New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

Australia doesn't have blacks, so you don't need guns.

I think a brainwashed fool like yourself might learn something from this:


Back in the late 90s, Australia got busy passing some of the tightest gun laws in the world. But, you see, it has had practically zero effect. Granted, there has been a slight decline, but murders have declined all over the first world, without regard to gun laws. Factors unrelated to gun laws, such as vast improvements in technology, have reduced crime.

HoHoHo another REDNECK attempt to push the discredited Riflemen Association Mantra on the unknowing....we threw them out of Australia like we would the TERRORIST BULLSHIT ARTISTS THEY ARE............Your graph is complete rubbish and you have not separated GUN KILLINGS to MURDERS IN for not having "BLACKS"as you put it.......we now know you are talking complete SHIT,SHITHEAD theliq

If you don't like the way we do things in America, then stay in your own damn country, and don't tell us how to run ours-that's none of your goddamn business. I don't give a rat's ass WHAT you socialist idiots do to your own nation; it's yours, and you can screw it up to hell and gone, if it suits you; but I'll thank you to keep your arse, and your nose, and most of all your yap, out of mine. That is all. Go kiss a damn crocodile![/QUOTE

HoHoHo another REDNECK attempt to push the discredited Riflemen Association Mantra on the unknowing....we threw them out of Australia like we would the TERRORIST BULLSHIT ARTISTS THEY ARE............Your graph is complete rubbish and you have not separated GUN KILLINGS to MURDERS IN for not having "BLACKS"as you put it.......we now know you are talking complete SHIT,SHITHEAD theliq

If you don't like the way we do things in America, then stay in your own damn country, and don't tell us how to run ours-that's none of your goddamn business. I don't give a rat's ass WHAT you socialist idiots do to your own nation; it's yours, and you can screw it up to hell and gone, if it suits you; but I'll thank you to keep your arse, and your nose, and most of all your yap, out of mine. That is all. Go kiss a damn crocodile![/QUOTE

If I wanted you to flush, I'd pull your chain! Go pet a taipan.
If you don't like the way we do things in America, then stay in your own damn country, and don't tell us how to run ours-that's none of your goddamn business. I don't give a rat's ass WHAT you socialist idiots do to your own nation; it's yours, and you can screw it up to hell and gone, if it suits you; but I'll thank you to keep your arse, and your nose, and most of all your yap, out of mine. That is all. Go kiss a damn crocodile![/QUOTE

If I wanted you to flush, I'd pull your chain! Go pet a taipan.
I see YOU managed put a sentence together Gadfly well done:D by the way we haven't had chains to FLUSH in Australia for the past 40 years moreover we flush,half flush or quater flush plus recycle water from our roofs and grey water our gardens....just thought I'd mention we are waterwise....Australia GREAT ONE DAY,BRILLIANT THE NEXT........Gaddie ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS...YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AT OUR TABLE.STEVE,......I may at times be a bit of an asshole but make a great friend."Whats your drink,it's BBQ FISH and seafood TONIGHT
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Well one could read that thus: The number of people who were able to successfully defend themselves (and not get sent to prison for it) has tripled.

One COULD read it that way...except:

When Billy Kuch knocked on the wrong door, he had a cigarette in one hand and a shirt in the other. The homeowner, Gregory Stewart, stepped outside, stood his ground, fired a round from his semiautomatic into Kuch’s chest, and in the eyes of the state of Florida, committed no crime.

&lsquo;Stand Your Ground&rsquo; laws coincide with jump in justifiable-homicide cases - The Washington Post

And the fact that the actual murder rates, which Stand Your Ground laws were passed to decrease, have increased in Florida. ( though not nearly as high as they were in the 80's )

Florida Crime Rates 1960 - 2010

So what exactly is the law actually preventing?
There may be a problem with the law.

As with many laws, the *fix* created more problems....

Mandatory sentencing is the same sort of nightmare.
HoHoHo another REDNECK attempt to push the discredited Riflemen Association Mantra on the unknowing....we threw them out of Australia like we would the TERRORIST BULLSHIT ARTISTS THEY ARE............Your graph is complete rubbish and you have not separated GUN KILLINGS to MURDERS IN for not having "BLACKS"as you put it.......we now know you are talking complete SHIT,SHITHEAD theliq

If you don't like the way we do things in America, then stay in your own damn country, and don't tell us how to run ours-that's none of your goddamn business. I don't give a rat's ass WHAT you socialist idiots do to your own nation; it's yours, and you can screw it up to hell and gone, if it suits you; but I'll thank you to keep your arse, and your nose, and most of all your yap, out of mine. That is all. Go kiss a damn crocodile!

Do you want to try that foreigner bullshit with me? I'll kick your key board ass just like I do the other foreigner dr. grump. Your nothing but a subject to the queen.
Now you're over here trying to stir up racist tensions.

Racial tension? Fuck the lynch mob is nothing but a bunch of god damn racist. including you.

Come on Big,Zimmerman intended to kill and MURDER.......and will be found GUILTY

Australia says NO TO GUNS for reasons like these........In the STATES YOU SAY WE NEED GUNS FOR PROTECTION.!!!!!!!!
In AUSTRALIA WE SAY NO GUNS FOR EXACTLY THE SAME REASON.......we are right and you are wrong.


Big you are out of order on this one...steve ps I find it strange you use the expression LYNCH MOB,when referring to folk wanting at least some Justice for this WHITE BOYS CRIME,when the word came into being when WHITE FOLK made LYNCHING AN ART FORM AGAINST BLACK PEOPLE IN THE PAST.!!!!!!!!!!

So no one has been killed in Australia since your gun ban?
Racial tension? Fuck the lynch mob is nothing but a bunch of god damn racist. including you.

Come on Big,Zimmerman intended to kill and MURDER.......and will be found GUILTY

Australia says NO TO GUNS for reasons like these........In the STATES YOU SAY WE NEED GUNS FOR PROTECTION.!!!!!!!!
In AUSTRALIA WE SAY NO GUNS FOR EXACTLY THE SAME REASON.......we are right and you are wrong.


Big you are out of order on this one...steve ps I find it strange you use the expression LYNCH MOB,when referring to folk wanting at least some Justice for this WHITE BOYS CRIME,when the word came into being when WHITE FOLK made LYNCHING AN ART FORM AGAINST BLACK PEOPLE IN THE PAST.!!!!!!!!!!

So no one has been killed in Australia since your gun ban?
Never said they hadn't but it is around 19 to 24 per year for 22 million Aussies.......compared to over 10,000 Americans population 260 million so if I made a comparison IF AUSTRALIA HAD 260 million population that would work out at 288 deaths to your over 10,000.................I am sorry to show you up as a FOOL,THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS WHEN FOOLS ARE ALLOWED TO CARRY A GUN........AUSTRALIA GUN FREEEEEEEEE........and Happy........I don't think you have read my subsequent posts above and previous page....I MAKE A POINT OF NOT REPEATING MYSELF,THERE IS LITTLE POINT WHEN DEALING WITH A DUMB ASS LIKE YOU and ARIEX get your lazy ass off your chair and check back...thanks tl living GUN FREE Cos AUSTRALIANS ARE THE FUTURE..................FLORIDA GUN LAWS ARE SHIT BY THE WAY...........AND MENTAL
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I am glad A JURY gets to decide.
Instead of you biased, prejudiced folks here.
You folks had Zimmerman guilty from the start.
Because Katie Couric said so.

Well, no, we thought he was guilty because the kid was dead and he didn't have a good excuse as to WHY this kid was dead.

That is what you get for "thinking"
I prefer facts, witnesses and evidence.

No, what you prefer is to want to really believe this guy might be innocent, because you'd hate to live in a country where we start to ask, "Are we really safer when a nutcase like Zimmerman can walk around with a gun on him, shoot a kid in the street and the police aren't even sure if he's committted a crime or not?"
If a witness states that "Zimmerman was attacked unprovoked from behind by Martin with a full can of something" then how can Zimmerman be indicted for murder?
And sports fans, that is what at least one of the witnesses clearly told police. That was leaked out and it should not have been but this is a credible witness.
Get ready for death threats on that witness and of course they have to be a racist.
Get over it folks. The charade is over. Martin was a thug punk thief, probably was not doing his business that day but he assaulted Zimmerman for no reason and was shot as a result of that.
Most likely as that is what at least one of the witnesses will testify to.

But we have posters here that believe it is okay to assualt someone with a full can of drink and not have the person that is being assaulted be allowed to defend themselves from assault.
Best way NOT to get killed? Do not assault someone that is armed with a gun.

Sean Penn shows what you can do with a few cans of soda in this clip.

[ame=]Soda Cans In A Pillow Case Fight Scene From &#39;Bad Boys&#39; (1983) - YouTube[/ame]

The witness only wanted to be identified as “John,” and didn’t not want to be shown on camera.

“The guy on the bottom who had a red sweater on was yelling to me: ‘help, help…and I told him to stop and I was calling 911,” he said.

Trayvon Martin was in a hoodie; Zimmerman was in red.

His statements to police were instrumental, because police backed up Zimmerman’s claims, saying those screams on the 911 call are those of Zimmerman.

“When I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point,” John said.

ADDITIONALLY: What is most damning about the video of Zimmerman arriving at the police department after the shooting is the fact that it confirms that Zimmerman WAS wearing a red jacket exactly as the eyewitness described in conformation of his account.


The police officer who disarmed and handcuffed Zimmermand said in his police report: "While I was in such close contact with Zimmerman, I could observe that his back appeared to be wet and was covered in grass, as if he had been laying on his back on the ground. Zimmermand was also bleeding from the nose and back of his head."

ADDITIONALLY: A close analysis of the video does seem to reveal an injury to the back of Zimmerman's head.

Every analyst I have seen on this matter last night and this morning and they have all been former prosecutors and defense attorneys say that the state will have a very hard time with the 2nd degreemurder charge.
On a side note saw Trayvon's mother this morning. The woman is as sincere as it gets and I have become very impressed with her. I was so wrong about her even though I always had sympathy for her.
She called the tragedy a mistake this morning and believes the situation just got out of hand.
She knows Zimmerman just did not gun her son down.
Can not imagine the pain that family has gone through and feel really bad about the media hoopla their first attorney caused around them. Their new lawyer, a woman I believe is named Jackson, she is first class and knows how to calm this circus down. She has handled this so well.
All this mother wanted was for the man who killed her son to answer for what he did. Wouldn't you?

Answer yes but is that what the New Black Panther Party and many here wanted?

They have already CONVICTED Zimmerman. How fair is that?

Where were you condemning those that had their mind made up as to all of the evidence and the witnesses before a trial here like I have?

The mob circus down there was a terrible injustice. Threats to Zimmerman and where were you condemning Spike Lee for doing what he did?

Stand up next time and be counted.
Useless trivia: (confirmed by Daily Caller) Zimmermans MySpace name:


And since it's on his myspace, it tells you absolutely everything about him. The guy must be a thug, right? Oh, and did you see the video of him arriving at the police station yesterday? See the way his pants be sagging? Must mean he's a thug, right? Did you hear that? I said "pants be sagging." If I be talkin' like dat I must be thug, right?
All this mother wanted was for the man who killed her son to answer for what he did. Wouldn't you?

Answer yes but is that what the New Black Panther Party and many here wanted?

They have already CONVICTED Zimmerman. How fair is that?

Where were you condemning those that had their mind made up as to all of the evidence and the witnesses before a trial here like I have?

The mob circus down there was a terrible injustice. Threats to Zimmerman and where were you condemning Spike Lee for doing what he did?

Stand up next time and be counted.

You're an idiot! People are demanding Zimmerman be arrested and face a jury of his peers! That's a far cry from being convicted.

YOU on the other hand have done everything in your power to paint Martin as a thug who deserved what he got. Ass.
All this mother wanted was for the man who killed her son to answer for what he did. Wouldn't you?

Answer yes but is that what the New Black Panther Party and many here wanted?

They have already CONVICTED Zimmerman. How fair is that?

Where were you condemning those that had their mind made up as to all of the evidence and the witnesses before a trial here like I have?

The mob circus down there was a terrible injustice. Threats to Zimmerman and where were you condemning Spike Lee for doing what he did?

Stand up next time and be counted.

You're an idiot! People are demanding Zimmerman be arrested and face a jury of his peers! That's a far cry from being convicted.

YOU on the other hand have done everything in your power to paint Martin as a thug who deserved what he got. Ass.

People claiming the *evidence* proved Zimmerman was a *murderer*, that the *evidence* proved anything, or that the *evidence* showed corruption on the part of the police dept and the da's office before the evidence was ever released, and prior to the investigation being completed...

those are the idiots. And I think you're one of them.
If stupidity was grounds for imprisonment, you'd never see the light of day, pballs.

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