New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

But that George Zimmerman is a wuss with delusuons of grandeur who killed a 17 year old boy because he can't throw down.

Like you, brotha? Rrrrraaaaaa!!! Kick ass! Ooooh! Get some! Get some! Rrrraaaaa!!!


Where I grew up, we fought. A lot. If you didn't fight, it only got worse for you. But even if you lost the fight, which I did more often than not, they left you alone for awhile after that.

Oh, I know. In fact, I found a video of you and your buddies getting ready for a big night out on the town.

[ame=]Tearing off your shirt - YouTube[/ame]
Stop arguing from shit. In the 911 call, Zimmerman comments that the African is moving closer to him. If the African felt threatened, why did he move closer? Why did the two fight in the same location that Zimmerman first saw the African minutes earlier, instead of the African being long gone? Why would a 6'3" lean African gangbanger-wannabe feel threatened by a lone, fat Hispanic?

Why would the African attack someone he thought was a threat to him, instead of getting away?

You're on crack!

Zimmerman says "he ran"

Zimmerman then RUNS after Martin at which point the 911 operator says," we don't need you to do that."

Tell you what, moron, you come chase after me, see what happens. You'd be picking up your teeth. Because you would pose a threat to me at that point.

And EVERY goddamn guy out there knows it. You don't go chasing a guy unless you're prepared for him to stop and turn around.

Which Zimmerman was. With a gun.

Twice Martins size and the pussy needed a gun.

The story isn't race. Or a crime. But that George Zimmerman is a wuss with delusuons of grandeur who killed a 17 year old boy because he can't throw down.

Yea, that's the way to deal with racist assclowns like Ariux... debate with them. Just how stupid are you? You don't engage racists, you mock their racism or ignore them. Engaging them just feeds their vile behavior. Idiot.

Hmmmm...yet the only one who seems to have taken a bite is you.
Sorry, it isn't jumping to conclusions to consider someone innocent until proven guilty, and to want the investigators involved to finish their investigation before determining there was wrong doing...

Except for the fact you're doing just that by convicting Martin based on what? Nothing.

Martin was walking down the street and was chased. There's no disputing that.

The fact that he may or am not have fought could more logically and easily be explained as he felt he was in danger and had to fight to survive.

Instead, he is painted by some here as a vicious animal who needed to be put down. I can't help feeling that underlying that is racism.

I haven't convicted Martin of anything. Martin's dead, he's not going to be convicted of anything.

All I've said is that there's no way to know, given what we have available to us. And there's not. But it pains me to see retards making shit up to justify their premature and ill advised determination of Zimmerman's guilt. When idiots say things like "Zimmerman was a crazed stalker who chased after this wee laddie picking daisies and whistling a merry tune, with his gun drawn and lips drawn back from pointy teeth..." I feel compelled to point out that one of the few things we DO know for certain is that...

Trayvon was a really big kid.
Trayvon definitely had some behavior issues.
The neighborhood was being terrorized by violent and blatant criminals.
Trayvon sported the criminal affect.

We know these things for sure. There are pictures, we have the evidence of that.

We don't have evidence that Zimmerman was a loon...his neighbors sure as shit aren't saying that. We don't have evidence that he stalked Martin. We don't have evidence he drew a gun on him before he was knocked down. We don't have evidence that he was the aggressor.

Stick to what you know..and what do you have?

You have a punkish kid (and that is not a crime, it's just a fact) in a spooked neighborhood. That's all we know.
Sorry, it isn't jumping to conclusions to consider someone innocent until proven guilty, and to want the investigators involved to finish their investigation before determining there was wrong doing...

Except for the fact you're doing just that by convicting Martin based on what? Nothing.

Martin was walking down the street and was chased. There's no disputing that.

The fact that he may or am not have fought could more logically and easily be explained as he felt he was in danger and had to fight to survive.

Instead, he is painted by some here as a vicious animal who needed to be put down. I can't help feeling that underlying that is racism.

I haven't convicted Martin of anything. Martin's dead, he's not going to be convicted of anything.

All I've said is that there's no way to know, given what we have available to us. And there's not. But it pains me to see retards making shit up to justify their premature and ill advised determination of Zimmerman's guilt. When idiots say things like "Zimmerman was a crazed stalker who chased after this wee laddie picking daisies and whistling a merry tune, with his gun drawn and lips drawn back from pointy teeth..." I feel compelled to point out that one of the few things we DO know for certain is that...

Trayvon was a really big kid.
Trayvon definitely had some behavior issues.
The neighborhood was being terrorized by violent and blatant criminals.
Trayvon sported the criminal affect.

We know these things for sure. There are pictures, we have the evidence of that.

We don't have evidence that Zimmerman was a loon...his neighbors sure as shit aren't saying that. We don't have evidence that he stalked Martin. We don't have evidence he drew a gun on him before he was knocked down. We don't have evidence that he was the aggressor.

Stick to what you know..and what do you have?

You have a punkish kid (and that is not a crime, it's just a fact) in a spooked neighborhood. That's all we know.

Except that Zimmermans own 911 call says he WAS "stalking" Martin.
Except for the fact you're doing just that by convicting Martin based on what? Nothing.

Martin was walking down the street and was chased. There's no disputing that.

The fact that he may or am not have fought could more logically and easily be explained as he felt he was in danger and had to fight to survive.

Instead, he is painted by some here as a vicious animal who needed to be put down. I can't help feeling that underlying that is racism.

I haven't convicted Martin of anything. Martin's dead, he's not going to be convicted of anything.

All I've said is that there's no way to know, given what we have available to us. And there's not. But it pains me to see retards making shit up to justify their premature and ill advised determination of Zimmerman's guilt. When idiots say things like "Zimmerman was a crazed stalker who chased after this wee laddie picking daisies and whistling a merry tune, with his gun drawn and lips drawn back from pointy teeth..." I feel compelled to point out that one of the few things we DO know for certain is that...

Trayvon was a really big kid.
Trayvon definitely had some behavior issues.
The neighborhood was being terrorized by violent and blatant criminals.
Trayvon sported the criminal affect.

We know these things for sure. There are pictures, we have the evidence of that.

We don't have evidence that Zimmerman was a loon...his neighbors sure as shit aren't saying that. We don't have evidence that he stalked Martin. We don't have evidence he drew a gun on him before he was knocked down. We don't have evidence that he was the aggressor.

Stick to what you know..and what do you have?

You have a punkish kid (and that is not a crime, it's just a fact) in a spooked neighborhood. That's all we know.

Except that Zimmermans own 911 call says he WAS "stalking" Martin.

No, it doesn't.

Nice try though. Zimmerman's 911 call says he lost him. And he sounds scared all the way through.
A teenager with no criminal record, and who went out around 7 PM to buy Skitles and tea....................................

There are many criminal minded people out there who have broken into homes but never had a criminal record because of different factors. Like judge dropped the charges, case dismissed because the officer didn't do a correct report. or they just haven't gotten caught.

"criminal minded" is what Zimmerman obviously was.

If Trayvon was "criminal minded", you're saying he deserved to be shot for what he MIGHT have been thinking.

Bottom line is that Zimmerman followed Trayvon, accosted him and shot him. He needs to be tried by a jury of his peers, for that crime.

Blow it out your ass you racist fucking bitch. Trayvon deserved to die if his intention was to kill Zimmerman, an eyewitness statements agree. You idiots keep saying Zimmerman followed Trayvon no one is disputing that but what you always leave out is that Zimmerman stopped following Trayvon and while going back to his truck Trayvon jumped zimmerman.
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Trayvon was suspended for illegal drugs, for vandalism, and for chronic tardiness (this year alone!). And, he wasn't punished for being caught with a burglary tool and stolen jewelry. His social webpages show that he was a hardcore racist. Trayvon was a piece of shit that would have ended up in prison or killed, if he hadn't met Zimmerman.

17yr old Zimmerman had never been suspended for anything, that I've heard. Zimmerman has never been convicted of any crime. Everything about Zimmerman shows he wasn't racist. Zimmerman was a good guy, all around. And, his zealousness for watching the neighborhood is something all of us decent people would love to have in our neighborhood.

Was Trayvon Martin commiting a crime when he was chased by George Zimmerman?

If the answer is no, then anything he has done in the past is bullshit.

But if its NOT bullshit, then...

Zimmerman was fired from a job providing security for private partys because he was too aggressive.

So he has a history of overreaction.

Does that make him guilty? FUCK NO!

But its convicts him as much as your post convicts Martin.

Trayvon according to Eyewitnesses was committing a crime of assault with the intent to kill or do bodily damage.

Trayvon was suspended for illegal drugs, for vandalism, and for chronic tardiness (this year alone!). And, he wasn't punished for being caught with a burglary tool and stolen jewelry. His social webpages show that he was a hardcore racist. Trayvon was a piece of shit that would have ended up in prison or killed, if he hadn't met Zimmerman.

17yr old Zimmerman had never been suspended for anything, that I've heard. Zimmerman has never been convicted of any crime. Everything about Zimmerman shows he wasn't racist. Zimmerman was a good guy, all around. And, his zealousness for watching the neighborhood is something all of us decent people would love to have in our neighborhood.


You somehow have a problem with facts?
Trayvon was suspended for illegal drugs, for vandalism, and for chronic tardiness (this year alone!). And, he wasn't punished for being caught with a burglary tool and stolen jewelry. His social webpages show that he was a hardcore racist. Trayvon was a piece of shit that would have ended up in prison or killed, if he hadn't met Zimmerman.

17yr old Zimmerman had never been suspended for anything, that I've heard. Zimmerman has never been convicted of any crime. Everything about Zimmerman shows he wasn't racist. Zimmerman was a good guy, all around. And, his zealousness for watching the neighborhood is something all of us decent people would love to have in our neighborhood.

Was Trayvon Martin commiting a crime when he was chased by George Zimmerman?

If the answer is no, then anything he has done in the past is bullshit.

But if its NOT bullshit, then...

Zimmerman was fired from a job providing security for private partys because he was too aggressive.

So he has a history of overreaction.

Does that make him guilty? FUCK NO!

But its convicts him as much as your post convicts Martin.

Trayvon according to Eyewitnesses was committing a crime of assault with the intent to kill or do bodily damage.

UNLESS Trayvon felt threatened by George Zimmermans pursuit of him. THEN, the Stand Your Ground law gave him the legal freedom to use whatever force he felt necessary to defend himself.

Shame he's dead and we will never know, huh?

I understand defending Zimmerman. What I don't get is NOT defending Martins position as well.
Was Trayvon Martin commiting a crime when he was chased by George Zimmerman?

If the answer is no, then anything he has done in the past is bullshit.

But if its NOT bullshit, then...

Zimmerman was fired from a job providing security for private partys because he was too aggressive.

So he has a history of overreaction.

Does that make him guilty? FUCK NO!

But its convicts him as much as your post convicts Martin.

Trayvon according to Eyewitnesses was committing a crime of assault with the intent to kill or do bodily damage.

UNLESS Trayvon felt threatened by George Zimmermans pursuit of him. THEN, the Stand Your Ground law gave him the legal freedom to use whatever force he felt necessary to defend himself.

Shame he's dead and we will never know, huh?

I understand defending Zimmerman. What I don't get is NOT defending Martins position as well.

What someone felt does not equate to what eyewitnesses saw. Get the fact and thats what is used in court. unless it's the lynch mob court.
Trayvon according to Eyewitnesses was committing a crime of assault with the intent to kill or do bodily damage.

UNLESS Trayvon felt threatened by George Zimmermans pursuit of him. THEN, the Stand Your Ground law gave him the legal freedom to use whatever force he felt necessary to defend himself.

Shame he's dead and we will never know, huh?

I understand defending Zimmerman. What I don't get is NOT defending Martins position as well.

What someone felt does not equate to what eyewitnesses saw. Get the fact and thats what is used in court. unless it's the lynch mob court.

Actually that's the whole point of the Stand Your Ground law: what someone felt. If they felt threatened , then they have the legal freedom to defend themselves.
UNLESS Trayvon felt threatened by George Zimmermans pursuit of him. THEN, the Stand Your Ground law gave him the legal freedom to use whatever force he felt necessary to defend himself.

Shame he's dead and we will never know, huh?

I understand defending Zimmerman. What I don't get is NOT defending Martins position as well.

What someone felt does not equate to what eyewitnesses saw. Get the fact and thats what is used in court. unless it's the lynch mob court.

Actually that's the whole point of the Stand Your Ground law: what someone felt. If they felt threatened , then they have the legal freedom to defend themselves.

Trayvon ran when he did that and Zimmerman told the police he got away stand your ground no longer applies to Trayvon. How do we know Trayvon ran? Because the fight never took place where Zimmerman first reported seeing Trayvon.
Was Trayvon Martin commiting a crime when he was chased by George Zimmerman?

If the answer is no, then anything he has done in the past is bullshit.

But if its NOT bullshit, then...

Zimmerman was fired from a job providing security for private partys because he was too aggressive.

So he has a history of overreaction.

Does that make him guilty? FUCK NO!

But its convicts him as much as your post convicts Martin.

Trayvon according to Eyewitnesses was committing a crime of assault with the intent to kill or do bodily damage.

UNLESS Trayvon felt threatened by George Zimmermans pursuit of him. THEN, the Stand Your Ground law gave him the legal freedom to use whatever force he felt necessary to defend himself.

Shame he's dead and we will never know, huh?

I understand defending Zimmerman. What I don't get is NOT defending Martins position as well.

I've defended both.... in my view, neither is guilty until proven. I am deeply saddened by such a tragic waste of a young life. It should not have happened.... that is certain, as far as I am concerned. What I will not do is use an emotional response instead of a logical one. From the beginning of this tragedy, Zimmerman has been lied about, misrepresented and hounded by the media who created a story instead of reporting it, by publicity whores like Sharpton, Obama and has had his life put at risk by more publicity whores like Spike Lee and the drooling racists of the NBP. For the past week or so, Martin's reputation has been trashed in what I can only assume is a deeply misguided attempt to balance the ranting against Zimmerman.
Trayvon ran when he did that and Zimmerman told the police he got away stand your ground no longer applies to Trayvon. How do we know Trayvon ran? Because the fight never took place where Zimmerman first reported seeing Trayvon.

Some people are so fucking stupid.... If Trayvon ran home, he would have been home long before the shooting.

No way that little kid was beating up that big guy. And if he was, it was because Zimmerman came at him with a gun.

You right wingers who defend this murderer will have your own special place in hell next to Zimmerman. And gay people will be in heaven laughing at you.

Because I don't think any of you will ask for forgiveness before you die for being racists. You sure don't seem ashamed now and you probably don't even realize that you are pure evil pricks. If there is a hell, Satan is waiting for you.

You stupid racist bigot!

Trayvon Martin (on the right) is big enough to beat up, do major bodily harm or kill the other 13 people in this photo with him. According to the FBI criminal data 17 year old males are the most violent killers of any other age group.

No way that little kid was beating up that big guy. And if he was, it was because Zimmerman came at him with a gun.

You right wingers who defend this murderer will have your own special place in hell next to Zimmerman. And gay people will be in heaven laughing at you.

Because I don't think any of you will ask for forgiveness before you die for being racists. You sure don't seem ashamed now and you probably don't even realize that you are pure evil pricks. If there is a hell, Satan is waiting for you.

You stupid racist bigot!

Trayvon Martin (on the right) is big enough to beat up, do major bodily harm or kill the other 13 people in this photo with him. According to the FBI criminal data 17 year old males are the most violent killers of any other age group.

What a nice looking family and how sad you use this picture to make your race baiting "points."
Hate to bust the Al Sharpton fan club bubble here but the latest is the DA's investigator has just finished an in depth interview with the witness "John" who is an eye witness and was there minutes before the shooting.
Martin attacked Zimmerman, body slammed him to the ground, hit him in the nose with a can, was slamming his head on the concrete and Zimmerman was screami9ng for help.
Eye witness that saw it all.
But I will STILL WAIT for the full report.
But it appears that Martin was the attacker and Zimerman acted in self defense.
I was wrong, totally wrong. I thought this was a manslaughter case.
This is a self defense case it appears.

If you really think that Scott's office is going to hand Obama a plum like letting his Justice Department do the state's job for it, you're delusional.
No way that little kid was beating up that big guy. And if he was, it was because Zimmerman came at him with a gun.

You right wingers who defend this murderer will have your own special place in hell next to Zimmerman. And gay people will be in heaven laughing at you.

Because I don't think any of you will ask for forgiveness before you die for being racists. You sure don't seem ashamed now and you probably don't even realize that you are pure evil pricks. If there is a hell, Satan is waiting for you.

You stupid racist bigot!

Trayvon Martin (on the right) is big enough to beat up, do major bodily harm or kill the other 13 people in this photo with him. According to the FBI criminal data 17 year old males are the most violent killers of any other age group.

What a nice looking family and how sad you use this picture to make your race baiting "points."

Makes you wonder what goes through some of their heads...

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