New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

Did Lord Obama contact her directly?


"I am Trayvons father.."
If her son would not have POSSIBLY jumped on Zimmerman FIRST then this entire incident would have been avoided.
YOU AND I do not know what happened.
NEITHER does this publicity hungry mother that has been on TV too much AFTER Zimmerman was arrested.
"We just want an arrest"
NO, they want publicity for their civil suit.
Why the hell is this woman STILL giving interviews AFTER the arrest?
Damn, WAKE THE HELL UP. This is getting outrageous.

Oh stop.

Why is she on TV after the arrest?
What mother would continue to do that?
What good does it do?

sells more tshirts so she can make more money off of her patents?
So..I guess this shows she's on crack?

"The 'accident' I was referring to was the fact that George Zimmerman and my son ever crossed paths. It was an accidental encounter. If George Zimmerman hadn't gotten out of his vehicle, this entire incident would have been avoided."

If her son, who was suspended from school had been disciplined and grounded and that grounding enforced, he wouldn't be dead either.
I saw Trayvon's mother on this morning.
"This incident was an accident"
She is right, not 2nd degree murder. An accident.

She's since retracted that statement...............

Updated at 1:15 p.m. ET: Trayvon Martin's mother retracted her comments that she believes her son's fatal shooting by George Zimmerman was an accident, telling MSNBC-TV on Thursday afternoon that she actually believes "George Zimmerman stalked my son and murdered him in cold blood."

In an interview Thursday morning on NBC's TODAY show, Sybrina Fulton had said: "I believe it was an accident. I believe that it just got out of control and he couldn't turn the clock back."

After Fulton's remarks drew widespread media attention, Ryan Julison, a spokesman for the Martin family, emailed a statement to MSNBC TV saying her comments had been "mischaracterized."

"When I referenced the word 'accident' today with regard to Trayvon's death, in NO way did I mean the shooting was an accident," Fulton said.

"My son was profiled, followed and murdered by George Zimmerman, and there was nothing accidental about that," she said, clarifying that the "accident" was that Martin and Zimmerman ever crossed paths

U.S. News - Update: Trayvon Martin's mom retracts 'accident' characterization, says Zimmerman killed him in 'cold blood'

MSNBC Al Sharpton & Ben Crump got on her ass for being honest.
Not so stupid considering the wackos were screeching "ANYONE WHO KILLS A CHILD DESERVES TO DIE!!" just a couple of days ago...the fact that Trayvon was a so-called *child* was the justification for calling for Zimmerman's lynching.
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Not so stupid considering the wackos were screeching "ANYONE WHO KILLS A CHILD DESERVES TO DIE!!" just a couple of days ago...the fact that Trayvon was a so-called *child* was the justification for calling for Zimmerman's lynching.

I agree, in the span of less than a year, Trayvon could have been in Afghanistan, he was NOT a child. My Father, along with many more, lied about his age when he was 17 to get into the Army Air Corps, he was flying missions out of England within a year. The media purposely showed nothing but photographs that were a minimum of 3 years old to tug at the heart strings of every parent, that was a huge distortion of the fact that this so called child was a 6'-3" wanna be gangsta. I don't give a shit about the weight difference, the leverage of a 6'3" guy's swing, especially when hitting unexpectedly, will deck most anyone. Look how quickly the taller guy in the viral video from Baltimore went down when he was sucker punched by the smaller shithead that had just stolen his car keys. It is certainly not hard to picture Zimmerman being knocked senseless by the towering teenager only to be jumped on and pounded on the ground. If he then pulled his gun to defend himself and the rage and adrenalin filled Trayvon saw it, his natural instinct would have been to take it away from Zimmerman which could have easily led to the gun going off into his chest......... this just isn't that hard to figure out.
The apologist can continue to pretend that Trayvon was minding his own business with a halo above his head but I highly doubt it. The mere fact that we were led to believe he was a wonderful little angel tells me to think different.
Not so stupid considering the wackos were screeching "ANYONE WHO KILLS A CHILD DESERVES TO DIE!!" just a couple of days ago...the fact that Trayvon was a so-called *child* was the justification for calling for Zimmerman's lynching.

No its quite stupid and it just points to how pathetic you really are. You are literally scraping the bottom of the barrel in order to have a point in this case.
You are trying to say martin isn't a child and using his mother as evidence. Which in reality she is poor evidence and massively bias about the situation.

She is the grieving mother and should be given wide birth to what she says. Its understandable but you don't take it so seriously as fact.

So go away finally, you've proven well enough you are just a lying troll and this cements it.

Might be a good idea not to use the words of a grieving mother to whip up a lynch mob too.

Everyone seems to agree that Zimmerman would not be safe if he gets out on bail. Why is that ? Are Floridians just violent by nature or is it something else they are afraid to say?
If her son would not have POSSIBLY jumped on Zimmerman FIRST then this entire incident would have been avoided.
YOU AND I do not know what happened.
NEITHER does this publicity hungry mother that has been on TV too much AFTER Zimmerman was arrested.
"We just want an arrest"
NO, they want publicity for their civil suit.
Why the hell is this woman STILL giving interviews AFTER the arrest?
Damn, WAKE THE HELL UP. This is getting outrageous.

Oh stop.

Why is she on TV after the arrest?
What mother would continue to do that?
What good does it do?

The same question could be posed about the parents of Casey Anthony as well.
She also referred to her son as a young man.

Not a child.

My Grandparents (who raised me after my mother died when I was 8), started calling me a young man when I hit 13 years old, even though by most definitions, I could still be considered a child at that age as well.

Keep grabbing at straws Krusty Twit, first it was she's on crack, now it's that she called her son a young man which means in your pinhead little brain that he's an adult.

Keep going Krusty Twit.................just keep rolling with the bullshit.................
Not so stupid considering the wackos were screeching "ANYONE WHO KILLS A CHILD DESERVES TO DIE!!" just a couple of days ago...the fact that Trayvon was a so-called *child* was the justification for calling for Zimmerman's lynching.

I agree, in the span of less than a year, Trayvon could have been in Afghanistan, he was NOT a child. My Father, along with many more, lied about his age when he was 17 to get into the Army Air Corps, he was flying missions out of England within a year. The media purposely showed nothing but photographs that were a minimum of 3 years old to tug at the heart strings of every parent, that was a huge distortion of the fact that this so called child was a 6'-3" wanna be gangsta. I don't give a shit about the weight difference, the leverage of a 6'3" guy's swing, especially when hitting unexpectedly, will deck most anyone. Look how quickly the taller guy in the viral video from Baltimore went down when he was sucker punched by the smaller shithead that had just stolen his car keys. It is certainly not hard to picture Zimmerman being knocked senseless by the towering teenager only to be jumped on and pounded on the ground. If he then pulled his gun to defend himself and the rage and adrenalin filled Trayvon saw it, his natural instinct would have been to take it away from Zimmerman which could have easily led to the gun going off into his chest......... this just isn't that hard to figure out.
The apologist can continue to pretend that Trayvon was minding his own business with a halo above his head but I highly doubt it. The mere fact that we were led to believe he was a wonderful little angel tells me to think different.
Many of these things have been covered over and over here (back and forth), but some have to work it politically to their benefit somehow, in order to work out the long term values of this inccident in which had turned deadly in a traggic way, but yet ended up being a firestorm for others in what they see as a useful thing in so many other ways for them. Some people hope for a political outcome way on down the road now from it all, where there is a larger agenda attached to a larger picture at hand in all of this for some, and this has been fueled by people who have spouted off their mouths big time in direct evidence of, and they have revealed their agenda's, their racism, their biases and hopes in the ways that this has been spun and spun and spun in order to go now in their favor regardless of what actually happened that traggic night.

This thing had to go to trial, but can there actually be a fair trial in such a circus atmosphere, in which will seek now to intimidate the judge possibly, and the court or anything else that can be intimidated in order to control the outcome, in which for some (alot is riding upon), where justice may not be the only thing looked for in all of this by some anylonger, and that is just sad at the end of the day for Justice, Trayvon, and Zimmerman.

What if Zimmerman and Trayvons mother came together, and Zimmerman spoke to her saying that what happened that night was a traggedy of epic preporptions, and that he had mistaken Trayvon for a possible suspect in the area, (by my understanding) so he Zimmerman was asked to get a closer look see, of who the man was (description), but Trayvon was in a hoodie, so Zimmerman couldnot tell immediately his color or other traits for identifying Trayvon (while talking to 9-11 on the phone), then Trayvon came closer (Zimmerman began identifying him), and this is when Trayvon got leary of the man (zimmerman), for watching him, so he tried to get away from him, but was followed briefly by Zimmerman ( where the 9-11 operator told him that ("we don't need you to do that"), zimmerman replied OK... Trayvon had then somehow avaded him, as Zimmerman turned back to return to his truck for his own safety (not knowing who Trayvon was or might have been), when all of a sudden (by my understanding) Trayvon surprised Zimmerman (asking if he Zimmerman had a problem), and when Zimmerman said no, Trayvon said well you do now and decked Zimmerman (understandably), then in the struggle between the two, a gun goes off and kills Trayvon, allowing Zimmerman to get up at that point, brush himself off, and begin to realize that he had just shot a young man who was un-armed & later found to be innocent. The cops came and arrested Zimmerman (placing him in cufffs) and Zimmermans life had changed forever, as an innocent man lay dead on the ground by his hand mistakenly.

What if Trayvons mother begins to see the mistakes that were made that fateful night by both men involved, and see's that Zimmerman is not the racist that he was painted out to be by the media, but just a neighborhood watchmen who made a huge mistake, and decides at that point that Zimmerman need not suffer at the hands of what had happened that night to her son, in which is "the media trying to also do to Zimmerman" (profile him) without all the facts and evidence at hand, in which is shockingly the same thing that was done to her son Trayvon that night by Zimmerman, in which led to the traggic event ?

What if she truly finds that Zimmerman, once she meets him, is not the dog racist the media had painted him out to be, but instead is a person who had made a huge mis-judgement in his life, that ultimately cost her son his life in the situation (finding Zimmerman terribly sorrowful for the situation), where she also realizes that Trayvon (knowing him), may have added to the mistakes that were made that night as well, in which led to his death at the hands of Zimmerman on a very confused night in which the two had become engaged, and yes of course these two men came together in a highly suspicious way of each other (due the crime in the area sadly enough), thus leading to a traggedy that left one man dead and another in terminal grief over the death of an innocent person in which was traggically killed on that very sad night?

What if Trayvons mother forgives Zimmerman somehow, and wishes that no more confusion comes of this traggic situation anylonger, where another mans life also hangs in the balance now, as a result of it all ?

Until these people all meet up with each other somehow soon, and stop all the media circus over the event, a proper trial cannot be conducted.

Long live the United States of America, and may justice find her way in all that is needed by her, for she is the greatest Nation to have ever strived to Unite under God, in peace, in honor and in faith.

Again what is this watchmen thing that goes on, and who hires them, why aren't they (these watchmen) properly clothed for identification purposes, where as these are the issues that need to be adressed big time also as a result of this traggic case, because these issues led to a traggedy that wouldnot have occured, if these simple protocols would have been followed. The Gardian Angels dress with a dress code, and they have a protocol, what happened here is simply rediculous.

My prayers go out to all who are involved directly in this situation, and I hope it is resolved decently and in order. I have no vile accusations against Trayvon, and I have no vile accusations gainst Zimmerman, except to comment upon what I have been reading in it all, that causes me to wonder what exactly did happen between these two on that traggic night down in FLa. and how can it be avoided in the future... God Bless :eusa_pray:
Now, I want to know why others aren't considered by the justice department (to be brought in and given a stern talkin to), for their role in inciting violence, conspiricy to commit murder, blunt racism and calls for riots in the streets as well ?

I can't figure out why Spike Lee isn't on the carpet tommorow for giving out an addy of a person who is presumed innocent, until proven guilty in a court of law (i.e. he took matters into his own hands), when he is supposed to be a level headed and role model person in society, instead of a petty vigilanti as he had become when committed such an act as he had committed ?

Anybody have the answers to this type of stuff in respect to this case ?

Justice should be blind always, and it is our duty as citizens to make sure that justice remains blind always, and not the opposite.
So no one has been killed in Australia since your gun ban?
Never said they hadn't but it is around 19 to 24 per year for 22 million Aussies.......compared to over 10,000 Americans population 260 million so if I made a comparison IF AUSTRALIA HAD 260 million population that would work out at 288 deaths to your over 10,000.................I am sorry to show you up as a FOOL,THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS WHEN FOOLS ARE ALLOWED TO CARRY A GUN........AUSTRALIA GUN FREEEEEEEEE........and Happy........I don't think you have read my subsequent posts above and previous page....I MAKE A POINT OF NOT REPEATING MYSELF,THERE IS LITTLE POINT WHEN DEALING WITH A DUMB ASS LIKE YOU and ARIEX get your lazy ass off your chair and check back...thanks tl living GUN FREE Cos AUSTRALIANS ARE THE FUTURE..................FLORIDA GUN LAWS ARE SHIT BY THE WAY...........AND MENTAL
Severe gun control there should be 0 murders.
Well we do have a CRIMINAL ELEMENT IN AUSTRALIA the 20 odd per year are mostly Drug Dealers HOORAY and some Bickie Gangs,who obtain illegal weapons but 20 out of 22million in todays world is a good effort by the government and law enforcement.

Anyway what authority do you have saying that the figure be 0 ???????? coming from a GUN TOTING GUN CULTURED INDIVIDUAL SUCH AS YOU,WHO AGREES WITH GUNS.

BUT all your and others figures are crap properganda from the US GUN LOBBY........We FUCKED THEM OFF OUT OF OUR COUNTRY YEARS AGO,THEY ARE AND WERE FOUND TO BE LIARS AND
Not so stupid considering the wackos were screeching "ANYONE WHO KILLS A CHILD DESERVES TO DIE!!" just a couple of days ago...the fact that Trayvon was a so-called *child* was the justification for calling for Zimmerman's lynching.

I agree, in the span of less than a year, Trayvon could have been in Afghanistan, he was NOT a child. My Father, along with many more, lied about his age when he was 17 to get into the Army Air Corps, he was flying missions out of England within a year. The media purposely showed nothing but photographs that were a minimum of 3 years old to tug at the heart strings of every parent, that was a huge distortion of the fact that this so called child was a 6'-3" wanna be gangsta. I don't give a shit about the weight difference, the leverage of a 6'3" guy's swing, especially when hitting unexpectedly, will deck most anyone. Look how quickly the taller guy in the viral video from Baltimore went down when he was sucker punched by the smaller shithead that had just stolen his car keys. It is certainly not hard to picture Zimmerman being knocked senseless by the towering teenager only to be jumped on and pounded on the ground. If he then pulled his gun to defend himself and the rage and adrenalin filled Trayvon saw it, his natural instinct would have been to take it away from Zimmerman which could have easily led to the gun going off into his chest......... this just isn't that hard to figure out.
The apologist can continue to pretend that Trayvon was minding his own business with a halo above his head but I highly doubt it. The mere fact that we were led to believe he was a wonderful little angel tells me to think different.
Many of these things have been covered over and over here (back and forth), but some have to work it politically to their benefit somehow, in order to work out the long term values of this inccident in which had turned deadly in a traggic way, but yet ended up being a firestorm for others in what they see as a useful thing in so many other ways for them. Some people hope for a political outcome way on down the road now from it all, where there is a larger agenda attached to a larger picture at hand in all of this for some, and this has been fueled by people who have spouted off their mouths big time in direct evidence of, and they have revealed their agenda's, their racism, their biases and hopes in the ways that this has been spun and spun and spun in order to go now in their favor regardless of what actually happened that traggic night.

This thing had to go to trial, but can there actually be a fair trial in such a circus atmosphere, in which will seek now to intimidate the judge possibly, and the court or anything else that can be intimidated in order to control the outcome, in which for some (alot is riding upon), where justice may not be the only thing looked for in all of this by some anylonger, and that is just sad at the end of the day for Justice, Trayvon, and Zimmerman.

What if Zimmerman and Trayvons mother came together, and Zimmerman spoke to her saying that what happened that night was a traggedy of epic preporptions, and that he had mistaken Trayvon for a possible suspect in the area, (by my understanding) so he Zimmerman was asked to get a closer look see, of who the man was (description), but Trayvon was in a hoodie, so Zimmerman couldnot tell immediately his color or other traits for identifying Trayvon (while talking to 9-11 on the phone), then Trayvon came closer (Zimmerman began identifying him), and this is when Trayvon got leary of the man (zimmerman), for watching him, so he tried to get away from him, but was followed briefly by Zimmerman ( where the 9-11 operator told him that ("we don't need you to do that"), zimmerman replied OK... Trayvon had then somehow avaded him, as Zimmerman turned back to return to his truck for his own safety (not knowing who Trayvon was or might have been), when all of a sudden (by my understanding) Trayvon surprised Zimmerman (asking if he Zimmerman had a problem), and when Zimmerman said no, Trayvon said well you do now and decked Zimmerman (understandably), then in the struggle between the two, a gun goes off and kills Trayvon, allowing Zimmerman to get up at that point, brush himself off, and begin to realize that he had just shot a young man who was un-armed & later found to be innocent. The cops came and arrested Zimmerman (placing him in cufffs) and Zimmermans life had changed forever, as an innocent man lay dead on the ground by his hand mistakenly.

What if Trayvons mother begins to see the mistakes that were made that fateful night by both men involved, and see's that Zimmerman is not the racist that he was painted out to be by the media, but just a neighborhood watchmen who made a huge mistake, and decides at that point that Zimmerman need not suffer at the hands of what had happened that night to her son, in which is "the media trying to also do to Zimmerman" (profile him) without all the facts and evidence at hand, in which is shockingly the same thing that was done to her son Trayvon that night by Zimmerman, in which led to the traggic event ?

What if she truly finds that Zimmerman, once she meets him, is not the dog racist the media had painted him out to be, but instead is a person who had made a huge mis-judgement in his life, that ultimately cost her son his life in the situation (finding Zimmerman terribly sorrowful for the situation), where she also realizes that Trayvon (knowing him), may have added to the mistakes that were made that night as well, in which led to his death at the hands of Zimmerman on a very confused night in which the two had become engaged, and yes of course these two men came together in a highly suspicious way of each other (due the crime in the area sadly enough), thus leading to a traggedy that left one man dead and another in terminal grief over the death of an innocent person in which was traggically killed on that very sad night?

What if Trayvons mother forgives Zimmerman somehow, and wishes that no more confusion comes of this traggic situation anylonger, where another mans life also hangs in the balance now, as a result of it all ?

Until these people all meet up with each other somehow soon, and stop all the media circus over the event, a proper trial cannot be conducted.

Long live the United States of America, and may justice find her way in all that is needed by her, for she is the greatest Nation to have ever strived to Unite under God, in peace, in honor and in faith.

Again what is this watchmen thing that goes on, and who hires them, why aren't they (these watchmen) properly clothed for identification purposes, where as these are the issues that need to be adressed big time also as a result of this traggic case, because these issues led to a traggedy that wouldnot have occured, if these simple protocols would have been followed. The Gardian Angels dress with a dress code, and they have a protocol, what happened here is simply rediculous.

My prayers go out to all who are involved directly in this situation, and I hope it is resolved decently and in order. I have no vile accusations against Trayvon, and I have no vile accusations gainst Zimmerman, except to comment upon what I have been reading in it all, that causes me to wonder what exactly did happen between these two on that traggic night down in FLa. and how can it be avoided in the future... God Bless :eusa_pray:

A lot of "what ifs" in that post. What if, the stolen jewels found in Martin's backpack at school came from that neighborhood?

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