New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

i just watched the video. Where is the puffy eyes or nose if it is broken? why does the back of his head look clean as if he just took a shower?

Zimmerman is done for.....The sad thing is the people who defended him. I wonder if they will admit they where wrong?

Didnot defend Zimmerman, but defended justice and our laws.. How about all those who were ready to lynch Zimmerman before this video?

Looks like they were right.

Simple facts. Zimmerman had a gun. The kid was doing nothing at all wrong. The police told Zimmerman to back off. Zimmerman confronted the kid, and a minute later, the kid was dead. That alone is grounds for manslaughter, even if there was a fight.

Now we have the video giving lie to all the claims Zimmerman has made. Looks like murder one from where I sit.

And we need to know what kind of shitheads were doing their best to cover this up and let Zimmerman walk, and why.
I think if the parents were any kind of parents, they wouldn't have let their son walk to the store at night to get iced tea and skittles while being on suspension from school. Whatever happened to grounding your kid?

That's a pretty irrational thing to say. Say the kid has been taking his punishment well. Doing what he's asked, working hard on school work, cleaning, and it's one of the last days of his punishment. Who's to say he wasn't let out after a week of pretty good behavior. Its not like they let the kid go out and party. He probably just wanted to get some fresh air, been in the house all day. He doesn't live in the are so it's not like he can go run off with friends or something. His father says fine, just go to the store get a snack and come back home. I don't see how you can accuse him of bad parenting. If you want to accuse him of bad parenting, the attoos would be fair game, but not letting him walk to the store.

It was the 3rd time this year he was suspended from school. In my house, there would be no behavior good enough to allow me to lift his grounding until the suspension was over. Come to think of it, after the 3rd suspension, he'd probably be grounded for the rest of the year.

Punishment in my house was pretty harsh as well. But there were times I was able to convince my step father to let me out of the house from time to time, not to party just to get out. It might be a father thing. My mother probably wouldn't have had it, my father though was a little more lenient. I can imagine him letting me walk to the store in that situation, more so because he would want something himself and didn't feel like getting it himself. It'd be a "go, but don't tell your mother I let you go" kind of thing.
i just watched the video. Where is the puffy eyes or nose if it is broken? why does the back of his head look clean as if he just took a shower?

Zimmerman is done for.....The sad thing is the people who defended him. I wonder if they will admit they where wrong?

Didnot defend Zimmerman, but defended justice and our laws.. How about all those who were ready to lynch Zimmerman before this video?

Looks like they were right.

Simple facts. Zimmerman had a gun. The kid was doing nothing at all wrong. The police told Zimmerman to back off. Zimmerman confronted the kid, and a minute later, the kid was dead. That alone is grounds for manslaughter, even if there was a fight.

Now we have the video giving lie to all the claims Zimmerman has made. Looks like murder one from where I sit.

And we need to know what kind of shitheads were doing their best to cover this up and let Zimmerman walk, and why.

Maybe because of the lynch Zimmerman crowd such as Al Sharpton. I mean, if he takes one side on an issue, I pretty much have to take the other just based on principal. The man has never apologized for what he did to the lives of those Duke Lacross players.
That's a pretty irrational thing to say. Say the kid has been taking his punishment well. Doing what he's asked, working hard on school work, cleaning, and it's one of the last days of his punishment. Who's to say he wasn't let out after a week of pretty good behavior. Its not like they let the kid go out and party. He probably just wanted to get some fresh air, been in the house all day. He doesn't live in the are so it's not like he can go run off with friends or something. His father says fine, just go to the store get a snack and come back home. I don't see how you can accuse him of bad parenting. If you want to accuse him of bad parenting, the attoos would be fair game, but not letting him walk to the store.

It was the 3rd time this year he was suspended from school. In my house, there would be no behavior good enough to allow me to lift his grounding until the suspension was over. Come to think of it, after the 3rd suspension, he'd probably be grounded for the rest of the year.

Punishment in my house was pretty harsh as well. But there were times I was able to convince my step father to let me out of the house from time to time, not to party just to get out. It might be a father thing. My mother probably wouldn't have had it, my father though was a little more lenient. I can imagine him letting me walk to the store in that situation, more so because he would want something himself and didn't feel like getting it himself. It'd be a "go, but don't tell your mother I let you go" kind of thing.

Like I said if it were a family errand thing I could understand it more, but it wasn't. And considering what was found in his backpack at school, I have no trouble believing that he was casing those houses.
They said that in the police report, Martin's name, address and birthdate was written down from the ID he was carrying. Next to "Minor", "No" was checked off right next to this "birthdate" which showed he was 17.

It's despicable they way the right wing has smeared this young man. And it's Zimmerman with a history of resisting arrest, speeding and beating women.

I can't believe how dirty right wingers have become. I thought "let him die" was rock bottom, but they seem to find new depths.
You accuse RW's as being irresponsible, when you didn't even no for sure yourself, and still might not until this video surfaced, but you claimed you knew anyway, but why?

This video you claim is the smoking gun for you in so many words, now you are making it a political issue in order to attack the right? All the right has been doing, is looking for the facts in the case just as well, especially before defending the event without the smoking gun in hand. I still would wait until all the evidence is in myself (this one piece included), and I would wait on the trial to take place before I would say that the event went any different than by what the ones who were actually involved in it (either as witnesses) or as Zimmerman, said that it did go in a certain way upon that day.

I still wouldn't jump to conclusions, as Zimmerman was treated by the SFD on the scene, in which could have cleaned up his injuries quite well before taken in for questioning.. I hope it is a crucial piece of evidence, as it will be one more piece to the puzzel, in order to hopefully uravel this mystery, in which so many are hoping to unravel in the name of justice finally.

A broken nose is very visable for at least a couple of weeks. And there were no grass stains on the jacket. Did the EMT's clean the jacket, also?

So what we have is a fellow follows a kid who has a bag of skittles, and a can of tea.
The police tell him not to confront him.
He does, and a minute later the kid is shot dead.

The man doing the shooting claims that there was a fight, which he was loosing. That his nose was broken, and the kid was on top of him, banging his head on the pavement.

Yet, by the appearance of the man in the video, he had no broken nose, no serious damage to his head, and no grass stains on his jacket.

But he is not charged with anything, a month now since the murder. And now we have the police claiming that they wanted to charge him, but were told not to.

So what the hell is going on? About time we found out.
Yep, about time we found out, because this has caused alot of trouble that people don't need..

Good Job in your response..
Is this the video of all the black kids robbing a walgreens blind in broad daylight as part of their walk out protest (from school) to the killing? Or the video of Spike Lee publicly posting the address of a couple while claiming it was the killers addy? Or the video of the Black Panthers offering 10k for Zimmermans head? Or the video of the MEXICAN perp registering as a democrat?

For fucks sake, if hes guilty he will be charged and convicted. Give it a rest already.
Would you let your kid walk to the convenience store at night while on suspension from school? Especially to get iced tea and skittles...I mean if it was an errand for the family or something I could see it, but they were just letting a kid on suspension basically run wild.

And worse, this wasn't his first suspension. And had he lived, I doubt it would have been the last.

Trayvon's dead.

In our system of justice..the victim doesn't have to defend himself. The perpetrator does.

Trayvon wouldn't be dead if his parents had been good parents. He never would have taken that trip to the convenience store at nite, he would have been grounded for having been suspended from school.

Sadly the parents feel no guilt at all. No, they're all about making money off of their son's name and crying racism. Kind of explains why the kid has been suspended from school at least 3 times.

This is the same sort of mentality that says that if "that woman hadn't worn that short skirt she never would have been raped".

It's disgusting.

Trayvon broke no laws.

Zimmerman did. And a very serious one. A license to conceal NOT a license to kill.
No, they will not. They will defend their bigotry just as Shiela defends hers. They will find some reason that it is Trayvon's fault that he was shot, even if Zimmerman confesses to shooting him without provacation.

Still can't show a post where I defended murder, can you?

If you son was suspended from school 3 times in one year, would you let him be walking the streets at night?

Face it, if Trayvon were my son, he wouldn't be dead because he wouldn't have been in that situation in the first place.

to run down to the corner store? Um i used to bike all the time when i was under 18, well late into the night and nothing ever happened to me.

Being 17 and running down to the store to get skittles and iced tea isnt a big deal, suspended or not.

My point is that had the parents behaved as responsible parents, their son would have been grounded and never would have been out on the street that night in the first place.

And running down to the store at nite in a neighborhood with a high crime rate is a stupid thing, especially for teenagers.
Is this the video of all the black kids robbing a walgreens blind in broad daylight as part of their walk out protest (from school) to the killing? Or the video of Spike Lee publicly posting the address of a couple while claiming it was the killers addy? Or the video of the Black Panthers offering 10k for Zimmermans head? Or the video of the MEXICAN perp registering as a democrat?

For fucks sake, if hes guilty he will be charged and convicted. Give it a rest already.

For fucks sake.

If the family had not gone to Sharpton. If Sharpton had not made a stink. This all would have been swept under the rug. And a man who shot a kid..would have walked.

And may very well do it again.
Trayvon's dead.

In our system of justice..the victim doesn't have to defend himself. The perpetrator does.

Trayvon wouldn't be dead if his parents had been good parents. He never would have taken that trip to the convenience store at nite, he would have been grounded for having been suspended from school.

Sadly the parents feel no guilt at all. No, they're all about making money off of their son's name and crying racism. Kind of explains why the kid has been suspended from school at least 3 times.

This is the same sort of mentality that says that if "that woman hadn't worn that short skirt she never would have been raped".

It's disgusting.

Trayvon broke no laws.

Zimmerman did. And a very serious one. A license to conceal NOT a license to kill.

You may be right. And if you are I hope he gets the death penalty. But all this shit serves no purpose other than to further divide our already divided nation.

Enough is enough. The boys family were interviewed today and said they were happy with the progress the state was making. Yet here we are acting as if he were our child.

Trayvon's dead.

In our system of justice..the victim doesn't have to defend himself. The perpetrator does.

Trayvon wouldn't be dead if his parents had been good parents. He never would have taken that trip to the convenience store at nite, he would have been grounded for having been suspended from school.

Sadly the parents feel no guilt at all. No, they're all about making money off of their son's name and crying racism. Kind of explains why the kid has been suspended from school at least 3 times.

This is the same sort of mentality that says that if "that woman hadn't worn that short skirt she never would have been raped".

It's disgusting.

Trayvon broke no laws.

Zimmerman did. And a very serious one. A license to conceal NOT a license to kill.

Not at all, I'm not saying he deserved to be killed, I'm saying that if the parents had acted appropriately, the killing never would have happened.

I don't know that Trayvon broke no laws, I don't know the whole story. I know that they found stolen jewlery and a tool for breaking into homes in his backpack at school. Obviously Trayvon was a criminal, now that doesn't mean he deserved to die. However, if he did attack Zimmerman, Zimmerman had the right to defend himself. If Zimmerman threw the first punch but found himself losing the fight and calling for help, he still had a right to defend himself with his gun if the kid didn't get off him.

I know those are big ifs at this point, but I still hesitate to hang someone because a bunch of blacks are upset, especially if one of them is Al sharpton and the mom took out patents on her kid's name.
i just watched the video. Where is the puffy eyes or nose if it is broken? why does the back of his head look clean as if he just took a shower?

Zimmerman is done for.....The sad thing is the people who defended him. I wonder if they will admit they where wrong?

Didnot defend Zimmerman, but defended justice and our laws.. How about all those who were ready to lynch Zimmerman before this video?

They were right.

No they weren't.

Zimmerman has the right to a fair trial with a judge and jury of his peers. THAT'S how our system works. The Sandford police broke it.
Just saw the video. Zimmerman is a liar, plain and simple. On top of that, there are now reports that Martin had no marks on his hands consistent with being in a fight. This was not self-defense, and it wasn't manslaughter. This was outright premeditated murder in the first degree that calls for the death penalty.
It was the 3rd time this year he was suspended from school. In my house, there would be no behavior good enough to allow me to lift his grounding until the suspension was over. Come to think of it, after the 3rd suspension, he'd probably be grounded for the rest of the year.

Punishment in my house was pretty harsh as well. But there were times I was able to convince my step father to let me out of the house from time to time, not to party just to get out. It might be a father thing. My mother probably wouldn't have had it, my father though was a little more lenient. I can imagine him letting me walk to the store in that situation, more so because he would want something himself and didn't feel like getting it himself. It'd be a "go, but don't tell your mother I let you go" kind of thing.

Like I said if it were a family errand thing I could understand it more, but it wasn't. And considering what was found in his backpack at school, I have no trouble believing that he was casing those houses.

His father doesn't seem like the authoritative type even from the interviews.


...but I don't think we can accuse THIS man of being a bad father. I don't know who can say they're a perfect parent. But he tried... and he's a whole heck of a lot better then a lot of fathers, who just aren't there at all.

Attacking the father doesn't make this case any different... regardless.
i just watched the video. Where is the puffy eyes or nose if it is broken? why does the back of his head look clean as if he just took a shower?

Zimmerman is done for.....The sad thing is the people who defended him. I wonder if they will admit they where wrong?

Didnot defend Zimmerman, but defended justice and our laws.. How about all those who were ready to lynch Zimmerman before this video?

They were right.
No matter, the law, justice system and courts must be the deciding factor, or we are through in this nation... The wild west is sure to return next, then what?

I applaud the rally for seeking justice, and they should applaud all those whom made them show (by questioning) the burdon of proof beyond the shadow of a doubt (if that is what this is finally), but other things were learned here over this case, and those things are needing to be adressed also as a side to it all in this nation. Race relations are crumbling in this nation, and somehow it needs to be shored up again, as accusations and suspicions are running rampant anymore, as proven right here on this message board when attempting to seek answers and justice in the case, once it was brought to light for many.
Didnot defend Zimmerman, but defended justice and our laws.. How about all those who were ready to lynch Zimmerman before this video?

They were right.
No matter, the law, justice system and courts must be the deciding factor, or we are through in this nation... The wild west is sure to return next, then what?

I applaud the rally for seeking justice, and they should applaud all those whom made them show (by questioning) the burdon of proof beyond the shadow of a doubt (if that is what this is finally), but other things were learned here over this case, and those things are needing to be adressed also as a side to it all in this nation. Race relations are crumbling in this nation, and somehow it needs to be shored up again, as accusations and suspicions are running rampant anymore, as proven right here on this message board when attempting to seek answers and justice in the case, once it was brought to light for many.

As long as people like Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson make their money off of racism, there will continue to be racism in this world.
Trayvon wouldn't be dead if his parents had been good parents. He never would have taken that trip to the convenience store at nite, he would have been grounded for having been suspended from school.

Sadly the parents feel no guilt at all. No, they're all about making money off of their son's name and crying racism. Kind of explains why the kid has been suspended from school at least 3 times.

This is the same sort of mentality that says that if "that woman hadn't worn that short skirt she never would have been raped".

It's disgusting.

Trayvon broke no laws.

Zimmerman did. And a very serious one. A license to conceal NOT a license to kill.

Not at all, I'm not saying he deserved to be killed, I'm saying that if the parents had acted appropriately, the killing never would have happened.

I don't know that Trayvon broke no laws, I don't know the whole story. I know that they found stolen jewlery and a tool for breaking into homes in his backpack at school. Obviously Trayvon was a criminal, now that doesn't mean he deserved to die. However, if he did attack Zimmerman, Zimmerman had the right to defend himself. If Zimmerman threw the first punch but found himself losing the fight and calling for help, he still had a right to defend himself with his gun if the kid didn't get off home him.

I know those are big ifs at this point, but I still hesitate to hang someone because a bunch of blacks are upset, especially if one of them is Al sharpton and the mom took out patents on her kid's name. ARE saying that.

Everything Travyon did was legal and well within his rights as a citizen of both Florida and the United States of America.

What you are saying is disgusting, despicable and distrubing.

You are saying that Trayvon and his parents caused his death.

They did not.

Zimmerman shot him in the chest. And it appears he may be lying about what happened.
The video is significant, the network said, because it appears to show that the muscular-looking Zimmerman is uninjured.
There is also no obvious trace of grass stains on his shirt or other clothing, as his attorney and an initial police report indicated. The stains could indicate Trayvon had the upper hand during their struggle, Zimmerman’s attorney said.
The surveillance video shows Zimmerman arriving in a police cruiser at a station wearing black jeans, a gray t-shirt and a red shirt with black shoulder patches. His clothing appears fresh.

Surveillance video shows George Zimmerman from the night he killed Trayvon Martin - Miami-Dade -

Zimmerman lied, Trayvon died.

Yeah--it sure doesn't like to me that any fight took place. Most people who end up in a fight have bruising--scratch's--and bloodied area's--Zimmerman shows nothing on his body that would remotely suggest he was recently in an altercation with anyone.

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