New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

So..I guess this shows she's on crack?

"The 'accident' I was referring to was the fact that George Zimmerman and my son ever crossed paths. It was an accidental encounter. If George Zimmerman hadn't gotten out of his vehicle, this entire incident would have been avoided."

If her son would not have POSSIBLY jumped on Zimmerman FIRST then this entire incident would have been avoided.
YOU AND I do not know what happened.
NEITHER does this publicity hungry mother that has been on TV too much AFTER Zimmerman was arrested.
"We just want an arrest"
NO, they want publicity for their civil suit.
Why the hell is this woman STILL giving interviews AFTER the arrest?
Damn, WAKE THE HELL UP. This is getting outrageous.

You sir are an idiot.

If one of my daughters had been killed and the person who did it walked away without a charge, Id be screaming into every goddamned camera and microphone as loud as I could until something was done.

Its a national story now. You think the family isnt going to be asked questions? That they should just hide away until it all blows over? Youre living in fantasy land.

AND...the ONLY thing Ive heard the moptehr say since the arrest is," This is all we wanted. Just an arrest. Thank you."

Trayvon Martin's mom: "We simply wanted an arrest" - CBS News

Youve made some actually good points in this thread when you werent pushing the limits of good tastes and reason. Now simmer down a bit, get off your pedestal and speak from the facts.
Not so stupid considering the wackos were screeching "ANYONE WHO KILLS A CHILD DESERVES TO DIE!!" just a couple of days ago...the fact that Trayvon was a so-called *child* was the justification for calling for Zimmerman's lynching.

No its quite stupid and it just points to how pathetic you really are. You are literally scraping the bottom of the barrel in order to have a point in this case.
You are trying to say martin isn't a child and using his mother as evidence. Which in reality she is poor evidence and massively bias about the situation.

She is the grieving mother and should be given wide birth to what she says. Its understandable but you don't take it so seriously as fact.

So go away finally, you've proven well enough you are just a lying troll and this cements it.

Wide birth?


I know what I'm trying to say, as I'm not trying to say it at all, but I'm saying it in reality.

I'm saying that you and the rest of the lynch mob get all het up using the term "child" as if he was a little baby boy with a lollipop, short pants and a straw hat.

And even his own mother calls him a young man and says it is the result of an unfortunate altercation instead of him being hunted down by a babykiller....
Sanford chief of police Bill Lee was on scene of the shooting of Trayvon the night of the shooting. He consulted with State Norman Wolfinger in person that night while Zimmerman was in custody. They decided not to charge Zimmerman & let him go. This was not about good ol boy racism in the Sanford PD, this case was dropped at the highest levels.

Also the surveillance video of Zimmerman at the police station that has been shown to us is actually a video of the video playing on a monitor. You can tell by the frame moving around. It is not the original video. The Sanford PD have the original higher definition video.
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Not so stupid considering the wackos were screeching "ANYONE WHO KILLS A CHILD DESERVES TO DIE!!" just a couple of days ago...the fact that Trayvon was a so-called *child* was the justification for calling for Zimmerman's lynching.

No its quite stupid and it just points to how pathetic you really are. You are literally scraping the bottom of the barrel in order to have a point in this case.
You are trying to say martin isn't a child and using his mother as evidence. Which in reality she is poor evidence and massively bias about the situation.

She is the grieving mother and should be given wide birth to what she says. Its understandable but you don't take it so seriously as fact.

So go away finally, you've proven well enough you are just a lying troll and this cements it.

Wide birth?


I know what I'm trying to say, as I'm not trying to say it at all, but I'm saying it in reality.

I'm saying that you and the rest of the lynch mob get all het up using the term "child" as if he was a little baby boy with a lollipop, short pants and a straw hat.

And even his own mother calls him a young man and says it is the result of an unfortunate altercation instead of him being hunted down by a babykiller....

My 23 year old daughter is still my baby. And she always will be.

I would expect ANY parent would agree.

And if you have children and can't at least empathize with Trayvons mother, then you're soulless.
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No its quite stupid and it just points to how pathetic you really are. You are literally scraping the bottom of the barrel in order to have a point in this case.
You are trying to say martin isn't a child and using his mother as evidence. Which in reality she is poor evidence and massively bias about the situation.

She is the grieving mother and should be given wide birth to what she says. Its understandable but you don't take it so seriously as fact.

So go away finally, you've proven well enough you are just a lying troll and this cements it.

Wide birth?


I know what I'm trying to say, as I'm not trying to say it at all, but I'm saying it in reality.

I'm saying that you and the rest of the lynch mob get all het up using the term "child" as if he was a little baby boy with a lollipop, short pants and a straw hat.

And even his own mother calls him a young man and says it is the result of an unfortunate altercation instead of him being hunted down by a babykiller....

My 23 year old daughter is still my baby. And she always will be.

I would expect ANY parent would agree.

And if you have children and can't at least empathize with Trayvons mother, then you're soulless.
I have an astounding son in his 20's - and he'll always be my baby.
My 23 year old daughter is still my baby. And she always will be.

I would expect ANY parent would agree.

And if you have children and can't at least empathize with Trayvons mother, then you're soulless.
I have an astounding son in his 20's - and he'll always be my baby.

This is what happens when hacks get internet connections. She almost makes NOL look sane, Almost.

Considering how unspooled NOL was, that's saying a lot.
She also referred to her son as a young man.

Not a child.

My Grandparents (who raised me after my mother died when I was 8), started calling me a young man when I hit 13 years old, even though by most definitions, I could still be considered a child at that age as well.

Keep grabbing at straws Krusty Twit, first it was she's on crack, now it's that she called her son a young man which means in your pinhead little brain that he's an adult.

Keep going Krusty Twit.................just keep rolling with the bullshit.................

Since you brought it up, suppose this incident had gone the other way, and Trayvon Martin had killed Zimmerman. Would the 17 year-old Martin be charged and tried as a juvenile,or as an adult? If convicted, would he go to juvenile detention, or adult prison?
She also referred to her son as a young man.

Not a child.

My Grandparents (who raised me after my mother died when I was 8), started calling me a young man when I hit 13 years old, even though by most definitions, I could still be considered a child at that age as well.

Keep grabbing at straws Krusty Twit, first it was she's on crack, now it's that she called her son a young man which means in your pinhead little brain that he's an adult.

Keep going Krusty Twit.................just keep rolling with the bullshit.................

Since you brought it up, suppose this incident had gone the other way, and Trayvon Martin had killed Zimmerman. Would the 17 year-old Martin be charged and tried as a juvenile,or as an adult? If convicted, would he go to juvenile detention, or adult prison?

If Trayvon had killed Zimmerman, then:

1) We never would have heard about it

2) He would have been arrested that night

3) He probably would have been tried as an adult

4) And, in my opinion, he could have said it was self defense because who knows who this strange guy is thats following him?

Now, what if Trayvon was WHITE? Think Zimmerman would have been arrested then? Bet the cops would have listed Zimmerman as hispanic if THAT had been the case...
When you return from make believe land, let us know and we'll continue the conversation.
I don't engage in fantasy. Since that is all you deal in, you probably won't be having many meaningful convos with me, aside from me poining out your overweening vapidity.
Sanford chief of police Bill Lee was on scene of the shooting of Trayvon the night of the shooting. He consulted with State Norman Wolfinger in person that night while Zimmerman was in custody. They decided not to charge Zimmerman & let him go. This was not about good ol boy racism in the Sanford PD, this case was dropped at the highest levels.

In a statement issued Monday, Wolfinger denied any such meeting took place.
“I encourage the Justice Department to investigate and document that no such meeting or communication occurred. I have been encouraging those spreading the irresponsible rhetoric to stop and allow State Attorney Angela Corey to complete her work.”

New Accusations In Trayvon Martin Shooting « CBS Miami


Trayvon Martin Case: Martin Family Lawyers Allege Police Chief And Prosecutor Overruled Affidavit

War of words continues in Trayvon Martin case -
Ok, it all has gotten this far now, but isn't anyone curious beyond the traggedy, of why Trayvon went from being this great looking kid with so much potential and promise in the photo's shown early on, to a young man looking like he was heading for trouble in the latter photo's shown ?

So I can't help but wonder, who became Trayvon's mentors later in his life, that had him engagng in the things he was engaged in on facebook as was reported, and who was taking him down into the ditches or influencing him to begin wearing what apeared to be gangsta style clothing (the hoodie), and sporting a gold grill in his mouth and (tatoo's,?), to my understanding, in which in no way represents the young man in the earlier photo's that were shown? These are all things that do show a possible huge change in Trayvon's character with a certain time period, by styles of clothes worn, the tatoos, the gold grill, and this all before this traggic night struck, in which ended his highly potential journey in life, as a great person to be a positive part of society for years to come ?

What caused Zimmerman to profile Trayvon as a possible crimminal suspect in the area, when he was elected to patrol the area looking for possible suspects to be learking around, all due to the recent break in's that had occurred in the gated community or area?

If people don't adress these things with their kids, then there is a very high potential for these mistakes to be made again and again, and on and on in this nation (because the real bad guy's will use the young wanta be's as their shields), otherwise if they can keep the law guessing as to who is who out there on the streets, while they go about doing their bad business in society, then they have accomplished what they wanted to accomplish in it all, in which is to confuse the law by recruiting wanta be's as their unsuspecting decoy's in life, and all in hopes that the law will stay busy trying to weed it all out constantly, while they (they bad guy's) get away or run around in the confusion of it all (burgularizing, selling, raping, pilaging, killing, gangbanging etc.), while being shielded with their newly wanta be human shields, who these shields thought they were doing such a cool thing by associating themselves with these kinds of hardcore bad guy's, as it seems that they do more and more in society these days.

These are mistakes that no parent wants for their children to become subjected to in their lives, so why don't the parents recognize by what it is that their kids are being engaged in, and subjected to, when the evidence is right there in their faces, or is it that they buy into this Hollywood mainstream TV ideals myth, that the youth can sport any style of clothing, wear tatoo's and gold grills that the gangsta's wear, whom stay in trouble and doing bad things, without any mistaken their children out on the streets as being a gangsta, criminal element etc. also, and this by law enforcement and/or other? If these young folks are found in a perfect storm so to speak, where too many elements of confusion all fall together at the wrong time, in which is what has happened (I think for the young smart looking highly potential young man in those photo's)-Trayvon Martin, who may have had all this that I speak of, happen to him on that traggic night down there in Fla. sadly enough, then who are we to blame as a result of ? Should Zimmerman only get the blame for mistakingly mis-indentifying Trayvon, or should the entire nation now be on trial in this situation?

What's it going to be parents, now what's it going to be?

Our public school system needs changed big time also, in order to protect these children (like Trayvon) from becoming subjected to these kinds of bad traits or wanta be actions that do develope in their lives, all in result of a badly or poorly run gooberment school system, and all because of who is allowed to influence the children freely within the public system, without any lines being set or any morals being recognized anylonger.

The gooberment thinks that all young people (no matter) should be forced to come to school with each other, and this regardless of what these young people have become or have become subjected to as a result of their family issues or living situations out in society in their personal lives, and this before coming into the public school system. The system should have better ways of identifying troubled kids, before those kids begin influencing and leading other kids into their bad worlds in which they do or have lived, and thus do easily control. These young folks should be changed quickly to a school that knows how to deal with troubled kids, and not be allowed to remain in the public school systems/public population to long. Even in the prisonsystems, there is enough since to not allow the badest prisoners into the main population (keeping them seperate), so what happened to our public school systems, where we allow the wolf to come into contact with the helpless cub, who then gets eaten by the wolf, and the system just says sorry bout that ?

In the private school systems, do we hear of any of the graduates or young folks having these kinds of struggles in their lives while participating in that system, or getting into these kinds of situations in life, and if so, please do tell...Anyone have the stats or percentages ?

We should be more willing to help highly potential kids, before they become subjected to the woe's of society, to get into a school of choice quickly by the parents wanting them to, and not just left outside in the rain for the storms to come and take them away finally, while those who are allowed by their parents struggles to get on the inside, yet watch helplessly as this does happen to those who couldnot get in early on as a result of their unfortunate lives and failures found, in which does surround them sadly so much in their lives, making it to late for them as a result of. There is a time period in which to catch these good youths before it's to late for them to be saved, and that time period is evidenced in the early photo's of Trayvon, before the latter photo's of Trayvon, where it is clearly seen that a change had taken place in his life or was taking place in his life.. NOW WHAT HAPPENED TO TRAYVON ???????????? Was he a victim of a broken home, or did he access or get access to the wrong folks as a result of such in his life or did the bad folks get access to him as a result of so many things going bad for him in his family life. If he threw the first punch, was it in fear for his life, or was it something he had learned out on the street to do, in order to be a tough guy, that allows nothing anymore in his life to ever threaten him or belittle him, because he was now a man and a tough man at that, and all as a result of having to become tough in is life, or as a result of his life living under certain circumstances in his life ?

This nation has work to do, and it best not continue to let it all just fade away into the shadows once again, because it won't work.

It hurts me to see such a good looking kid in those photo's fall victim to the woe's of society in this away, and we need to adress these kinds of problems in America, in so that they don't allow for this stuff to continue in America on and on and on and on in America.

Now who was this Zimmerman, and what drove him in his life to end up in the situation he had ended up in? Anyone? The court or trial will now tell us hopefully.

We must adress what has happened in both of these indivduals lives now, or we will not learn how to avoid this for our young people again, if we don't study this for what it all is in it's entirety....I am moving on and into the bigger picture, and hope all will also do the same............. God Bless!
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...who was taking him down into the ditches or influencing him to begin wearing what apeared to be gangsta style clothing (the hoodie), and sporting a gold grill in his mouth and (tatoo's,?)

I stopped here.

A hoodie is "gangsta" clothing? Are you serious?

The grill was a fake one that none of his friends ever saw him wear. 17 year old boys acting tough for a pic. Yeah. When does THAT ever happen?

Tattoos are now a sign of being a violent 'gangsta' thug??

You can't be serious.
...who was taking him down into the ditches or influencing him to begin wearing what apeared to be gangsta style clothing (the hoodie), and sporting a gold grill in his mouth and (tatoo's,?)

I stopped here.

A hoodie is "gangsta" clothing? Are you serious?

The grill was a fake one that none of his friends ever saw him wear. 17 year old boys acting tough for a pic. Yeah. When does THAT ever happen?

Tattoos are now a sign of being a violent 'gangsta' thug??

You can't be serious.
I am serious, because these things are a kin to a specific type of culture being promoted, in which we all already know of and do deal with on a daily baisis in America, that is producing traggedy after traggedy in that world as we know it, and Trayvon was in the early stages of beginning to think that possibly the gang culture (by my understanding of the pic's), in which a gang culture had capitalized on these styles and looks in society first, was undoubtedly something that was thought to be cool and unique looking for him Trayvon, when looking forward & not backwards in his life.

The hoodie sadly is worn mostly by thugs or gang members out in society (illustrating mostly rebellion or a want to be different than the most of us are in society), just as the pants are, where the crotch is down to ones knees, shockingly, and is also a style or trait of gang and thug culture, but since it all had become so popular in a youth culture that for some reason thinks that it is all so cool, hollywood and corporations began quickly making money off of it all, by glorifying it in movies and aparell/clothing, in which allows a wanta be to look the part, and feel the part, even though they are not a part of that hardcore culture themselves, justy like (weekened Harley riders are not a part of the hardcore sect of that culture all the same). Many groups are sometimes cleaned up by being adopted by society, but then society can easily sometimes become corrupted by adopting these cultures also (not good).

I say tell this to the Zimmermans of the world, because somehow he got lost in the message of it all, and figured that anyone walking with that kind of atire on, just has to be someone of suspicion, but why was that ? Where did Zimmerman go wrong in his life, or what was his lifes experiences leading up to that point, where the two came together on that traggic night?

Do you think that our youth, who are now trying to identify with gang culture in a stylistic way, is a good and innocent thing to do in society ? There is a teaching that rebellion is good for the youth in society against (lets call it the machine), and this goes for those who feel that the machine had let them down for whatever reasons in their life, so they teach the youth to reject the machine at every turn, and there is corporations along with hollywood, who key on this rebellion out in society, and they begin making styles and promoting fads and styles for money around this rebellion. When this happens, it's because people have been programed now to think that if it is coming out of hollywood, and with the cool clothing to match, then it must be ok for my child to engage in these things as well. However, out in the real world things can go very wrong with this adoption, yet all depending.

I want people to go back and enter the world of "leave it to beaver", and yes it was a white mans culture being promoted back then to their own kind so to speak, and then compare that to what is being promoted today by different cultures that number so many now in America. Just go back and do your history on these things, and then ask yourself where have we all come today in our societies as we know them? The same innocence and dreams that were promoted on that show in message of, (yes it was mainly directed for white culture who were in the majority back then or to who ever else chose to watch and listen to as well), where as these messages are also obtainable for all cultures in America if they so choose them as colorless messages in which many have since chosen or drawn from, because these message are no longer just a white peoples culture to be promoted in America, but can easily be adopted and promoted as an American cuture for all, in order to suit the needs of all parents and their children in message there of, who wish that their kids were a part of that type of culture being promoted back then in the innocence of, as opposed to what is being promoted for these youth today in our society in message there of.

I have black friends who talk about when we all grew up back in the day, and how we watched the shows in which they liked as well (even though they were many shows of white people engaging in comedy and good character back then), they drew from the messages mainly found in them, and not the colors of the people found mosty on the shows), and that was great that the whites had promoted these kinds of good messages back then amongst themselves as a culture (in which blacks enjoyed so much also), because it was good, and now that all has changed even more to the better, and their are good messages being promoted that all races can embrace together, as is being done by all, where blacks have great shows with good messages (Bill Cosby) etc. where whites enjoy this show so much as well, and then there are the black and white shows together in cast, where also a great message is being promoted for all as well in these shows too..

This is all great and productive stuff found in our society, but when hollywood begins lifiting up and promoting bad cultures in our society, as if they are being good and cool for our youth to follow, then houston we have a huge problem, and that problem leads possibly once again to exactly what brought about the confusion on that traggic night (I'm thinking) between Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman.
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Never said they hadn't but it is around 19 to 24 per year for 22 million Aussies.......compared to over 10,000 Americans population 260 million so if I made a comparison IF AUSTRALIA HAD 260 million population that would work out at 288 deaths to your over 10,000.................I am sorry to show you up as a FOOL,THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS WHEN FOOLS ARE ALLOWED TO CARRY A GUN........AUSTRALIA GUN FREEEEEEEEE........and Happy........I don't think you have read my subsequent posts above and previous page....I MAKE A POINT OF NOT REPEATING MYSELF,THERE IS LITTLE POINT WHEN DEALING WITH A DUMB ASS LIKE YOU and ARIEX get your lazy ass off your chair and check back...thanks tl living GUN FREE Cos AUSTRALIANS ARE THE FUTURE..................FLORIDA GUN LAWS ARE SHIT BY THE WAY...........AND MENTAL
Severe gun control there should be 0 murders.
Well we do have a CRIMINAL ELEMENT IN AUSTRALIA the 20 odd per year are mostly Drug Dealers HOORAY and some Bickie Gangs,who obtain illegal weapons but 20 out of 22million in todays world is a good effort by the government and law enforcement.

Anyway what authority do you have saying that the figure be 0 ???????? coming from a GUN TOTING GUN CULTURED INDIVIDUAL SUCH AS YOU,WHO AGREES WITH GUNS.

BUT all your and others figures are crap properganda from the US GUN LOBBY........We FUCKED THEM OFF OUT OF OUR COUNTRY YEARS AGO,THEY ARE AND WERE FOUND TO BE LIARS AND
On what authority? Why are people being killed when they have no access to guns? How is it happening?

Anyway what authority do you have saying that the figure be 0 ???????? coming from a GUN TOTING GUN CULTURED INDIVIDUAL SUCH AS YOU,WHO AGREES WITH GUNS.
Sorry I never gave any stats. Care to explain why so many people are being murdered who don't have access to guns? 0 deaths should be the only acceptable number for your country.
Severe gun control there should be 0 murders.
Well we do have a CRIMINAL ELEMENT IN AUSTRALIA the 20 odd per year are mostly Drug Dealers HOORAY and some Bickie Gangs,who obtain illegal weapons but 20 out of 22million in todays world is a good effort by the government and law enforcement.

Anyway what authority do you have saying that the figure be 0 ???????? coming from a GUN TOTING GUN CULTURED INDIVIDUAL SUCH AS YOU,WHO AGREES WITH GUNS.

BUT all your and others figures are crap properganda from the US GUN LOBBY........We FUCKED THEM OFF OUT OF OUR COUNTRY YEARS AGO,THEY ARE AND WERE FOUND TO BE LIARS AND
On what authority? Why are people being killed when they have no access to guns? How is it happening?

Anyway what authority do you have saying that the figure be 0 ???????? coming from a GUN TOTING GUN CULTURED INDIVIDUAL SUCH AS YOU,WHO AGREES WITH GUNS.
Sorry I never gave any stats. Care to explain why so many people are being murdered who don't have access to guns? 0 deaths should be the only acceptable number for your country.

Guns aren't the only way to kill people stupid, you can also use knives, swords, crossbows, etc.

More of your partisan hackery and hyperbole I see.

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