New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

The video is significant, the network said, because it appears to show that the muscular-looking Zimmerman is uninjured.
There is also no obvious trace of grass stains on his shirt or other clothing, as his attorney and an initial police report indicated. The stains could indicate Trayvon had the upper hand during their struggle, Zimmerman’s attorney said.
The surveillance video shows Zimmerman arriving in a police cruiser at a station wearing black jeans, a gray t-shirt and a red shirt with black shoulder patches. His clothing appears fresh.

Surveillance video shows George Zimmerman from the night he killed Trayvon Martin - Miami-Dade -

Zimmerman lied, Trayvon died.

Three brainless fools!!!:clap2:
All these legal geniuses running around here...

I keep hearing about how Zimmerman killed or murdered poor little, grandma helping, church going Trayvon but I have yet to hear -- Why?

I want to know -- Why?

Did Zimmerman just decide he didn't like his looks and blow him away? Did Trayvon call him a dirty name and provoke Zimmerman? Did Trayvon smile at him the wrong way?

Maybe Trayvon asked Zimmerman to donate to his Church and it was the wrong denomination.

American dimocraps invented the lynch mob after the Civil War. They haven' changed much

Those were "Dixiecrats"..and they were very conservative.

Dixiecrat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read all about it.

And a Republican started the Progressive movement. What's your point? Those racist pieces of crap were democrats. Period. End of statement.

Martin Luther King Jr was a lifelong, registered Republican.

democrats have been on the wrong side of the 'race' issue since -- Forever. For their first 150 years, you were the slavers. We had to kill tens of thousands of you to free Black people.

Now, you keep Black people down by sticking them all in the ghettos of inner cities, forcing Fathers to flee the home, offering only sub-standard educations that only Public Employee Union Teachers get anything out of, giving them barely enough to survive while stealing all their dignity and hope for the future

You people haven't changed at all. Not since the the very beginning of your disgusting political party.

Our Party was FORMED as an abolitionist Party. Totally, completely and with no other purpose than to wipe out the democrat institution of slavery.

You've just found a newer, better way to enslave them. That's all

That's incorrect as well..

Personal political advocacy

Although King never publicly supported a political party or candidate for president, in a letter to a civil rights supporter in October 1956 he said that he was undecided as to whether he would vote for the Adlai Stevenson or Dwight Eisenhower, but that "In the past I always voted the Democratic ticket."[32]

In his autobiography, King says that in 1960 he privately voted for Democratic candidate John F. Kennedy: "I felt that Kennedy would make the best president. I never came out with an endorsement. My father did, but I never made one." King adds that he likely would have made an exception to his non-endorsement policy in 1964, saying "Had President Kennedy lived, I would probably have endorsed him in 1964."[33]
Martin Luther King, Jr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

It was his father..who was a registered Republican.
OK, Shiela, so you defend murder. Simply because the kid was suspended from school.

Sad, such bigoted blind fools.

Shiela didn't say that...and you know it!
But you and other are so good at twisting things around to what you want to see or hear it's just a normal thing for you i guess.... :cuckoo:
I saw it on TV...Very disturbing new evidence.

Think man think! Remember something very important that has been said since the beginning.

What has been said since the beginning is that a man with a gun followed a kid and then shot him.

People like you then tried to make the gunman the victim. Now the video shows what total lies Zimmerman's story was.

But now, this is in the realm of politics as well as justice. Because someone ordered that Zimmerman not be charged, and orchestrated the bullshit that has followed. Who, and why? Are they elected officials? What laws did they break in doing this? Many questions now.

And once again, the wingnuts have shown their total bigotry here.
So walking back from a conveniance store at night is a capital crime for a 17 year old? You have to be kidding!

Would you let your kid walk to the convenience store at night while on suspension from school? Especially to get iced tea and skittles...I mean if it was an errand for the family or something I could see it, but they were just letting a kid on suspension basically run wild.

And worse, this wasn't his first suspension. And had he lived, I doubt it would have been the last.
Are you a perfect mother and do you blame yourself if your child gets killed for walking through your neighborhood?

Just stop it.

Well, assuming Sheila is white...if it happened to her kid none of us would ever hear about it.
Sorry bout that,

1. The Grand Jury in that jurisdiction will or has decided not to pursue Zimmerman.
2. If they don't then nothing happens in the justice system.
3. All this hate towards a man who didn't even get the Grand Jury to move?
4. Seems he has an air tight alibi.
5. Other wise the GJ would haul him to court.
6. You negros who think Mexicans are White people need to open yea minds.


Was he seen by paramedics and cleaned up ...
Back in the day I had a chance to be a punching bag for the cops and I can tell you for fact I was hit and after there were not tell tale marks ...

Bullshit. Another lying bigot. You break someones nose, and for at least two weeks it is very evident. You get a serious head cut, and it bleeds like a stuck hog. No evidence of blood on the jacket, no grass stains, no broken nose. Zimmerman's story is pure fabrication. He should be standing for murder one.
Would you let your kid walk to the convenience store at night while on suspension from school? Especially to get iced tea and skittles...I mean if it was an errand for the family or something I could see it, but they were just letting a kid on suspension basically run wild.

And worse, this wasn't his first suspension. And had he lived, I doubt it would have been the last.
Are you a perfect mother and do you blame yourself if your child gets killed for walking through your neighborhood?

Just stop it.

Well, assuming Sheila is white...if it happened to her kid none of us would ever hear about it.

Oh God, another 'poor little victim me' 'Conservative'. Damn, this horror has definately shown what whining assholes you people are.
Are you a perfect mother and do you blame yourself if your child gets killed for walking through your neighborhood?

Just stop it.

Well, assuming Sheila is white...if it happened to her kid none of us would ever hear about it.

Oh God, another 'poor little victim me' 'Conservative'. Damn, this horror has definately shown what whining assholes you people are.

Who's the "whinner" that just negged me for stating that Sheila did not say she defends murder??? She didn't.....prove where she said she thought someone should be murdered!

And i have never called myself a victim...we just all know that if the kid had been white, then the news MAY have a small little article on it stating "17 yr old white boy gets shot by Hispanic". And where would the outcry on that be? Would YOU get out there wanting justice for that white boy? Would you even think twice about it?
You stupid ass. Had Zimmerman been charged in a reasonable time, had he been held as the police wanted to do, this would not be a national incident. It would just the the trial of a nutter with a gun that killed somebody.

But there was a coverup, and a series of lies told. So, now it is a national story, and the source of the coverup and the reason for it have to be investigated.

It appears that someone in the state goverment was willing to throw the Sanford Police Department under the bus for their coverup. We need to know who that was, and the motivatons for it.
You stupid ass. Had Zimmerman been charged in a reasonable time, had he been held as the police wanted to do, this would not be a national incident. It would just the the trial of a nutter with a gun that killed somebody.

But there was a coverup, and a series of lies told. So, now it is a national story, and the source of the coverup and the reason for it have to be investigated.

It appears that someone in the state goverment was willing to throw the Sanford Police Department under the bus for their coverup. We need to know who that was, and the motivatons for it.

Amazing..ain't it?
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Footage was taken much later, idjits.

It was taken on the night of the shooting.

2. He had plenty of time to get cleaned up.

So they took him home to change clothes and take a shower?

3. Here is a clue, think time line.
4. He more than likely went to give a statement at a much later date.

In handcuffs?

1. Yes in handcuffs, they take suspects in for questioning in cuffs.
2. Police policy.
3. This film was more than likely a week after the shooting, and is why it was released, its unimportant to the case, otherwise police wouldn't release it.
4. Think people.:eusa_shifty:
5. Use your heads, not your racist sentiments.

"The initial police report noted that Zimmerman was bleeding from the back of the head and nose, and after medical attention it was decided that he was in good enough condition to travel in a police cruiser to the Sanford, Fla., police station for questioning. "

Trayvon Martin Case: Exclusive Surveillance Video of George Zimmerman - ABC News

This is from their same page making a deal about it, perhaps he was cleaned up by the medical people.

Ding ding ding ding! Finally, someone with enough functioning synapses to put two and two together!

It took a while.
Richard Kurtz, funeral home director, said there was no bruising or injuries to Martin's hands. The only injury was the gunshot wound to the chest.

Anyone who has been in a fight knows that if you break someone's nose with your fist, you would have bruised knuckles.

A witness saw it you ignorant fool.
A spot or two? I hit another fellow once, and there was a brick wall about an inch behind his head. Even a week later, there was sure a lot more than a spot or two. And my right hand looked as bad as his head.

Then there is the matter of the missing grass stains, and what of that 'broken nose'? Lies from the git-go. Looking more and more like murder 1.

Do us all a favor, hold your breath until Zimmerman's arrested.

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