New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

Zimmerman is older and stronger and had a weight advantage and a gun...
At some point if he was really getting the crap beat out of him just showing the gun
would have stopped the kid...

I still don't see the reason why he had to shoot the kid...

AGREED---I still believe that Zimmerman needs to be charged. Basically since Martin's father lived in this complex--Zimmerman just shot & killed one of his neighbor's.

Now--if we all stalked and walked around with guns in our neighborhoods--believing that it was O.K. to stalk someone we thought was "suspicious" for simply walking down the street--we would have millions of innocent people dead in this country.

Everyone in this country has looked out their window--and saw a "suspicious" character--did not pursue. If anything they call the police and report it--and 99% of the time it turns out to be NOTHING. Zimmerman had called the police department 47 times!!!!! Most of us won't call the police 5 times in our entire lives. I think Zimmerman needs to be charged with reckless manslaughter. BTW--I am a conservative and believe in gun rights. Zimmerman is making gun rights people look real bad right now.
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Zimmerman is older and stronger and had a weight advantage and a gun...
At some point if he was really getting the crap beat out of him just showing the gun
would have stopped the kid...

I still don't see the reason why he had to shoot the kid...

AGREED---I still believe that Zimmerman needs to be charged. Basically since Martin's father lived in this complex--Zimmerman just shot & killed one of his neighbor's.

Now--if we all stalked and walked around with guns in our neighborhoods--believing that it was O.K. to stalk someone we thought was "suspicious" for simply walking down the street--we would have millions dead in this country.

Everyone in this country has looked out their window--and saw a "suspicious" character--did not pursue. If anything they call the police and report it--and 99% of the time it turns out to be NOTHING.

If you could apply logic instead of emotion, you would think more clearly... and your conclusions would have more basis in fact. There is no evidence of 'stalking', there is evidence that a concerned citizen followed a person that he viewed to be acting suspiciously.
Now--if we all stalked and walked around with guns in our neighborhoods--believing that it was O.K. to stalk someone we thought was "suspicious" for simply walking down the street--we would have millions dead in this country.

It is your assumption, and an assumption contrary to the observation of the only eye witness, that this African was simply waking down the street, and not casing the neighborhood. Also, the assault upon Zimmerman also suggests that this was not just the average kid walking down the street.

Everyone in this country has looked out their window--and saw a "suspicious" character--did not pursue. If anything they call the police and report it--and 99% of the time it turns out to be NOTHING.

Yes, most 911 calls of suspicious people come to nothing. But, you don't know that this is the case here. And, I'll even agree that some people call 911 to quickly. But, so what? Better to error on that side than not to call the police on someone intent on committing a crime. Most of the time the innocent "suspicious" person never even knows the cops were called. That would have been the case here. The African would have been home and gone before the cops showed up, if the African had decided not to turn around and attack Zimmerman.
Sorry, it isn't jumping to conclusions to consider someone innocent until proven guilty, and to want the investigators involved to finish their investigation before determining there was wrong doing...

Except for the fact you're doing just that by convicting Martin based on what? Nothing.

Martin was walking down the street and was chased. There's no disputing that.

The fact that he may or am not have fought could more logically and easily be explained as he felt he was in danger and had to fight to survive.

Instead, he is painted by some here as a vicious animal who needed to be put down. I can't help feeling that underlying that is racism.
No way that little kid was beating up that big guy. And if he was, it was because Zimmerman came at him with a gun.

You right wingers who defend this murderer will have your own special place in hell next to Zimmerman. And gay people will be in heaven laughing at you.

Because I don't think any of you will ask for forgiveness before you die for being racists. You sure don't seem ashamed now and you probably don't even realize that you are pure evil pricks. If there is a hell, Satan is waiting for you.

Yeah, right.

I've seen 160 lb kids beat the shit out of people. You're a moron.

You've led quite the life. You should write a book.
Sorry, it isn't jumping to conclusions to consider someone innocent until proven guilty, and to want the investigators involved to finish their investigation before determining there was wrong doing...

Except for the fact you're doing just that by convicting Martin based on what? Nothing.

Martin was walking down the street and was chased. There's no disputing that.

The fact that he may or am not have fought could more logically and easily be explained as he felt he was in danger and had to fight to survive.

Instead, he is painted by some here as a vicious animal who needed to be put down. I can't help feeling that underlying that is racism.

Martin was walking down the street. That is the only part that is not in dispute. 'Following' someone is not 'chasing' someone.... so that is disputable.

I haven't seen anyone paint him as someone who 'needed to be put down'.... again, you fail on logic... but score on emotion.
Sorry, it isn't jumping to conclusions to consider someone innocent until proven guilty, and to want the investigators involved to finish their investigation before determining there was wrong doing...

Except for the fact you're doing just that by convicting Martin based on what? Nothing.

Martin was walking down the street and was chased. There's no disputing that.

The fact that he may or am not have fought could more logically and easily be explained as he felt he was in danger and had to fight to survive.

Instead, he is painted by some here as a vicious animal who needed to be put down. I can't help feeling that underlying that is racism.

Martin was walking down the street. That is the only part that is not in dispute. 'Following' someone is not 'chasing' someone.... so that is disputable.

I haven't seen anyone paint him as someone who 'needed to be put down'.... again, you fail on logic... but score on emotion.

Go walk down the street. If a guy starts following you slowly in his car, I dare you not to be concerned. When you run, if he gets out of the car and runs after you, I dare you not to feel threatened.

And dont tell me you didn't see it! YOU even called GaDawg out for doing it! WTF is wrong with you?
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Except for the fact you're doing just that by convicting Martin based on what? Nothing.

Martin was walking down the street and was chased. There's no disputing that.

The fact that he may or am not have fought could more logically and easily be explained as he felt he was in danger and had to fight to survive.

Instead, he is painted by some here as a vicious animal who needed to be put down. I can't help feeling that underlying that is racism.

Martin was walking down the street. That is the only part that is not in dispute. 'Following' someone is not 'chasing' someone.... so that is disputable.

I haven't seen anyone paint him as someone who 'needed to be put down'.... again, you fail on logic... but score on emotion.

Go walk down the street. If a guy starts following you slowly in his car, I dare you not to be concerned. When you run, if he gets out of the car and runs after you, I dare you not to feel threatened.

And if you didn't see it, you need to actually look at the thread,

I've been followed.... I know that it is threatening... but guess what I didn't do... I didn't go confront the guy following me. I did what a smart individual does... I called the police, stayed on the phone with them and walked into a store where I waited for the police.
Martin was walking down the street. That is the only part that is not in dispute. 'Following' someone is not 'chasing' someone.... so that is disputable.

I haven't seen anyone paint him as someone who 'needed to be put down'.... again, you fail on logic... but score on emotion.

Go walk down the street. If a guy starts following you slowly in his car, I dare you not to be concerned. When you run, if he gets out of the car and runs after you, I dare you not to feel threatened.

And if you didn't see it, you need to actually look at the thread,

I've been followed.... I know that it is threatening... but guess what I didn't do... I didn't go confront the guy following me. I did what a smart individual does... I called the police, stayed on the phone with them and walked into a store where I waited for the police.

I went back to find you a link and found YOU calling him out on his bullshit!

Lay off the < insert your mind altering chemical of choce here > it's got you buggin'
Go walk down the street. If a guy starts following you slowly in his car, I dare you not to be concerned. When you run, if he gets out of the car and runs after you, I dare you not to feel threatened.

Stop arguing from shit. In the 911 call, Zimmerman comments that the African is moving closer to him. If the African felt threatened, why did he move closer? Why did the two fight in the same location that Zimmerman first saw the African minutes earlier, instead of the African being long gone? Why would a 6'3" lean African gangbanger-wannabe feel threatened by a lone, fat Hispanic?

Why would the African attack someone he thought was a threat to him, instead of getting away?
Martin was walking down the street. That is the only part that is not in dispute. 'Following' someone is not 'chasing' someone.... so that is disputable.

I haven't seen anyone paint him as someone who 'needed to be put down'.... again, you fail on logic... but score on emotion.

Go walk down the street. If a guy starts following you slowly in his car, I dare you not to be concerned. When you run, if he gets out of the car and runs after you, I dare you not to feel threatened.

And if you didn't see it, you need to actually look at the thread,

I've been followed.... I know that it is threatening... but guess what I didn't do... I didn't go confront the guy following me. I did what a smart individual does... I called the police, stayed on the phone with them and walked into a store where I waited for the police.

You're not a 17 year old boy.

Even at my age, someone comes up on me, I'm ready to defend myself. No need for cops. A man handles himself.

Only a punk needs a gun to defend himself against one unarmed guy.
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Go walk down the street. If a guy starts following you slowly in his car, I dare you not to be concerned. When you run, if he gets out of the car and runs after you, I dare you not to feel threatened.

And if you didn't see it, you need to actually look at the thread,

I've been followed.... I know that it is threatening... but guess what I didn't do... I didn't go confront the guy following me. I did what a smart individual does... I called the police, stayed on the phone with them and walked into a store where I waited for the police.

You're not a 17 year old boy.

Even at my age, someone comes up on me, I'm ready to defend myself. No need for cops. A man handles himself.

Only a punk needs a gun to defend himself against one unarmed guy.

Oh cool! Another internet tough guy.
Go walk down the street. If a guy starts following you slowly in his car, I dare you not to be concerned. When you run, if he gets out of the car and runs after you, I dare you not to feel threatened.

Stop arguing from shit. In the 911 call, Zimmerman comments that the African is moving closer to him. If the African felt threatened, why did he move closer? Why did the two fight in the same location that Zimmerman first saw the African minutes earlier, instead of the African being long gone? Why would a 6'3" lean African gangbanger-wannabe feel threatened by a lone, fat Hispanic?

Why would the African attack someone he thought was a threat to him, instead of getting away?

Have you read any reports that Martin was not a US citizen? Why do you keep saying "African"? Could it be just one more asshole move by a pathetic racist asshole like yourself? Hmmmmm...could be...
Go walk down the street. If a guy starts following you slowly in his car, I dare you not to be concerned. When you run, if he gets out of the car and runs after you, I dare you not to feel threatened.

Stop arguing from shit. In the 911 call, Zimmerman comments that the African is moving closer to him. If the African felt threatened, why did he move closer? Why did the two fight in the same location that Zimmerman first saw the African minutes earlier, instead of the African being long gone? Why would a 6'3" lean African gangbanger-wannabe feel threatened by a lone, fat Hispanic?

Why would the African attack someone he thought was a threat to him, instead of getting away?

You're on crack!

Zimmerman says "he ran"

Zimmerman then RUNS after Martin at which point the 911 operator says," we don't need you to do that."

Tell you what, moron, you come chase after me, see what happens. You'd be picking up your teeth. Because you would pose a threat to me at that point.

And EVERY goddamn guy out there knows it. You don't go chasing a guy unless you're prepared for him to stop and turn around.

Which Zimmerman was. With a gun.

Twice Martins size and the pussy needed a gun.

The story isn't race. Or a crime. But that George Zimmerman is a wuss with delusuons of grandeur who killed a 17 year old boy because he can't throw down.
Go walk down the street. If a guy starts following you slowly in his car, I dare you not to be concerned. When you run, if he gets out of the car and runs after you, I dare you not to feel threatened.

And if you didn't see it, you need to actually look at the thread,

I've been followed.... I know that it is threatening... but guess what I didn't do... I didn't go confront the guy following me. I did what a smart individual does... I called the police, stayed on the phone with them and walked into a store where I waited for the police.

You're not a 17 year old boy.

Even at my age, someone comes up on me, I'm ready to defend myself. No need for cops. A man handles himself.

Only a punk needs a gun to defend himself against one unarmed guy.

LOL! Superhardguy! You've invested heavily in tear-away tank tops, haven't you?
Go walk down the street. If a guy starts following you slowly in his car, I dare you not to be concerned. When you run, if he gets out of the car and runs after you, I dare you not to feel threatened.

Stop arguing from shit. In the 911 call, Zimmerman comments that the African is moving closer to him. If the African felt threatened, why did he move closer? Why did the two fight in the same location that Zimmerman first saw the African minutes earlier, instead of the African being long gone? Why would a 6'3" lean African gangbanger-wannabe feel threatened by a lone, fat Hispanic?

Why would the African attack someone he thought was a threat to him, instead of getting away?

Have you read any reports that Martin was not a US citizen? Why do you keep saying "African"? Could it be just one more asshole move by a pathetic racist asshole like yourself? Hmmmmm...could be...

Because he's too chickenshit to use the word he really wanted to use. Lol
But that George Zimmerman is a wuss with delusuons of grandeur who killed a 17 year old boy because he can't throw down.

Like you, brotha? Rrrrraaaaaa!!! Kick ass! Ooooh! Get some! Get some! Rrrraaaaa!!!

I've been followed.... I know that it is threatening... but guess what I didn't do... I didn't go confront the guy following me. I did what a smart individual does... I called the police, stayed on the phone with them and walked into a store where I waited for the police.

You're not a 17 year old boy.

Even at my age, someone comes up on me, I'm ready to defend myself. No need for cops. A man handles himself.

Only a punk needs a gun to defend himself against one unarmed guy.

LOL! Superhardguy! You've invested heavily in tear-away tank tops, haven't you?


No. I'm Italian American. We don't tear them away. The complete the "look"

And it's not about being "hard" I've had my ass kicked more than I've kicked ass, but afterwards, I had my respect.
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But that George Zimmerman is a wuss with delusuons of grandeur who killed a 17 year old boy because he can't throw down.

Like you, brotha? Rrrrraaaaaa!!! Kick ass! Ooooh! Get some! Get some! Rrrraaaaa!!!


Where I grew up, we fought. A lot. If you didn't fight, it only got worse for you. But even if you lost the fight, which I did more often than not, they left you alone for awhile after that.
Go walk down the street. If a guy starts following you slowly in his car, I dare you not to be concerned. When you run, if he gets out of the car and runs after you, I dare you not to feel threatened.

Stop arguing from shit. In the 911 call, Zimmerman comments that the African is moving closer to him. If the African felt threatened, why did he move closer? Why did the two fight in the same location that Zimmerman first saw the African minutes earlier, instead of the African being long gone? Why would a 6'3" lean African gangbanger-wannabe feel threatened by a lone, fat Hispanic?

Why would the African attack someone he thought was a threat to him, instead of getting away?

You're on crack!

Zimmerman says "he ran"

Zimmerman then RUNS after Martin at which point the 911 operator says," we don't need you to do that."

Tell you what, moron, you come chase after me, see what happens. You'd be picking up your teeth. Because you would pose a threat to me at that point.

And EVERY goddamn guy out there knows it. You don't go chasing a guy unless you're prepared for him to stop and turn around.

Which Zimmerman was. With a gun.

Twice Martins size and the pussy needed a gun.

The story isn't race. Or a crime. But that George Zimmerman is a wuss with delusuons of grandeur who killed a 17 year old boy because he can't throw down.

Yea, that's the way to deal with racist assclowns like Ariux... debate with them. Just how stupid are you? You don't engage racists, you mock their racism or ignore them. Engaging them just feeds their vile behavior. Idiot.

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