New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

:cuckoo: that would have been obvious at scene. police investigated Zimmerman's story while he was being detained and questioned

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance | Video - ABC News

50 seconds in officer checks out back of Zimmerman's head, looking at .... injury?

Did you look at the video? There wasn't a struggle. I hope they take Zimmerman into custody now before he commits suicide.


Just take that shiny ball and run with it.

I think I'm about finished with this discussion. At this point it's just loonies (no offense) coming up with wild and completely unfounded 3-act plays, complete with smoke machines, lighting and a sheet of tin for sound effects....

For myself, it's sad the boy is dead. I believe Zimmerman's friend when he says Zimmerman is devastated. I also believe, based on the kid's school suspensions, that the kid was going through an intense phase and was engaged in criminal activities. I think the neighborhood was spooked and the kid was behaving strangely, and for whatever reason he made a really bad decision and died for it.

I don't think Zimmerman committed a crime, and I think he'd probably give anything to take it back. I think the kid's parents are assholes, and seeing them makes me think probably a lot of the issue on that night was with Trayvon.

I think if the parents were any kind of parents, they wouldn't have let their son walk to the store at night to get iced tea and skittles while being on suspension from school. Whatever happened to grounding your kid?
You accuse RW's as being irresponsible, when you didn't even no for sure yourself, and still might not until this video surfaced, but you claimed you knew anyway, but why?

This video you claim is the smoking gun for you in so many words, now you are making it a political issue in order to attack the right? All the right has been doing, is looking for the facts in the case just as well, especially before defending the event without the smoking gun in hand. I still would wait until all the evidence is in myself (this one piece included), and I would wait on the trial to take place before I would say that the event went any different than by what the ones who were actually involved in it (either as witnesses) or as Zimmerman, said that it did go in a certain way upon that day.

I still wouldn't jump to conclusions, as Zimmerman was treated by the SFD on the scene, in which could have cleaned up his injuries quite well before taken in for questioning.. I hope it is a crucial piece of evidence, as it will be one more piece to the puzzel, in order to hopefully uravel this mystery, in which so many are hoping to unravel in the name of justice finally.


What's UNREAL is watching the Media and you people keep stirring up this shit

There would be no shit stirred up if this killer was arrested and charged in the first place.

You got it?

Sharpton's a fucking hero here.
Were Trayvon my son, Zimmerman would already be dead. Everything now is pointing toward cold blooded murder.

Were Trayvon my son, he wouldn't have been out at night while on suspension from school.

So walking back from a conveniance store at night is a capital crime for a 17 year old? You have to be kidding!

Would you let your kid walk to the convenience store at night while on suspension from school? Especially to get iced tea and skittles...I mean if it was an errand for the family or something I could see it, but they were just letting a kid on suspension basically run wild.

And worse, this wasn't his first suspension. And had he lived, I doubt it would have been the last.
They said that in the police report, Martin's name, address and birthdate was written down from the ID he was carrying. Next to "Minor", "No" was checked off right next to this "birthdate" which showed he was 17.

It's despicable they way the right wing has smeared this young man. And it's Zimmerman with a history of resisting arrest, speeding and beating women.

I can't believe how dirty right wingers have become. I thought "let him die" was rock bottom, but they seem to find new depths.
You accuse RW's as being irresponsible, when you didn't even no for sure yourself, and still might not until this video surfaced, but you claimed you knew anyway, but why?

This video you claim is the smoking gun for you in so many words, now you are making it a political issue in order to attack the right? All the right has been doing, is looking for the facts in the case just as well, especially before defending the event without the smoking gun in hand. I still would wait until all the evidence is in myself (this one piece included), and I would wait on the trial to take place before I would say that the event went any different than by what the ones who were actually involved in it (either as witnesses) or as Zimmerman, said that it did go in a certain way upon that day.

I still wouldn't jump to conclusions, as Zimmerman was treated by the SFD on the scene, in which could have cleaned up his injuries quite well before taken in for questioning.. I hope it is a crucial piece of evidence, as it will be one more piece to the puzzel, in order to hopefully uravel this mystery, in which so many are hoping to unravel in the name of justice finally.

A broken nose is very visable for at least a couple of weeks. And there were no grass stains on the jacket. Did the EMT's clean the jacket, also?

So what we have is a fellow follows a kid who has a bag of skittles, and a can of tea.
The police tell him not to confront him.
He does, and a minute later the kid is shot dead.

The man doing the shooting claims that there was a fight, which he was loosing. That his nose was broken, and the kid was on top of him, banging his head on the pavement.

Yet, by the appearance of the man in the video, he had no broken nose, no serious damage to his head, and no grass stains on his jacket.

But he is not charged with anything, a month now since the murder. And now we have the police claiming that they wanted to charge him, but were told not to.

So what the hell is going on? About time we found out.

It's also looking as if both the witness and police report have been tampered.

Witnesses are saying that the cops turned off their tape recorders after they were told it was Trayvon screaming help. They then told the witnesses that was Zimmerman. looks as if somehow Trayvon's name, address, birthday and phone number appear on the report..but they would not release the body to the family because they said it was entered as a "John Doe". It took three days for them to get him.

And the cell phone logs and police records give Trayvon a so brutally beat a man who was older, muscular and weighed more then badly..that he felt threatened enough to kill him. A minute.

This stinks. And badly. I'm pretty sure the Police chief is history..along with a few cops.
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Were Trayvon my son, he wouldn't have been out at night while on suspension from school.

So walking back from a conveniance store at night is a capital crime for a 17 year old? You have to be kidding!

Would you let your kid walk to the convenience store at night while on suspension from school? Especially to get iced tea and skittles...I mean if it was an errand for the family or something I could see it, but they were just letting a kid on suspension basically run wild.

And worse, this wasn't his first suspension. And had he lived, I doubt it would have been the last.

Trayvon's dead.

In our system of justice..the victim doesn't have to defend himself. The perpetrator does.
:cuckoo: that would have been obvious at scene. police investigated Zimmerman's story while he was being detained and questioned

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance | Video - ABC News

50 seconds in officer checks out back of Zimmerman's head, looking at .... injury?

Did you look at the video? There wasn't a struggle. I hope they take Zimmerman into custody now before he commits suicide.

a little over half way through the video (50 seconds in), a police officer takes a look at the back of Zimmerman's head .. looking at something on Zimmerman's head. then he asks him to stand back against the wall

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance | Video - ABC News

pay attention people. stop being so R-a-v-i looks like a spot or two on back of head. fuzzy video

He probably had a bruise.

I'm not saying nothing ever happened to Zimmy. It was a fight. I'm sure he had a bruise, cut, or scrape. My problem is there are people on this board who's narrative has been consistent.

The claims are as follows:

-Trayvon was a star athlete
-Trayvon was (anywhere from 6'1 to 6'3)
-Trayvon was 200 ibs
-Trayvon was a ruthless thug that hated white people

The facts are thus:
-Trayvon was a good athlete, but was not playing sports in school at the time and probably smoked weed, YES that can effect athleticism.
-Trayvon WAS probably 6'1 to 6'3, I lean more towards 6'3.
-Trayvon was estimated at 160 ibs by police at the scene which makes far more sense.
-There's no evidence to suggest Trayvon hated white people.

The narrative continues alleging that Zimmerman was a poor short defenseless old man (he is 28 and I don't many 28 year old males that are weak and defenseless) that was beat up by this vicious thug.

That this wasn't a fair fight.

Zimmy had no chance with his hands.

That narrative was NEVER backed up by facts, just Zimmerman's account. The witness usually referred to never said Zimmerman was being brutally beaten, he saw a fight and a guy yelling for help (probably Zimmerman). His mother went on MSNBC today and said for a fact that this kid never really saw what people on this board alleges he saw:

"Once they did, Brown alleged, police tried to lead her son to agree to certain assertions, such as the race of the person on the ground and what he was wearing. But the boy stuck to his insistence that he couldn't make out either because it was too dark."

"Police have confirmed that Zimmerman told them that Martin knocked him to the ground and began beating him. At no time did her son see anyone beating anyone, Brown said."
U.S. News - Witness' mom says police told her Trayvon Martin shooting wasn't self-defense

It seems like according to this lady one of the cops was convinced that Zimmerman wasn't acting in self defense and was trying to find evidence that it wasn't.

As for the rest of the Sanford PD theynever say Zimmerman was brutally beaten, never even allege it. That's totally a made up, fictional story perpetuated by people on this board and on the internet with an agenda. Those fans are flamed by Zimmerman's story of his head being bashed into the concrete. Then people on this board took that and allege that the boy witness who's 13 years-old that saw the scuffle also saw Zimmerman getting his head getting beat into the cement. I've seen no evidence ANYBODY saw Zimmerman get his head bashed into concrete.

Zimmerman alleges this HIMSELF... no one else does and... must have been some pretty soft concrete because the tape doesn't seem to back that up initially either.
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So walking back from a conveniance store at night is a capital crime for a 17 year old? You have to be kidding!

Would you let your kid walk to the convenience store at night while on suspension from school? Especially to get iced tea and skittles...I mean if it was an errand for the family or something I could see it, but they were just letting a kid on suspension basically run wild.

And worse, this wasn't his first suspension. And had he lived, I doubt it would have been the last.

Trayvon's dead.

In our system of justice..the victim doesn't have to defend himself. The perpetrator does.

Trayvon wouldn't be dead if his parents had been good parents. He never would have taken that trip to the convenience store at nite, he would have been grounded for having been suspended from school.

Sadly the parents feel no guilt at all. No, they're all about making money off of their son's name and crying racism. Kind of explains why the kid has been suspended from school at least 3 times.
Were Trayvon my son, Zimmerman would already be dead. Everything now is pointing toward cold blooded murder.
No trial or justice sought after in you mind eh? Just good ole vigilanti stuff is what the deal is with you ?

I'm glad our justice system doesn't hold your views, infact isn't this what white people are accused of all the time, putting black men in jail that are innocent, so where is Zimmermans right to a fair and just trial in your mind, I mean with your way of thinking as is expressed here, Zimmerman should just be killed ? What if Trayvon would have somehow gotten Zimmermans gun, and in fear for his life in the struggle, he would have shot Zimmerman with it also in self defence? I would be willing to listen to Trayvons side of the story also without bias, and I would be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt until a fair assessment of the situation was given by the law, the investigators and/or an uproar over it next ensued by Zimmermans family, friends and supporters, where as Trayvon also would have walked under the self defence claim just the same.

And so when Zimmermans family went to raising cane, and demanding Trayvons arrest, I would have asked the same questions that I have asked in the situation concerning Zimmerman, and I would hope that justice will find it's way in the end, just like I hope it will in this case as it stands for all that were involved in it. If Zimmerman has led the nation astray, I garantee you that the people would be willing to prosecute him, and then barbecue him with extreme respect to justice, just as we all have patiently awaited the outcome of the situation, in which we all hope will somehow prove that Zimmerman was lying or either telling the truth in the matter.
Did you look at the video? There wasn't a struggle. I hope they take Zimmerman into custody now before he commits suicide.


Just take that shiny ball and run with it.

I think I'm about finished with this discussion. At this point it's just loonies (no offense) coming up with wild and completely unfounded 3-act plays, complete with smoke machines, lighting and a sheet of tin for sound effects....

For myself, it's sad the boy is dead. I believe Zimmerman's friend when he says Zimmerman is devastated. I also believe, based on the kid's school suspensions, that the kid was going through an intense phase and was engaged in criminal activities. I think the neighborhood was spooked and the kid was behaving strangely, and for whatever reason he made a really bad decision and died for it.

I don't think Zimmerman committed a crime, and I think he'd probably give anything to take it back. I think the kid's parents are assholes, and seeing them makes me think probably a lot of the issue on that night was with Trayvon.

I think if the parents were any kind of parents, they wouldn't have let their son walk to the store at night to get iced tea and skittles while being on suspension from school. Whatever happened to grounding your kid?

That's a pretty irrational thing to say. Say the kid has been taking his punishment well. Doing what he's asked, working hard on school work, cleaning, and it's one of the last days of his punishment. Who's to say he wasn't let out after a week of pretty good behavior. Its not like they let the kid go out and party. He probably just wanted to get some fresh air, been in the house all day. He doesn't live in the are so it's not like he can go run off with friends or something. His father says fine, just go to the store get a snack and come back home. I don't see how you can accuse him of bad parenting. If you want to accuse him of bad parenting, the attoos would be fair game, but not letting him walk to the store.
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So walking back from a conveniance store at night is a capital crime for a 17 year old? You have to be kidding!

Would you let your kid walk to the convenience store at night while on suspension from school? Especially to get iced tea and skittles...I mean if it was an errand for the family or something I could see it, but they were just letting a kid on suspension basically run wild.

And worse, this wasn't his first suspension. And had he lived, I doubt it would have been the last.

Trayvon's dead.

In our system of justice..the victim doesn't have to defend himself. The perpetrator does.
Ok, so let him defend himself then. Hopefully it will come soon enough..
i just watched the video. Where is the puffy eyes or nose if it is broken? why does the back of his head look clean as if he just took a shower?

Zimmerman is done for.....The sad thing is the people who defended him. I wonder if they will admit they where wrong?


You got that right.

What is remarkable to me about the video is how BIG and MUSCULAR this dude is.

He outweighed Trayvon by 60 lbs!
i just watched the video. Where is the puffy eyes or nose if it is broken? why does the back of his head look clean as if he just took a shower?

Zimmerman is done for.....The sad thing is the people who defended him. I wonder if they will admit they where wrong?

Didnot defend Zimmerman, but defended justice and our laws.. How about all those who were ready to lynch Zimmerman before this video?

Just take that shiny ball and run with it.

I think I'm about finished with this discussion. At this point it's just loonies (no offense) coming up with wild and completely unfounded 3-act plays, complete with smoke machines, lighting and a sheet of tin for sound effects....

For myself, it's sad the boy is dead. I believe Zimmerman's friend when he says Zimmerman is devastated. I also believe, based on the kid's school suspensions, that the kid was going through an intense phase and was engaged in criminal activities. I think the neighborhood was spooked and the kid was behaving strangely, and for whatever reason he made a really bad decision and died for it.

I don't think Zimmerman committed a crime, and I think he'd probably give anything to take it back. I think the kid's parents are assholes, and seeing them makes me think probably a lot of the issue on that night was with Trayvon.

I think if the parents were any kind of parents, they wouldn't have let their son walk to the store at night to get iced tea and skittles while being on suspension from school. Whatever happened to grounding your kid?

That's a pretty irrational thing to say. Say the kid has been taking his punishment well. Doing what he's asked, working hard on school work, cleaning, and it's one of the last days of his punishment. Who's to say he wasn't let out after a week of pretty good behavior. Its not like they let the kid go out and party. He probably just wanted to get some fresh air, been in the house all day. He doesn't live in the are so it's not like he can go run off with friends or something. His father says fine, just go to the store get a snack and come back home. I don't see how you can accuse him of bad parenting. If you want to accuse him of bad parenting, the attoos would be fair game, but not letting him walk to the store.

It was the 3rd time this year he was suspended from school. In my house, there would be no behavior good enough to allow me to lift his grounding until the suspension was over. Come to think of it, after the 3rd suspension, he'd probably be grounded for the rest of the year.
No, they will not. They will defend their bigotry just as Shiela defends hers. They will find some reason that it is Trayvon's fault that he was shot, even if Zimmerman confesses to shooting him without provacation.
i just watched the video. Where is the puffy eyes or nose if it is broken? why does the back of his head look clean as if he just took a shower?

Zimmerman is done for.....The sad thing is the people who defended him. I wonder if they will admit they where wrong?

Didnot defend Zimmerman, but defended justice and our laws.. How about all those who were ready to lynch Zimmerman before this video?

They were right.
No, they will not. They will defend their bigotry just as Shiela defends hers. They will find some reason that it is Trayvon's fault that he was shot, even if Zimmerman confesses to shooting him without provacation.

Still can't show a post where I defended murder, can you?

If you son was suspended from school 3 times in one year, would you let him be walking the streets at night?

Face it, if Trayvon were my son, he wouldn't be dead because he wouldn't have been in that situation in the first place.
i just watched the video. Where is the puffy eyes or nose if it is broken? why does the back of his head look clean as if he just took a shower?

Zimmerman is done for.....The sad thing is the people who defended him. I wonder if they will admit they where wrong?

Didnot defend Zimmerman, but defended justice and our laws.. How about all those who were ready to lynch Zimmerman before this video?

They were right.

Really? You sure about that? The only thing I'm sure about is that if Zimmerman is declared "not guilty" they will still be ready to lynch him.

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