New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

Oh stop it...both Jackson and Sharpton are only promoting racism, it's transparent to most, even to the Black.

MLK had Jackson figured out and didn't trust him.....way back in the day.

This doesn't make sense.

You and your ilk keep saying nonsense like "they're promoting racism"

However, you never quite state how.

So I'm asking, how is Al Sharpton "promoting racism?"

You wouldn't know it or acknowlege it if it came up and slapped you in the face, Marc.
Like I said, most know and even the Blacks know. So go peddle your wares elseware on the subject.
That's what I thought...can't produce a single, solitary, valid shred of evidence backing up your BOGUS claims on "promoting racism"

You're pathetic.
This doesn't make sense.

You and your ilk keep saying nonsense like "they're promoting racism"

However, you never quite state how.

So I'm asking, how is Al Sharpton "promoting racism?"

You wouldn't know it or acknowlege it if it came up and slapped you in the face, Marc.
Like I said, most know and even the Blacks know. So go peddle your wares elseware on the subject.
That's what I thought...can't produce a single, solitary, valid shred of evidence backing up your BOGUS claims on "promoting racism"

You're pathetic.
No, you're pathetic and part of the problem, Marc...make no mistake about that.
Right, coming from an individual who CANNOT produce a SINGLE, SOLITARY, VALID shred of evidence of this BOGUS "promoting racism" claim that you just can't seem to stop repeating.

Yeah...that'll sure hold up in a Court of Law....:rolleyes:

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For those who questioned that he was even *at* a 7 Eleven:
A corporate spokeswoman for 7-Eleven said on Thursday they have a video secured at corporate headquarters showing Martin the night he was killed.

An executive with 7-Eleven viewed the tape and can confirm: "he observed an African American male in a hoodie purchase Skittles and an iced tea between 6 and 6:30 that evening."
Georgia Students Gather In Sanford For Trayvon Martin - Trayvon Martin Extended Coverage News Story - WESH Orlando
For those who questioned that he was even *at* a 7 Eleven:
A corporate spokeswoman for 7-Eleven said on Thursday they have a video secured at corporate headquarters showing Martin the night he was killed.

An executive with 7-Eleven viewed the tape and can confirm: "he observed an African American male in a hoodie purchase Skittles and an iced tea between 6 and 6:30 that evening."
Georgia Students Gather In Sanford For Trayvon Martin - Trayvon Martin Extended Coverage News Story - WESH Orlando
So much for "the thug stole"; WHERE IS THE RECEIPT, the nut cases asked......................................:mad:
For those who questioned that he was even *at* a 7 Eleven:
A corporate spokeswoman for 7-Eleven said on Thursday they have a video secured at corporate headquarters showing Martin the night he was killed.

An executive with 7-Eleven viewed the tape and can confirm: "he observed an African American male in a hoodie purchase Skittles and an iced tea between 6 and 6:30 that evening."
Georgia Students Gather In Sanford For Trayvon Martin - Trayvon Martin Extended Coverage News Story - WESH Orlando

These people are going to kuntinue "questioning" until the hard, cold truth comes crashing down on them like Thor's hammer...guilty verdict for Zimmerman.

Then they'll wail and moan and gnash their teeth crying on and on and on about how he never stood a chance for a fair trial based on the "librul meedya" demonizing him.
For those who questioned that he was even *at* a 7 Eleven:
A corporate spokeswoman for 7-Eleven said on Thursday they have a video secured at corporate headquarters showing Martin the night he was killed.

An executive with 7-Eleven viewed the tape and can confirm: "he observed an African American male in a hoodie purchase Skittles and an iced tea between 6 and 6:30 that evening."
Georgia Students Gather In Sanford For Trayvon Martin - Trayvon Martin Extended Coverage News Story - WESH Orlando

These people are going to kuntinue "questioning" until the hard, cold truth comes crashing down on them like Thor's hammer...guilty verdict for Zimmerman.

Then they'll wail and moan and gnash their teeth crying on and on and on about how he never stood a chance for a fair trial based on the "librul meedya" demonizing him.

I know that you're too much of a partisan hack to understand that "these people" just want a trial in the court of law and not in the media...PERIOD. Innocent or guilty, makes no different to "these people". You prove yourself to be such a goofball, Marc. :clap2:
For those who questioned that he was even *at* a 7 Eleven:
A corporate spokeswoman for 7-Eleven said on Thursday they have a video secured at corporate headquarters showing Martin the night he was killed.

An executive with 7-Eleven viewed the tape and can confirm: "he observed an African American male in a hoodie purchase Skittles and an iced tea between 6 and 6:30 that evening."
Georgia Students Gather In Sanford For Trayvon Martin - Trayvon Martin Extended Coverage News Story - WESH Orlando

It was less than a 15 minute walk from 7 Eleven to where Trayvon was staying. Why did it take him an hour to get back? He had to be doing something other than walking. He may have been casing homes. He also had over 6 minutes to go 800 feet to get into the house he was staying at after Zimmerman dialed 911. It should have only taken 1 or 2 minutes. Martin had to have circled back or hid & launched an ambush on Zimmerman.
There are over 100 cold cases of murder in Atlanta and 90% of them are blacks. Many of those cases they know full well who the killer is and know that there were eye witnesses right there on the scene when the killing went down. But wait a damn minute here! The guy that is suspected is not white so no demonstrations, no Al Sharpton, no national media distorting the entire case much less even reporting it. None of the witnesses will testify in court for fear of retribution from the friends and family of the killers.
I feel so sorry for these good folks as they live in communities where threats, violence, intimidation and an entire culture of violence is accepted as almost normal. These poor folks have their loved ones slaughtered and then see the focus on a white guy in Florida that is charged with killing a black man.
They see no justice at all because the media, the Al Sharptons of the world and other folks in their communities would rather play the race card and blame whitey than help those in need right in their own communities.
Why are you angry at Al Sharpton?

The venom and pure rage that you have for Reverend Al Sharpton drips and oozes off your every statement.

What has Al Sharpton done to you?

Ill tell you straight out. Even when I agree with Sharpton, I cant stand to listen to him speak. Hes got that used car salesman meets southern baptist preacher thing going on and its just turns me off to anything he says.

And whats worse, hes not even a good speaker. How he became a communtiy leader is beyond me.

The man just bugs me.

and if he bugs ME that much, I can only imagine the HATE that he must stir up in people who disagree with him.
I know that you're too much of a partisan hack to understand that "these people" just want a trial in the court of law and not in the media...PERIOD. Innocent or guilty, makes no different to "these people". You prove yourself to be such a goofball, Marc. :clap2:

The grand jury didn't indict this Texas shooter, so he was not arrested or charged.

[ame=""]911 Call of Texas Man, Shoots Two Robbers[/ame]
Oh stop it...both Jackson and Sharpton are only promoting racism, it's transparent to most, even to the Black.

MLK had Jackson figured out and didn't trust him.....way back in the day.

This doesn't make sense.

You and your ilk keep saying nonsense like "they're promoting racism"

However, you never quite state how.

So I'm asking, how is Al Sharpton "promoting racism?"

Im not saying he promotes racism but the hatred of him pretty much started right here:

Tawana Brawley rape allegations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That case really tainted any future dealings Sharpton may have had. It was reported at the time that Sharpton actually said he could use this case to become the H.N.I.C. This was all pre internet so anything that got out entered the public subconscious and stayed there.

To this day, no one really knows what was true and what was fabricated. It was Sharptons Chappaquiddick.
Oh stop it...both Jackson and Sharpton are only promoting racism, it's transparent to most, even to the Black.

MLK had Jackson figured out and didn't trust him.....way back in the day.

This doesn't make sense.

You and your ilk keep saying nonsense like "they're promoting racism"

However, you never quite state how.

So I'm asking, how is Al Sharpton "promoting racism?"

Im not saying he promotes racism but the hatred of him pretty much started right here:

Tawana Brawley rape allegations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That case really tainted any future dealings Sharpton may have had. It was reported at the time that Sharpton actually said he could use this case to become the H.N.I.C. This was all pre internet so anything that got out entered the public subconscious and stayed there.

To this day, no one really knows what was true and what was fabricated. It was Sharptons Chappaquiddick.
OK, how long are people going to hold that against him?
Has he not learned and grown from that experience?
I mean...when do those people who use that as THE evidence of hating Reverend Al Sharpton finally move on with their lives?
This doesn't make sense.

You and your ilk keep saying nonsense like "they're promoting racism"

However, you never quite state how.

So I'm asking, how is Al Sharpton "promoting racism?"

Im not saying he promotes racism but the hatred of him pretty much started right here:

Tawana Brawley rape allegations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That case really tainted any future dealings Sharpton may have had. It was reported at the time that Sharpton actually said he could use this case to become the H.N.I.C. This was all pre internet so anything that got out entered the public subconscious and stayed there.

To this day, no one really knows what was true and what was fabricated. It was Sharptons Chappaquiddick.
OK, how long are people going to hold that against him?
Has he not learned and grown from that experience?
I mean...when do those people who use that as THE evidence of hating Reverend Al Sharpton finally move on with their lives?

How long are we going to hold that one night against Micheal Richards? Or OJ Simpson? Or Mel Gibson? ( ok in Mels case its more than one night )

If youre a public figure you cant make mistakes like that. It means you will never reach the heights you might have ahd that certain event not happened. Ted Kennedy could be a Sneator but never really had a chance at the presidency because of Chappaquiddick. It becomes part of who they are publicly. And people, good honest people, will look at that person and try to judge them for what they are now and in the backs of their minds, theres that event.

\Now take that and apply it to someone who disagrees with that public figures viewpoint. And that thing in the backs of their minds becomes something 100 times bigger, even when they dont know thats whats spurring them on.

You cant hold it against people for being human. Thats all they can be.

And anyone in the public eye needs to understand that.
I've forgiven Michael Richards a long time ago, I chalked it up as he was under pressure so it never really resonated w/me.
OJ Simpson, I didn't believe he killed the lady...she had seedy connections, was a drug addict and probably owed the wrong people some serious money. I think OJ MAY have known more about it though.
Ted Kennedy was running for President, which is more scrutiny and has a higher standard, also many political that's apples and oranges here.
The test isn't so much what they did, but how they've responded and changed SINCE they did it.
Interesting that you'd find a person that's defending the killer George Zimmerman, talking about never forgiving someone for a SINGLE act in their lives though.

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OK, how long are people going to hold that against him?

About the same amount of time we hold the Bobby Kennedy thing against PLO operative, Sirhan Sirhan.

Why do you ask?

Has he not learned and grown from that experience?
I mean...when do those people who use that as THE evidence of hating Reverend Al Sharpton finally move on with their lives?

It's a valid reason to hate Sharpton.

Some bells cannot be unrung.
Im not saying he promotes racism but the hatred of him pretty much started right here:

Tawana Brawley rape allegations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That case really tainted any future dealings Sharpton may have had. It was reported at the time that Sharpton actually said he could use this case to become the H.N.I.C. This was all pre internet so anything that got out entered the public subconscious and stayed there.

To this day, no one really knows what was true and what was fabricated. It was Sharptons Chappaquiddick.
OK, how long are people going to hold that against him?
Has he not learned and grown from that experience?
I mean...when do those people who use that as THE evidence of hating Reverend Al Sharpton finally move on with their lives?

How long are we going to hold that one night against Micheal Richards? Or OJ Simpson? Or Mel Gibson? ( ok in Mels case its more than one night )

If youre a public figure you cant make mistakes like that. It means you will never reach the heights you might have ahd that certain event not happened. Ted Kennedy could be a Sneator but never really had a chance at the presidency because of Chappaquiddick. It becomes part of who they are publicly. And people, good honest people, will look at that person and try to judge them for what they are now and in the backs of their minds, theres that event.

\Now take that and apply it to someone who disagrees with that public figures viewpoint. And that thing in the backs of their minds becomes something 100 times bigger, even when they dont know thats whats spurring them on.

You cant hold it against people for being human. Thats all they can be.

And anyone in the public eye needs to understand that.

You count the horrific murder of Nichole Simpson and that other guy as a *mistake* along the lines of Mel Gibson's drunken rant?

Seriously. No wonder our world is fucked up. You need to be locked up. With Marccattle.
If the police officer that Tawana Brawley claimed raped her and put racial things on her face would have also been black who here would claim that Sharpton would have entered into the picture?
He is a race pimp.
I've forgiven Michael Richards a long time ago, I chalked it up as he was under pressure so it never really resonated w/me.
OJ Simpson, I didn't believe he killed the lady...

Oh bullshit. Nicole was white so you don't care that he murdered her. You know damned well that he did, just like every other sentient being knows he murdered her.

she had seedy connections, was a drug addict and probably owed the wrong people some serious money. I think OJ MAY have known more about it though.
Ted Kennedy was running for President, which is more scrutiny and has a higher standard, also many political that's apples and oranges here.
The test isn't so much what they did, but how they've responded and changed SINCE they did it.
Interesting that you'd find a person that's defending the killer George Zimmerman, talking about never forgiving someone for a SINGLE act in their lives though.


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