New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

This is the same sort of mentality that says that if "that woman hadn't worn that short skirt she never would have been raped".

It's disgusting.

Trayvon broke no laws.

Zimmerman did. And a very serious one. A license to conceal NOT a license to kill.

Not at all, I'm not saying he deserved to be killed, I'm saying that if the parents had acted appropriately, the killing never would have happened.

I don't know that Trayvon broke no laws, I don't know the whole story. I know that they found stolen jewlery and a tool for breaking into homes in his backpack at school. Obviously Trayvon was a criminal, now that doesn't mean he deserved to die. However, if he did attack Zimmerman, Zimmerman had the right to defend himself. If Zimmerman threw the first punch but found himself losing the fight and calling for help, he still had a right to defend himself with his gun if the kid didn't get off home him.

I know those are big ifs at this point, but I still hesitate to hang someone because a bunch of blacks are upset, especially if one of them is Al sharpton and the mom took out patents on her kid's name. ARE saying that.

Everything Travyon did was legal and well within his rights as a citizen of both Florida and the United States of America.

What you are saying is disgusting, despicable and distrubing.

You are saying that Trayvon and his parents caused his death.

They did not.

Zimmerman shot him in the chest. And it appears he may be lying about what happened.

Guess it doesn't matter what I say, you're going to read into it what you want.
The video is significant, the network said, because it appears to show that the muscular-looking Zimmerman is uninjured.
There is also no obvious trace of grass stains on his shirt or other clothing, as his attorney and an initial police report indicated. The stains could indicate Trayvon had the upper hand during their struggle, Zimmerman’s attorney said.
The surveillance video shows Zimmerman arriving in a police cruiser at a station wearing black jeans, a gray t-shirt and a red shirt with black shoulder patches. His clothing appears fresh.

Surveillance video shows George Zimmerman from the night he killed Trayvon Martin - Miami-Dade -

Zimmerman lied, Trayvon died.

Yeah--it sure doesn't like to me that any fight took place. Most people who end up in a fight have bruising--scratch's--and bloodied area's--Zimmerman shows nothing on his body that would remotely suggest he was recently in an altercation with anyone.

Just a question...didn't somebody say the cops took his clothing? did this happen before or after this video?
Not at all, I'm not saying he deserved to be killed, I'm saying that if the parents had acted appropriately, the killing never would have happened.

I don't know that Trayvon broke no laws, I don't know the whole story. I know that they found stolen jewlery and a tool for breaking into homes in his backpack at school. Obviously Trayvon was a criminal, now that doesn't mean he deserved to die. However, if he did attack Zimmerman, Zimmerman had the right to defend himself. If Zimmerman threw the first punch but found himself losing the fight and calling for help, he still had a right to defend himself with his gun if the kid didn't get off home him.

I know those are big ifs at this point, but I still hesitate to hang someone because a bunch of blacks are upset, especially if one of them is Al sharpton and the mom took out patents on her kid's name. ARE saying that.

Everything Travyon did was legal and well within his rights as a citizen of both Florida and the United States of America.

What you are saying is disgusting, despicable and distrubing.

You are saying that Trayvon and his parents caused his death.

They did not.

Zimmerman shot him in the chest. And it appears he may be lying about what happened.

Guess it doesn't matter what I say, you're going to read into it what you want.

It's in print. Among several posts.
The video is significant, the network said, because it appears to show that the muscular-looking Zimmerman is uninjured.
There is also no obvious trace of grass stains on his shirt or other clothing, as his attorney and an initial police report indicated. The stains could indicate Trayvon had the upper hand during their struggle, Zimmerman’s attorney said.
The surveillance video shows Zimmerman arriving in a police cruiser at a station wearing black jeans, a gray t-shirt and a red shirt with black shoulder patches. His clothing appears fresh.

Surveillance video shows George Zimmerman from the night he killed Trayvon Martin - Miami-Dade -

Zimmerman lied, Trayvon died.

Yeah--it sure doesn't like to me that any fight took place. Most people who end up in a fight have bruising--scratch's--and bloodied area's--Zimmerman shows nothing on his body that would remotely suggest he was recently in an altercation with anyone.

Just a question...didn't somebody say the cops took his clothing? did this happen before or after this video?

They never took his clothing.
Just saw the video. Zimmerman is a liar, plain and simple. On top of that, there are now reports that Martin had no marks on his hands consistent with being in a fight. This was not self-defense, and it wasn't manslaughter. This was outright premeditated murder in the first degree that calls for the death penalty.

I don't call this 1st degree--as that is planned and plotted. 2nd degree murder--voluntary manslaughter is more likely to hold up in court in this case. Do you have the link where Martin had no marks on his hands?
Just saw the video. Zimmerman is a liar, plain and simple. On top of that, there are now reports that Martin had no marks on his hands consistent with being in a fight. This was not self-defense, and it wasn't manslaughter. This was outright premeditated murder in the first degree that calls for the death penalty.

I don't call this 1st degree--as that is planned and plotted. 2nd degree murder--voluntary manslaughter is more likely to hold up in court in this case. Do you have the link where Martin had no marks on his hands?

The undertaker said this in an interview tonight.
Just saw the video. Zimmerman is a liar, plain and simple. On top of that, there are now reports that Martin had no marks on his hands consistent with being in a fight. This was not self-defense, and it wasn't manslaughter. This was outright premeditated murder in the first degree that calls for the death penalty.

I don't call this 1st degree--as that is planned and plotted. 2nd degree murder--voluntary manslaughter is more likely to hold up in court in this case. Do you have the link where Martin had no marks on his hands?

The funeral director said it. Right now I am not trusting much that is coming out of the Sandford police. The initial report may have been tampered with eye witness testimony. But it appears some of them are doing CYAs to keep their jobs.

I seriously hope all involved with the case..resign. They fucked up..badly.
Have you seen it? I just saw it on Tv news and, since I'm using my iPad, don't want to hunt for a link. It's out now though, so it won't be hard to find.

No blood from his so-called broken nose even though his mother sais he bled profusely, no wounds on the back of his head, no marks on his face, shirt brand spanking clean. The cops don't treat him like a suspect at all. Yes, he's cuffed but is in no distress as he walks into the building from the garage. He looks like he has just dropped in to visit.

This tape really shows that this has been a cover up. And even if it doesn't show that, it proves that he was not beaten like he said.

Why was this tape "leaked" to ABC?

Boy, this whole thing really stinks. Even the rw's won't be able to twist this around.

I seriously do not understand why this is still a topic of conversation. I am getting exactly what I wanted to see happen -an independent, outside investigation into the entire thing to determine if charges are warranted against Zimmerman. It is the police themselves who said his nose was bleeding at the time which you can go ahead and pretend they must have all lied about it -except he received medical treatment for a broken nose! Think the doctor and attending personnel are all lying too?

This is NOT something that will be settled by public opinion when the public does not and will NEVER have the full facts -and we have now watched thugs demand vigilantism and calling for the murder of Zimmerman and announcing they hoped to be able to offer $1,000,000 for that by next week. Given the OUTRAGEOUS statements by some of our STUPID, UNIFORMED, BIGOTED Congressional representatives, if you were Zimmerman how confident would YOU be that you would receive a fair hearing and a fair trial if charges are ever brought? Who benefits with this kind of media hype and outrageous inflammatory statements being made even by members of Congress who don't have the full facts EITHER? If you were Zimmerman and let's say at the time Zimmerman is telling the truth as HE knows it -and you really were in fear for your life being beaten by a younger, fitter man who had you on the ground and wasn't letting up -how confident would YOU be that you would be given a fair shot in court? Don't get me wrong -I also understand why Martin did what HE did and am NOT defending Zimmerman. I am saying TRUTH isn't so cut and dried though as the race baiters and hate mongers would have you believe and I do not believe this all boils down to something as simple as black and white. It boils down to two people already suspicious of the motives of the other and acting and responding out of their own fear -and that doesn't make it a "hate crime" and cold blooded murder no matter who would have ended up dead here. There may be a crime here that Zimmerman can be charged with under Florida law -but OUR less than fully informed opinion won't and shouldn't influence that determination that should only be made by an independent, dispassionate and impartial investigation! Do you agree?

However I think Spike Lee belongs in prison for tweeting the address of a little old couple who have nothing to do with this whatsoever and saying Zimmerman was staying there - and had to flee for their LIVES as a result. If I were Spike Lee I would already be in contact with my lawyer for the lawsuit that will no doubt be coming his way -and DESERVEDLY SO. Obviously Spike Lee was hoping his tweet would result in the murder of Zimmerman following the Black Panthers hit they put on him offering to pay anyone to turn him over to them "dead or alive". Because there isn't an arrest warrant out on the guy -so who do you think intends to take possession of Zimmerman and for what purpose if someone wants to collect? Assuming it isn't his corpse being turned over to the black KKK. Think Spike Lee would have lost any sleep if that had resulted in Zimmerman's cold blooded murder? What would be HIS defense if either Zimmerman or the elderly couple had been killed as a result of his tweet? What is the REAL point of the nonstop media HYPE at this point given the fact most people, including the Martin family just wanted another investigation into this to determine if Zimmerman should face charges. NOT whether he should be MURDERED by hot-headed THUGS.

Do you SERIOUSLY believe you know all there is to know about what happened that night and you know all you need to know about what kind of person Zimmerman is and you know all you need to know about what his motivation was that night? If the answer is NO to any of those and given the fact none of us here will be called upon to act as his judge or jury -then what is the point of the nonstop inflammatory rhetoric that is already provably putting innocent lives into danger?

The reason for the nonstop inflammatory rhetoric is for the SPECIFIC PURPOSE of poisoning any potential jury pool in the future. With the black KKK -oops, Black Panthers -planning to offer one million for his corpse by next week, if it doesn't result in depriving Zimmerman of any justice by just murdering him in cold blood - then this is to poison the jury pool where either jury members will already have made up their minds even before opening statements and will refuse to even allow themselves to hear Zimmerman's side of the story (as happened with OJs jury who were never going to convict even if there had been a video of him slaughtering those two people). Or worse yet -be terrified to acquit him for fear of the violence the black KKK is clearly threatening. Personally I think the Black Panthers belong in prison right next to Spike Lee -because I'm pretty sure solicitation to commit to murder is a felony. Too many chicken shit politicians to stand up to those thugs though they had no problem when they menaced voters at the polls either. So what is a little solicitation to commit murder?

Just so Spike Lee gets a taste of his own medicine:

His agent is Billy Hawkins at CAA-424-288-2000. Enough calls to complain and maybe CAA will dump him. His production company is 40 Acres and a Mule and that number is 718-624-3703. Press #7 for his office. Let him know how much you appreciate his efforts to get a little old couple that had nothing to do with this running in fear for their lives.
Have you seen it? I just saw it on Tv news and, since I'm using my iPad, don't want to hunt for a link. It's out now though, so it won't be hard to find.

No blood from his so-called broken nose even though his mother sais he bled profusely, no wounds on the back of his head, no marks on his face, shirt brand spanking clean. The cops don't treat him like a suspect at all. Yes, he's cuffed but is in no distress as he walks into the building from the garage. He looks like he has just dropped in to visit.

This tape really shows that this has been a cover up. And even if it doesn't show that, it proves that he was not beaten like he said.

Why was this tape "leaked" to ABC?

Boy, this whole thing really stinks. Even the rw's won't be able to twist this around.

I seriously do not understand why this is still a topic of conversation. I am getting exactly what I wanted to see happen -an independent, outside investigation into the entire thing to determine if charges are warranted against Zimmerman. It is the police themselves who said his nose was bleeding at the time which you can go ahead and pretend they must have all lied about it -except he received medical treatment for a broken nose! Think the doctor and attending personnel are all lying too?

This is NOT something that will be settled by public opinion when the public does not and will NEVER have the full facts -and we have now watched thugs demand vigilantism and calling for the murder of Zimmerman and announcing they hoped to be able to offer $1,000,000 for that by next week. Given the OUTRAGEOUS statements by some of our STUPID, UNIFORMED, BIGOTED Congressional representatives, if you were Zimmerman how confident would YOU be that you would receive a fair hearing and a fair trial if charges are ever brought? Who benefits with this kind of media hype and outrageous inflammatory statements being made even by members of Congress who don't have the full facts EITHER? If you were Zimmerman and let's say at the time Zimmerman is telling the truth as HE knows it -and you really were in fear for your life being beaten by a younger, fitter man who had you on the ground and wasn't letting up -how confident would YOU be that you would be given a fair shot in court? Don't get me wrong -I also understand why Martin did what HE did and am NOT defending Zimmerman. I am saying TRUTH isn't so cut and dried though as the race baiters and hate mongers would have you believe and I do not believe this all boils down to something as simple as black and white. It boils down to two people already suspicious of the motives of the other and acting and responding out of their own fear -and that doesn't make it a "hate crime" and cold blooded murder no matter who would have ended up dead here. There may be a crime here that Zimmerman can be charged with under Florida law -but OUR less than fully informed opinion won't and shouldn't influence that determination that should only be made by an independent, dispassionate and impartial investigation! Do you agree?

However I think Spike Lee belongs in prison for tweeting the address of a little old couple who have nothing to do with this whatsoever and saying Zimmerman was staying there - and had to flee for their LIVES as a result. If I were Spike Lee I would already be in contact with my lawyer for the lawsuit that will no doubt be coming his way -and DESERVEDLY SO. Obviously Spike Lee was hoping his tweet would result in the murder of Zimmerman following the Black Panthers hit they put on him offering to pay anyone to turn him over to them "dead or alive". Because there isn't an arrest warrant out on the guy -so who do you think intends to take possession of Zimmerman and for what purpose if someone wants to collect? Assuming it isn't his corpse being turned over to the black KKK. Think Spike Lee would have lost any sleep if that had resulted in Zimmerman's cold blooded murder? What would be HIS defense if either Zimmerman or the elderly couple had been killed as a result of his tweet? What is the REAL point of the nonstop media HYPE at this point given the fact most people, including the Martin family just wanted another investigation into this to determine if Zimmerman should face charges. NOT whether he should be MURDERED by hot-headed THUGS.

Do you SERIOUSLY believe you know all there is to know about what happened that night and you know all you need to know about what kind of person Zimmerman is and you know all you need to know about what his motivation was that night? If the answer is NO to any of those and given the fact none of us here will be called upon to act as his judge or jury -then what is the point of the nonstop inflammatory rhetoric that is already provably putting innocent lives into danger?

The reason for the nonstop inflammatory rhetoric is for the SPECIFIC PURPOSE of poisoning any potential jury pool in the future. With the black KKK -oops, Black Panthers -planning to offer one million for his corpse by next week, if it doesn't result in depriving Zimmerman of any justice by just murdering him in cold blood - then this is to poison the jury pool where either jury members will already have made up their minds even before opening statements and will refuse to even allow themselves to hear Zimmerman's side of the story (as happened with OJs jury who were never going to convict even if there had been a video of him slaughtering those two people). Or worse yet -be terrified to acquit him for fear of the violence the black KKK is clearly threatening. Personally I think the Black Panthers belong in prison right next to Spike Lee -because I'm pretty sure solicitation to commit to murder is a felony. Too many chicken shit politicians to stand up to those thugs though they had no problem when they menaced voters at the polls either. So what is a little solicitation to commit murder?

Just so Spike Lee gets a taste of his own medicine:

His agent is Billy Hawkins at CAA-424-288-2000. Enough calls to complain and maybe CAA will dump him. His production company is 40 Acres and a Mule and that number is 718-624-3703. Press #7 for his office. Let him know how much you appreciate his efforts to get a little old couple that had nothing to do with this running in fear for their lives.

Eyeah..I see you've a pretty balanced outlook. Your pissed at Lee yet you let Operation Rescue, Sarah Palin, Bill O'Reilly and a host of others irresponsible behavior that resulted in real live deaths, off the hook. go on to give on Lee's address.

Good for you..good for you.

Responsible to a fault.
to run down to the corner store? Um i used to bike all the time when i was under 18, well late into the night and nothing ever happened to me.

Being 17 and running down to the store to get skittles and iced tea isnt a big deal, suspended or not.

My point is that had the parents behaved as responsible parents, their son would have been grounded and never would have been out on the street that night in the first place.

And running down to the store at nite in a neighborhood with a high crime rate is a stupid thing, especially for teenagers.

and swing and a miss...
Now you are saying my parents where not responsible because they let me stay out late at night while i biked....
Letting your kid run down to the corner store is not being bad parents.

Did you live in a high crime area?

No one should go out alone at night around here, especially not someone's kid.
This video is proof that Zimmerman and the police are lying.

This thread is proof that liberals have shit for brains.

Between the low quality of the video and the first aid Zimmerman already received, you shouldn't expect see anything. And, if you did, you'd just claim it was fake or self-inflicted.
This video is proof that Zimmerman and the police are lying.

This thread is proof that liberals have shit for brains.

Between the low quality of the video and the first aid Zimmerman already received, you shouldn't expect see anything. And, if you did, you'd just claim it was fake or self-inflicted.


Doesn't matter what "care" you recieve for a broken nose. You still have black eyes and a swollen nose..that doesn't go away for weeks.

There's also no gash..which was said to be so required stitches. And no bandage.

Along with clothes that look like they were just laundered.'re not.
This video is proof that Zimmerman and the police are lying.

This thread is proof that liberals have shit for brains.

Between the low quality of the video and the first aid Zimmerman already received, you shouldn't expect see anything. And, if you did, you'd just claim it was fake or self-inflicted.

This video shows a BIG, MUSCULAR, guy with no apparent injuries.

He outweighed Trayvon by 60 lbs.

He's lying to save his ass.
Zimmerman's father is a retired judge.

He pulled some strings with the DA's office to get him off.

The chief detective on the case told witnesses that he thought Zimmerman should have been prosecuted.
Zimmerman's father is a retired judge.

He pulled some strings with the DA's office to get him off.

The chief detective on the case told witnesses that he thought Zimmerman should have been prosecuted.

And Bob's your uncle.

Stick a fork in it..because it's done.
Purple states?

More devision then we've seen in decades.

We all know why and who is causing this.

Its bullshit. This case is what it is and will play out one way or the other. No need for it to be a National event. Quite frankly I'm sick of the media sucking up to blacks and immigrants depending on there mood or need for sensationalism at the time. Now we have the new Panthers involved and members of Congress. All Black of course. These people will stop at nothing to get noticed, even the death of a young kid. It disgusts me.
Last edited:
Purple states?

More devision then we've seen in decades.

We all know why and who is causing this.

Its bullshit. This case is what it is and will play out one way or the other. No need for it to be a National event. Quite frankly I'm sick of the media sucking up to blacks and immigrants depending on there mood or need for sensationalism at the time. Now we have the new Panthers involved and members of Congress. All Black of course. These people will stop at nothing to get noticed, even the death of a young kid. It disgusts me.

Of course there was a need for a national event. The fucking Sandford police let a killer go and lied about it.

Everyone involved should be dismissed..
Poor rw's ... They can't think of any new lies to excuse this "leaked" video.

It changes everything.

I remember hearing from the Libs here that Zimmerman was never brought in to the police
station,was never interviewed.

Were the Libs lying then?

LOL. To be fair, I think they got it from their beloved liberal media. Initial reports were that he was not arrested.

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