New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

Staph, you damnded well without the outcry, this case would never have seen court. Now we need to find out who and why it was handled in this manner. Who gave the orders, and why.

oh brother...cases never see the see the court all the time..
people raised hell over the intimidation of the black panthers at polling places, did it see the courts?
give us all a all hyperventilating over this isn't going to change things. You all might like the outcome, but that is life..
And you all should be ashamed of your Representatives and YOUR PRESIDENT for using this dead boy for their political agenda. Democrats in Government wearing hoodies to show their this what we PAY them for?

Stow it, bitch, we know where you are coming from.

what, too truthful for you? :eusa_boohoo:
A spot or two? I hit another fellow once, and there was a brick wall about an inch behind his head. Even a week later, there was sure a lot more than a spot or two. And my right hand looked as bad as his head.

Then there is the matter of the missing grass stains, and what of that 'broken nose'? Lies from the git-go. Looking more and more like murder 1.
...people raised hell over the intimidation of the black panthers at polling places...

Uh, Stephaine, it was two black guys outside ONE polling place.

...Representatives and YOUR PRESIDENT for using this dead boy for their political agenda. Democrats in Government wearing hoodies to show their this what we PAY them for?

Yes, Stephanie, this is exactly what we pay them for. The LAW is their job.

Right and/or Left - Where is the demand for a fair trial? it should be coming from both sides of the aisle. Why is the right mealy mouthing and making excuses and making up shit about a dead child?

An arrest and a trial. THAT is what should have happened. Why are you and other rw's so against that?
At what you acknowlege at least SOME

Man..I hope you never sit on a jury.

I'll wait for the case to proceed in the court of law... and not be like you vulture vigilantes

THAT is the whole point. As far as I know, Zimmerman is still walking the street,still free, no trial, not in custody.

THAT is what people are demanding.

The real question is WHY are you rw's demanding a trial in a court of law? Why are you constantly defending Zimmerman, saying he sustained all these non-existent injuries from this ice-tea-and-skittles-crazed monster who was allowed to walk the street.

Some of you have even said he had no right to be where he was.

You've turned this into a free-for-all and made Zimmerman out to be the victim.


Yeah, right, those supporting Trayvon are so concerned with justice, they've taken out a $10,000 bounty on Zimmerman and announced that if he isn't convicted, they will still continue to "demonstrate" for "justice".
Something just pointed out. These right wingers insist that the "stand your ground" protects Zimmerman. But it was Martin that was being followed. Martin that only was coming back from a store. Martin that was unarmed. It was Zimmerman who the police told to stop following that kid. The law should still be protecting Martin. He was the one that stood his ground. But now he's dead.

Just saw the tape again. Zimmerman was coming directly from the crime scene. His hands were handcuffed behind his back.

The Republican Party is 90% white. They insist they want more blacks. But they didn't finish the sentence. They quietly mouthed the word "dead".
...people raised hell over the intimidation of the black panthers at polling places...

Uh, Stephaine, it was two black guys outside ONE polling place.

...Representatives and YOUR PRESIDENT for using this dead boy for their political agenda. Democrats in Government wearing hoodies to show their this what we PAY them for?

Yes, Stephanie, this is exactly what we pay them for. The LAW is their job.

Right and/or Left - Where is the demand for a fair trial? it should be coming from both sides of the aisle. Why is the right mealy mouthing and making excuses and making up shit about a dead child?

An arrest and a trial. THAT is what should have happened. Why are you and other rw's so against that?

ok, we pay Congresscritters to wear hoodies to stand in solidarity..

Each STATE has their own Government to take of their people won't ACCEPT what the what has been coming out about this case so it is friggen...USLESS
Demand all you want...hold your breath if you need.
And stop fucking lumping this into a right wing thing...I am speaking as a free citizen of this country...asshole
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They said that in the police report, Martin's name, address and birthdate was written down from the ID he was carrying. Next to "Minor", "No" was checked off right next to this "birthdate" which showed he was 17.

It's despicable they way the right wing has smeared this young man. And it's Zimmerman with a history of resisting arrest, speeding and beating women.

I can't believe how dirty right wingers have become. I thought "let him die" was rock bottom, but they seem to find new depths.
You accuse RW's as being irresponsible, when you didn't even no for sure yourself, and still might not until this video surfaced, but you claimed you knew anyway, but why?

This video you claim is the smoking gun for you in so many words, now you are making it a political issue in order to attack the right? All the right has been doing, is looking for the facts in the case just as well, especially before defending the event without the smoking gun in hand. I still would wait until all the evidence is in myself (this one piece included), and I would wait on the trial to take place before I would say that the event went any different than by what the ones who were actually involved in it (either as witnesses) or as Zimmerman, said that it did go in a certain way upon that day.

I still wouldn't jump to conclusions, as Zimmerman was treated by the SFD on the scene, in which could have cleaned up his injuries quite well before taken in for questioning.. I hope it is a crucial piece of evidence, as it will be one more piece to the puzzel, in order to hopefully uravel this mystery, in which so many are hoping to unravel in the name of justice finally.
No. The least you could do is admit that he doesn't look all THAT bad in the video.

I'm sure there are better pictures, but the lack of any kind of bandage DOES suggest that this guy wasn't being mercilessly beaten and MAYBE... just MAYBE this was a more equal fight then some people on this board would like to believe.

I'm JUST saying.

if they struggled over Zimmerman's gun, which is what I thought happened, he fear for life is there. how the heck could Trayvon start beating Zimmerman without his gun holster being obvious or Zimmerman not reaching for it.

things got out of hand, as I contend all along. all you people are making up scenarios and knocking them down. :cuckoo:

They didn't struggle. There would have been blood spatter on Zimmerman's clothes if he shot the kid at that close range and as we now see, there was none. Trayvon was trying to run away, he was scared and Zimmerman shot him dead.

What was he doing? Running backwards?
Sorry bout that,

1. The Grand Jury in that jurisdiction will or has decided not to pursue Zimmerman.
2. If they don't then nothing happens in the justice system.
3. All this hate towards a man who didn't even get the Grand Jury to move?
4. Seems he has an air tight alibi.
5. Other wise the GJ would haul him to court.
6. You negros who think Mexicans are White people need to open yea minds.

They said that in the police report, Martin's name, address and birthdate was written down from the ID he was carrying. Next to "Minor", "No" was checked off right next to this "birthdate" which showed he was 17.

It's despicable they way the right wing has smeared this young man. And it's Zimmerman with a history of resisting arrest, speeding and beating women.

I can't believe how dirty right wingers have become. I thought "let him die" was rock bottom, but they seem to find new depths.
You accuse RW's as being irresponsible, when you didn't even no for sure yourself, and still might not until this video surfaced, but you claimed you knew anyway, but why?

This video you claim is the smoking gun for you in so many words, now you are making it a political issue in order to attack the right? All the right has been doing, is looking for the facts in the case just as well, especially before defending the event without the smoking gun in hand. I still would wait until all the evidence is in myself (this one piece included), and I would wait on the trial to take place before I would say that the event went any different than by what the ones who were actually involved in it (either as witnesses) or as Zimmerman, said that it did go in a certain way upon that day.

I still wouldn't jump to conclusions, as Zimmerman was treated by the SFD on the scene, in which could have cleaned up his injuries quite well before taken in for questioning.. I hope it is a crucial piece of evidence, as it will be one more piece to the puzzel, in order to hopefully uravel this mystery, in which so many are hoping to unravel in the name of justice finally.

They didn't struggle. There would have been blood spatter on Zimmerman's clothes if he shot the kid at that close range and as we now see, there was none. Trayvon was trying to run away, he was scared and Zimmerman shot him dead.

:cuckoo: that would have been obvious at scene. police investigated Zimmerman's story while he was being detained and questioned

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance | Video - ABC News

50 seconds in officer checks out back of Zimmerman's head, looking at .... injury?

Did you look at the video? There wasn't a struggle. I hope they take Zimmerman into custody now before he commits suicide.

Commits suicide? Or gets murdered by the NPP?
They said that in the police report, Martin's name, address and birthdate was written down from the ID he was carrying. Next to "Minor", "No" was checked off right next to this "birthdate" which showed he was 17.

It's despicable they way the right wing has smeared this young man. And it's Zimmerman with a history of resisting arrest, speeding and beating women.

I can't believe how dirty right wingers have become. I thought "let him die" was rock bottom, but they seem to find new depths.
You accuse RW's as being irresponsible, when you didn't even no for sure yourself, and still might not until this video surfaced, but you claimed you knew anyway, but why?

This video you claim is the smoking gun for you in so many words, now you are making it a political issue in order to attack the right? All the right has been doing, is looking for the facts in the case just as well, especially before defending the event without the smoking gun in hand. I still would wait until all the evidence is in myself (this one piece included), and I would wait on the trial to take place before I would say that the event went any different than by what the ones who were actually involved in it (either as witnesses) or as Zimmerman, said that it did go in a certain way upon that day.

I still wouldn't jump to conclusions, as Zimmerman was treated by the SFD on the scene, in which could have cleaned up his injuries quite well before taken in for questioning.. I hope it is a crucial piece of evidence, as it will be one more piece to the puzzel, in order to hopefully uravel this mystery, in which so many are hoping to unravel in the name of justice finally.

A broken nose is very visable for at least a couple of weeks. And there were no grass stains on the jacket. Did the EMT's clean the jacket, also?

So what we have is a fellow follows a kid who has a bag of skittles, and a can of tea.
The police tell him not to confront him.
He does, and a minute later the kid is shot dead.

The man doing the shooting claims that there was a fight, which he was loosing. That his nose was broken, and the kid was on top of him, banging his head on the pavement.

Yet, by the appearance of the man in the video, he had no broken nose, no serious damage to his head, and no grass stains on his jacket.

But he is not charged with anything, a month now since the murder. And now we have the police claiming that they wanted to charge him, but were told not to.

So what the hell is going on? About time we found out.
They said that in the police report, Martin's name, address and birthdate was written down from the ID he was carrying. Next to "Minor", "No" was checked off right next to this "birthdate" which showed he was 17.

It's despicable they way the right wing has smeared this young man. And it's Zimmerman with a history of resisting arrest, speeding and beating women.

I can't believe how dirty right wingers have become. I thought "let him die" was rock bottom, but they seem to find new depths.
You accuse RW's as being irresponsible, when you didn't even no for sure yourself, and still might not until this video surfaced, but you claimed you knew anyway, but why?

This video you claim is the smoking gun for you in so many words, now you are making it a political issue in order to attack the right? All the right has been doing, is looking for the facts in the case just as well, especially before defending the event without the smoking gun in hand. I still would wait until all the evidence is in myself (this one piece included), and I would wait on the trial to take place before I would say that the event went any different than by what the ones who were actually involved in it (either as witnesses) or as Zimmerman, said that it did go in a certain way upon that day.

I still wouldn't jump to conclusions, as Zimmerman was treated by the SFD on the scene, in which could have cleaned up his injuries quite well before taken in for questioning.. I hope it is a crucial piece of evidence, as it will be one more piece to the puzzel, in order to hopefully uravel this mystery, in which so many are hoping to unravel in the name of justice finally.


What's UNREAL is watching the Media and you people keep stirring up this shit
They didn't struggle. There would have been blood spatter on Zimmerman's clothes if he shot the kid at that close range and as we now see, there was none. Trayvon was trying to run away, he was scared and Zimmerman shot him dead.

:cuckoo: that would have been obvious at scene. police investigated Zimmerman's story while he was being detained and questioned

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance | Video - ABC News

50 seconds in officer checks out back of Zimmerman's head, looking at .... injury?

Did you look at the video? There wasn't a struggle. I hope they take Zimmerman into custody now before he commits suicide.


Just take that shiny ball and run with it.

I think I'm about finished with this discussion. At this point it's just loonies (no offense) coming up with wild and completely unfounded 3-act plays, complete with smoke machines, lighting and a sheet of tin for sound effects....

For myself, it's sad the boy is dead. I believe Zimmerman's friend when he says Zimmerman is devastated. I also believe, based on the kid's school suspensions, that the kid was going through an intense phase and was engaged in criminal activities. I think the neighborhood was spooked and the kid was behaving strangely, and for whatever reason he made a really bad decision and died for it.

I don't think Zimmerman committed a crime, and I think he'd probably give anything to take it back. I think the kid's parents are assholes, and seeing them makes me think probably a lot of the issue on that night was with Trayvon.
You accuse RW's as being irresponsible, when you didn't even no for sure yourself, and still might not until this video surfaced, but you claimed you knew anyway, but why?

This video you claim is the smoking gun for you in so many words, now you are making it a political issue in order to attack the right? All the right has been doing, is looking for the facts in the case just as well, especially before defending the event without the smoking gun in hand. I still would wait until all the evidence is in myself (this one piece included), and I would wait on the trial to take place before I would say that the event went any different than by what the ones who were actually involved in it (either as witnesses) or as Zimmerman, said that it did go in a certain way upon that day.

I still wouldn't jump to conclusions, as Zimmerman was treated by the SFD on the scene, in which could have cleaned up his injuries quite well before taken in for questioning.. I hope it is a crucial piece of evidence, as it will be one more piece to the puzzel, in order to hopefully uravel this mystery, in which so many are hoping to unravel in the name of justice finally.


What's UNREAL is watching the Media and you people keep stirring up this shit

Well, given the attitude of assholes like you, we will keep it stirred up until we get all the information concerning this atrocity.

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