New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

Don't you wish. This travesty is going to play a major role come November.

An accidental admission of truth from a libtard.

That's all this whole thing is about. the Stuttering Clusterfukk and his evil minions in the LSM are trying to gin up support based on race and class warfare.

It's all they got anyway
What is it with Democrats and Hoodies?



ABC (LSM FILTH) caught in another lie


This 'proves' nothing. Except that the FILTH in the LSM is just that -- FILTH.

Clearly, any person with a triple-digit IQ (which leaves out most libs) can see something that 'might' be head trauma.

But ABC bother with that? :eusa_shhh: :eusa_shhh:
The DA *got involved* because they are in charge of crime investigations and they are the ones who put the trials together.

Cripes. The level of ignorance is amazing.
There is so much of this story on this board I do not even know where to post this congratulations, you are the lucky winners of my thoughts.

I saw a video of Zimmerman's I guess "arrest" this morning on the TODAY show...where he is led into the station and shows him in the building....nothing too close up and quite blurry as security type videos normally are.
He certainly was not bandaged at all.
But from what I have seen of the police report, all that it says is his nose was "bloodied." (Bloody Nose does not equal a broken nose.) His back was wet and dirty "as if he had been laying on his back" (In thise video he is wearing a heavy jacket.) The police report also has something about some scratches to the back of his head (the back of Zimmerman's head is not visible in this video.)

Benefit of the doubt would have to go with law enforcement.
Didnot defend Zimmerman, but defended justice and our laws.. How about all those who were ready to lynch Zimmerman before this video?

Looks like they were right.

Simple facts. Zimmerman had a gun. The kid was doing nothing at all wrong. The police told Zimmerman to back off. Zimmerman confronted the kid, and a minute later, the kid was dead. That alone is grounds for manslaughter, even if there was a fight.

Now we have the video giving lie to all the claims Zimmerman has made. Looks like murder one from where I sit.

And we need to know what kind of shitheads were doing their best to cover this up and let Zimmerman walk, and why.

Maybe because of the lynch Zimmerman crowd such as Al Sharpton. I mean, if he takes one side on an issue, I pretty much have to take the other just based on principal. The man has never apologized for what he did to the lives of those Duke Lacross players.
You say I "politicized" the discussion when it was an rw who posted that Zimmerman is a Dem. Now you say Rev Al Sharoton says Zimmerman should be lynched.

Lies from you rw's don't help the situation.

No matter what the rw's say, there should have been an immediate arrest and a timely trial, as our Constitution guarantees.
Look at the video between :51-:54 seconds in....what is the officer appear to be looking at on the back of Zimmerman's shaved head? Dandruff?

[ame=]George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance video - YouTube[/ame]
And some of the posters here.:lol:
Yeah, I've seen the posters say that, but wasn't there a news report that said a witness said that?

I honestly can't recall all the reports from the press. Boy, are they getting it wrong a lot.

So irresponsible.

Zimmerman's lawyer is the one that put out that information.

I saw this morning an article that Sanford police verified that was consistent with Zimmerman's account. I think it was in an Orlando Sentinel report. I'll search and see if I can find it again.

ETA: here's one:
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Have you seen it? I just saw it on Tv news and, since I'm using my iPad, don't want to hunt for a link. It's out now though, so it won't be hard to find.

No blood from his so-called broken nose even though his mother sais he bled profusely, no wounds on the back of his head, no marks on his face, shirt brand spanking clean. The cops don't treat him like a suspect at all. Yes, he's cuffed but is in no distress as he walks into the building from the garage. He looks like he has just dropped in to visit.

This tape really shows that this has been a cover up. And even if it doesn't show that, it proves that he was not beaten like he said.

Why was this tape "leaked" to ABC?

Boy, this whole thing really stinks. Even the rw's won't be able to twist this around.

This video is going to rub Fox Noise's nose in the very shit they tried to pull with this from the start.

This guy doesn't have a mark on him. But the RW's ate this up self-defense. They are stupid, stupid dupes.
From what I have seen reported the police report lists a "bloody nose"...where are official reports of a "Broken nose?"
Have you seen it? I just saw it on Tv news and, since I'm using my iPad, don't want to hunt for a link. It's out now though, so it won't be hard to find.

No blood from his so-called broken nose even though his mother sais he bled profusely, no wounds on the back of his head, no marks on his face, shirt brand spanking clean. The cops don't treat him like a suspect at all. Yes, he's cuffed but is in no distress as he walks into the building from the garage. He looks like he has just dropped in to visit.

This tape really shows that this has been a cover up. And even if it doesn't show that, it proves that he was not beaten like he said.

Why was this tape "leaked" to ABC?

Boy, this whole thing really stinks. Even the rw's won't be able to twist this around.

This video is going to rub Fox Noise's nose in the very shit they tried to pull with this from the start.

This guy doesn't have a mark on him. But the RW's ate this up self-defense. They are stupid, stupid dupes.

No... its about waiting for all the evidence and findings to come out before rushing to judgement in the court of public media.... that is unless you are a race baiting whackaloon extremist


And this one is, too I bet --


Tweeting in December under the name “T33ZY TAUGHT M3,” Martin sent a message that read, “Plzz shoot da #mf dat lied 2 u!”

Such a stand up guy. Not the kind that would attack a Man trying to protect personal property by sucker punching him and yelling, "You gonna die tonight!!"

Certainly not the kind of kid whose parents wouldn't even claim his body from the morgue for three days.

Stand up kid, alright. Not the kind that would get suspended from school for drugs, suspicious items not belonging to him and burglary tools.

Much better pedigree than that evil white-hispanic (still trying to figure that one out) guy who used to volunteer to tutor Black kids -- For nothing!!

Birds of a feather?
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Look at the video between :51-:54 seconds in....what is the officer appear to be looking at on the back of Zimmerman's shaved head? Dandruff?

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance video - YouTube

Might well be, as from 56 to 58 you can clearly see the back of Zimmerman's head, and no damage is apparent. Zimmerman's whole story is bullshit. And those that backed it up have been clearly shown to be lying to hide a homocide.
Look at the video between :51-:54 seconds in....what is the officer appear to be looking at on the back of Zimmerman's shaved head? Dandruff?

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance video - YouTube


Zimmerman was probably formulating an alibi. He may have started whining about his head..and the cop had a look. After the cop had a look..Zimmerman gingerly walks into the if nothing happened. Cop probably said, "Nothing there ace..get movin'".

Look at the video between :51-:54 seconds in....what is the officer appear to be looking at on the back of Zimmerman's shaved head? Dandruff?

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance video - YouTube


Zimmerman was probably formulating an alibi. He may have started whining about his head..and the cop had a look. After the cop had a look..Zimmerman gingerly walks into the if nothing happened. Cop probably said, "Nothing there ace..get movin'".


Never having been arrested myself, can you tell me are police required to put everything I say in a report ("My head hurts.") or just what they can see themselves (like a bloody nose) in their report?
Poor rw's ... They can't think of any new lies to excuse this "leaked" video.

It changes everything.

you really are a piece of shit...this has nothing to do with right or left..

yes it does. White conservatives and their black flunkies vs everyone else.

Ah, hate to point out the inconvenient truth, Salt but Zimmerman is a registered Democrat and half Hispanic. Everyone on the Left assumes he's an NRA card carrying white Republican and that's not the case.

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