New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

[You are biased and prejudiced anyway.

You're still not presenting anything to back up your claims. If you really were a P.I. you would require a basic understanding of logic. When you make a claim, you must support it, otherwise it's as useless as any other unsubstantiated claim.

I schooled you on the 6th grade photo and you denied it, the NBC fraud with the call and you denied it, the fire department treating Zimmerman at the scene for injuries which is clearly on the incident report and you denied it so every fact out there to date you have denied.

I think you have me confused with someone else. :cuckoo:

Your mind is made up. Zimmerman is guilty in your mind.
Facts be damned.

Actually, it's the FACTS, as best as they are available, that lead me to conclude that Zimmerman is guilty.
No way that little kid was beating up that big guy. And if he was, it was because Zimmerman came at him with a gun.

You right wingers who defend this murderer will have your own special place in hell next to Zimmerman. And gay people will be in heaven laughing at you.

Because I don't think any of you will ask for forgiveness before you die for being racists. You sure don't seem ashamed now and you probably don't even realize that you are pure evil pricks. If there is a hell, Satan is waiting for you.
I'm the only one who has shown the photo of him horseback riding within two weeks of his death; a "cover" for his thug life I guess............................

Donchyaknow.....horses are how gangstas roll now in the 21st century. They're the new Cadillac with big, shiny rims.

It must have changed tonight, like STATE ATTORNEYS magically became DISTRICT Attorneys.....................................

State, district, it's all the same, isn't it? Wasn't that what the 10th amendment was for?
You know, saying shit like that could actually land you in court, in the real world.
No way that little kid was beating up that big guy. And if he was, it was because Zimmerman came at him with a gun.

You right wingers who defend this murderer will have your own special place in hell next to Zimmerman. And gay people will be in heaven laughing at you.

Because I don't think any of you will ask for forgiveness before you die for being racists. You sure don't seem ashamed now and you probably don't even realize that you are pure evil pricks. If there is a hell, Satan is waiting for you.

Yeah, right.

I've seen 160 lb kids beat the shit out of people. You're a moron.
Donchyaknow.....horses are how gangstas roll now in the 21st century. They're the new Cadillac with big, shiny rims.

It must have changed tonight, like STATE ATTORNEYS magically became DISTRICT Attorneys.....................................

State, district, it's all the same, isn't it? Wasn't that what the 10th amendment was for?

No sworn testimony could have been taken by a DA, Florida does use that TERM.
There's only one truth here.

He killed a child.

A teenager with no criminal record, and who went out around 7 PM to buy Skitles and tea....................................

There are many criminal minded people out there who have broken into homes but never had a criminal record because of different factors. Like judge dropped the charges, case dismissed because the officer didn't do a correct report. or they just haven't gotten caught.

"criminal minded" is what Zimmerman obviously was.

If Trayvon was "criminal minded", you're saying he deserved to be shot for what he MIGHT have been thinking.

Bottom line is that Zimmerman followed Trayvon, accosted him and shot him. He needs to be tried by a jury of his peers, for that crime.
216 fucking pages and you guys claim I have no life? Take a fucking break and grab a breath or two. Talk about a fucking obsession. The kid is dead. The perp is free. All your fucking insults and armchair quarter backing won't change either. Move on for fucks sake. All this obsession means shit.
No way that little kid was beating up that big guy. And if he was, it was because Zimmerman came at him with a gun.

You right wingers who defend this murderer will have your own special place in hell next to Zimmerman. And gay people will be in heaven laughing at you.

Because I don't think any of you will ask for forgiveness before you die for being racists. You sure don't seem ashamed now and you probably don't even realize that you are pure evil pricks. If there is a hell, Satan is waiting for you.

Yeah, right.

I've seen 160 lb kids beat the shit out of people. You're a moron.

... while they were pointing a gun at them?

Actually, what is moronic is the insistence from the right that killing Trayvon was not a crime and that Zimmerman should not be tried for that crime.

Zimmerman killed Travon. That's a known fact.

He should be tried for that crime. Period.
From what I heard, trayvon saw the gun after he knocked Zimmerman down and while he was knocking the shit out of him, and tried to get it.

If that's true, I'd have shot him too.
Wait..unless you have a witness who saw Zimmerman chasing Trayvon with a drawn weapon?

Of course you don't. Because it didn't happen.
Wait..unless you have a witness who saw Zimmerman chasing Trayvon with a drawn weapon?

Of course you don't. Because it didn't happen.

And that's exactly how you know it happened......from the eye witness accounts.....

Glad that you aren't running to conclusions with absent facts.
Sorry, it isn't jumping to conclusions to consider someone innocent until proven guilty, and to want the investigators involved to finish their investigation before determining there was wrong doing...
216 fucking pages and you guys claim I have no life? Take a fucking break and grab a breath or two. Talk about a fucking obsession. The kid is dead. The perp is free. All your fucking insults and armchair quarter backing won't change either. Move on for fucks sake. All this obsession means shit.

How about adjusting your settings...I have it at 81 pages...:D
216 fucking pages and you guys claim I have no life? Take a fucking break and grab a breath or two. Talk about a fucking obsession. The kid is dead. The perp is free. All your fucking insults and armchair quarter backing won't change either. Move on for fucks sake. All this obsession means shit.

How about adjusting your settings...I have it at 81 pages...:D

Lol, I'm on my EVO. Rarely use a real computer. Got one but beyond pirating new movies when the grandkids are over its pretty much useless. Kinda like this thread at this point. :)
No way that little kid was beating up that big guy. And if he was, it was because Zimmerman came at him with a gun.

You right wingers who defend this murderer will have your own special place in hell next to Zimmerman. And gay people will be in heaven laughing at you.

Because I don't think any of you will ask for forgiveness before you die for being racists. You sure don't seem ashamed now and you probably don't even realize that you are pure evil pricks. If there is a hell, Satan is waiting for you.

Yeah, right.

I've seen 160 lb kids beat the shit out of people. You're a moron.

... while they were pointing a gun at them?

Actually, what is moronic is the insistence from the right that killing Trayvon was not a crime and that Zimmerman should not be tried for that crime.

Zimmerman killed Travon. That's a known fact.

He should be tried for that crime. Period.
ohh yes he should be tried !!! but he is innocent until proven guilty !!!
No way that little kid was beating up that big guy. And if he was, it was because Zimmerman came at him with a gun.

You right wingers who defend this murderer will have your own special place in hell next to Zimmerman. And gay people will be in heaven laughing at you.

Because I don't think any of you will ask for forgiveness before you die for being racists. You sure don't seem ashamed now and you probably don't even realize that you are pure evil pricks. If there is a hell, Satan is waiting for you.

Don't drink and post.
No way that little kid was beating up that big guy. And if he was, it was because Zimmerman came at him with a gun.

You right wingers who defend this murderer will have your own special place in hell next to Zimmerman. And gay people will be in heaven laughing at you.

Because I don't think any of you will ask for forgiveness before you die for being racists. You sure don't seem ashamed now and you probably don't even realize that you are pure evil pricks. If there is a hell, Satan is waiting for you.

Yeah, right.

I've seen 160 lb kids beat the shit out of people. You're a moron.

... while they were pointing a gun at them?

Actually, what is moronic is the insistence from the right that killing Trayvon was not a crime and that Zimmerman should not be tried for that crime.

Zimmerman killed Travon. That's a known fact.

He should be tried for that crime. Period.

From your post, we can surmise that you have absolutely no idea what you're babbling about. SOP for you.

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