New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

Punishment in my house was pretty harsh as well. But there were times I was able to convince my step father to let me out of the house from time to time, not to party just to get out. It might be a father thing. My mother probably wouldn't have had it, my father though was a little more lenient. I can imagine him letting me walk to the store in that situation, more so because he would want something himself and didn't feel like getting it himself. It'd be a "go, but don't tell your mother I let you go" kind of thing.

Like I said if it were a family errand thing I could understand it more, but it wasn't. And considering what was found in his backpack at school, I have no trouble believing that he was casing those houses.

His father doesn't seem like the authoritative type even from the interviews.


...but I don't think we can accuse THIS man of being a bad father. I don't know who can say they're a perfect parent. But he tried... and he's a whole heck of a lot better then a lot of fathers, who just aren't there at all.

Attacking the father doesn't make this case any different... regardless.

I thought Trayvon was only 17?
From the background this appears to be an appearance on the "Merv Griffin Show" from the 1970's?

[ame=]Foster Brooks roasts Dean Martin - YouTube[/ame]
Look at the video between :51-:54 seconds in....what is the officer appear to be looking at on the back of Zimmerman's shaved head? Dandruff?

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance video - YouTube

Might well be, as from 56 to 58 you can clearly see the back of Zimmerman's head, and no damage is apparent. Zimmerman's whole story is bullshit. And those that backed it up have been clearly shown to be lying to hide a homocide.

Again pushing your assumptions as fact... par for the course for you

While sane people are waiting for the findings and results of the investigation
Yeah, I've seen the posters say that, but wasn't there a news report that said a witness said that?

I honestly can't recall all the reports from the press. Boy, are they getting it wrong a lot.

So irresponsible.

Zimmerman's lawyer is the one that put out that information.

I saw this morning an article that Sanford police verified that was consistent with Zimmerman's account. I think it was in an Orlando Sentinel report. I'll search and see if I can find it again.

ETA: here's one:

Trayvon Martin: George Zimmerman's account to police of the Trayvon Martin shooting. - Orlando Sentinel
Thanks for that! Here's what I see significant in that [my emphasis]:

With a single punch, Trayvon Martin decked the Neighborhood Watch volunteer who eventually shot and killed the unarmed 17-year-old, then Trayvon climbed on top of George Zimmerman and slammed his head into the sidewalk, leaving him bloody and battered, law-enforcement authorities told the Orlando Sentinel.

That is the account Zimmerman gave police, and much of it has been corroborated by witnesses, authorities say. There have been no reports that a witness saw the initial punch Zimmerman told police about.


Police have been reluctant to provide details about their evidence.

But after the Sentinel story appeared online Monday morning, City Manager Norton Bonaparte Jr. issued a news release, saying there would be an internal-affairs investigation into the source of the leak and, if identified, the person or people involved would be disciplined.


"Bloody and battered" seems a bit of hyperbole (although the blood was likely cleaned up from Zimmerman by EMTs).
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Look at the video between :51-:54 seconds in....what is the officer appear to be looking at on the back of Zimmerman's shaved head? Dandruff?

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance video - YouTube


Zimmerman was probably formulating an alibi. He may have started whining about his head..and the cop had a look. After the cop had a look..Zimmerman gingerly walks into the if nothing happened. Cop probably said, "Nothing there ace..get movin'".


Never having been arrested myself, can you tell me are police required to put everything I say in a report ("My head hurts.") or just what they can see themselves (like a bloody nose) in their report?

Having been arrested..yeah. They also video you..but some of it never gets on tape. Like when they slap in you in the back of the head..rewind the tape..and start again.

Look at the video between :51-:54 seconds in....what is the officer appear to be looking at on the back of Zimmerman's shaved head? Dandruff?

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance video - YouTube

Might well be, as from 56 to 58 you can clearly see the back of Zimmerman's head, and no damage is apparent. Zimmerman's whole story is bullshit. And those that backed it up have been clearly shown to be lying to hide a homocide.

Again pushing your assumptions as fact... par for the course for you

While sane people are waiting for the findings and results of the investigation

Which..never ever would have happened..if it weren't for Al Sharpton.
you really are a piece of shit...this has nothing to do with right or left..

yes it does. White conservatives and their black flunkies vs everyone else.

Ah, hate to point out the inconvenient truth, Salt but Zimmerman is a registered Democrat and half Hispanic. Everyone on the Left assumes he's an NRA card carrying white Republican and that's not the case.

I am sure you can produce that post.

Don't check mine, however..because I've never made such a post. And..I too am half hispanic and a registered Democrat. I just don't go around killing kids for buying candy and ice tea. Seems a bit harsh.
Look at the video between :51-:54 seconds in....what is the officer appear to be looking at on the back of Zimmerman's shaved head? Dandruff?

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance video - YouTube

Might well be, as from 56 to 58 you can clearly see the back of Zimmerman's head, and no damage is apparent. Zimmerman's whole story is bullshit. And those that backed it up have been clearly shown to be lying to hide a homocide.

Again pushing your assumptions as fact... par for the course for you

While sane people are waiting for the findings and results of the investigation

Facts don't matter to libtards.

Speaking of 'facts' I found the Police Report

Scroll down a bit and the eyewitness Police Officer clearly states --

“While I was in such close contact with Zimmerman, I could observe that his back appeared to be wet and was covered in grass, as if he had been laying on his back on the ground. Zimmerman was also bleeding from the nose and back of his head.”

But we wouldn't want libtards to let facts get in the way of their opinions.

Who would we have to make fun of then?
Don't you wish. This travesty is going to play a major role come November.

Gas ticked up another 10-cents in my market today ($3.75 before April) and Democrats want to run on some random Florida shooting?
Please do.... :lol: :clap2:

Ignorant rw's tried to blame the president for gas prices. Now theyre blaming a murdered kid?


Nothing is ever your fault, huh?

My 8 year-old Granddaughter feels the same way
Might well be, as from 56 to 58 you can clearly see the back of Zimmerman's head, and no damage is apparent. Zimmerman's whole story is bullshit. And those that backed it up have been clearly shown to be lying to hide a homocide.

Again pushing your assumptions as fact... par for the course for you

While sane people are waiting for the findings and results of the investigation

Facts don't matter to libtards.

Speaking of 'facts' I found the Police Report

Scroll down a bit and the eyewitness Police Officer clearly states --

“While I was in such close contact with Zimmerman, I could observe that his back appeared to be wet and was covered in grass, as if he had been laying on his back on the ground. Zimmerman was also bleeding from the nose and back of his head.”

But we wouldn't want libtards to let facts get in the way of their opinions.

Who would we have to make fun of then?

Yeah..odd thing about that police report is that it lists Trayvon Martin's name, address, number and other personal information.

Except the police checked in Martin as a "John Doe" and kept the body for three days without informing the family of his death. Then when they finally did get around to telling them..they said they had no identity..which was why it took so long.


Either they lied to the family.

Went back and changed the police report.

Or something else happened.

Care to explain?

We just saw what is coming out in this case. And shows Zimmerman to be a liar.

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance | Video - ABC News
All I see is a handcuffed man obeying police orders and being respectful. You call that evidence?

Seems the prosecution by way of press has lost its perspective in its zeal to prosecute someone reverse racists hate.


It's not what you's what you don't see. Injuries, blood on the clothing, stains on on the jacket..or any evidence the hand cuffed man is in any pain at all. He's moving just fine.

That's weird given he just survived a brawl that nearly took his life, no?
Again pushing your assumptions as fact... par for the course for you

While sane people are waiting for the findings and results of the investigation

Facts don't matter to libtards.

Speaking of 'facts' I found the Police Report

Scroll down a bit and the eyewitness Police Officer clearly states --

“While I was in such close contact with Zimmerman, I could observe that his back appeared to be wet and was covered in grass, as if he had been laying on his back on the ground. Zimmerman was also bleeding from the nose and back of his head.”

But we wouldn't want libtards to let facts get in the way of their opinions.

Who would we have to make fun of then?

Yeah..odd thing about that police report is that it lists Trayvon Martin's name, address, number and other personal information.

Except the police checked in Martin as a "John Doe" and kept the body for three days without informing the family of his death. Then when they finally did get around to telling them..they said they had no identity..which was why it took so long.


Either they lied to the family.

Went back and changed the police report.

Or something else happened.

Care to explain?



It was the Sanford Police Department who was actually responsible for the 9/11 attacks.
Facts don't matter to libtards.

Speaking of 'facts' I found the Police Report

Scroll down a bit and the eyewitness Police Officer clearly states --

“While I was in such close contact with Zimmerman, I could observe that his back appeared to be wet and was covered in grass, as if he had been laying on his back on the ground. Zimmerman was also bleeding from the nose and back of his head.”

But we wouldn't want libtards to let facts get in the way of their opinions.

Who would we have to make fun of then?

Yeah..odd thing about that police report is that it lists Trayvon Martin's name, address, number and other personal information.

Except the police checked in Martin as a "John Doe" and kept the body for three days without informing the family of his death. Then when they finally did get around to telling them..they said they had no identity..which was why it took so long.


Either they lied to the family.

Went back and changed the police report.

Or something else happened.

Care to explain?



It was the Sanford Police Department who was actually responsible for the 9/11 attacks.

And that wasn't the question.

Try again.
This is hilarious. With every post you show your continuing ignorance.

I saw it on TV...Very disturbing new evidence.

Think man think! Remember something very important that has been said since the beginning.

What has been said since the beginning is that a man with a gun followed a kid and then shot him.

Not at all what the post was about, not even a good attempt at deflection. Fail.

People like you then tried to make the gunman the victim.

I've never done that ever. My only position is to stop the lynch mob mentality and allow the authoities to re-do something they already did. Investigate the case.

Now the video shows what total lies Zimmerman's story was.

It most certainly does no such thing. You are so desperate to be right that you cannot stop for one second to think. It's hilarious.

But now, this is in the realm of politics as well as justice. Because someone ordered that Zimmerman not be charged, and orchestrated the bullshit that has followed. Who, and why? Are they elected officials? What laws did they break in doing this? Many questions now.

How's that tin foil hat of yours? Lookin' sharp?

And once again, the wingnuts have shown their total bigotry here.

And once again you show that you are not only ignorant, but also a racist piece of garbage.

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